The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1018: 1013 I, never agree!


After that, Sheen didn't make any roundabouts, and she really told all the people present as she declared.

Everything here not only refers to the event that the Demon King is about to be resurrected, but also refers to all the causes and consequences.

For example, in the ultra-ancient period when the race of life has not yet appeared, the relationship and disputes between the devil, the supreme god, and the first-generation brave.

For another example, the demon king's desire to die, eventually led to the tragic death of the first generation of brave men, and his power was out of control.

Also, the first generation of heroes received half of the power of the demon king and the supreme god, resurrected, and was finally sent back to the original world.

Even he was the son of the first generation brave, a natural brave, who completely inherited the holy sword and potential of the first generation brave, and was finally summoned in this era.

Sean revealed more than 90% of all the truths he knew.

As he said, he really explained everything clearly.

The people present who listened to all this ranged from surprise, stunned, shocked, shocked to disbelief and even sluggishness, completely unable to believe what they had heard.

no way.

The demon king is not actually a murderous person, but just a begging for death. The impact on people in this world can be imagined.

It was a shock to a lot of ideas.

For a long time, the Devil King has been the most evil and evil existence in this world. The absolute evil that endangers the world and countless creatures is completely synonymous with terror in people's hearts.

As a result, such an existence is such a pitiful and deplorable person. How can everyone not be affected by their concepts

What is even more unexpected is that the Demon King and the Supreme God and the first generation of brave have such a love-hate entanglement, which is really unexpected.

Originally, in the view of the world, the Supreme God and the brave were all cooperating and assisting each other to defeat the Demon King. Who would have thought that there was such an emotional entanglement between the three

Under such circumstances, Sean is still the son of the original brave, a natural brave who inherited the holy sword and power of the original brave. This is another blockbuster news.

Coupled with the fact that the Demon King is going to be resurrected now, the truth of all this will make everyone present stunned for a while, almost without losing consciousness on the spot.

Of course, without losing consciousness, inner chaos is inevitable.

Not to mention other people, the three goddesses Lidas, Anima, and Nadura, who stood at the apex of the Protoss, were somewhat difficult to conceal their confusion.

Under the bombardment of truth like this, everyone fell into a dead silence, and none of them dared to speak.

This made the scene filled with an extremely dead atmosphere, which could not dissipate for a long time.

Only Sean, with a calm expression from beginning to end, conveyed everything he knew calmly, objectively, and reliably.

After Sheen finished explaining all this, he concluded with one sentence.

"That's the way it is." Sean glanced around at the people present, and said: "I know you definitely want to believe it, and it's more difficult to accept, but this is a fact, and it is also an unchangeable truth."

Hearing this, everyone fell into silence.

Just like Sheeen and La Xia at the time, they couldn't sort their minds smoothly at all.

Their hearts are all messed up and messed up. It is not so hard to believe and accept, it is hard to imagine that there is such a thing, like being in a dream, it feels so unreal.

However, no one suspected that Sheehan was talking nonsense.

The reason is nothing, just because Sheen doesn't need to lie like this.

Such a big lie, if it is really spread, even the Supreme God will not be able to sit back and watch.

In addition, the status of Sean in the hearts of everyone has always been so special. This meeting, every word he said, even if it is so unbelievable, no one doubts its authenticity.

Especially Rosie.

As the person closest to Sean, she knew very well that although the little man in her family liked to make jokes, he would never make such jokes.

All of this is true.

There is only one doubt.

"Such as... If you really do what you said, then why does the demon lord start a war?" Rosie said in disbelief, "Isn't she begging to die?"

This is also a question that Artemis and others raised in the Elf Land before.

At that time, Sheehan did not answer this question.

Because at that time, Sheen also had little understanding of the reasons for all this.

But now, Sheen can say with certainty.

"It is precisely because of the desire to die that you will do this kind of thing, right?" Sheen said very calmly: "After all, only when war occurs can the brave appear. The Protoss will also resist the demons and deal with the war, so as to relentlessly. I spare no effort to train the brave and assist the brave to kill the devil."

This may be the purpose of the devil.

Suicide is useless.

It is even more impossible for others to kill the devil.

Only the brave, as the natural enemy of the devil, can use the holy sword to surely kill the devil.

And the example of the first generation of brave men has taught the demon king that if you don't achieve detachment, even if you hold the holy sword, the brave man can't kill himself, and may even cause him to run out of control and do things that harm the world.

That being the case, if the Demon King really wants to die, then she must create an environment suitable for the growth of brave men.

So, what environment is best for people to grow

Isn't it fighting and war

"Once a war occurs, the Protoss will definitely help the brave to grow and cultivate the brave to become talents."

"Once a war occurs, the brave can continue to fight and kill the enemy, so that he can upgrade and become stronger little by little."

"Of course, once the devil takes the initiative to start a war, then she will become evil in the eyes of the world, attracting hostility and even hatred from the brave, so that the brave will indeed target it and swear to kill it."

"The example of the first generation brave told the demon king that only by being hostile, will it not cause any accidents."

If the demon king does nothing but cultivates the brave blindly, then even if the brave becomes stronger, whether he wants to kill her is another matter.

The first generation of brave men had to take action under the persecution of the demon king, and their death was very miserable.

As a result, that Majesty the Demon King definitely didn't want to see this situation.

Then, it has become a must to make oneself evil and let the brave man willingly attack oneself.

The result is the emergence of war.

"Although this is just my guess, if nothing happens, this should be the reason for the war."

As soon as this remark came out, before others had made a statement, Artemis was the first to stand up.

"Are you trying to say that the demon king only started a war just to pray for death, using all the creatures as props for his death, causing tens of thousands of years of life to be charred?"

Artemis uttered a strangely angry voice.

"What a joke!"

Among the people present, there should be many people who have the same mood as Artemis

Especially the goddesses who have experienced the battle between gods and demons, the look in their eyes is complicated.

In order to save the world and quell the war, they have made tens of thousands of years of hard work and struggle. They have seen countless sorrows and witnessed countless tragedies.

Now, Sean tells them that all this is because the devil wants to create an environment for cultivating the brave, and the purpose is to let the brave to kill himself

How is this acceptable

How is this acceptable

Unfortunately, this is the fact.

"In this world, the most painful torment is not death, but life is worse than death."

Sheen's calm voice sounded again.

"If you want to die but can't die, you can only continue to suffer from endless self-blame and despair. Can you experience that feeling again?"

This sentence made everyone silent again.

Knowing the Devil King's past, everyone present can more or less understand how painful it is to continue to live for that ultimate god of destruction.

The world is rejecting itself, afraid of itself.

The goddess who was born with herself is rejecting herself, afraid of herself.

The first generation brave accepted her and gave her hope, but in the end, together with the Supreme God, rejected her.

Although the latter is just a misunderstanding, but for a girl who can't stand loneliness and can't stand loneliness, she just wants someone to accompany herself and talk to herself, just because she has the power that others don't have and is too powerful, she can't achieve all of this. How cruel it is.

Then, under such a situation, he insisted on begging for death, but not only failed to do so, but cruelly killed his only friend, the only person who had accepted him. What a cruel development was this for the Devil King

In the end, even if the only friend was successfully resurrected, the other party's mental breakdown still deeply penetrated the Devil's heart, becoming the most painful situation in the Devil's life.

It was a desire to die, and suffering such a desperate development, it is conceivable how the devil's heart will become.

She has been unable to forgive herself.

She couldn't even accept her existence anymore.

That being the case, it is also conceivable what crazy things she would do.

"I remember you also said that when the gods and demons were fighting, the demon king never made a shot. Only when the brave came to challenge him, would he appear on the battlefield, right?"

Sean looked at Lidas, Anima and Nadula, and said so.

"I think this is enough to show that the demon king didn't want to kill all the lives on the ground and let the demon rule the world before starting a war."

The purpose of the demon king was clear from the beginning.

That is the brave man.

To be more precise, it is to achieve detachment, to be able to kill one's own brave.

The devil only appeared in front of the brave, and besides that, he had never intervened in everything on the battlefield.

Even if Artethemis broke into the Demon King's castle and saw the Demon King with his own eyes, the Demon King did not attack her, but let her go.

This is enough to explain the problem.

"Of course, there is still a question in this, and that is why the brave men failed in the challenge and died in front of the devil."

"Theoretically speaking, the holy sword that achieves the brave after transcendence, as long as it penetrates the key points, it can definitely kill the devil."

"A total of one hundred and eight brave men in the past, seven have achieved detachment. Among the first six, even if two died by accident, four of them have indeed challenged the devil."

The results of it

These four brave men all failed in the challenge and died in battle.

Only the seventh transcendent brave, Mithra, successfully defeated the Demon King with the assistance of the Supreme God and conquered him.

This situation is somewhat inconsistent with the facts.

At least, according to Sean, the desperate demon king should not attack the brave who intends to kill him for self-protection.

She will definitely stand in place, waiting for the brave to pierce the holy sword into her heart, chop off her head, and let herself die.

But the result

The devil was still alive, but the detached brave who came to challenge him fell one by one.

Why is this again

Sean can already feel that there are still some secrets that have not been solved.

But now is not the time to pursue those.

"Anyway, the devil has an old relationship with my mother, and there is another entanglement with the Supreme God."

Sheehan said so calmly.

"The regret that the three of them caused is the cause of all this now."

Hearing this, part of it is already clear what Sheen intends to do.

"That's why you let the devil Danas go?"

Lidas spoke in a low voice.

"You already knew that the demon was resurrecting the devil?"

Anima also had a bitter face.

"You let him go because you want him to bring the devil back to life, right?"

Nadula also said this sentence with a complex expression.

Everyone present looked at Sheehan.

Staring at everyone's sights, Sheen nodded calmly.

"She shouldn't die." Sean said lightly: "So, I want her to come back to life."

That's it.


At this moment, a burst of amazing magic exploded.

It was an outbreak from Artethemis.

The goddess of justice seemed unbearable, her eyes burning with anger, and her whole body burning with power.

"You said, she shouldn't die?" Artemis said furiously: "Could it be that the countless creatures who died because of her should die...!?"

Obviously, Artemis could not accept this statement at all.

"I don't care what she has hidden, and for what reason she did all this!" Artemis shouted loudly: "I only know that what she did has indeed caused the deaths of many people. , Has caused countless tragic endings!"

This is also a fact that cannot be erased.

"Now, you actually think she shouldn't die because she is pitiful, because she has a cause, and claim that she is innocent?"

Artemis bluntly declared.

"I definitely don't agree with this statement!"