The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1023: 1018 I will not lose



In the beautiful courtyard, Xien, who was sitting in the pavilion, fell into silence for some reason, looking at the distant horizon, without a word for a long time.

Reminiscing about the feeling just now, and the faintly peeped line of sight, Sheen whispered.

"Is it her?"

He had already guessed a little bit, whose sight just now belonged to him.

That kind of strange and familiar feeling, except for that one, there is probably no one else, right

"Is it finally resurrected?"

Sean turned his attention away and looked up at the sky.

There, the black and oppressive clouds covered the sky and the sun, and the feeling of depression exuded was getting stronger and stronger.

Sheen almost unconsciously stretched out his hand and pressed it on his chest.

In the next second, a bright red light gleamed on Sheehan's chest.

Sheehan immediately returned to his senses and looked at the red radiance.

I saw that amidst the brilliance, a red jade came out through the body, burrowing out of Sean's body.

It trembled slightly, while spinning around Sheen's body.

Sean's gaze moved along with the other party's trajectory, and she understood the situation in a moment.

"Are you going back to your real master?"

This is farewell.

Just like the holy sword, even if it is not deliberately summoned, if a certain amount of time is lost, it will automatically return to the side of the brave. Now that the demon king is resurrected, its gems will automatically return and return to that one.

This also means that even if the other party is unwilling, it will return to its heyday.

In this way, at this time tomorrow, Sean will probably have to face a demon in perfect condition.

Even the Supreme God cannot defeat the true strongest person in the world that no one can rival.

Such an existence is about to return.

Blocking is useless.

Struggling is of no avail.

Whether it is a holy sword or a treasure, there are their exclusive owners, and no one can stop their return.

This is true even for the owner himself.

Because this is their essence, their roots, no matter how much they refuse, they will not succeed.

If Xian's body had not possessed half the power of the Demon King and the Supreme God, and also possessed the corresponding supreme concept, then the Supreme God would not be able to send his precious jade to Xian's body and let it lodge in Xian's body.

This is because the Supreme God is good at creating miracles, so that such a thing can be done.

On the other hand, the Demon King, there is no such miraculous power.

Therefore, her resurrection absolutely cannot prevent Baoyu's return, allowing it to stay on Sean's side.

"In that case, you go back."

Sheehan didn't make any nostalgic voices.

The red Baoyu immediately trembled, as if responding or feeling dissatisfied, and once again circled Sheen, circle after circle.

After a long time, Baoyu disappeared in front of Xien accompanied by a burst of red light.

Sean watched it go, and then spoke to the void.

"You call it back, too, it's my turn alone."

This voice, after falling from Sheen's body for a while, received an immediate response.

Shin's body, immediately after the red brilliance before, the dark blue brilliance also shone.

This time, the blue gem came out from Sheen's body.

The goddess' Baoyu also turned around Xian's body, and immediately disappeared, leaving very simply.

Sheehan smiled slightly.

"In this way, I only represent myself."

Xien sank his consciousness into the depths of his body, looking at the holy sword floating there, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"tomorrow... "

Sheehan murmured.

"Tomorrow, let everything be over."

This is both a declaration and a determination.

The long-standing love-hate entanglement, it's time to come to an end.

... ...

Over the next period of time, all kinds of new intelligence gradually gathered in the capital.

At this moment when the decisive battle is approaching, both natural and man-made disasters stop at this moment, ushering in the tranquility before the storm.

Vivian, Thiel, and Alidia who went to regain the dwarves have successfully triumphed and returned with the descendants of the dwarves in this last moment.

As the king of the dwarves, Natz was also captured alive and brought to Nadura, who was handed over to the goddess of nature, who was responsible for guiding and managing the dwarves, for questioning.

The rest of the dwarves are the same. The dwarves who helped the abusers were captured or conquered alive, and those who were forced to be helpless were sent off lightly. Like the orcs, they have been reorganized and added to the defense of the kingdom.

In this way, all the betrayers in the human race have been eliminated, and only the betrayers from the gods and demons, as well as a handful of human powers, are still on the side of the new [primitive demons].

It is worth mentioning that the survivors of the Ragnar Empire also successfully merged with Vivian and others and returned to the royal capital.

Harves, Kapellin, Rockett, Tilly and others all survived the previous disaster of annihilation by chance. After returning to the capital, they met with Sean, and they both sighed.

It was only at this moment that all the forces in the human world were assembled.

The remaining people are all enemies.

And the good news ends here.

While collecting all the combat power here, the new [primitive demon] also started to act.

I don't know if it was Danas's own command. The monster legions scattered around the world were no longer just wandering, but began to gather in one direction.

Whether it is refining demons, dead spirits, or demon larvae, under the command of magic beings, they gather in the Canyon of Gods.

In other words, the enemy is also gathering all its combat power.

This situation already shows that the decisive battle is really coming.

When Sean learned the information, it was finally called by Lidas and others on the night of the last day.

The three goddesses and the goddess of justice gathered together and informed Sheeen of their decision.

"In this battle, we decided to join you, put all our combat power into it, and end it with the new born [the original demon]."

As a representative, Lidas conveyed this to Sheehan.

"Have you decided?"

Sheeen was not surprised, but looked at the four most advanced goddesses and made the final confirmation.

The goddesses seemed to have considered them carefully, sorted out their thoughts, and showed expressions of helplessness or determination.

"Since things have developed to this point, we can't stay out of it."

Lidas sighed.

"To some extent, this may also be a good thing."

Anima said so.

"You don't need to deal with the enemy anymore to let the war continue, but to decide the victory or defeat in one breath, and determine the future of the world. It is better to have such a decisive battle than to drag it on all the time."

Nadula said so, obviously she really thought it through.

As for Artemis, although the goddess of justice frowned, she did not insist on her own opinion anymore.

"Although I still can't agree with your approach, the Demon King has indeed been resurrected, and the situation is irreversible. In this case, it is meaningless to entangle everything before."

Artemis made such a speech.

Just like what it said, things have already happened, and there is no point in investigating them.

The most urgent thing is to deal with all this and solve it, not to continue to be entangled in what has happened.

This point, the goddess of justice is still very clear.

Therefore, Artemis has now focused all his energy on the next big battle.

Since this battle is a decisive battle that determines the future of the world, determines the victors and losers of the war, and determines the outcome of all, it is naturally impossible for Artemis to be absent.

Regardless of whether the opponent is the Demon King or the terrorist force of [Original Demon], Artemis will never watch the world fall into their hands.

Furthermore, as goddesses of the Protoss, including Artethemis, all goddesses are existences that respect the supreme god Omnis as the supreme being.

Since the resurrection of the demon king also had the acquiescence of the Supreme God, then, as goddesses of the Protoss, they could not violate the mother's will and investigate the matter.

Therefore, the Protoss could not avoid this battle.

Not only the Protoss, the demons and humans also cannot avoid this battle.

"Human race has condensed all its strength, it can be said that it is fully prepared."

"The Protoss has also assembled all the goddesses who remain in the human world, and they are ready to fight."

"Even the Demon Race has the support of Succubus and Dragon Demon. Because of them, there are also many Demon Races who have stayed in the human world because of them.

"The three major races have all been prepared for battle, and we are waiting for tomorrow's decisive battle."

The four goddesses including Lydas, Anima, Nadura, and Artemis made such a sound one after another.

So there is only one problem left.

"Are you really planning to face the Demon King alone?"

The goddesses stared at Sheen one after another, some were serious and some were worried.

This is the most critical issue.

At this point, whether the opponent has a new demon or a mysterious necromancer, or even two demon-level heroes, it is no longer a problem.

Everyone is no longer afraid of such opponents, and they are also confident that they will win or lose, and will not fall behind.

Especially now that Aiyi and Chafne have arrived, even excluding Sheen, including Lilith, there are a total of seven otherworldly existences.

A decisive battle with the opposite side is completely worthwhile.

Only that one has no solution at all.

No matter how much detachment comes, facing the devil can only be a dish.

Thousands of years ago, the brave Mithra was united with the Supreme God, and finally found a chance, desperately fighting for his life, and then used the holy sword to give the devil a fatal blow.

Now that the Supreme God is hidden from the world, it is obvious that he does not intend to intervene in this situation. Then how should Xien deal with the devil

This is what everyone is most worried about.

But Sheen had a calm expression on her face.

"Do not worry."

Sheehan said so.

"I won't lose."

The shocking power fluctuations were fleeting on Sheen's body.

That power caused the goddesses to breathe stagnantly, and their faces were full of horror.

And Sean had already turned around and left the hall of the gods, as if walking to the distant unknown realm, gradually moving away.