The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1024: 1019 The hustle and bustle of the night in the capital


At night, the sky is still dark.

Dark clouds still shrouded the sky, so that people on the ground could neither see the stars nor the full moon.

Under such circumstances, the atmosphere in the royal capital has become increasingly heavier.

Everyone has received the above order.

"At dawn tomorrow, with the exception of a few defensive forces, the elites of the three clans will all attack and fight the new [primitive demon] in the final battle."

This is the last night before the decisive battle.

This is the last time everyone can spend safely.

At dawn tomorrow, in Wangdu, everyone except ordinary people, logistics personnel and some defensive forces will step on the battlefield.

Whether it is Human, Demon, or Protoss, they will fight the Demon King in a decisive battle just like the final battle thousands of years ago.

The news that the demon king has been resurrected has already been conveyed.

The panic caused by this is naturally unimaginable.

Kleidas, Anima, Nadula, and even Aiyi and Chavne all personally came forward to declare and appease everyone of the three major races, and finally succeeded in suppressing everyone's panic.

Although the enemy is the most terrifying demon king who has plunged the world into war for tens of thousands of years, the final incarnation, but this time, even the demon race will stand on the side of the human race and the god race, and will not hesitate to fight the demon king. The degree of morale boosted.

In addition, the braves of this era have already appeared, and people are not completely hopeless. Therefore, all the fighters of the three major races mustered the last bit of courage in their hearts to prepare for this decisive battle.

Thanks to this, in this last night, the royal capital is still noisy.

Sheehan left Baztut's house in a ghostly manner and went to the street.

He did not expose his existence, as if he was integrated with the surrounding scenery, so that everyone could not see him.

This is not the concealment effect brought by [Lijue’s Destiny], but the concealment technique naturally used by Sheen himself to minimize the sense of existence and the breath of life, so that no one can find him and perceive him. exist.

After the achievement of transcendence, the seven destiny skills are completely transformed into a variety of instinctive special physiques or special abilities, which are integrated into Shin itself.

Therefore, Sean no longer possesses any skills, but can rely on her own skills, techniques, and skills to use the ability to match or even surpass those skills. It is natural and natural, it is like she was born to learn. These abilities are the same, very magical.

If Sheehan is serious about hiding, it might be hard to find him even if he is a transcendent level existence, right

But Sean didn't deliberately hide it, just condensed the sense of existence and vitality, and wandered among the crowd.

He didn't have any purpose, he just wanted to walk around on a whim and look around.

The people around did not notice his existence, and kept passing him by.

Someone is helping to carry weapons and food.

Someone is helping to prepare magic medicines and magic props.

Someone is turning on the stove to cook.

Some people are constantly running and reorganizing the team under the command of commanders, seeming to be preparing for the formation and arrangement of the battle tomorrow.

The shouts, noises, roars, and shouts were picked up and mixed in the air.

People have both bravery and anxiety on their faces, as well as pre-war fears and worries, but they still bear these pressures and keep running, letting themselves temporarily forget all negative emotions and focus on preparing for tomorrow's decisive battle.

This is how everyone in the royal capital performed on the last night before the decisive battle.

Noisy, noisy, heavy breathing, and depressive atmosphere, this is what the king looked like on the last night before the decisive battle.

Sheehan, who was walking on the street, looked at all this, and was a little confused from time to time.

"Am I making the wrong choice?"

If it wasn't for the decision to let Danas resurrect the devil, then all this shouldn't happen, right

If it weren't for what you were going to do arbitrarily, then people would not have the fear, anxiety and worries they have now

If you directly solve Danas when you are in the land of the elves, then this war can be completely avoided, right

Sheen couldn't help thinking about these things, only feeling heavy.

"So, this is the turning point of the fate that the goddess said."

Whether or not to sit back and watch the demon king's resurrection and let the war end prematurely is the choice Sheen must make.

If you choose to sit back and watch, the war will enter the most intense stage, and you will also need to usher in the most terrifying enemy ever.

If you choose not to sit back and kill Danas, then the war will end prematurely, and people will have peace.

Can Sean ignore the safety of life in this world and choose to do what she wants and should do

This is the turning point.

If you choose what you want to do, you have to endure the guilt brought about by the uncertainty of countless lives.

Choosing a future that is for the sake of this world requires ignoring the wishes and regrets of the "first three" and leaving mistakes that can never be made up again.

Such a dilemma can definitely overwhelm anyone's spirit.

Sheehan is also not immune.

After all, if all of this were not caused by him, then he would still be able to watch with peace of mind.

He is not a saint, nor is he a savior. If all of this is not caused by him, he may sympathize, or sigh, but he will never be angry, and become a good man who thinks about the happiness of the world.

But when all this was caused by him, even Sheen would feel heavy pressure.

"Although, before that, I had already thought about it."

Sheehan smiled bitterly.

"But now it seems that I'm still too naive."

Without seeing all of this in person, there is no sense of substitution.

Now, Sheehan has seen all this, and the sense of substitution will naturally come.

"Regret it?"

Sheehan asked herself.

As a result, Sheen found that she had no regrets at all.

"Sure enough, I am still a selfish person."

Compared to a group of strangers he didn't know at all, Sheen still leaned to the other side after all.

The demon king, the supreme god, and the brave of the first generations, the "three from the beginning" have a very close relationship with Shin.

Sheen, still leaning toward them.

"I'm really an unqualified brave, and I really don't want to be the protagonist."

Sheehan whispered so.

However, at this moment, a hand held him.

Sean suddenly recovered, turned his head, and looked at his side.

There, an unexpected person appeared.

"It's really not your style to be alone here."

The person who said such a sentence was out of step with the noisy surroundings, the beautiful princess, who was as beautiful as a fairy.

Surprisingly, it was Rosie.

"Why are you here?"

Sheen couldn't help but was taken aback, looking at the sudden appearance of the princess in astonishment.

But Rosie shook her head, and a pair of burgundy eyes looked directly at Sheehan.

"Unknowingly, I wanted to take a look on the street." Rosie paired her eyes as if she was smiling, while looking at Shee En, she said: "It looks like you are the same, right?"

"Yes." Sean relaxed his expression, shrugged, and said, "It seems that we are very married."

"Is the husband and wife photo used at this time?" Rosie was at a loss, then she gave Sheen a blank look, and said angrily: "Let me tell you first, I've been to the Wiz Tout's house before going to the street. It's a trip."

In other words, when Rosie was out of the palace, she wanted to see Sheen.

Because she can't see Sheen, the princess will take to the streets.

In the end, she said she was walking around, but this princess must have followed the induction of [True Seal] and found Sheeun who was hiding herself and wandering here, right

"There are enough twists and turns."

Sheehan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Aren't you the same?"

Rosie was still watching Sheen, and her hand became tighter and tighter.

Feeling Rosie's power, Sean fell silent.

"I can probably think of what you are thinking."

Only then did Rosie withdraw her gaze, and walked down the street holding hands with Sean, looking ahead, saying this.

The appearance of the brave and the princess, but no one around noticed.

Sean was hiding by virtue of her own ability, but Rosie probably manipulated her destiny through her power, so that others could not see herself at this time, right

So, during the stroll, Rosie spoke softly.

"Do you know who is the necromancer who has been staying by the devil Danas?"

Rosie suddenly said such words.

Sheehan didn't answer.

It's not that I can't answer, but I don't know how to answer.

Because he can more or less guess the identity of the other party.

"Last time, at the Battle of the Royal Capital, that person called me a descendant."

Rosie lowered her eyes and said quietly.

"According to past information, that person should be the survivor of Erei, a related person in the Kingdom of Erei who was destroyed by the fault of the ancestor Mithra."

Such a person actually called Rosie a descendant, and the directional nature of his identity was so clear that it couldn't be more clear.

"In the past, after the destruction of Ereyi and the end of the final battle, after the demon king was conquered, the ancestor Mithra brought the princess and her maid who had survived Ereyi back to the kingdom."

Rosie said as if talking to herself.

"After being rejected by the Elf Queen and the courtship failed, the ancestor Mithra was discouraged and married the princess in the door, making her the first princess of the Mithra Kingdom and the orthodox royal family of the kingdom. people."

This person is the ancestor of the Mithra royal family and the common grandmother of all Mithra royal families.

This person is the wife of the brave Mithra, one of Rosie's ancestors.

"After that, I checked many ancient records in the library of the palace, and turned out the records of that ancestor thousands of years ago."

Rosie spoke like this.

"So, I discovered that the ancestor did not die, but suddenly disappeared."