The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1025: 1020 You are the same, right?


"Suddenly missing?"

Rosie's words made Sean frowned.

Although he had somewhat guessed the identity of the princess, Shinn still knew nothing about why it came to this point and became what it is now.

Looking at Rosie's appearance, it seemed that after the Battle of the Royal Capital, she had always taken this matter to heart and made a lot of investigations for this.

Therefore, Sheen turned to Rosie.

"Why did that brave man's wife disappear suddenly?"

Sheehan asked.

However, Rosie shook her head.

"As for the reason, after a long period of investigation and search, the members of the royal family and the senior officials of the kingdom still couldn't find it." Rosie said regretfully: "I only know that the ancestor Mithra was in the ancestor Mithra. A sacrifice ceremony was held, and his life and existence were completely dedicated to the holy sword. After his death, he disappeared completely."

"The death of Mithra?" Sheen muttered.

"That's right." Rosie nodded, and said: "The mainstream saying at the time was that the ancestor passed away with the ancestor Mithra, and some people think that the one returned to the hometown of Erei Ruins, where Spend the rest of your life."

It's a pity that it now appears that there are insider things that others don't know about.

"what are you thinking?"

Sheen had some ideas of her own, but didn't put them forward, but solicited Rosie's opinion.

Rosie was silent for a while, then sighed.

"According to the investigation, the ancestor-sama seems to have an extraordinary affection for ancestor Mithra, so it cannot be ruled out that this is possible."

No wonder Rosie said that.

After the coup in the imperial capital, Sean also learned a little about the affairs between the brave Mithra and the survivors of Ereyi.

It is said that, in order to stop the conspiracy of the demons, the brave Mithra first marched into the territory of Erei by himself before proceeding to make a preliminary investigation.

The person who accepted Mithra at that time was the princess of Erei who happened to meet him-Lenny Erei.

Lenny Erei has been a princess who grew up listening to the story of the brave since he was a child, so he has always had a longing for the brave.

When Mithra entered the kingdom of Erei to investigate, Princess Lenny, who happened to encounter this incident based on this vision, chose to assist him without hesitation.

During this process, the two got along for a long time.

After the powerful hero and the beautiful princess met and got along, there was only one result left.

That is the breeding of love.

Later, in order to stop the demon's conspiracy, the brave Mithra resolutely took action, which indirectly led to the destruction of the kingdom of Elei.

But even so, Princess Lenny still believes that this is not the fault of the brave Mithra, and despite sorrow, she still has love for the brave.

Therefore, in order to make up for his own fault, the brave Mithra has been taking care of the princess and her surviving maid until the end of the war, the demon king is crusted, and Mithra established the kingdom, the princess And her maid was taken back to the palace of Mithra Kingdom as a maid to serve Mithra personally.

Finally, the two went to the palace of marriage together, got married, and became the first king and princess in the history of the Kingdom of Mithra.

This is the story between the hero Mithra and the princess Erei.

The story was even written as a fairy tale, and it spread widely in the kingdom of Mithra and several surrounding countries.

The ending of the story is satisfactory, which can be described as gratifying.

If all of this is true, then when the brave Mithra decides to sacrifice himself and leave her holy sword in the world, Princess Lenny will choose to die, die with him, or return to Erei The ruins of where he spent the rest of his life, as Rosie said, is not impossible.

But fairy tales are still fairy tales.

Reality is definitely far crueler than fairy tales.

"The object in the heart of the brave Mithra is the Queen of Elves." Shinn reminded: "After being rejected by the Queen of Elves, the brave was discouraged and married his maid, that is, Ellie. Princess Lenny."

In other words, there may not be a beautiful love between the brave Mithra and Princess Erei.

This may just be Princess Erei, and maybe the unrequited love of Princess Lenny.


"If you want to achieve [Death Spirit Body], the necessary condition is to have boundless negative emotions before dying."

Sheeen considered the words, and finally chose to speak out and speak to Rosie.

"If the Necromancer is really what we guessed it is, it proves that she hadn't been well encountered before becoming the [Death Spirit Body]."

This is definitely inconsistent with the prevailing view.

At least, Sheehan didn't think that if the princess Lenny died in love, and went to the ruins of her hometown but spent the rest of her life, she would have such an amazing negative emotions.

Among them, there must be other stories.


"Although the necromancer does not hate the brave and the things related to the brave like Moro, but now that she joins the new [original demon] now, she obviously does not want to make the kingdom of Mithra feel better. ."

Sheehan said so.

"Being able to sit back and watch the Kingdom of Mithra being attacked by [the original demon] is enough to prove that the princess does not have much affection for the current kingdom."

In addition, Moro, who is likely to be his maid, has excessive hatred of the brave and the things related to the brave. All this tells others that the princess must have had some sorrowful experience during his lifetime, which led to her and the brave Mithra. Even this kingdom has produced irreconcilable contradictions.

Otherwise, the other party will not resolutely choose to embark on this path and become a necromancer with [death body].

In other words...

"The other party is unkind." Xien sighed and said: "Even though, she is your ancestor, the first princess of the kingdom."

Hearing this, Rosie completely lost her words.

Sheen didn't say anything, just silently holding Rosie's hand, palm slowly applying force.

Rosie's strength was getting stronger and stronger, obviously her heart was not at peace.

Sheehan thought for a while, but broke the silence.

"Do your father and sister know about this?"

Sheehan asked.

"A little bit." Rosie hesitated, then said: "It may not be as detailed as I know, but they should also have some ideas."

no way.

Moro caused too much trouble at that time, and it exposed the truth of being the survivor of Erei. It is impossible for the two who are the king of the Mithra Kingdom and the next queen to do nothing at all. .

And in the process of understanding, combined with various events that have occurred so far, even if it is not easy, it will not be too difficult to infer the identity of that necromancer.

There will be some ideas, which is a matter of course.

"how do you want to do it?"

When Sean asked this question, she already knew how Rosie would answer.

as predicted...

"I want to meet her and talk to her."

Rosie made this answer.

This answer is not at all confused, but full of firmness.

Obviously, Rosie had this idea for a long time and had already made a decision.

"On the battlefield?"

Sheehan got up helplessly.

"Other than that, where else can it be?"

Rosie also smiled bitterly.

At this point, what Rosie wanted to express was already very clear.

"I have already asked the goddess Lydas and her goddess adults to hand over the necromancer to me."

Rosie made such a decision.

"Are you sure?" Even though Sean had already guessed, he couldn't help but said, "The opponent is a detached existence, and it also reserves countless death energy, able to exert a power comparable to a demon? "

Such an opponent, for Rosie who has not yet detached, is undoubtedly an existence that cannot be defeated.

Even if Rosie had become the successor of the Goddess of Destiny and gained the power to manipulate fate, if she broke out with all her strength, she could even be comparable to the Goddess of Destiny, Lidas, but this power was not complete.

If Rosie chooses to explode with power comparable to that of the Goddess of Destiny, then she has only one blow.

After a blow, Rosie will not only lose her strength, she will also fall into a state of weakness, unable to fight anymore.

And even if Rosie didn't try her best and wanted to fight the princess, she would also need to burst out with power equivalent to the devil's level.

Exploding to that extent, I am afraid that Rosie's goddessization phenomenon will rise at a very fast speed, and eventually will also climb to the highest peak, and then fall down, falling into a weak state, unable to fight again.

The time she can fight the princess is only a few minutes at best.

In a few minutes, he couldn't even deal with it.

Even if Rosie exploded with all her strength, launching a full blow comparable to the goddess of fate, with just one blow, wanting to defeat a demon-level super power, it would be equivalent to idiotic dreaming.

From Sean's point of view, Rosie's odds of winning were probably less than one percent.

"This is too dangerous."

Sheen undoubtedly wanted to stop Rosie.

But Rosie seemed determined.

"Compared with your opponents, the opponents I will face can already be regarded as harmless to humans and animals." Rosie smiled fearlessly: "Besides, don't forget, although I am not a brave man, It is the descendant of the brave like you, inherited the holy sword of the brave, and facing a necromancer, the advantage is quite obvious."

Indeed, with the holy sword in hand, Rosie could still play a certain role in restraining the princess.

Even if the holy sword is not detached and transformed, it is still more than enough to deal with forbidden evil things like dead spirits and necromantic magic.

"you... "

Sheehan wanted to say something more.

However, Rosie first stretched out her jade-like slender fingers and pressed them on Sheen's lips to stop him.

"My choice may be wrong, but this is what I want to do."

Rosie looked straight at Sheehan and said something like this.

"You do the same, right?"

As soon as he said this, Sheehan's eyes couldn't help but fluctuate.

Immediately, he was speechless.