The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1033: 1028 I want to see each other


Long before they arrived on the battlefield, the detached beings had already discussed how to deal with the enemy this time.

Although, the freshman [primitive demon] has a lot less detachment than the three major races, and is at a disadvantage, but it is only a disadvantage.

Because of the relationship of the same detachment level, even if it is able to suppress the opponent in strength, it is extremely difficult to successfully kill the opponent. This time the decisive battle is also not considered to be for Lidas and others. It's easy.

Otherwise, no matter how much Danas surrendered himself, he would not want to resist head-on. The reason was that he could not fight. At least he could deal with and delay. No matter how bad he was, he could escape, and there would be no easy attrition.

Especially for a nearly immortal opponent like Philip the brave. At the legendary level, there are monsters that can survive the hands of multiple demons. If they just want to disrupt the battlefield regardless of their own injuries, I am afraid that everyone will take it. He can't help it.

However, this decisive battle is different from the final battle thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years ago, in order to send the brave Mithra to the front of the Demon King, the powerhouses of the Protoss and Human Race tended to delay tactics, only dragging the six great demons, and did not deliberately defeat or even kill them.

This time it's different.

Among other things, the two awakened brave men must be completely defeated.

Only in this way can they get relief.

But facing the existence of the demon level, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to defeat them, or even kill them.

At least, it is absolutely impossible to do it alone.

Even if it was shot by Lidas, it might be possible to face the brave Reinart, and it would be almost impossible to face the almost immortal existence of Philip the brave.

In this case, if the two brave men wanted to be freed, everyone could only adopt tactics of encirclement and suppression.

In other words, there must be two or more demon-level existences to besiege, before it is possible to completely defeat or even kill a brave.

So, after deliberation, everyone has formulated several plans.

Among them, the most likely set of plans is that Lidas will play against Danas, Anima and Nadura will join forces to hold the princess, and the remaining Ai, Chavne, Lilith and Artite The four Miss teamed up in twos, first to eliminate the brave Reinnat, and then the four of them together, besieged the brave Philip, and tried to defeat or kill him.

As for Sean, in everyone's imagination, he should go directly to the Demon King's side and face that one.

Now, although there was a little accident in the situation, Sean confronted Danas, who had soared in strength before going to the Demon King's side. Anima and Nadura were also formed by the princess with a full-blown outburst of death. The world of Wraiths was entangled, but now that the two dead spirits of the brave have appeared here, the four of Ai, Chavne, Lilith and Artemis naturally wanted to give these two people to them according to the original plan. Stay completely.

As for Lidas...

"Go and rescue Anima and Nadula first!"

"Find a way to find the necromancer!"

Ai and Chavne, who were fighting with the brave Reinart and the brave Philip, shouted at Lidas.


Lidas naturally had no objection, and she flashed directly into the lifeless world and disappeared.

Only Lilith and Artemis were left, one with twelve black wings and the other with twelve white wings, looking at each other like twin sisters.

"I didn't expect one day to join forces with you, Lilith." Artemis first looked straight at Lilith, then sighed and said: "Let's go."

"Yeah!" Lilith didn't have any unnecessary reaction, just nodded heavily.

In the next second, the goddess in charge of justice and the goddess in charge of evil also rushed out and joined the battle group of demons and brave men.


The loud bang like a big bang reappeared in the lifeless world.

... ...

"That's the case, do you want to overwhelm my necromantic knights by numbers, and solve them completely?"

In the lifeless world, the figure of the princess was like an erratic undead, eager to move in the dark, and also gathered everything that happened in this world, and sneered.

"Unfortunately, I won't let you do what you want."

It is true that this time the opponents are very strong, and there are many. Just relying on the words of the princess, they are facing the risk of falling.

But the premise is head-on.

As just declared, the princess will not face those detached goddesses and demons.

Her unique skill [Colorless and Tasteless] is the most powerful latent skill in the world. It is different from the hidden skill like [Extinction of Shadow and Extinction]. The most terrifying assassin.

Even though the princess should be a magician herself, her magical abilities are just assistance.

The most powerful thing about this princess is this kind of assassination ability that can be completely hidden under the eyes of the enemy and take the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

This was proved by the two previous operations in the land of the elves.

Artemis was planted in the princess's sneak attacks twice, which shows that his assassination ability is strong.

Now, the princess just wants to rely on the [colorless and tasteless] ability, with her necromantic magic, to disrupt the enemy's actions first, and then take the opportunity to launch an attack.

As long as they fight in this field, even if they are facing seven detached existences, the princess is confident that they can't eat it.

Thinking of this, the princess couldn't help but think of the past.

That was a long, long time ago.

I remember that at that time, she was still a naive little princess, even if she had awakened the strongest unique skill of the latent system like [Colorless and Tasteless], what she did the most every day was just using this ability to hide and seek.

Because I felt boring to stay in the palace all the time, so at that time, I often used the [colorless and tasteless] ability to sneak out of the palace and play outside.

Of course, every time I did this, the palace would usher in a flurry of turmoil, and my father was so anxious that he lost his hair and didn't know how much, but he was helpless.

Send knights out to find and pursue

Can they find someone

Make people guarded in the palace

Wasn't she completely unable to find the trail of her princess and let her slip away

As a result, over time, slipping out of the palace and going out for fun has become a kind of pleasure and a habit of oneself.

In addition, it is also difficult for people outside to perceive the lurking of [colorless and tasteless], and no one can do anything against them. At that time, I was confident and never worried that something would happen.

Under such circumstances, I ran into him during a routine outing.

Encountered him who sneaked into Erei in order to investigate the conspiracy of the Demon Race.

Everything that happened after that was so logical, and so cruel and ruthless.

That is to say, starting from that day, his life trajectory has completely changed.


The princess fell silent, but clenched her fists tightly, causing the life around her body to fluctuate extremely steadily.

Thinking of everything that had happened, the scenes that had been experienced, the princess took a deep breath and her expression became colder.

"Did you see it?"

"Now I am no longer the innocent princess, let alone the substitute who silently guards you, but has not been able to exchange any return."

"The Elf Queen you care about doesn't even deserve to be in my eyes now."

"The goddesses that you respect are now even more tricky by me."

"Even the Demon King you killed so desperately has been resurrected by me."

"Everything you care about and insist on has become worthless in front of me?"

"Seeing these, I don't know how you feel?"


The princess who was talking to herself like this sneered.

"Wait, I will prove it to you. Even you are not qualified to ignore me and ignore me all the time."

This sentence, not yet completely finished, actually ushered in a voice reply.

"...Is that why you have become the way you are now?"

When such a voice entered the princess's ears, the princess's pupils shrank.

"Who... !?"

The princess turned around abruptly, waved her hand, and immediately released a wave of dead spirits, causing the spirits to roar and pounce toward the direction of the sound.

However, in the face of the wave of resentful spirits, the person who came just swung a sword.


One sword.

The fluttering slashes flashed past like a willow.


In the next moment, the seemingly weak slash cut off the resentful spirits who were throwing their teeth and claws in one breath.

The wraiths dispersed in this way, and were purified by a sacred wave, completely disappeared in smoke.

"Holy Sword...!?"

Such a situation shocked the princess's heart, and her expression of horror appeared on her face.

Obviously, the princess thought it was Sean who had come.

But soon, the princess found out that the person who came was not Sheen at all.

The person who slowly emerged from the gradual purification of death is not even a man, but a beautiful woman.

She was dressed in a court costume, just like a fairy.

She is elegant and beautiful, like a treasure in the world.

She is holding a bright holy sword, like an ancient female sword fairy.

And her pair of burgundy eyes looked at this side with a little complicated emotion, and a sad color appeared on the beautiful face.

The princess would naturally not fail to know this overly beautiful girl.

"It's you?"

Complex emotions appeared on the face of the princess.

The girl holding the holy sword looked at such a princess and took a deep breath.

"The daughter of the descendants of the royal family, Rosie Rusti Mitra, hereby greet you."

Rosie lowered her head towards the princess in front of her.

"I have seen the first generation princess."

"I have seen the ancestors."

"Lenny Mithra."