The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1039: 1034 The Devil


The war between the sky and the earth continues.

Whether it is the fierce battle between the detached beings or the fighting between the two armies, it is impossible to end in a short time.

Originally, the battle between Sean and Danas who were extraordinary in their respective fields, surpassing the common sense of the world, and reaching a field that others could not reach, should also be the same.

It's a pity that Sean's transformation is more thorough, complete, and even terrifying than that of Danas.

Therefore, the fierce battle on the battlefield is far from the end of this meeting, but Sean has been able to leave Danas, who has lost his threat, and leave the battlefield.

He flashed a distance with the ability to teleport.

He didn't stop his teleportation until he entered the Canyon of Gods and felt the familiar and unfamiliar breath.


A little silence permeated Sheen, who was stagnant in the air for some reason and stopped advancing.

Sean silently looked at the ruins below, and after a long time, he slowly flew down.

After a while, Sheen fell to the ground.

He seemed to have suddenly broken into this abandoned world, and he was in the ruins, condensing all his breath.

Sheen at this moment seemed to be just an ordinary aristocratic youth.

Then, Sean raised his steps and walked slowly into the depths of the ruins.


The soles of the feet landed, and the sound of stepping on the rubble sounded clearly all around.

Sheeen looked around the ruins as he walked forward.

For Sean, who has mastered the "omniscience," he naturally already knows the origin of this ruin called the Canyon of the Gods.

It is the residence of the Supreme God Omnis after creating the world. Before the world of God, Demon, and Human were separated, it existed as the center of the entire Omnipotensen.

Sheehan is not very new to this place either.

After all, he had seen this place several times in his dreams.

That's right, this is the sea of flowers that Sheen has seen several times in her dream.

In the beginning, the Supreme God Omnis summoned the first generation of brave men in this sea of flowers and summoned Sheehan's mother.

When the demon king begged to die, he also came here to start a decisive battle with the Supreme God Omnis. Here, the holy sword of the first brave pierced through the heart, and finally went out of control and crushed the first brave.

The Supreme God, Omnis, cried here for the death of the first brave.

The demon king is also here, in coordination with the Supreme God, each sacrificed half of his own power to bring back the first generation of brave.

Even the first generation of brave men who suffered a nervous breakdown after their resurrection are also here, sent back to their original world by the Supreme God.

In other words, this is where everything starts and where everything ends.

Now, I don’t know if it was because of the fierce battle between the demon king and the supreme god, or because the demon king’s runaway runaway, or because of the prehistoric flood of heavy rain that caused the supreme god’s cry, this place was already in ruins.

Even the Supreme God abandoned this place, and instead created a sanctuary in the God Realm, where it created a sea of flowers that was exactly the same, making it a dead place that no one cares about.

Until today, this place has become the beginning of everything again.

Of course, Sheehan also hopes...

"This time, I can also be here and let everything end."

With this thought, Xi En suddenly moved in his heart and took a hand to make the holy sword flash in his hand.

The holy sword shining with dazzling golden light, in a blink of an eye, turned into a holy sword that was as blue as the sky and the sea.

Sheeen, holding the Excalibur, mumbled softly while walking in the ruins.


As soon as the voice fell, the whole ruins trembled suddenly.


In the next second, under a tremor, the ruins began to undergo an earth-shaking change.

I saw that the barren land gradually returned to life.

Countless gravel and rubble seem to flow backwards in time, making the world look like a replayed image, first slowly floating up, and then flying back to one direction one by one.

Some of them have filled up the cracks and potholes on the ground, some have formed forests and mountains, some have become rocks and caves, and some have filled the entire terrain, so that this area is no longer just as dilapidated. Looks like it.

Immediately afterwards, colorful flowers grew rapidly from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Every time Sheehan took a step, where did these flowers grow.

When Sean stopped, the entire dilapidated Canyon of Gods had already changed a lot.

The breeze is blowing here.

The air has become fresher.

The ruins turned into a beautiful sea of flowers.


All of them returned to this valley of the gods, as they should have been.

The familiar beauty was exactly the same as the one seen in Sheen's dream.

This is something that only Sheen can do.

Because this is a relationship that has been destroyed directly or indirectly by the power of the Demon King, even the Supreme God can't restore this area to its original state.

But as the only existence that brought together the three supreme powers, Sheen could do this.

The holy sword can purify the remaining power of the devil here, so that the power of the devil no longer affects this place.

In this way, with Sheen's almighty power, it would be easy to restore this place to its original state.


"...Why do you want to do this?"

Carrying a deep and sad voice, it passed into Sheen's ears.

Sheeen held the divine sword and fixedly looked in front of her.

There, the girl stood in the middle of the sea of flowers with her back to him.

The breeze blew through the girl's black and beautiful hair, making the hair sway in circles of beautiful trajectory.

The girl is left alone and independent, like a beautiful lady living in a paradise, and like a beautiful goddess who manages her ideal hometown. With this sea of flowers, she can see her heart from her back.

It's a pity that the atmosphere of such a beautiful and independent girl is too sad and too sad.

For a moment, Sheehan even thought that she should not disturb the other party and should leave as soon as possible.

Not for anything else, just to stop letting the girl make a sad voice.

The atmosphere radiating from the girl's whole body made people feel heartache and could not breathe.

And what she said made people feel more painful.

"Things that have passed away, let them sleep forever in history."

"Neither me nor this sea of flowers should never return to this world."

"Don't you think so?"

The girl's too gloomy voice struck Sheen's heartstrings.

Sheeen could only look at the back figure that seemed out of step with the world, and only after a long time did she speak.

"Some things really shouldn't be forced after they pass away, but some things shouldn't be allowed to pass away, right?"

Sheen's voice, for some reason, became much calmer and smoother than usual.

The girl's voice is still full of sadness.

"But that doesn't include me."

The girl's pessimistic statement should have made people annoying, but at this moment, it can only make people feel heartache.

From this sentence, Sean could see how deadly ash in his heart, the king standing on the strongest throne in the true sense.

As the saying goes, grief is greater than death, and this is how young girls now feel.

But, who can blame her

Thinking of what happened to her, who can guarantee that he will not become like this

Even if he has been merciless to any person, thing, or thing in the past, he will still be venomous when it is time to be venomous, and when it is time to ridicule, he will ridicule. Sheeen, who will not let his three views follow the five senses, can’t help it. Knowing the girl's life, blamed and scolded her.

There is only one thing he can do.

That is to say all the most true thoughts in your heart.


"Why are you so sure that you are not included in this?"

Sheehan spoke casually like a small chat.

"Because I can feel it."

The girl said so.

"What do you feel?"

Sheehan asked aloud.

"Feel that the world is repelling me."

The girl's voice was like an empty valley orchid, sorrow and sorrow spread.

But Sean shook his head.

"If the world is repelling you, how can you be born?" Sheen slowly said, "Although I don't say that existence is reasonable, but Omnipotensen will develop into what it is now, yours. Existence is essential."

"Really?" The girl said mockingly: "I have brought to this world, hasn't it been destruction, destruction, terror, and war?"

The girl resisted Sheehan's statement.

In her opinion, the fact that Omnipertensen has become like this, does have her indispensable influence.

But is that a good thing

Isn’t the Demon Race born because of her always threatening the Protoss and Human Race

She even started a war that lasted for tens of thousands of years, causing disastrous life, and even cutting the world into three parts.

Are these all good things

It’s not necessarily a good thing that Omnipertensen will develop into what it is now, right

Without her, without the devil, the world would only be better.

"This should be the common point of view of everyone in the world?"

The girl's tone has become extremely low.

On the contrary, Sheen was not affected from beginning to end.

"I can't comment on the past times." Sheen said calmly: "But as far as I feel now, I think that everything you brought is not all bad."

is not that right

"Devil races certainly threatened the Protoss and Human races, but in the thousand years of peace, there are not a few Protoss and Human races that have established friendly relations with the demons."

"Although I haven't seen it, there should not be a minority of human races who marry the demons and marry them together."

"Omnipertensen is of course divided into three worlds, but because of this, the Protoss, Humans, and Demons all have their own territories. With buffer zones, there is no need to fight."

"Even if it is a war that has lasted for tens of thousands of years, who can assert that its existence must be bad?"

Sheehan expounded his argument.

"In this world, there is life and death, and there is spring and winter."

"Everything exists in relative terms. It is precisely because of evil that the importance of good will be understood, pursued, and desired by the world."

"There is no place where darkness does not exist."

"The people of the world expect to be able to enter a utopia, but the ideal world will also take hard work, hard work and dreams from the hands of the world."

Sean cast his eyes on the girl who was regarded as the demon king.

"Only based on the relative and the duality of good and evil can the world be complete."

"In that distant past, the demon king and the goddess will be born from the void at the same time, and appear from the void. It is definitely not without reason."

"God will create the world, but if there is no threat from the devil, this world may become the back garden of the true almighty goddess, letting her control it arbitrarily."

"Is that a beautiful world?"

Obviously, that is not always possible.

"In my world, there are also disasters caused by the arrogance and loftyness of the gods in all kinds of myths."

"If there is no demon king, the gods have lost their natural enemies and do not need human power. In their eyes, humans are not necessarily children worthy of pity and love, but may also be ants-like labor and lambs dedicated to them."

"Only the existence of evil can demonstrate the importance of goodness."

"So, I can tell you very clearly."

Sheehan spoke word by word.

"This world may be repelling you, but it definitely doesn't need you."

"It is precisely because of your existence and the birth of an existence named Demon King that this world can be established."

"I won't say that everything you do is a kind of credit."

"But if your sin is to be denied as a conclusive verdict, it would be a bit too early, right?"

Sheehan's extremely certain statement silenced the Demon Lord's girl.

Her shoulders trembled slightly, and her lowered head slowly lifted up.

However, she still didn't turn around, facing Sheen.

She just said something softly.

"This is the first time I have seen someone say such a thing."

The girl didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow, and she said in a complicated tone.

"Even your mother never told me such a thing."

Sheeen was slightly startled when he said this, but he was not surprised.

One's own history may be concealed from others, but not from the demon in front of him.

After all, this is a good friend who has been with his mother for a long time.

Half of her power was given to Sheen, and it was in Sheen's body now.

Others can't perceive this power, but the one in front of you will never perceive it.

In this case, it is not surprising that the other party can guess his identity.

However, the next words of the other party made Sheen's heart sink.

"I can feel that you are a good boy, just like that person, very kind and very gentle."

The demon lord slowed down his voice, making his voice quiet.

"The only person who can identify with my existence like this is you except your mother."

"So, I have a request."

"A request that only you can do."

The devil faintly said the decisive words.

"Please kill me."

In a word, Xien's face sank completely.