The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1041: 1036 She must be saved



The girl couldn't help falling into a somewhat dumb state.

Even if she didn't turn her head back, she could feel the slight anxiety and tension carried by Sheen's words.

Obviously, he asked the two non-trivial questions before, very calm and composed, but when he asked this question, he could not help being nervous and uneasy, which was really surprising.

After all, the importance of the first two questions is undoubtedly much greater than this question.

On the one hand is the secret that has existed in the deepest part of Omnipertensen for a long time, and on the other is the safety of two "trivial" magic lives, which is more serious, I believe anyone can easily judge.

However, Sean showed lukewarmness to the former, and was extremely nervous about the latter, so that the girl who was regarded as the devil by the world almost failed to react.

Naturally, the demon king would not know that for Sean, this was the more important thing.

Although Sheen didn't care about the mysteries and secrets in the past, she didn't have much perseverance.

In other words, even if the mysteries are not solved, he still feels indifferent.

On the other hand, the safety of Laxia and Laxia, Sheen really couldn't ignore it.

The demon king who didn't know this answered the question after all.

"They are fine."

The demon said softly.

"Although the dominance of "body" and "power" has returned to my hands, leaving the two children with only weak consciousness, but I did not erase those two consciousnesses. "

To erase the consciousness of Laxia and Laxia, for this demon lord, it was just a matter of blinking an eye.

But she didn't do it.

Because she does not intend to continue to live, let alone take away the dominance of "body" and "power."

In the eyes of this demon king, he is about to die again. At that time, Laxia and Laxia will naturally regain the control of "body" and "power" and return to this world.

"Now, they are probably equivalent to the existence of the "Devil's Deputy Personality". As long as I don't obliterate them, they can always coexist with me, and even let my consciousness rise to the surface when I actively enter a state of deep sleep. The identity is active in this world. "

The demon lord explained to Shinn.

"If you want them to return, just kill me here."

The words of the demon king made Shien completely let go of his heart.

What he worries most is that Laxia and Laxia will disappear directly after the demon king is resurrected, and will no longer exist in this world.

Fortunately, the devil himself did not intend to be resurrected in the true sense. He just wanted to die and return the "body" and "strength" to Laxia and Laxia, so it did not obliterate Laxia and Laxia's consciousness. Otherwise, , The twin sister-like masters and servants, I am afraid that they will disappear completely and cease to exist.

In that case, Sheehan would have to find a way to bring them back to life.

Now that the situation is not at its worst, Sheen is naturally relieved.


"... Don't you know what they have experienced in this world?"

Sheen couldn't help but say such a sentence.

Moreover, the look in his eyes seemed somewhat unnatural.

Unfortunately, the devil still didn't realize this.

"I didn't absorb their memories, let alone peek into their memories. I just want to regain eternal sleep."

The words of the demon lord made Sheen a little relieved.

Of course, Sheen didn't have any extravagant expectations, and the matter between herself and the pair of master and servants was not exposed.

But at least, at this moment, he can feel at ease.

Moreover, he also knew that for this reason, the demon king had not discovered a very cruel fact.

And this matter, for Sean, will become the next big hole card.

So Sheen spoke up.

"In that case, my question is over."

Sheen suddenly said to the demon king in front of him.

"Now, I will respond to your previous request."

These words and words finally caused the Demon King to lift up his head.

"Will you kill me?"

The demon king felt happy about this and felt relieved.

To be honest, she didn't want to attack Sheehan from the bottom of her heart.

Not for anything else, just because Sheehan is that person's child.

She didn't want to hurt that person's child.

But apart from Sheen, no one in this world can kill her.

Even if there is, it will have to go through the ups and downs that are as exhausting as the final battle thousands of years ago, in order to lead to the end of his own death.

In that case, how long will it take to achieve the wish

The girl couldn't wait any longer.

She just wants to regain eternal sleep as soon as possible.

Sheen is definitely the existence that can fulfill her wish.

With the current strength of this brave man, even if it is his own instinctive strength, he can resist it and stay intact, right

In this case, I don't need to hurt anyone's death.

This is undoubtedly the ending that the Devil Girl most hopes to see.

However, just as the girl was thinking about it with joy, Sheeen spoke.

"No, please allow me to refuse."

Sheehan said so without hesitation.


The girl was stunned.

She couldn't help turning around, finally facing Sheehan.

Sheeen could see the other side's face clearly.

On the face that is exactly the same as Laxia and Laxia, it carries the sadness that can't be resolved no matter what, it gives people a feeling of pity for me, which is quite moving.

Sheehan has reason to believe that any man who sees the sadness on this girl's face will not bear to refuse her request.

However, Sheen himself must refuse.

"Your resurrection also has a part of my instruction in it." Sheen said honestly: "Under such circumstances, do you think it is possible for me to kill you?"

The devil girl was silent.

Immediately afterwards, a suffocating pressure radiated from his body.


Sean's eyes suddenly condensed.


The entire sea of flowers that saw the sky again seemed to feel the arrival of a devastating disaster, and suddenly trembled.

The world was eclipsed.

The world itself seemed to be wailing, trembling frequently.

At this moment, all the people who were fighting and fighting in the Canyon of Gods felt a terrifying pressure, making their complexions pale and pale.

Including the beings at the detachment level, their faces have also changed.

"This pressure...!"

Having found Anima and Nadula, Lidas, who had joined the two goddesses, looked solemn.

"The Devil..."

Anima and Nadura rushed to Lidas's side, throwing away the group of resentful spirits formed by death, their expressions changed greatly.



Lilith and Artemis, who were fighting with two necromancers, both groaned one at a time, and the other uttered a loud tongue.

Especially Artemis, he only felt as if he had returned to the day when he tried to challenge the Demon King with his own abilities, and his heart was trembling.

As for Ai Yi and Shafnie, they couldn't help but stop fighting.

"Mother... !"

The two of them were excited again, and they had a feeling of weeping. They wanted to rush out, but they had to endure it, causing tears to roll in their eye sockets.

Everyone felt this sudden pressure, and together with the suddenly trembling world, they offered their inner surrender.

Even if they were not on this battlefield, people from all over the world who were far away from the war felt a sense of depression that they could not breathe at this moment.

Various levels of uproar, panic, and chaos have appeared all over the world.

The earth even collapsed and cracked again, causing magma to erupt, a precursor to a volcanic eruption.

And this is just because of what the devil is going to do.

In the deepest part of the Canyon of Gods, at the center of the endless sea of flowers, the figure of a girl known as the Demon King gently floated and flew into the air.

"I really don't want to shoot you."

What the girl uttered were words that looked like weeping.

"Then just don't do it?"

Sheehan was under the greatest degree of pressure, staring straight at the Demon King in mid-air, and said so.

The girl shook her head first, then her face was cold.

"do not blame me."

This is the last word of the girl.


All of a sudden, the world changed color, the earth moved and the mountains shook, the wind was surging, and thunder bursts.

Countless atmospheres hovered, turning into puffs of black smoke, rolling in the direction of the demon king.

The girl in her dress was hunting and hunting in the gusty wind, but her figure was already covered by the surging black clouds.

The world is wailing.

The atmosphere is wailing.

The sky and the earth are wailing.

Everything in this world, at this moment, feared and wailed for the coming disaster.

Sheehan's eyes flickered as she witnessed all this.

Even if he is now, facing the actual world's strongest man, the world destroyer, he is not sure of victory.

Although he has obtained half of the power of the Demon King, and half of the power of the Supreme God, plus the power of the brave, the power of the three supreme concepts is integrated. In theory, it should be stronger than the Demon with only half of the power left. , But from the pressure radiating from the devil at this moment, Sean knew that in the face of this one, the conventional calculation formula was completely useless.

The amount of power can no longer be used to calculate the strength of the opponent's existence at this level.

Losing half of his power does not mean that the demon king will become twice as weak.

Infinite power, even if it is reduced by half, it is still infinite.

Losing half of the power, for this demon king, the only effect is probably only half of the original battery life.

For example, it could have exerted its full strength in one hour, but now it has only half an hour left.

Otherwise, the demon king can completely release all his power, so that even a weak and poor civilian can easily kill her

But the fact is that for tens of thousands of years, the demon king has been begging for death, which is enough to prove that this method does not work.

This is the devil, the existence that cannot be restrained by conventional theories and general common sense of the world.

Even if Sean got half of his power, plus half of the power of the Supreme God and the power of being a brave man, against this demon king, the best result would be only 50%.

The fierce battle between the two is bound to bring unimaginable harm to the world.

Therefore, not only the Demon King, but Sheehan herself also sincerely didn't want to shoot her.

"Everyone in the world regards the devil as evil, and hope that the brave can defeat the devil and save the world."

But the world is saved, who can save this poor demon

"Does it have to defeat the Demon King to achieve a perfect ending?"

No, it is not.

Sheen has already obtained the conditions for a perfect ending.

In other words...

"The devil does not need to be defeated."

Sheehan stretched out his hand toward the turbulent sky.

"She must be saved."

With that, Sheehan issued a "command" word.


This is simple and ordinary words without power, without mystery.

However, when these words came out of Sheen's mouth, the vision between heaven and earth disappeared.

The world no longer wailes.

The world no longer trembles.

The wind is no longer, the clouds are not surging.

The demon lord girl's figure reappeared under the sky and was exposed in front of Shin's eyes.

All the pressure on his body disappeared.


The demon girl opened her eyes wide, and for the first time showed a shocked and shaken expression.

She found that she could not control her body, and subconsciously responded to Sheehan's "command".

This is a matter of course.

"You didn't get the memory of Laxia and Laxia, did you?"

Sheehan's voice sounded slowly.

"So, you definitely don't know that the ownership of those two girls is actually in my body."

What ownership

Naturally, it is the ownership of magical life.

"Magic life cannot defy the master's order, this is absolute."

Sheehan smiled at the devil's shaken face.

"Of course, such common sense may be invalid for you, so those two girls did something that even I didn't realize until this moment."

On the last night in the fairyland, La Xia, who was about to leave, dedicated everything to Shien.

Incidentally, Laysha gave everything to Sheen.

They have maximized the command, control, and ownership of magical life by giving all of their bodies and minds.

Because of the fact that they have formed a substantial relationship, it is easy for them as the Demon Lord's body to establish the established fact of "the restraint that the Demon Lord can't lift".

After all, they were originally the "body" of the devil and the "magic power" themselves.

"In this way, if you are the Supreme God who is omniscient and omnipotent, who is good at performing miracles, there is still a way to lift this constraint, but you are the devil, and you want to lift the constraint established by your own power, and you can't do it easily. ."

"Your power is absolute."

"Because of this, this absolute power has an impact on yourself."

In the past, the demon lord's girl lost so many things because of this power as if she was cursed.

This time, she encountered the same thing again.

In other words...

"You are no longer yours."