The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1042: 1037 Do you want to see her?


"Only yours... The Devil...?"

When such a declaration came into the ears of the Demon Lord girl who involuntarily reduced the power to destroy the world, the strongest shake so far appeared on the girl's body.

Obviously the body is out of control, and once again because of her own power into a state of uncontrollable, this kind of feeling that disgusts the Devil Girl the most, this time, it brings her a different new feeling.

At the same time, she also clearly felt that the other two consciousnesses sleeping in her body suddenly reacted fiercely at this moment.

"This is... "

The demon girl couldn't help covering her chest, she only felt extremely depressed in her heart.

The feeling of strangeness made this Demon Lord girl who has lived in the world for so many years a little scared, and a little resisted.

So, the girl tried to regroup her strength.


Suddenly, the world surrounding the Demon King's body, floating in the sky, wailed again.

There were signs of a more serious vision between the heavens and the earth, and the entire valley of the gods began to tremble.

However, in the face of this situation, Xi En, standing above the sea of flowers, still only uttered a simple word.


The command exactly the same as just now caused the vision to disappear directly.

The Demon Lord girl felt once again that she could not help but obeyed Sheehan's order and converged her strength back into her body.

"Obviously, I have been restraining me before, now when I need you, are you like this again?"

The devil felt all this in a very complicated mood, and even cursed the power in his body.

No matter when and where, this power will only trouble her, restrain her, and make her completely unable to do so.

This time too, the strongest force betrayed her will once again, causing the demon lord to feel extremely painful.


The demon girl let out a weeping voice.

"Why don't you just let me disappear forever?"

The feeling that you can't die if you want to die is really too painful for this demon king who wants to die.

Sean watched all this silently, and then stepped out.

At this step, Sean came to the front of the Demon Lord Girl.

He stared at the girl and said so.

"I am not you, so I definitely can't understand your pain and your feelings. Therefore, I will never say that it is a wrong thing for you to seek death like this."

Sheehan told the demon lord what he felt.

"But, I can stop me from letting you die, and tell you why I don't want to kill you."

It was definitely not because of sympathy.

Although the demon lord’s experience is indeed worthy of sympathy, Sheen is not a brainless Virgin, let alone let her three views follow the other's five senses, and when the other party insists on asking for death, with his character, It will never stop for no reason and thanklessly.

The reason why he stopped her is simple.

"I remembered a little bit of my previous memories, and remembered a wish my mother once mentioned."

Sheeen looked directly at the Demon King in front of him and spoke out resolutely.

"If I have a chance, I really want to see those two again"-this is her wish. "

As soon as this words came out, the demon lord girl trembled all over.

She raised her head, met Sheehan's gaze, and looked over.

Unbelievable emotions are showing on his face.

"She...want to see me...?"

The Demon Girl whispered like this.


She couldn't believe what she heard.

"How could she want to see me?"

"impossible... "

"I... I hurt her like that... She..."

The Devil Girl denied these words, but her voice became weaker and weaker.

The reason is simple, her eyes are already wet.

Sheehan witnessed all this, but only gave a clear response.

"Perhaps, she also has some things that she didn't have time to say. I want to tell you two." Sheeen said to the Demon Lord girl: "And personally, I don't want to see the regrets of the three of you. , Continue to continue like this."

It was originally a misunderstanding, an inadvertent entanglement, and it was not completely insoluble.

Since all the grievances and grievances originally came from the love for each other, there is no reason to make them a regret.

Not to mention, this regret, but also because of the extraordinary identities and power of these three people, has caused an extremely serious impact on the world itself.

Therefore, Sheehan wanted to say...

"If you really want to die, do you have to do the things you should do but haven't done?"

Sheehan's words stunned the demon lord girl.

"What should I do but haven't done?"

The demon girl looked blank.

Upon seeing this, Sheehan rolled his eyes and threw out a word very blatantly.

"Since you regard my mother as a close friend and you have done her so badly, should you apologize to her properly?"

Sheehan pointed directly to the essence of the matter.

"You owe her this apology, for so many years."

Hearing that, the Devil Girl seemed to be shocked, and she was stunned.

at this time...

"He was right."

The voice of the third party finally appeared here.

"We do owe her an apology, whether it's you or me."

Accompanied by such words, two identical figures suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth.

They are goddesses.

They are the most detached existence in the world.


The demon girl turned her head, looked at the goddess headed, and couldn't help but call out her name.


Sheehan was also surprised.

Those who came were the Supreme God Omnis, and Nien, who was her avatar, had been imprisoned in the edge of the gods.

This pair of goddesses who looked exactly the same, could not find any difference except temperament, finally came to the human world and appeared on this fateful sea of flowers.

Nien, who has always hated the Supreme God Omnis, obediently followed behind him at this time, first glanced at Sheen, showing a wry smile, and then looked at the demon lord, her complexion became complicated.

Now, this goddess has also understood that the person who has always used herself as a prop for summoning brave is not the Supreme God, Ohmnis, but the demon in front of her.

Therefore, the person Nien should hate is not Omnis, but the demon girl who has been resurrected.

However, knowing all the causes and consequences, even Nien, at this moment, I don't know whether to continue resenting the other party.

Under such circumstances, Nien could only look at the demon lord with a complicated face, without saying a word.

On the other hand, the Supreme God Omnis, as if it had been a long time, looked straight at the demon lord.

"It's been a long time, Kladis."

Omnis faintly uttered, as if the grievances she once had no longer existed, she seemed so detached.


The Demon King-Kladis just looked at this rival of the old grudge with complicated eyes, and for a while, she didn't know what to say.

Omnis is just the opposite.

Today she is uncharacteristically talkative.

"After so many years, we should really face the mistakes we have committed." Omnis said softly to Kladis, "You and I are the most special existence in this world, more than anyone else. Powerful and superior to anyone else, but after so many years of evading in front of the only close friend who valued it, it's time to feel ashamed, right?"

The words of the rival's grudge hit the heart of Kladis.

She could only be silent, dazed, shaken, and confused, not knowing what kind of reaction to give.

Omnis didn't let her go.

"I only ask you one question."

Omnis stared straight at Kladis, and for the first time, she asked in a solemn tone.

"Do you want to see her?"

In a word, Kladis suddenly squeezed her hand uncontrollably.

The answer to this question is beyond doubt.

For countless years and endless years, she did not know how many times she missed the only friend under the moonlit night, and missed the time when she was with each other.

Do you want to see her

Do we still need to ask this question


"I did such an unreasonable thing to her..."

Kladis was eager to cry.

Omnis replied bluntly.

"Because you did something like that to that kid, you should accept all her scolding and complaints, right?"

The Supreme Goddess spoke rudely.

"Or do you plan to just keep escaping like this, always seeking relief by death, but let that child keep holding that terrible memory and live in another world?"

"Do you bear it?"

"Do you have the heart to make her unable to do so and end in depression when she has the desire to "want to see you again"? "

These words are like a handful of sharp weapons running through Kladis’s body.

"Don't forget, she is just a human now, that is, without the holy sword, let alone the power we give her, she is just an ordinary human."

"The life span of human beings is very short, not even a hundred years."

"Although the time in the other world is not consistent with the time of Omnipertensen, she will pass by one day."

Omnis said very seriously.

"Do you want her to die with regret?"

"Or are you willing to look at her and usher in the end of life like that?"

"Answer me, Devil."

Question after question, the strongest existence in the world was completely speechless.

Silence, here comes.

Sean and Nien looked at each other, knowing that they couldn't speak, so they stayed silently aside.

Omnis was also not in a hurry, so she kept looking at Kladis, waiting for her answer.

Kladis was silent and struggling.

After a long time, the demon lord shed a line of tears and answered.