The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 1044: 1039 To the best direction


Time is like a white horse passing a gap, if you don't pay attention, it will be lost from your fingers.

But even if the final battle of the three major races and the new [primitive demon] ends, it is destined not to be easily forgotten.

Not only will it not be forgotten, but the battle has spread in just a few days and has become a current event that everyone talks about.

The darkness was expelled under such conditions, and the world once again ushered in precious peace.

Afterwards, the senior officials of the various forces have been discussing the disposal of the captives and betrayers, and have implemented them one by one.

Of course, all forces have also begun reconstruction work, bringing the entire human world into a rather lively stage.

Needless to say, the elves returned to Tagore Forest at the end of the battle and rebuilt the land of elves.

The orcs also came out of the royal capital of the Mithra Kingdom. According to the habits and habits of the tribes, they migrated in different directions in the human world, preparing to find new homes and settle down.

The dwarves returned to the underground kingdom of dwarves and revolutionized vigorously. Not only did they need to re-elect the king and a group of high-level officials, but also let the dwarven blacksmith career continue to develop vigorously.

As for human beings, it was after the war that all aspects of construction and creation work were made vivid.

No way, too many countries in the human race have been destroyed in this battle.

Now that the army of monsters for refining demons, dead souls, demon larvae and magical life has been basically wiped out, the land of the human world will no longer be ravaged by monsters. The surviving leaders and strong men naturally want to return to their old territories and develop Start the work of revival.

Even the Ragnar Empire needs to be rebuilt.

Of course, there are also some countries that have suffered heavy losses, and there are not many survivors left. It is impossible to rebuild the country.

These people have naturally become the wooing targets of the major human countries.

Especially those strong, even the Kingdom of Mithra came off the court personally and began to win over people.

As the only country that survived this war and was still well-preserved, the losses were not so serious. Although the Mithra Kingdom did not lack talents like the rest of the country, it could not ignore some legendary powerhouses who had lost their belongings.

The powerhouse of that level is already enough to become the pillar of a country, so naturally he has to end up fighting for it.

However, there are also some strong men who have in turn attracted a group of people, preparing to take advantage of the reshuffle of the power of the human world to do a great cause that will stay in history, and plan to rebuild a new country.

This has caused the entire human world to be very lively during this period of time, and there is noisy everywhere. Either you can see the army marching in all directions, or you can see teams of caravans and refugee teams migrating to other cities. Quite a feeling of rejuvenating the earth.

Under such circumstances, news gradually spread from the God Realm and Demon Realm.

That's right, these two isolated worlds finally reconnected with the human world.

The first is the Devildom.

About seven days after the end of the war, the three unreliable little goddesses who had traveled in time and space for a long time finally managed to reach the demon world and met with Sai La and other demon men.

With the help of the goddess of time and space, the Demon Realm has successfully built a new channel with the Human Realm. Although there is only one, it is enough for now.

A group of demons headed by Sai La returned to the human world as soon as the passage was built, met with Ai and Chavne, and understood all the conditions.

After that, Lidas, Anima, Nadura, Artemis and others all expressed their willingness to help the demons rebuild order, and led the goddesses of the Gods to the Demon Realm to eliminate the careerists and rebels who are still making troubles in the Demon Realm. By.

Then, the three goddesses of time and space embarked on a journey again, preparing to return to the realm of God, rebuilding the passage between the realm of humans and the realm of God, so that the realm of God would also get in touch with the realm of humans.

However, this time, Sean didn’t want to see these three pits spend a long time looking for their way home, and waited until all the dust settled before completing the task, so he shot directly with the omnipotence of the Excalibur. The power of the royal capital restored the temple in an instant.

As a result, the door to the God Realm was reopened, and the Protoss also got in touch with the Human Realm, and finally sent reinforcements.

This incident caused Sean to be complained by Yulin and others.

"If you can do such a thing, why not do it well before the war?"

Everyone condemned Sheehan one after another.

After Sean successfully transcended, he had gained omnipotence. Then, before the final battle began, he could actually rebuild the passage between the Demon Realm and the God Realm, and let the two major races send armies to support.

In that case, wouldn't it be necessary to fight so hard in this battle

Especially Sairah, Lid, Camilla and others, after knowing this, it was annoyed.

"We worry a lot on the side of the Demon Realm worrying, but you obviously have a way to solve this, but you just drag it?"

"Do you know how hard we are there?"

"Come here, open your mouth, I will feed you something, I promise to make you ecstatic."

The three demons had almost directly staged a full martial arts action with Sheeun.

Only Mi Lu, who got together with Lilith, was so happy that no one was playing around.

However, this matter really couldn't be Rexien.

"At that time, I was detached for less than a few days, and the power of the new awakening was completely unfamiliar. If you let me build a cross-world channel, then I have to give me some time to ponder it."

Sheehan retorted.

Fortunately, his statement is somewhat reasonable, everyone let him go, otherwise, during this period of time, Sheen probably shouldn't think about it too much.

And when the three realms had restored contact, the confusion in the Demon Realm was naturally suppressed.

It should be said that after hearing that even the Demon King was defeated by Sean, the chaotic Demon Race had already scared themselves half to death. Those who surrender surrendered, and those who did not surrender did not feel that they could continue to do things at all. The result can be imagined.

In this way, almost half a month later, everything is settled in the true sense.

Whether it is the human world, the devil world, or the god world, in the next period of time, it will enter the stage of reconstruction, reform, finishing, and aftermath.

It is foreseeable that all forces will not be too idle in the future.

Peace has come again.

Even if there are still some minor issues that need to be resolved, the world will no longer worry about it.

Because they know that there are brave men in this era.

A brave who has surpassed Mithra and is better and stronger than previous generations.

His name is Sheen.

He is the hero who redeemed everything, and the last brave in Omnipotensen.

... ...

early morning.

When the sun shines through the window and into the room, Sheen finally wakes up faintly.


After waking up, Sheehan took a breath directly.

no way.

A sore feeling that made him feel sore back and back pain for a while, as soon as he woke up, it hit his whole body.

Sean subconsciously held onto his old waist, turning to his side with a somewhat ugly expression.

There, a goddess who was naked, showing a large piece of white skin under the shining of the sun, entangled him like an octopus.

"Woo... and also..."

The goddess named Nien murmured while rubbing against Shinn.

"I want you a big head!"

Sheen got up awkwardly, and while uncovering the quilt, screamed at the other party's screams.

"How desperate and dissatisfied are you? This is the first time, right? You dare to play so crazy? I suspect that you are not calling but giving birth!"

During the spit, Sean couldn't help but recalled what happened last night, and his face was dark again.

Do evil.

What a crime.

Even if he was pushed back by the sudden night attack, he was actually treated as if he was forced to make a night of selfless dedication, and he was almost weak as a macho.

How many times have you come

Seventeen times

Twenty-seven times

Nima! This guy has learned from Chavne, right! ? (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Just when Sheeen was so suspicious of life, Nien was holding the quilt and complaining with dissatisfaction on her face.

"Who told you to hide every time you saw me? I've been in front of you for half a month! I just didn't put up a sign to tell you that you can do it on me! What did you run into as a result?"

Nien accused Sheen of the beast's inferior behavior.

Sheehan almost didn't curse.

"You're so embarrassed to say? Who is the guy who looks like I can't wait to swallow me every time I meet? I'm not running yet?"

This goddess has no lower limit to a dizzying level. She actually thinks about cooking mature rice with her own rice every day. If it weren't for this guy to be a beautiful and charming beauty, Sean would really just run away.

I take it for granted.

"You are the brave I summoned. You should have belonged to me alone, but you were given the first step by so many coquettish bitches. You say, can I not worry?"

Speaking of this, Nien is also angry.

"Obviously I came first, so why should I be my last superior?"

Nien was really worried. After dragging on like this, she was afraid that she would really be dragged into a deep-seated woman.

It’s not just the dragon demon and the treasure of the kingdom that stare at this guy, even the succubus has an ambiguous relationship with this guy, plus the blessings around the goddess of fate, life, nature, and even the goddess of justice. If you don't fight for the upper rank, Nien herself will be crazy.

Sheehan opened her mouth, trying to say something, but didn't know what to say.

He was really powerless to complain.

"The goddess who is so free, should I say a word of love?"

What should I do if I want to kick her instead of cute

Still the same sentence, commit evil

(Want to think of a way to shut her back into the sealed land of the God Realm?)

Sheehan was thinking about this kind of improper son of man.

It is conceivable that the experience last night left him with a psychological shadow.

Nien looked at this kind of Sean's pleasure.

"You should be content. Everything is over, and you are still moving in the best direction. What can you not be satisfied with?"

Nien's words made Sean calm down her mood gradually.

Yes, everything is going in the best direction.