The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 947: 941 What choice to make


"Master and servant?"

The words of the goddess, the first thing Sheen thought of was the pair of girls who were like twin sisters.

Apart from them, Sheen couldn't imagine any other pair of masters and servants that would interest the Supreme God Omnis.

The goddess, who turned into a demon god with one eye, is also holding the spear of the main god in one hand, while staring at Shien.

"She is very curious, knowing part of the truth about the past, what kind of choice the master and servant will make."

The goddess said lightly.

"So, as long as there is no problem with your own safety, she will not intervene in the current situation."

After saying this, the goddess took the spear of the main god back.

Sheen had many questions in her heart, as well as a strange feeling towards the goddess' attitude.

He always felt that this goddess not only had many unnatural places compared to before, but also always had a feeling of being detached from things, as if standing at the highest point no one could compare and overlooking the world, let him have it all. A sense of awe that you must look up to.

This sense of awe was not there in the past.

However, the other party did not give Sheen time to investigate and think.

"That's how it is said, since you have come here, it would be a bit unreasonable if you let you return without success." The goddess said indifferently, "I'll give you a hint."

The goddess raised her eyes lightly and spoke the words that made Sheen discolored.

"The life entity named Danas, his ultimate goal is not to war, but to bring the devil back to life."

The goddess knocked on the floor under her feet with the handle of the main god's spear, as if she was referring to the undead sleeping underground, with a blank expression on her face.

"Resurrection Demon King?"

Sheehan's pupils condensed fiercely.

This is the ultimate goal of Danas

Are you kidding me

Isn't the demon king unable to resurrect

Didn’t it all say that the possibility of the devil’s resurrection has been cut off by the Supreme God Ohmnes

If it weren't for this, the Demon Race and even the Old Demon Race were already trying to resurrect the Demon King. How could it be Darnas' turn to do this

what on earth is it

Sheen's mood became a little confused.

At this time, the goddess spoke.

"Your perception is wrong."

The goddess let her voice pass into Shin's ears unhurriedly.

"It's not that the devil cannot be resurrected, it's just that the conditions are not gathered."

The goddess' eyes seemed to be able to see through Xi'en's body and see the things in his body, if there was a deep voice.

"Whether it is a goddess or a demon king, they are true immortal existences. Even if they are killed, as long as their roots are still there, they will be resurrected sooner or later."

"The devil has not been resurrected. It is not that there is no way to resurrect, but because the concept that symbolizes its roots has been taken away, he himself does not want to be resurrected, so there is no resurrection."

"If she really wants to be resurrected, then, unless the concept that symbolizes its roots has been suppressed by the power of the same person, that is, suppressed by the power of the Supreme God, otherwise, she wants to be resurrected, but it is just a matter of thought. "

It is precisely because of this that the world will spread that the possibility of the devil's resurrection has been cut off by the Supreme God.

The three high-level goddesses and the top six demon-level races knew that the reason for this was because the demon king’s precious jade was taken away by the supreme god and restrained by the supreme god. Can be resurrected.

They also believe that the devil has no possibility of resurrection anymore.

Because no one in this world can resist the Supreme God and grab the Demon King Baoyu from the Supreme God’s hands.

Under such conditions, over time, there is a rumor that the possibility of the demon king's resurrection will be cut off by the Supreme God.

In fact, what this rumor points to is the so-called symbolic root concept in the mouth of the goddess, that is, the treasure of the demon king was taken away by the Supreme God and received a seal to suppress it.

Sheehan frowned tightly, somewhat understanding what the goddess meant.

But precisely because he understood the meaning, he felt puzzled.

"Since this is the case, then Danas' goal of resurrecting the Demon King shouldn't be achieved, right?"

Sheehan thinks so.

"Then what symbolizes the root of the concept, since it has fallen into the hands of the Supreme God, it has also been suppressed. No matter how hard Danas works, there will be no way to resurrect the devil in the end, isn't it?"

This is Sheen's thoughts, and it will also be the first thought that everyone who knows about it will have.


"The root of the concept of symbolizing the devil was let go not long ago."

In a calm tone, the goddess said something that shocked the world.

"What did you say?"

Sheehan's eyes widened, and his face was full of consternation.

The expression of the goddess was still calm.

"I said that the root of the concept of the Demon King was let go not long ago." The goddess said in the calmest voice: "Therefore, the possibility of the Demon King's resurrection will no longer be suppressed. As long as the conditions are met, even if The demon king does not mean that, and outsiders can finally resurrect him with his legacy in this world."

As soon as this remark came out, Sheen completely lost her words.

The psychological impact caused by this incident was greater than he had imagined.

There is shock.

There was stunned.

There is anxiety.

At the same time, there is a trace of unclear expectations.

What appeared in Sheen's mind was the little girl who was holding the red gem, always seeking others, seeking shelter, enduring boundless loneliness and emptiness, and finally meeting the brave girl in this world.

When I met the brave girl, the smile on the other side's face.

Tears shed from the corner of her eyes when she heard that the brave girl wanted to help the goddess crusade herself.

These pictures kept playing in Sheehan's mind.

Sheehan's heart suddenly became a little confused.

He didn't understand how he felt after learning that the Demon King could still be resurrected.

In the end, he can only say the last sentence.

"Why is the root of the concept of the demon king being let go?"

Sheehan's voice was slightly hoarse.

Regarding this, the goddess was silent.

After a long time, the goddess said quietly.

"Perhaps, she has already seen something."

"Perhaps, she already understands something."

"Or, a thousand-year-old dream made her see many things that she knew in the past, but subconsciously ignored them."

"It is certain that after the devil's death, her hatred has disappeared, and her anger has also disappeared. What is left is endless emptiness and endless nostalgia."

"Then, after the opportunity appeared, she let it go."

While speaking, the goddess's expressionless face showed a touch of self-deprecating for the first time.

"Maybe, she is expecting something too."

Leaving such words, the goddess turned her back.

"In any case, the possibility of the devil's resurrection has returned. This is a fact."

"Although it is impossible for that individual named Danas to be recognized by the Demon King Baoyu and take Baoyu away, even if there is no Baoyu, as long as the conditions are met, the Demon King can still be resurrected."

"Of course, after losing Baoyu, the Demon King's power probably won't leave much, but if she wants to, she can summon Baoyu back at any time and restore her to its heyday anytime, anywhere."

The holy sword symbolizing the concept of "brave" can be returned to its owner anytime and anywhere. Naturally, the precious jade symbolizing the concept of "devil" can't have this ability.

The so-called conceptual things are that only when they have the existence of the concepts they symbolize, can they be manipulated and used as desired.

They are one with the existence of the concept of symbolizing themselves, they are different in appearance, and everything else is the same thing.

It is also for this reason that when the brave successfully enters detachment, the holy sword will resonate and pulse, enter the brave's body, and undergo transformation with it.

It is because the holy sword symbolizes the root of the concept of "the brave", and it is one of the brave, and its changes are closely related to the brave.

And the demon king and the supreme god, the things that symbolize the root of their concept, to some extent, are more thorough than the meaning of the holy sword to the brave.

One is the gem that contains the power to destroy everything and destroy everything.

One is the gem that contains the power of omniscience and omnipotence.

The two jewels that are equivalent to the power source of the demon king and the supreme god, and are also its essence, are different from the holy sword of the brave, but are unique in nature and absolutely indestructible.

As long as Baoyu is still there, whether it is the devil or the supreme god, even if it dies, it will be resurrected sooner or later.

Even if Baoyu itself obeys the will of the owner before he dies and does not resurrect the owner, if it exists in the world for one day, its owner will not be regarded as a real death.

In view of this, even outsiders can resurrect the devil if they gather the conditions for resurrecting the devil.

The goddess said so.

"Now, the conditions for her resurrection have basically been gathered."

"Can the individual named Danas bring these conditions to his side and resurrect the Devil? I can't see such a future."

"It's about the devil. Even if I am omniscient and omnipotent, and able to see all the past and the future, I can only become a bystander who knows nothing about it."

"And if she is really resurrected, then I am looking forward to it."

"I look forward to what choices she will make after learning of your existence."

The goddess’ prompts and predictions end here.

"you... "

Sheen somewhat realized what the other party's true identity was, and showed an expression of even more consternation than before.

But the goddess has said it all.


Accompanied by the clear knocking sound, the goddess knocked the spear of the Lord God in her hand, causing the whole world to be distorted.

The familiar feeling of turning around the world hit Sheen's mind.

Sean disappeared in the temple and returned to where he was.

The goddess with only eyes fixedly looked at the place where Xi En disappeared, and after a while, she waved the spear of the Lord God in her hand, causing a figure to appear here.

Then, it was Nien impressively.

"You... how dare you do such a thing!"

Nien looked panting, but couldn't hide the anger on her face, and rushed towards the goddess in the eye.

The goddess just glanced at her quietly, and she was frozen as if she was directly imprisoned by the surrounding space.

"Don't try to sneak away."

The goddess dropped such a sentence and immediately disappeared in the temple.

The space around Nien immediately returned to its original state, allowing Nien, who was maintaining a fluttering posture, to continue to pounce forward, and emptied.

Suddenly, Nien stood there, looking at the empty temple, her whole body trembled.

That is angry.

"Who stole away?"

"Who stole away!"

"It's you coquettish bastards who sneaked away, I was the one who came first!"

Nien was crazy.

The temple was once again imprisoned, so that Nien could no longer summon Shien.

Nien wanted to cry without tears, and mourned for a long time in the temple.