The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 950: 944 An incredible person


The next day, early morning.

Sheehan finished washing and changing clothes under the service of La Xia, and after having breakfast with everyone in the dining room, she went to the palace.

What he came to was a glorious and solemn palace in the deepest part of the palace.

This is a palace that was built in just over a month.

The palace has no name, but it is a temporary temple for the goddesses of the gods to live in.

Yesterday, Sean and Elise were received here by Lidas and Anima, and they talked about the two awakened heroes.

Today, Sean is also here.

It is rare for him not to go directly to Rosie's bedroom and see Rosie first, but to come here and inform the two priests who are in charge of guarding at the door, telling them that he wants to see Lidas and Anima.

When they came here, even the king had to let the priests at the door go in and give a notification. Only after getting permission can they enter and see the goddess who is willing to meet him.

Although Sean can move directly in in an instant, the two goddesses probably won't mind, but before the goddess of fate and life, Lidas and Anima, some superficial skills are unavoidable. Do.

If you change to someone else and want to see two of the three goddesses, it will definitely be difficult to get permission.

Even the king, without good reason and special circumstances, it is difficult to be received by the three goddesses.

But after Xien came here and made the announcement, the priests at the door simply stepped aside, and respectfully welcomed Xien in.

Obviously, Shin, who is a brave man and a blesser of the Supreme God, wants to see the goddess, even the three major goddesses, it is very easy.

In the entire kingdom, there are no more than five people who can be treated like this.

Moreover, these people will not be the king of any country or the leader of which race, but will only be the existence of the three goddesses blessing.

In other words, in this human world, only Rosie, Elise, Melika, and Sheen, who are brave men and blessers of the Supreme God, have such qualifications.

As for Thiel, Lidas seems to have met her several times during this time and is delighted with her growth, but Thiel does not intend to disclose her identity as Lidas’ blessing, Lidas Das also chose to respect her thoughts, so Thier hadn't been here yet, and the priests and goddesses who were in charge of staying here also didn't know the existence of her, the blesser of the goddess of fate, and did not give her privileges.

As a result, Sean easily passed through the layers of interrogation and arrived at the uppermost layer of this temporary temple-the hall.

This is the place where Lydas and Anima usually stay, and it is also the place used by the two goddesses to meet others.

When Sheen came here, the two goddesses were still around a table, discussing something there.

"How did you come?"

Seeing Sean walked in from outside, Lidas turned her head first, showing an unexpected expression.


Anima lowered her head to greet Shinn, with a gentle expression on her face.

Sheen walked in to meet the gazes of the two goddesses.

"Are you still talking about the dwarves?"

Sheehan looked at the two goddesses and asked curiously.

The two goddesses didn't conceal either, and nodded directly.

"The Orcs have returned, and the problems of the Dwarves must also be resolved as soon as possible."

"Nadura probably has been anxious, after all, the dwarves are the human races under her jurisdiction."

Lidas and Anima spoke like this one after another.

"Then have you talked about anything?"

Sheehan asked noncommitantly, as if he wasn't very concerned about this, but just asked casually.

Lidas and Anima could naturally see that Sheen didn't care about this matter, and they suddenly burst into anger and smiled bitterly.

"As a member of the human race, can't you care about the dwarf race?"

Lidas said with some dissatisfaction.

For this goddess with excess sense of responsibility and mission, the dwarves can't wait to regain it, right

Perhaps, she is still thinking about quickly liberating the dwarves and freeing the innocent people of the dwarves from the rule of Natz.

If it weren't for these, this goddess would have come to visit the dwarf kingdom long ago.


"It's a pity, I really don't have any interest in this." Sheen said simply: "I'm just a very ordinary person, unlike you goddesses who are compassionate. The catastrophe is imminent, and I still think about saving this and saving that. of."

If it's the people around him or the people he knows, it's fine, but if Sheeen is going to work hard for a group of people who have nothing to do with him, he is really lacking in interest.


Lidaston became even more angry when she saw a disobedient child, ready to preach to him, but she was gagged by Sheehan.

"Don't want to impose your views on me. I am really different from the brave men in the past. I don't have so much heroism, you know?"

Sheehan held Lidas' mouth with her hands calmly.


Lidas struggled like a protest, but could only make a whimper.

Anima looked very open, and didn't mean to force Sheen.

"You are not our blesser, but the existence blessed by the mother god. For us, you are not only a comrade-in-arms, but also a person whom the mother god values. Therefore, no matter what you do, we will not force you, you We are already very happy to be able to choose to fight side by side with us."

Anima smiled gently at Sheehan, and showed her full tolerance and motherhood.

"Have you seen it?" Sean felt very comfortable, so he said to the goddess who was controlled by him: "Learn hard, you know?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Struggle struggling harder.

Anima watched from the side, smiling bitterly, while casting her gaze on Sheen.

"You came to us, is there anything wrong?"

Anima mentioned the business.

Sheehan let go of Lidas who was about to bite herself, and sat down in front of the two goddesses.

In the next second, Sheen brought herself here and asked the questions she wanted to ask the two goddesses.

Suddenly, Lidas and Anima were both taken aback.

"You want to know what kind of person the devil is...?"

"This... "

Lidas and Anima were a little surprised.

Obviously, they didn't know why Sheehan suddenly asked such a sudden question.

"Well, just treat me as curious."

Sheehan didn't give too much explanation, and went over it in a perfunctory manner.

This caused Lidas and Anima to look at each other.

"This problem is really sudden."

Anima felt it.

"Why are you suddenly interested in the devil's affairs?"

Lidas was also a little depressed.

"Just ask." Sheen still didn't explain, but urged: "You guys should have seen the Demon King, right?"

Regarding this question, Lidas and Anima neither affirmed nor denied it.

They each showed thoughtful expressions, and finally relaxed.

"If you are really interested, then you can talk to you."

Lidas didn't seem to be very interested.

"Well, just take a break."

Anima is still so considerate.

It can be seen from the attitudes of these two goddesses that they are not very concerned about the devil's affairs.

For them, the devil is in the past tense, and it is more important that the [primordial demon] is still a new life.

Of course, when it comes to the devil, even if you don't care, you will subconsciously get serious.

Lidas said so first.

"Let’s make it clear first, we don’t know the devil as much as you think?"

That's what Lidas said in her opening remarks.


Sheehan tilted his head.

"That's right." Anima took Lydas' words and said, "Although we are the first protoss to be born, much earlier than the birth of the six demon, but the number of times we have seen the devil is Quite limited."

"There's no way, right?" Lidas said nonchalantly: "Who makes the Demon King rarely go to the battlefield?"

This sentence made Sheen slightly startled.

"Doesn't the devil go to the battlefield very often?"

Sheehan was surprised by this.

"Yes." Anima affirmed Sean's question, saying like this: "Obviously he was the first to start the war, but the devil can be said to be completely ignorant of the battlefield and hand over all the resolutions of the war. The Moon Demon, she has always stayed in the castle, even if the Demon Race is sometimes attacked by us and even the front line collapses, she will not make any shots even once."

On the side, Lidas took Anima's words again.

"It's more than just not making a move?" Lidas said with her lips curled: "She didn't even say a word. What does he expect from him alone, I'm afraid she doesn't even look at any of the others?"

Lidas and Anima exchanged their views on the Demon King and told Sheen.

Even if they have different voices and attitudes, they have a very similar view of the devil, that is, they feel mysterious and unthinkable.

Lidas even said so.

"I always think that one is an unfathomable person, somehow even more incredible than the mother goddess."

As if to dig out all the feelings of the demon lord before, Lidas kept vocalizing.

"The mother god once said that when the brave is not born, even the demon king alone is enough to annihilate the entire protoss. Even she can only find a chance to escape and cannot defeat her at all, but she is the initiator of the war. They never attacked the Protoss. They only attacked when the brave came to challenge themselves. The rest of the time they stayed in the castle and rarely even took a step out."

"And whenever the brave failed to challenge and died in her hands, she did not take advantage of the victory of the Protoss and Humans to return directly to her castle. It will not appear until hundreds of years later when new braves are summoned. movement."

"The power of that person, according to the mother god, can easily destroy the entire world and kill all lives in an instant, but she just didn't take action and just continued the war."

"Sometimes, we all wonder if she is simply taking the war between the gods and demons to please herself, to pass the time, and to treat the war as a game, but if this is the case, she completely ignores the direction of the battlefield and only targets the brave. It’s too weird."

"So, for us, that person is also a very mysterious, very incredible person, who can't understand him anyway."

Lidas explained her feelings one by one, while she said, she also showed a sincere expression of incomprehension.

"I think so too." Anima nodded in agreement, as if she was reminiscing and shuddering: "Seeing that one, sometimes I even feel like I am looking at a person who has no life but only instinct. , I think she is incredible."

The two goddesses had surprisingly the same impression of the devil.