The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 951: 945 Repentance with tears


I have to say that Lidas and Anima's impression of the devil is definitely not good.

It's not because the other party can endanger the existence of the world, and it's not because the other party is a former enemy and the evil character who started the war, but because the other party has too many inexplicable places on his body.

Those places weren't a good impression. When Lidas and Anima mentioned the devil, there was only doubt, fear and awe in their voices.

Sheen can be sure that once the two goddesses know that the Demon King is about to be resurrected, then with their current reaction, they will definitely lose their attitude and be completely panicked.

Sheehan could only shrug her shoulders, and after thinking for a while, she looked at Lidas and Anima.

"According to you, there are indeed many contradictions in the Demon King's behavior. Is it a bit too early to assert that she is a heinous person?"

These words are equivalent to hitting the face of the Protoss.

After all, the Protoss has always regarded the demons as evil beings, believing that they are lawbreakers who take the initiative to start wars and enjoy wars, and advocate that defeating the devil can save the world.

Sheen said that now, it can be said to have torn the face of the Protoss to a certain extent.

But neither Lidas nor Anima refuted this.

Especially Lidas, who had an excess sense of responsibility and mission, did not refute it.

"... We advocate that the Demon Lord can endanger the existence of the world, not because she is evil, but because her existence is a threat."

Lidas was silent for a while, then smiled bitterly.

"That demon king took the initiative to start a war, which led to a battle between the gods and demons for tens of thousands of years. This is true, but even if this is not counted, you can't deny that the devil does have the ability to destroy this world, right?"

Lidas' words left Sheen speechless.

This really cannot be denied.

"The existence of the ability to completely destroy this world took the initiative to start a war, so in order to protect this world created by my noble mother god, is it wrong to treat the devil as a hazard?"

Lidas argued so.

"Even if she is not a heinous person, then she is a sword hanging over countless lives, threatening the demon king of the entire world."

If such a character is honest and proactively initiates a war, no matter who it is, she will be considered dangerous. She is an evil existence and should be eradicated immediately.

Therefore, Lidas's remarks, in a way, are not wrong at all.

Even if the devil's own actions are full of contradictions, she will threaten the world after all, it is a fact.

Sheehan couldn't help but think of the story she saw in her dream.

In the dream world, the demon king who was just born not long ago also destroyed the world created by the Supreme God again and again under the condition that he could not control his own power.

She may not be intentional, but she did these things after all. The Supreme God has reasons to be angry, have reasons to be hostile to her, and have reasons to hate her.

In the same way, the Demon Lord may not want to destroy the world, but she took the initiative to provoke a war, which gave others the impression that she intends to endanger the world.

In such a situation, even if the devil is not an evil person, what about

She did something wrong after all.

When Sheen felt silent about this, Anima also spoke.

"What is the temperament of the devil himself, we can't tell if we have only seen her confront the brave." Anima said as if to turn a heavy topic: "But I have dealt with the devil many times, since They can know that when the Demon King is in private, he seems to be very fond of their daughters."

"Really?" Sean looked at Anima.

"At least, the demons themselves said that." Anima smiled slightly and said: "If it weren't the case, the demon lord would not create the three most treasures, which are used to protect the demons and children under her command."

makes sense.

The Rainbow Demon Diamond is the most precious treasure of the Demon Race used when the Demon Race encounters a crisis.

Turning the Demon Pool is an opportunity to enhance the Demon Race, and the guarantee of enhancing the Demon Race's combat power.

The Demon Roar Chain was given to Helemis by the Demon Lord.

Even if Helemis is not completely her son, for his personal safety, the demon king specially ordered a magic weapon for him to make up for his own shortcomings.

It can be seen from this that the devil is not a heinous person, and even privately, he is very humane.

This is also in line with the impression that Sean saw in her dream, a girl who is extremely powerful, but is extremely afraid of loneliness and emptiness, until the brave girl accepts her, she reveals the first smile in her life.

Just as Sean thought of this, suddenly, Lidas seemed to have thought of something and clapped her hands.

"I remember." Lidas suddenly said as if she was awake in a dream: "I remember once, the Moon Demon accidentally mentioned the Demon King in front of me and said something very strange."

Lidas' voice suddenly attracted the attention of Shin and Anima.

"Did the devil say anything?"

Anima was a little surprised.

"What are you talking about?"

Sheehan also asked quickly.

Lidas pondered for a while, as if digging into her own memory, only to speak out after a long while.

""When there was no one, my mother often confessed in tears alone in the castle."

Lidas blinked, as if even herself felt incredible.

"I remember that Moon Demon said that at the time."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell into silence.

"The devil... confession in tears...?"

Anima didn't seem to be able to appreciate the meaning of this sentence, or could not understand the content of this sentence, and Lidas showed an unbelievable consistency.


Sheehan fell into silence completely.

The girl watched the tears of her only friend from high in the sky, and appeared in his mind again.

At this moment, Sheen also felt a sense of sadness, which burst out from the bottom of her heart.

This feeling made Sheen startled slightly, and quickly restrained her emotions, suppressing the strange emotions in her heart.

But he still unconsciously glanced at his sea of consciousness, and looked at the red gems that revolved around the holy sword and chased the blue gems.

That Baoyu is as red as ever, and as mysterious as ever.

But, I don't know if it is an illusion, Sheen always has a premonition that he will be sucked in by it, which almost sinks his consciousness again.


Almost subconsciously, Sheen patted her cheek vigorously, regaining her senses.

But this seemed to startle Lidas and Anima.

"You... what's the matter with you?"

"Why did you beat yourself up suddenly?"

The two goddesses couldn't help casting worried glances at Shee-en.


Sheehan shook his head and motioned to the two of them not to care.

Sheeen didn't plan to talk about the Demon King's Baoyu in her body for the time being.

The matter is very important, and Sheen cannot guarantee that these two goddesses will not ask for this from herself based on their position.

Not to mention whether Sean can hand over this thing, but in terms of personal emotions, he also tends not to hand over this thing.

He still has things he wants to understand, things he wants to understand, for the time being, he can't lose the devil's treasure.

At the moment, Sheehan changed the subject.

"Thank you for telling me this, it is very helpful to me."

Sheehan rarely thanked the two goddesses politely.

"No... you're welcome!"

Lidas scratched her face shyly because of Sheen's frankness.

"It would be nice to be able to help you." Anima was as gentle as ever, and said: "If you still want to know about the devil, you may be able to ask Artemis."

"Artitemis?" Sean was stunned, and said unexpectedly: "Goddess of Justice?"

What is the goddess doing

Does she know the devil better than the three goddesses

Sheehan thought so.

In the next second, Anima gave the answer.

"Should it be said to be reckless? Artemis once challenged the Demon King!"

Anima told Sheen such information.

Lidas also spoke.

"It's really reckless, knowing that I can't be the opponent of the devil, and dare to challenge the devil, I was shocked at the beginning." Lidas said helplessly: "But, is this also something that can't be helped? "

"Yes." Anima sighed: "Who makes that child a cohesive body of justice, must maintain order and justice, and can't sit back and watch any evil goddess?"

Such Artemis could not have tolerated evil, and it was even more impossible to sit still when he knew the existence of the Devil King.

"For her, the demon king is an unforgivable person." Lidas seemed to say nothing about it: "She, who can't tolerate even the slightest evil, will sit back and watch the greatest evil in the world, and that's a problem. ."

"That's why she will become the sword of the goddess around the brave." Anima said: "Not only because the brave is an absolutely righteous existence, the guardian of order like her, but also because only the brave can defeat the demon king, she If you want to defeat the Demon King, it is undoubtedly the most possible to follow the brave."

Thanks to this, the goddess of justice seems to have been in contact with the devil.

In this case, she would know the Demon King better than the three goddesses, which is not impossible.

"That goddess is now in the land of elves, right?"

Sheehan's eyes flashed and asked the question.

"Yes." Lidas nodded affirmatively, and said to Sheen: "Do you want to find her?"

"Perhaps." Sheehan did not affirm, nor deny, but vaguely said: "If there is nothing big next, I don't mind to take a trip."

"That's not bad." Anima agreed: "There are me, Lydas and Rosie in the capital. There shouldn't be any problems for the time being. On the contrary, it is the land of the elves. There are many new born [primitive demons]. Given the combat power of the two transcendent levels, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not be captured by the new [primitive demon]."

It means that if Sheehan can go and take care of it, that would be great.

"I think about it."

This time, Sean did not show indifference anymore.

Going to the land of the elves, he is not repulsive.

After all, Melika's hometown is the hometown of the elves. He also has many acquaintances in the hometown of elves. Going to sit there for a while is much easier than asking him to rescue some dwarven race.

"Merika has always been worried about the situation in the Fairyland, and a trip seems to be good."

Although the Elf Queen and others have said that Melika should be allowed to stay in the royal capital, just in case, to leave hope for the Elves, but if you have your own companion, at least you can guarantee Melika's safety, right

The only thing you need to worry about is that you are still transforming into a transcendent state.

But as long as the holy sword is not taken out to interrupt the fusion and sublimation of the sacred power, it shouldn't be a problem in theory.

No matter how bad, he still has the Demon Roar Chain, and the [Reincarnation Destiny] pocket, at least he can still play a detached level of combat effectiveness.

In summary, this trip and a run will not be a loss at all.