The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 953: 947 Don't forget, who is the owner here


When seeing the familiar evil god appearing in front of him and Lilith again, even if the malice on the opponent is still strong and vicious, Laxia no longer feels that it is difficult to maintain even breathing.

At this moment, La Xia had only one thought in her mind.

"Sure enough, this evil god is not dead."

Last time, Lilith did not kill her as expected.

And Lilith obviously thought the same way, and without even giving the other party a chance to speak, she directly raised her hand to release the dark evil spirit.

The evil spirit was like smoke, as if it had come to life, it rushed to the opponent's face, and instantly trapped it.

Immediately, Lilith gave a strong grip.


Just like smashing an egg, the strong evil spirit shattered the body of the evil god, causing the flame-burning black shadow to be crushed on the spot.

As soon as she came up, Lilith became murderous and directly killed the opponent on the spot.

Obviously, the arrival of the other party disturbed Lilith's dreams and made Lilith feel angry.

Otherwise, Lilith would not forget Sheehan's instructions and try to capture the opponent alive first.

Laxia was slightly stunned, but didn't say anything.

But the other party was able to escape from Lilith's hands last time, and this time it was naturally the same.

"It's so violent, goddess Lilith, don't you even let me say a word?"

With the sound of this sound, the black smoky figure appeared again as if nothing had happened.

As if everything that just happened was just an illusory dream, the evil spirit of the black shadow was actually smiling happily, and his whole body was trembling.

"Although I like your violent personality very much, I advise you not to waste your efforts." Cthulhu smiled happily, and said: "Even if you are stronger than me, and you are still much stronger, you might kill my person. There are less than three people in this world."

"It's a pity that you are not in this list, goddess Lilith."

The Black Shadow Cthulhu revealed these words, and the words were full of confidence.

She really didn't think Lilith could kill herself. This was the confirmation accumulated over the years, and it was also her arrogance.

Lilith pursed her eyebrows, seemingly unconvinced, and continued to stretch out her hand to let the more turbulent evil spirit fluctuate.

Seeing this, La Xia finally managed to stop Lilith.

"Don't do anything, Miss Lilith." Laxia whispered to Lilith: "This evil god seems to be very difficult to kill. Since there is no way to kill her, let's listen first. She has What are your plans?"

Hearing this, Lilith stopped the evil torrent that was about to vent, obediently put away her strength, but her face was still full of anger.

That appearance made the Black Shadow Cthulhu amazed.

"The evil goddess who turned everything on earth into purgatory at the beginning, now has such a rich expression, it is really shocking."

With that said, the Dark Shadow Cthulhu also regretted.

"As far as I am concerned, I still prefer you who had no blood and tears ten thousand years ago, and brought everyone despair and horror, Lilith, don't you think about making a big fuss on the ground like that time?"

This sounded like a mocking word, and when it came out of the other person's mouth, there was a feeling of regret.

La Xia has no doubt that if Lilith really did this, then this evil god would definitely take pleasure in it, and watch all this with sincere joy, enjoying the despair and horror of all life on earth, right

This is a veritable evil god, who is not merciful at all, but is full of malice towards everything.

"who are you?"

La Xia cautiously began to probe.

"Me?" Sombra was startled at first, then he suddenly realized: "Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself yet."

With that said, the evil god of the black shadow spread his arms.

"You can call me Pandenim, the evil god Pandenim."

This name made La Xia frowned deeply.

She has never heard of this name.

no way.

La Xia was born in this world for only ten years. Although she is an all-powerful maid who can reach the sky, she can easily get all kinds of information, but she still knows the honorable name of the general goddess, the existence of evil gods. But it's another matter.

Thousands of years ago, after the battle between gods and demons was completely over, the evil gods who had many problems in their bodies and temperament became the unwelcome group of the gods. Not only were they rejected by the orthodox goddess of the gods, they were also restricted from traveling, making it difficult to appear. on the ground.

In addition, the Protoss does not want these problem children to spread their beliefs in the world and create evil mad believers on the ground, and the names of the evil gods are deliberately hidden.

Over time, thousands of years passed, and there were not many people who knew the honorable names of the evil gods.

La Xia didn't collect information in this area, and she wouldn't know the origin of the other party, which was normal.

And the other party didn't seem to care about this aspect of the matter, looked at La Xia's frowning appearance, and laughed in a low voice.

That laughter. Full of malice, but also full of happiness.

The evil god named Pandenim seemed to be enjoying the troubles of La Xia, and his every move was full of joy.

This made La Xia's brows frown deeper and deeper.

"Cthulhu Pandenim." La Xia said extremely calmly: "What is your purpose here?"

La Xia's question was exchanged for an extremely easy answer from the other party.

"My purpose should have been said once." Pandenim smiled, his eyes swept back and forth on Laxia and Lilith until it made people feel uncomfortable, and then he said: "I I said, I hope you will come with me, I don’t know how you are thinking about it?"

The other party's stated intention is the same as when they first met.

But Lilith ignored her, still angrily.

"...Do you think we are thinking about something like that?"

La Xia was silent for a while, and then faded out.

"Not consider?"

Pandenim's laughter stopped.

On him, the strong maliciousness became more obvious.

"I said, are you kidding me?" Pandenim was as neurotic, his temperament changed drastically, and said coldly: "Are you really being kept in captivity by the brave, and have you become a pet of the brave?"

On Pandenim's body, the black smoke-like flames became undulating.

"who are you?"

"One is the strongest evil god, who turns all the creatures on the earth into evil things."

"One is the body of the devil, the legacy of the devil who can crush the world."

"You guys like this should have come to our side in the first place."

"Now, you actually said that you didn't think about it?"

"Are you going to be any messenger of justice?"

Pandenim's body was full of black smoke, and he was obviously emotionally unstable.

Feeling the malicious rush on her face, La Xia felt uncomfortable in her chest, but she said nothing and looked at each other quietly.

Lilith was even more like bathing in a drizzle, not being affected by Pandenim's malice, but looking at Pandenim who suddenly became irritable, tilting her head as if she felt confused.

Pandenim's grumpy performance was completely a joke in the eyes of these two people.

This time, it was Pandenim's turn to stagnate the black smoke.

Looking at the two young girls, one big and one small, one expressionless and the other full of confusion, Pandenim knew that the other party had no intention of agreeing with him.

"... ... Ok."

Pandenim quickly calmed down again.

In his tone, a sense of disgust swept through.

"It seems that even if I say more about playing the piano to cows, you will not understand how sad your current situation is."

Pandenim started talking to himself.

"If you don't know the correct posture you should take, then let me guide you."

"It doesn't matter, I will definitely let you know what the real evil god, the real devil, should look like."

"At that time, you will feel how stupid you are now."

With that, Pandenim walked in the direction of Laxia and Lilith.

"Miss Lilith!"

Laxia immediately took a step back and spoke to Lilith.

Lilith knew immediately.


In the blink of an eye, evil spirits rolled in like a storm, wrapped the Pandenim who was walking forward, and crushed it as before.

However, Pandenim soon appeared again, as if nothing happened or experienced nothing, slowly came.


With a slender move, Lilith relentlessly performed the third strangulation, causing the evil god named Pendenim to explode in the evil storm again.

But Pandenim still appeared silently and approached silently as before, and was not affected by death at all, as if even death had rejected her, or that she had rejected death and rejected death. Putting an end to death, even the footsteps seem so leisurely.

"I said, you can't kill me, Lilith."

Pandenim approached Lilith.

"Okay, come with me, I will take you where you should go."

At this moment, Pandenim's voice was full of enchantment.


Lilith wanted to continue to strike and strangle Pandenim, but suddenly became hesitant under the bewitching voice.

The immature little face, until just now, was either an expression of anger or doubt, replaced by a trace of dazedness and trance.

"Miss Lilith!"

Perhaps it was that something was wrong, and La Xia spoke out resolutely.


Lilith seemed to wake up immediately, looking at Pandenim who was reaching out to her, with a loss of hesitation on her face.

Immediately, a far more terrifying evil than before erupted from Lilith's body.


Pandenim, who stretched out his hand, was directly bombarded by the oncoming evil spirit, hitting the wall at the end of the corridor, and his whole body was shattered and annihilated by the evil spirit.

However, the malice pervading the air has not yet dissipated, and it has even become more and more terrifying and richer.


Pandenim's voice came from far away.

"Is it really impossible to "defraud" the Heretic God himself who is above me? "

With these words, the malice on the other party suddenly became solidified, and no longer aimed at Lilith.

The evil god Pandenim, with his malicious spear tip, aimed at Laxia at once.

"You are really nosy, the devil's body." Pandenim said coldly: "Since you don't want to look at it honestly, let's start with you."

When the words fell, black smoke gathered behind Laxia.

Pandenim's figure appeared behind La Xia, and toward La Xia's back, she stretched out a dark, abyss-like hand.

La Xia only felt that her whole body was enveloped by terrifying malice, as if she was thrown into a swamp of malice.

Malicious attempts to crush it and swallow it.

Malicious attempts to swallow it up like a bite.

As a magical being without the slightest fighting power, La Xia could only sit still and wait in the face of such terrible malice.


"Allow me to remind you, this uninvited guest."

La Xia quietly declared.

"Don't forget, who is the owner here."

As soon as this sentence appeared from La Xia's mouth, the malice in the entire space was frozen.