The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 956: 950 Do you understand your situation?



In the sound of the dragon's roar, a huge dust was raised on the ground, letting the strong wind raging in it, and it was extremely magnificent.

The red dragon not only smashed the ground, but also smashed an annex in the house of Wiztut, causing the annex to be shattered under the impact of the red dragon, and many fragments were scattered.

The red dragon rolled around in an uncontrollable circle, looking embarrassed.

This made it seem to be angry. Regardless of its state of falling to the ground, it raised its head from the half-shattered building and turned toward the sky in the sky, with scorching flames rising and falling in its mouth.

The breath of the dragon was spit out, like an erupting volcano, straight into the sky.

The sky was dyed red by the flames, and it looked so bright.

Sean was swallowed by the scorching dragon's breath, but soon reappeared from it.

The chain circulated extremely fast around him, turning into a protective cover, separating all the dragon's breath that had been swallowed.


"—Attract the aurora beyond the sky with the vast magic power—"

"—The tears of the sky, the rain of stars, and the bright sky can now shine on the earth—"

"—Accept the call—"

"—Accept the dispatch—"

"—Use the sword of brilliance to impose sanctions on the world—"

"—Go down, stars—"

Surrounded by the scorching dragon's breath and the dark chains, Sean released a sky full of stars.

"[Auroras Meteoric]!"

The torrential rain of meteorites reappeared in this place.

The meteor that dragged its long light tail continued to fall from Shin's body and blasted towards the red dragon on the ground.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by a burst of blast, the meteorite hit the giant dragon one by one, and exploded on it.


The dragon's breath stopped, and the wailing sound was louder than before.

Under the ravages of countless meteorites, even the strongest dragon species below the transcendent level have turned into tiny creatures at this moment.

All of a sudden, scales were flying, blood was splashing everywhere, and the red dragon became bruised and bruised under the bombardment of countless meteorites.

Even if it wanted to vibrate the dragon's wings and flew to avoid it, the chains entwined with it were dragging it tightly, making it only able to withstand the direct hits of countless meteorites and wailing in pain.

Finally, the Cthulhu, who deceived himself, deceived others, and misappropriated the power and appearance of others, realized that his current strength could not defeat the brave at all.

Malicious black smoke spewed out of the red dragon, which enveloped it.

Before long, the red dragon in the black smoke changed.

She became a goddess wearing a vestment, with a beautiful appearance, and exuding an unrivaled aloofness.

""still". "

The goddess gave orders to countless meteorites falling in the sky.


Suddenly, all the falling meteorites were as they ordered, and they all came to a halt.

""disappear". "

The goddess shouted again.

The meteorites in the sky immediately disappeared one by one, as if they had never existed, they were annihilated on the spot, completely lost their traces.

Sheehan frowned when she saw this scene.

"Did you become Lydas this time?"


The goddess incarnate by Pandenim is the goddess of destiny, Lydas.

All the orders from the other party just now were manipulations of fate itself, resulting in signs that were similar to "speaking of the law".


After erasing all the meteorites, or canceling out Sheen's magic, Pendenim, who was transformed into Lydas, lay in the shattered ruins and coughed up blood.

Obviously, all the injuries she suffered just now are still on her body.

"how so... !?"

Pandenim was a little bit shocked.

You know, she has just used her power and intends to restore herself to the original state.

Even the death itself can deceive her, wanting to make her injuries disappear, it can be said that it is completely effortless.

But her power has lost its effect at this moment.

the reason is simple.

"Don't you know that the blessings on my body are bestowed by the Supreme God, right?"

Sean flew across the sky, condescendingly looking at Pandenim lying in the ruins in shock, sneered.

"All the powers of the Protoss are invalid in front of my blessings. The wounds I cause on you can't be healed by power naturally. The effect of healing with magic is stronger than that with power."

As soon as he said this, the shock on Pandenim's face not only didn't disappear, but became even more intense.

no way.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean...

"Finally thought of it?" Sheehan sarcastically: "You seem to think that you can even deceive death itself, so you are arrogant that no one can kill you, right?"

"But that conceit, in front of me, or in front of my blessings, is invalid."

"I am the one who can kill you truly."

"Now, do you understand your situation?"

As soon as the voice fell, Sean stretched out her hand, making all the chains around her body tighten, turning into a barrage of sky, falling from the sky and rushing down violently.

The scene, like the stabbing of an endless spear, made Pandenim cold all over.

Until this moment, she was a little panicked.

For a long time, she has relied on her own more exaggerated immortality than the 72nd generation of warrior Philip in the world.

Even the once hostile demon had never actually killed her, and could only ignore her. As a result, this evil god's behavior style became more and more unscrupulous.

Had it not been for a few people in this world who could kill her, she might have rebelled against the gods, spreading terror and despair on the ground, turning the world into purgatory.

Even if she is not as strong as the three major goddesses and the six major demons, what her innate deceptive power gives her is that she can make anyone almost take the capital she can't help it, so that she can do mischief.

"I can even deceive death itself. No one can kill me except the Demon King and the Supreme God."

This was a declaration made by Pandenim in front of the gods, humans, and demons before the battle between the gods and demons was over.

This deceitful goddess, who even cheated death itself, did not fear death at all. Even if she was killed again and again, she could still reappear again and again.

Her immortality is completely above the brave Philip.

And even the brave Philip successfully survived the siege of plural demons before he was detached or even reached his limit. This immortality can be called the world’s most evil god, and he is naturally even more unscrupulous. .

The power that can threaten her like this is very rare.

The hero's holy sword is one of the few remaining powers that can make her jealous.

Although Pandenim is not a Demon Race, the Holy Sword not only restrains the Demon Race, but also all evil forces and existence.

Unfortunately, Cthulhu is here.

Therefore, the former Sean was able to rely on the sacred power of the holy sword to cause severe damage to Lilith who was out of control when his level was not high, which directly made Lilith's return possible.

Pandenim is also constrained by the Holy Sword.

If she was struck by the Holy Sword, it would be difficult for her to cross the ocean with the deceit and avoid the end of death.

For this reason, Pandenim would always choose when Sheen was not in the mansion to sneak in and meet Laxia and Lilith.

It is also because of this that Pandenim would be so irritable and emotionally unstable when Sheen appeared, because she was afraid of Sheen's holy sword.

Who ever thought that Sean's holy sword was not by his side.

Although I don't know what happened, the fact that the holy sword is not with Shinn is a fact, causing Pandenim to feel relieved.

However, now, Sean had told her that even without the holy sword, he could surely take her life.

This made Pandenim unavoidably panicked.

Right now, Pandenim gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

""still"! "

The power of manipulating destiny came into play immediately, causing the chains that were pierced down like a torrential rain to stagnate in mid-air.

But when Pandenim thought he had escaped, Sheen's figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

"[Pay and Burst]."

Sheehan placed one hand on Pandenim's chest lightly, and chanted a magical spell in a low voice.


The magic exploded on Pandenim's chest.


Pandenim screamed, the whole person was blown up, turned into a rolling gourd, rolled on the ground, dragging a long blood stain.

"Damn it!"

The severe pain caused Pandenim to lose his mind and screamed frantically.

"In that case...! I will let everyone here go to hell!"

Pandenim who yelled in this way changed his body and turned into a girl with purple hair and pale skin.

Amazingly, it was Camina.


The evil god, transformed into a poison demon, roared, causing a thick mist to spray out of his body.

No, that's not fog, but poison.

The deadly poison was released by the evil god transformed into a poison demon, and it was sprayed in all directions in an instant.


Wherever the poisonous fog passes, whether it is the earth, houses, air, or rubble, is gradually corroded and melted at an astonishing speed under a terrifying sound.

Flowers, plants and trees also decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye at the moment they were exposed to the poisonous mist.

Buildings successively melted away from the place where they came into contact with the poisonous mist, like butter.

The surrounding knights and maids looked pale when they saw this scene.

Sheen also sank, and his whole body was stunned, bursting with huge magical power.


The chains all over the sky burst out, turning into countless layers of restraints, unfolding around them.

Sheen manipulated the Demon Roar Chain to envelop the scattered poisonous mist and emit a gloomy light, turning it into a barrier.


Sheeen squeezed his palm, and the chain that had turned into a barrier immediately began to expand and contract, shrinking inside.

The poisonous mist was confined by the barrier made by the chain, and couldn't leak out at all. Instead, as the chain barrier contracted, it was squeezed back bit by bit.

"Varied... !?"

Pandenim was shocked.

But she wanted to react at this time, it was too late.


Shin's body began to burn with brilliant light.

Under the blessing of the flames, the power of the Demon Roar Chain skyrocketed, and together with the poisonous fog, the evil god named Pendenim was imprisoned and turned into an iron ball.

Before Pandenim could give his final shout, he was imprisoned by an iron ball formed by chains.

Looking at the iron ball spinning in front of him, and then at the buildings of the Buztout's house, where most of the melted surroundings, Sheen showed a cold face, and her outstretched hand went down mercilessly. grip.


The iron ball shrank suddenly, squashed everything inside, making a sound of crushing.

Then, everything returned to peace.

The breath of the evil god named Pendenim was gradually extinguished at this moment, like a candle in the wind.

In the gap between the chains that formed the iron ball, a trace of blood flowed out and fell down, staining the ground red.