The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 959: 953 This is in trouble


"Like a mortal, enjoy an ordinary and ordinary life in the world...?"

"Live happily...?"

Sean's words made the expression on Pandenim's face froze, and at the same time, Lidas and Anima blinked.

They looked at each other and both saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

This... doesn't sound like a bad thing, right

Not only is it not a bad thing, but it is something that many people hope to have from the bottom of their hearts, isn't it

What's so scary about this

The goddesses who are kind-hearted and innocent will not get the point of Shinn at all.

Sheen also ignored the two goddesses, looking straight at Pandenim with a stiff face, and the words sounded like they could pierce his heart.

"Let you forget everything about your life, and then tell you after amnesia that you have a very ordinary husband and a very cute child. You also love them very much, and want to live with them in peace and smoothness. Live a lifetime, an ordinary but happy life, shouldn't it be wonderful?"

"If the husband chosen for you is still the one who has lost hope in life, and there is only pain and despair in his life, but because of your relationship, he will be saved and the lower body will be spent in happiness, then would it be better? ?? So you are equivalent to saving a person? It fits the identity of a goddess, right?"

"By the way, the goddess of the Protoss seems to be unable to give birth. How about finding a child who has been abandoned by his parents, is alone, and who has been struggling to survive at the bottom of this world?"

"In this way, you will not only save a man, but also a child, and even more people."

"Is this kind of life very beautiful?"

Sheehan's words are more beautiful than each other, and they make people want to smile.

However, Pandenim's face sank and even became ugly, as if he was about to vomit, his eyes were full of anger and rejection that shouldn't be there at this moment.


Something that sounds like a beautiful thing to others, fell in the ears of this evil god, and it was more disgusting than anything filthy.

"You can't stand something like this, right?"

Sheen showed a sarcasm at Pandenim.

"For you who are pursuing taboos and pursuing things that others should not pursue, this kind of ordinary and ordinary life that can redeem others is the real pain, right?"

That's right.

Pandenim can not fear death, and can even enjoy pain and despair, but he can't stand what Sheen said.

Let the evil god who intends to bring endless suffering to the world to redeem others, save others, and let others have a happy life

That's definitely worse than death!

Sean caught the weakness of this evil god very smoothly.

"Thank me for my kindness." Sean said with great irony: "He is the person who is clearly against me, the person who disgusts me, but the person who allows me to retaliate with virtue and give him a happy life, in this It hasn't existed in the world."

"This is comparable to what the Virgin did, and I can be regarded as the protagonist, right?"

"With this gratitude, go to the life I arranged for you."

"After you have fully experienced this wonderful and happy life, I will help you restore your memory again and let you understand how enviable your second life is."

With these words, Sheen's hand on Pandenim's head burned with magical power.

"[Pay and forget]."

With the sound of such a magic spell, the magic power in Sheen's hand invaded Pandenim's brain.

"wait wait wait!"

Pandenim finally couldn't stand it any longer, and went on happy, screaming like gaffes.

Sheen didn't care about it, letting his magic power go deep into Pandenim's brain.

Pandenim clearly felt that the memory in his mind had been invaded.

As a result, this evil god finally had a fearful mind, and while struggling hard, he shouted.

"I said! I will say whatever you ask!"

As soon as the voice fell, the magic that had invaded Pandenim's mind suddenly dissipated.

Sean also condensed his magic power, looked at Pandenim, who was looking at him with horror, and said faintly.

"Isn't that enough?"

As if finishing a trivial and boring job, Sheehan retracted his palm.


Pandenim uttered a loud tongue, but his eyes looked at Sheen completely changed.

Becomes a little cringe, a little regretful.

She did regret it.

I regret that I shouldn't have come to the royal capital, come to the house of Boztut, and have contact with this brave man.

This brave is completely different from the brave in the past, not only does not have the slightest spirit that a hero should have, but is like a ruthless executioner.

Such a guy would actually be a brave, not a demon of the demon race, Pandenim really didn't want to believe it.

Not to mention Pandenim, it was Lidas and Anima both looking at Sheen with weird eyes.

The look in that look was a bit complicated, and a bit hesitant to talk.

"Why look at me like this?"

Sheehan didn't have the slightest consciousness at all, just thought it was strange.

Who knows, after both Lidas and Anima were silent for a while, they stretched out their hands, and one of them put on one of Sheen's shoulders.

"Don't be so close with the demons in the future, it will not be good for your education."

"We will often find time to accompany you in the future and have a good chat with you."

The two apexes of the Protoss all spoke to Xien with gentle words one after another.

It looks like it’s like seeing my baby boy grow up crooked, wanting to teach and reprimand, but I am afraid that the other party will be rebellious, so I can only take care of him intimately, love him, and want to drag him back to the right path and reform. .

"you... "

Sheehan's mouth twitched, resisting the urge to twitch the elastic and plump parts of the two goddesses.

You are crooked! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

"Don't you have a question to ask her?" Sean said in a very unkind tone: "Are you still asking?"


Lidas and Anima suddenly coughed, avoiding Sean's unkind look and tone, and turned to Pandenim.

Lidas took the lead.

"Cthulhu Pandenim." Lidas asked bluntly: "I ask you, where is your base camp?"

This is what everyone wants to figure out most.

Pandenim was silent, and his unwillingness to cooperate was undoubtedly revealed.

However, seeing Sean slowly raising his hand, and the magical power that he had just waved in his hand, the evil god panicked and finally chose to compromise.

"...We don't have a base camp."

Pandenim was unwilling to speak out.

"No base camp?"

Sean, Lidas, and Anima were all taken aback.

"What does it mean to have no base camp?"

Anima frowned and asked.

Pandenim snorted and responded.

"It means it literally." Pandenim said solemnly: "The new born [primitive demon] doesn't have something like base camp."

"Whether it is the Cthulhu, the human race that rebelled against the past, or even the old demons who were originally [the original demon], they all have their own freedom of action, and there is basically no overlap."

"Including me, everyone who joins the new [primitive demon] will talk to Danas through communication magic or magic items, and accept Danas' arrangements and instructions."

"But apart from that, we don't have any other intersections. The guy Danath will only appear in front of a few people, and no one knows where he is."

With these words, the brows of the three people in Xien frowned.

"Is this true?" Lidas couldn't even accept it, saying: "The terrorist organization that started the world war has no basis at all, which is unbelievable."

"That's right." Anima said incredulously: "Don't you need to cooperate with each other, discuss with each other, and draw up policies against each other?"

This question, in exchange for Pandenim's ridicule.

"Cooperate? Discuss?" Pandenim sneered: "Do you think it is possible for us to do something like that?"

The two goddesses stopped talking.

The same is true for Sheehan.

He understood what Pandenim meant.

"Our side is not full of eccentric evil gods, or guys who dare to betray the human race and the gods for their own ambitions, and a group of people who regard the gods and human races as enemies of life and death, and have always wanted to go back to the time when the tribes fought back thousands of years ago. The old demons, how can such a group of guys gather together, trust each other, cooperate with each other, and discuss with each other?"

Pandenim didn't know whether he was laughing at others or himself, and said such things.

"That eldest young master probably didn't want to forcefully put together a group of problem children like us, it would be prone to problems instead."

"Therefore, he is very happy to let us act freely, claiming that as long as we contact him regularly and accept his arrangements and instructions, then we can do whatever we want. He will not impose any restrictions and even help us hide our tracks. Let no one find us."

"That is to say, we will all have contact with Danas, but we will not have any contact with each other. It depends on that young master's brilliant mind to arrange us to the most suitable jobs and positions, and make them in the world. Chaos in order to maintain organized activities."

"Under such circumstances, how can we have something like a base?"

These words and these words made the complexion of the three people of Xien gradually become dignified.

"In this way, it is possible to maintain the operation of such a huge worldwide organization...?"

Anima couldn't believe her ears.

"Is the demon named Danas a monster?"

Lidas was also full of disbelief.

Although Sean didn't say anything, just like Lydas and Anima, they felt the horror of the existence named Danas.

"So, you don't know where Danas is?"

Sean cast his gaze on Pandenim's body.

"I don't know." Pandenim said coldly: "I know the whereabouts of the evil gods that have some intersection with me. I don't know any of the others, and may not even know them. "

"... Is this true?" Lidas said this sentence again, staring at Pandenim, and said: "You are not lying to us?"

"Yes." Anima was also cautious, looking at Pandenim with suspicion on her face, and said: "If it were you, this level of lie should be made up casually, right?"

Who made Pandenim the god of fraud and fraud

Although the object she deceives is often a certain concept to exert the power of power, as the god of fraud, it is not difficult to deceive others into a circle.


"I will only deceive for myself, never for others."

Pandenim showed a disdainful expression.

The persuasive power is inexplicably high.

Sean, Lidas, and Anima immediately had an idea at the same time.

"Trouble now."