The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 966: 960 Chaos in the forest


Tagore Forest.

This largest forest of monsters in the human world, like the rest of the human world, has become chaotic today.

"Roar... "


A little roar and howl sounded from time to time in the huge forest, making it difficult to distinguish whether the sound came from the monsters in this ancient monster forest or the monsters invading from the outside world.

Today’s Tagore Forest no longer has only monsters wandering in it. There are also numerous refining and demon larvae that appear from time to time, just like another force that confronts the monsters in the forest. Stopped and wandered in it.

And every time a monster meets a refining monster, they are bound to roar at each other and start fighting each other.

Such fighting will always appear in Tagore Forest, making the daily life of the world's largest monster forest extremely bloody and extremely violent.

That being said, this may not have had any effect on Tagore's Forest's Law of the Jungle.

This is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. Even if there is no refining of demons and young demons, the demons here will fight each other, hunt each other, prey on each other, and compete for territory. Either you will eat me or I will eat you.

On this level, the appearance of refining and demon larvae is nothing more than bringing new entrants to this jungle of the weak and the strong. If you really care about it, maybe the life here has not changed.

Of course, the arrival of demon refining and demon larvae really changed the ecology of Tagore's Forest.

This may not see any changes in a short period of time. Once the time is long, the ecological chain in Tagore Forest will definitely change greatly.

By then, Tagore's Forest might be ruined.

Fortunately, that's something for the future.

For now, Tagore's Forest is still repeating the jungle life of the weak and the strong, and it hasn't changed much.

The only difference is that in this Tagore Forest, there are not only outsiders such as refining demons and demon larvae.

"Master, look down."

When Sean took Laxia, Lilith, and Melika to ride the huge black dragon and flew into Tagore Forest, Yulin suddenly seemed to have discovered something and made a sound as if it were directly in her mind.

"That is... "

Sean lowered his head subconsciously, looked at the forest below, and then narrowed his eyes.

"That's... Necromancer...!?"

Melika also looked down and exclaimed.

"...And magical life."

La Xia also looked down steadily, before speaking indifferently after a while.

Take a closer look, in the Tagore Forest below, under the sea of forest trees, there are monsters and existences other than refining.

That is the army of the dead and the army of magical beings.



One by one, like zombies or zombies, rotted all over, the dilapidated dead shook their bodies while moving extremely slowly in the forest, allowing the death of their bodies to diffuse.

A group of people in black robes also ran through the woods, some acted with the army of the dead, and some rushed in a certain direction together, like ghosts in the dark night.

"Undead and magical life...?"

Sheehan murmured.

He knew that in places outside the kingdom and everywhere in the human world, in addition to refining demons and demon larvae, there were indeed armies of undead and magical beings raging.

The number of them is comparable to the demon refining army and the demon larvae army that were able to attack all the forces and cities in the entire human world.

Their threat is not at all under the refining of demons and the demon larvae, and the human forces and human cities that have fallen in their hands are also countless.

They are different from refining demon and demon larvae. They are not the combat power left by the former [primordial demon], but after the establishment of the new [primordial demon], they will be released by the rulers of the new [primitive demon] to invade the human world, Set off a military force for war.

Many people, including Sean, knew that the two came from the two most important leaders in the new [primitive demon].

"The army of undead souls must have been created and awakened by the owner of that great spirit body, right?"

"The legion of magical life must come from Danas."

The former is a necromancer, or a transcendent necromancer. When even the high priest has formed a necromantic army capable of conquering the mainland, this transcendent necromancer can create Such a huge army of necromancers, it is conceivable.

The latter is already good at biological creation magic, and the attainments in biological creation magic can be said to be unmatched. As long as the material is sufficient, magic life can be produced as much as the other party wants to make.

Therefore, these two people can be said to be the central figures of the entire new [primal demon], not only the core of the new [primitive demon], but also the main reason for the new [primitive demon] to gain the upper hand in this war.

Due to the relationship between Sean, the kingdom has not yet encountered the invasion of the army of the undead and the army of magical life, only the refining and the demon larva that are not conducive to control are destroying.

But Tagore's Forest is different here.

This place is obviously under the care of the new [primitive demon]. In addition to refining demons and demon larvae fighting endless monsters in the forest, there are also an army of dead spirits and an army of magical life.

And who they are looking at and where they are is something that can be easily guessed.

"It seems that the new born [original demon] does not intend to let go of the land of the elves."

Sheehan said something like this.

"Are they the enemies who invaded the land of the elves?"

Melika tightened the rod of nature in her hand, and her eyes were filled with anger that she didn't usually have when she looked at the dead spirits and magical life below.

Those are the people who intend to harm her and persecute the enemies of her hometown.

Even Melika would not have a good temper in the face of these existences.

La Xia is also calmly expressing her opinions.

"The undead have basically no things like will. Like refining demons and demon larvae, they will only attack existences other than themselves regardless of the enemy and me, and treat all the lives around them as enemies."

"Looking at the appearance of these undead spirits, they don't seem to attack aimlessly, but gather in one direction very targeted and even orderly."

"If you don't guess wrong, it should be those magical beings that are directing the undead, consciously letting the undead attack specific objects."

This is the relationship between the army of necromancers and the army of magical life.

One party is instigated.

One party is responsible for instructions.

This scale of action greatly reduces the uncontrollability of the undead.

"I'm afraid it was the system established by the people who made them at the beginning."

Sheen guessed so.

"Do you want to get rid of them?"

Yu Lin's eyes were eager to try, she seemed to want to spray the dragon's breath and burn the dead spirits and magical life to ashes.


Sheehan just wanted to say what she thought, but found out that the corners of her clothes had been tugged a few times.

I saw that Lilith was holding Sheehan's clothes, while tugging with little force, while pointing in one direction.

Seeing this, Sean was startled at first, and then he realized what Lilith meant.

"Something happened over there?"

Sheen asked Lilith with her brows raised.


Lilith nodded immediately, confirming Sheehan's statement.

"Could it be...!?"

Melika seemed to have thought of something, her expression changed, and she became anxious.

Seeing Melika's performance, Sheen didn't hesitate and ordered directly.

"Go, let's go over and take a look."

Following Sheen's instructions, Yu Lin, who was transformed into a black dragon, let out a low roar, then fluttered her wings and flew in the direction Lilith pointed.

Along the way, countless demons and the roar of monsters were in the company, making the atmosphere gradually become sinister.

... ...

At the same time, in one of the corners of Tagore's Forest, a group of elves actually appeared here.

While they were rushing in the forest, they seemed to be protecting something, fleeing in a hurry.

The leader was Carol.

No, it's not just Carol, Jenomu is also here.

"Quick! Hurry up!"

Carol shouted to everyone with anxious expression on her face.

"Old... teacher...!"

Jenomu was already out of breath.

In Jenomu's arms, a wrapped thing was held tightly by him.

The thing the elves are escorting seems to be this, which makes them look a little embarrassed and a little hurried.


At a certain moment, Carol noticed a sound, and while turning around abruptly, he drew out his staff and warned loudly.

The rest of the elves just wanted to react, and howls came from behind them.



In the fierce howl, the rotting and tattered dead spirits looked like agile spiders and apes. They either leaped on the trees or climbed on the ground at high speed, with a rotten breath, and caught up with Carol. Er and a group of people.

Behind these undead spirits, several magical beings followed closely, and gave orders as if they were not allowed to issue.

"Catch up!"

"Stop them!"

"Snatch what's in that elf's arms!"

The magic beings in black robes gave cold instructions, making the undead appear even more violent.

As a result, the undead came from behind, roaring, jumping, and rushing towards a group of elven girls.

"Don't think about it!"

Carol, who ran at the forefront, was the farthest away from the undead who had attacked, but was the first person to react. He immediately waved his staff and released magic.


A wall of fire immediately rose from the ground and stopped in front of a crowd of screaming elf magicians.

The violent dead spirits rushed into the wall of fire one by one, were ignited all at once, and completely turned into fire men. While screaming like ghosts, they struggled to continue their attacks.

However, at this time, the rest of the elven magicians also raised their wands and released their magic.

In an instant, ice and snow fell in the air, thunder and lightning flew across the forest, and storms and whirlpool-like vortices were rolling, stopping the dead souls one by one.


Carol held up the staff, releasing magic while yelling to Jenomu who was holding the package.

"You go first! Bring things back to the land of the elves!"

Upon hearing this, Jenomu was shocked.

"I... I don't want it!"

Jenom shook his head desperately.

She didn't want to go back alone, let alone leave everyone behind and escape by herself.

But Garol scolded her angrily.

"There are too many enemies! We can't stop them for long!"

This means that if Jenomu doesn't leave, then everyone in the room probably won't be able to leave.

"But... But...!"

Jenomu struggled, his painful eyes almost shed tears.

"Obey!" Carol yelled, "Bring things back! This is the task entrusted to us by Her Majesty the Queen and Goddess Nadura!"

Under Carol's loud rebuke, Xenomu could only cry while backing away.

Finally, Jenomu gritted his teeth, turned around, and left quickly.