The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 970: 964 Super ancient books


Women spend the most time on three things.

One: Make-up and beauty.

Two: Go shopping.

Three: wash and dress up.

This is the truth of the world.

Even if the other party is a group of elves who are known for their purity, the time spent on washing and dressing up is definitely not short.

At least, Sean waited outside the waterfall lake for an entire hour, but he didn't wait until even a person came out from the inside, making him almost yawning.

Well, Lilith has fallen asleep lying on her back on her side.

It's the same with Yu Lin, who turned into a dragon shape again at some unknown time, lying on Sheen's side, dozing quietly.

Laxia, Melika, and Jenomu were not here. Instead, they entered the forest, saying that they wanted to pick some leaves and branches to make some natural clothes for a group of elven girls.

Otherwise, those innocent elven girls can only rush back to the homeland of elves in the deserted forest.

To be honest, Sheehan didn't mind too much.

What do you mind

Anyway, there are basically no people in the forest, and the elves in the land of elves are all girls. Even if the elven girls all ran back in the most natural posture, he was in favor of raising his hands and feet.

It's a pity, firstly, Sean was afraid that he would be beaten by a gang after he said that. Secondly, although there were no other people in the forest, there were magical lives that might appear at any time.

Forget about dead spirits, refining demons, monsters, etc. Anyway, they are neither humans nor clear-minded. If they meet them, they will meet them. It's no big deal.

But magic life has clear consciousness, will and reason, and it can be regarded as intelligent life form for the time being. It would be too much to let the innocent elven girls naked in front of them.

In view of this, Sheen still had to wait for the elven girls to clean up their manners before they could make progress.

And when everything is done, Laxia, Melika, and Jenomu also took their own clothes into the waterfall lake, and used them for a group of elven girls so that they could come out of it. Two and a half hours passed, almost three hours.

Under such circumstances, even Sean couldn't help taking a nap, yawns one after another, just like Lilith, climbed on Yulin's back and fell asleep there.

It wasn't until the elven girls walked out of the woods one after another, that Sean was refreshed and almost awake.

no way.

"Ok... so shy"

"This clothes can't cover much place at all!"

"Shoulder... back... thighs... arms... basically all exposed!"

"Woo...I'm so used to showing so much skin outside..."

The young and beautiful elves blushed and squeezed there as if they were not used to it.

What they wear is only the key parts protected, woven from leaves and branches, like a natural swimsuit.

The green of the leaves and the brown of the branches and vines and the over-white skin of the elven girls complement each other and complement each other, making them all look beautiful and alluring.

Especially for some elves sisters who are better in figure, the figure that is eager to emerge from the front and back seems to be able to burst the fetters of thin leaves and fragile branches and vines at any time, and every move is shaking and trembling. She was drooling when she saw it.

"Ye... I'm sorry, everyone, the time is in a hurry, and we can't do much better."

Melika felt embarrassed and guilty, and apologized to many of her compatriots.

"Hey! The brave over there! Eyeballs are about to fall! Don't look!"

Jenom stared at Sheen, feeling quite vicious.

"It seems that the size is a little bit wrong."

La Xia said such words indifferently.

Sheen always felt that if it were the older sister of this bunker, she should be able to make a perfect fig leaf suitable for these elven girls in a very short time.

But La Xia was obviously a little absent-minded, holding the package in her arms, as if part of her attention had been absorbed by the package in her arms.

It was also a little uncomfortable, a little twisted, and Carol, whose brows had been frowning, saw the package in La Xia's arms.

"Fortunately, things are still there."

Looking at the package, Carol's frowning brows eased slightly, and she seemed to be in a better mood.

Sheen then retracted her gaze from the elven girls, and turned to look at Carol.

"What is this?" Sheen asked straightforwardly: "Looking at Jenomu's appearance, she seems to be chased by magical life to protect this thing. What have you done?"

Sheehan finally found the opportunity and time to ask this question.

Laxia, Melika, and Yulin who was napping all opened their eyes and looked at Carol.

Obviously, everyone cares about this.

In this regard, Carol was a little hesitant.

She didn't know whether she should tell the content of her task.

This matter, even in the elven clan, in the elven division, not many people know about it.

When Her Majesty the Queen and Goddess Nadula entrusted this task to her, they seemed to have deliberately concealed the information. I don't know if they are unwilling to disclose the reason. Everyone knows.

That being the case, I should keep it secret.


"... ... never mind."

Carol thought for a while, then sighed.

"If it were you, Her Majesty the Queen and Goddess Nadula shouldn't mind letting you know the reason."

Carol decided to reveal it.

This is also Carol's trust in Shinn, right

After all, no matter what, the man in front of him is a brave who has been blessed by the Supreme God.

It has to be said that since Sheen revealed that the blessings she received were bestowed by the Supreme God, her status has been significantly improved no matter in the Protoss or the Human.

In the eyes of the world, Sheen's particularity has even far surpassed that of the brave men of the past, and it is almost on the same level as Mithra, the brave who has defeated the Demon King.

Especially among the Protoss, the status of Xian is comparable to the three goddesses, and even surpasses the existence of the three goddesses to some extent, and is trusted and admired by the orthodox goddesses.

The elves were born from nature and are known as the human beings closest to the gods, and their attitude towards Sheen has always been recognized.

At the time of the peace sacrifice, Xian had already been recognized by the elves, and now it will only go to the next level, without the possibility of coming down.

Adding to the fact that Sheen had saved them this time, Carol decided to tell the truth.

"That thing, we actually brought it out from the ruins."

Carol said such words.


Sheen, Laxia, Yulin, and even Melika were taken aback and froze there.

"Yes, ruins." Carol nodded and said affirmatively: "We didn't know until recently that there is a very ancient ruin in the depths of Tagore Forest."

Next to him, Jenomu took Carol's words.

"Listen to Her Majesty the Queen and Goddess Nadula, that the ruins existed in the world before this forest appeared?"

Jenom told the inside story.

Tagore Forest is the largest and oldest forest in the world.

Once, when Shinn came to Tagore Forest for the first time, Laxia and Melika introduced the forest to him.

It is said that this forest is the first forest created since the birth of the goddess of nature, Nadura, who created nature on the earth. Not only is it huge in scale, its origin can also be traced back to the time when the goddess of nature was born.

It must be at least tens of thousands of years ago.

You know, if you don't count the brave from another world, when the world first started, there were only two existences of the demon king and the supreme god.

After that, in order to resist the demon king and cultivate the brave, the Supreme God began to create the Protoss.

As the first protoss born, the goddess of destiny, Lidas, was also the first life born in the true sense of this world, and came to this world first.

Followed by the goddess of life Anima and the goddess of nature Nadura, who were born just a step later.

Then, the demons bred from the magic of the demon king appeared one after another.

In other words, the birth time of the three goddesses was earlier than that of the six demon.

And the goddess of nature Nadula was born in the world and began to create nature, creating Tagore Forest, the oldest of the six demon Sera may not have been born yet.

If this ruin was born before Tagore's Forest appeared, its existence would be quite old.

Of course, this is nothing.

What really scares people to think about is that before the birth of the goddess of nature, Nadula, there were only three people in the world: the devil, the supreme god, and the goddess of fate, and the goddess of fate may be very immature at the time, and there is not much possibility that it will be there. What remains on the ground.

So, the reason for the emergence of this ruin is not enough to think about it

Sheen and the others tasted the intriguing one and looked at each other.

At this moment, Carol spoke again.

"Goddess Nadula said that when she created Tagore Forest, she had entered this ruin, but was forced to retreat by the power of restraining the Protoss, she had to leave there, sinking into the ground, and hiding it. ."

"And this secret, Goddess Nadula has only told the elven royal family of the past. Therefore, among the elves, only the elven queen knows this matter."

"In history, a royal family once entered this ruin out of curiosity. As a result, signs of life were found in the ruins, as well as several slabs of terrifying power."

"The Lord Goddess and Her Majesty the Queen therefore speculated that the ruins are likely to be the place where the demon king once lived, and the slates seem to be ultra-ancient books that record something."

"After discovering this, Lord Goddess discussed with the past Her Majesty and decided to close the place completely."

Carol said so.

That is, until recently, did Nadura and Sophie decide to restart the ruins and bring out the ultra-ancient books in the ruins

And what the reason was, Sheen had already thought of it.

"Goddess Nadura said that she had received the contact from the goddess Lydas and Anima, and heard the two goddesses mention the new birth [primordial demon] under the instructions of the demon Danas, collecting ancient books from all over the world. Or things."

Carol looked at Sheehan.

"Hearing this, Goddess Nadula remembered the ruins, and discussed with the current Her Majesty the Queen, and finally decided to send someone in to collect those who are likely to be new [primitive demons]. The stone slabs will be recycled and brought back to the homeland of the elves."

Therefore, Carol and Jenom will bring a part of the elite of the Elf Division to the underground ruins sleeping in the depths of Tagore Forest and bring out the stone slabs.

Thanks to this, they were chased and killed by the necromancer led by the magic life.

"Then this is...?"

Laxia not only looked at the package in her hand.


Carol nodded.

"These are those slates, ultra-ancient books."