The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 974: 968 The relative fellow goddess


The home of elves, the palace of the queen.

Sheen and his party all jumped off Yulin's back, and landed on the top of the Queen's Palace together.

Nadula, Artemis, Sophie, Leia, and Nia greeted him immediately, and met Shin and others.

"Carol, what are you guys...?"

Sophie looked at her dress somewhat revealing, it could even be said that it was Carol and the group who barely dressed, the surprise on her face was so obvious.

Carol knelt down in front of Sophie in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Your Majesty." Carol lowered his head and said, "We have had some troubles. Fortunately, we were saved by the brave team to save our lives. I am ashamed of expecting you."

The girls of the Elf Division behind Carol also knelt down on one knee, lowering their heads ashamed.

Jenomu is also on this list.

"We have completed the task assigned by Her Majesty the Queen, and hope that we are fortunate enough to live up to our lives."

Jenom said with his head down.

Does this impulsive and irritable elf girl have such humble moments

Sheehan couldn't help but think so.

Looking back at Sophie, not only did she not blame them, she also smiled at ease.

"I'm very happy that you can come back." Sophie said sincerely, "I should be the one who should apologize. It is obviously a risky task, but I can only let you do it. If something happens to you Incident, then I must be hardly to blame."

Leia and Nia also stood behind Sophie, speaking together.

"You have done a great job, Carol, Jenom."

"This is also the result of Goddess Nadula's blessing?"

The commanders of the two elven divisions comforted the subordinates like this.

But Nadula, after hearing what they said, her face was ashamed.

"I didn't do anything. Rather, I can only give such a dangerous task to Carol and the incompetent people. If you want to say blessing, it should be me waiting for the noble Supreme God to bless you. ."

Nadula said this.

"It's nothing, Goddess Nadula."

"It is our honor to be entrusted with such an important task."

"Please raise your head."

"Yes, Lord Goddess."

The elven girls of the Elf Division hurriedly said so.

Obviously, they were all a little apprehensive. They didn't expect that their greatest belief, the goddess of nature, who was equivalent to the mother of themselves and others, would bow their heads ashamed like this.

At this time, Artemis said something.

"Since I have come back, everything is fine, and you guys don't blame yourself so much anymore."

Artemis said something fair.

Sophie, Nadula and a group of elven girls all smiled and nodded.

At this moment, Melika walked out.

"I... I'm back, Goddess Nadura, Your Majesty Queen."

Melika saluted the two supreme powers of the elves a little nervously.

Sophie and Nadula immediately looked at Melika.

"Sure enough, you chose to come back, Melika."

Sophie sighed.

"Didn't you let you stay in the royal capital?"

Nadula also had some blame.

"I'm sorry." Melika lowered her head deeply and said: "I didn't deliberately violated the instructions of the two, but..."

In a word, some people took Melika's remarks before they were finished.

"It's just that Melika is a member of the Elf clan anyway. You excluded her by herself when the Elf clan was on the verge of crisis, so that she could stay in a safe place alone. You think, so she can Peace of mind?"

Sheeen was the one who said this.

Sheehan spoke out Melika's heart coldly and silenced Melika while the others were dumb.

Nadura looked at Melika, and after a while stretched out her hand and touched Melika's head.

"Worries you, Melika, I'm so sorry."

Nadula looked kind as if confiding her heart to her daughter.

"No... nothing!"

Melika suddenly shook her head as if flattered.

Sophie also agreed with the current development.

"Since they are all back, stay in the fairyland and stop running around, you know?"

Sophie exhorted Melika.

This is not an order, just pure worry.

In the eyes of the elves, Melika's status has long been different from the past, not only the blesser of Nadura, the goddess of nature, but also the companion of the brave.

If there is a case for the elves, and Melika is there, the elves will not be counted as perished, and there is hope.

Therefore, whether it is Sophie or Nadula, Melika is extremely important and takes her safety very seriously.

To a certain extent, Melika has become a kind of fire that the entire elves want to protect. Even if something happens to the queen of the elves, Melika can't.

This is the consensus of everyone, but Melika doesn't know it yet.

Melika nodded and took Sophie's instructions.

Sophie and Nadula chatted a few more words with the elven girls. After understanding the basic situation, they turned around and looked at Sheen.

Sheehan was standing next to Laxia who was holding Lilith, holding her arms.

Everyone looked at Sheen, and it was inevitable that they would have to see Laxia and Lilith.

When everyone saw Laxia and Lilith, their reactions were different.

When I saw La Xia, no matter who it was, he showed some subtle expressions.

But when they saw Lilith, the others left aside, the goddess of justice Artemis, who had been staring at Sheen, sank and walked forward.

Seeing this, Sean raised his brows.


Nadura seemed to think of something, and quickly wanted to stop Artemis.

Artemis stretched out his hand and stopped Nadula instead.

"Don't worry, Goddess Nadula." Artemis said faintly: "I just want to be born with my compatriots in the rumors, standing opposite each other, appearing at the same time, but the "sisters" who are completely opposite in nature. It's just greeting, and I won't do anything at this juncture. "

With that, Artemis stared at Lilith closely.


Lilith seemed to have just reacted, tilted her head, with a question mark on her head.

Naturally, it is impossible for this little girl to know the origin of this silver Valkyrie.

But Lilith could still feel a very familiar, but incompatible feeling with her.

That's no way.

Artemis is the goddess of justice and order.

Lilith is the goddess of evil and chaos.

Both of them were born and detached. Although they are high-ranking gods, their strength is far beyond the existence of the three goddesses of life and nature, enough to rank in the top three of the gods, closely behind the goddess of fate, Lidas.

The two were also individuals who were born at the same time, detached at the same time, appeared at the same time, and descended into this world at the same time, just like siblings.

But just like Artemis said, although the two have a long history, they are incompatible with each other.

Justice vs. evil.

Order versus chaos.

White to black.

Strong, then strong.

This is the relationship between the two.


"This is our first official meeting, goddess Lilith."

Artemis said this to Lilith.

"I know that you are the god born at the same time as me, but immediately after you were born, you lost control and caused turmoil in the world, turning the earth into purgatory, and turning countless creatures into evil things. At that time, I failed to be the first Stop you in time."

At that time, Artethemis had just developed consciousness and was ignorant of everything.

As a result, Lilith, who was born at the same time as her, ran away out of control when she was ignorant, and disappeared from her.

Artemis had never seen Lilith, only seen Lilith's back, which was wrapped in endless evil and rushed towards the sky.

That was her only memory of Lilith's existence like a fellow sister.

"I actually regret it." Artemis said extremely calmly: "For ten thousand years, I have been thinking, if I could react in time and stop you immediately, would I be able to change that? As a result, many people were saved from the persecution of your sudden natural disaster."

Artemis said such words, which made the surrounding atmosphere look a little bad.


Nadula called Artemis for the time being.

Artemis ignored Nadula, but looked at Lilith.

"Originally, after knowing what you did, I made up my mind. If you break the seal one day, then I will destroy you."

Artemis' calm tone seemed so chilling.

Including Shin and La Xia, everyone can feel that this goddess is serious.

She really wanted to kill Lilith.

At least, I have thought about it.

Understanding this, everyone immediately held their breath.

Sheehan narrowed his eyes and stared at Artemis as well.

As for Lilith, it's rare that she didn't tilt her head anymore and her face was full of question marks.

Even she can recognize the threat that is in front of her at this time.

Therefore, Lilith met Artemis's sight, and a black misty evil spirit slowly rose from her body.

Artemis seemed to have waited for this moment for a long time, and his body also bloomed with white light.

The black mist and the white light were like each other's natural enemies.


While protecting all the elven girls present, Nadula built a magical barrier to block the black mist and white light spreading here, and finally brought some seriousness in her voice.

The white light on Artemis slowly converged.

Lilith blinked, but she also subconsciously put away her evil spirit.

The two confronted each other again.

"I heard that you have regained the reason that you once abandoned, and you have made up for the shortcomings of special transcendental existences other than the three major goddesses and the six major demons like us, right?"

Artemis said in front of Lilith, neither humble nor overbearing.

"In this case, I will temporarily take back the vows I made in the past to see if you, the strongest evil god, has really returned with reason and will no longer harm the world."

"But don't you forget?"

"As long as one day, if you once again use the attitude of an evil god to harm the world's living creatures, I will definitely eliminate you without hesitation."

"Because this is my only duty as the goddess of justice."

After leaving such words, Artemis moved away from the gaze that was staring at Lilith, and looked at Sheen on the side.

The eyes of the Goddess of Justice flickered slightly, and after a while, calmness was restored.

"Don't stare at me with murderous eyes, brave, I said, now I won't do anything to your Lilith."

For some reason, the phrase "your Lilith" is full of other meanings.

Sheen didn't notice it, just smiled and said something.

"Sorry, after all, I didn't act on the person who threatened to kill me in front of me. It's a shame already, right?"

Sheehan's words caused Artemis' eyes to flicker again.

His eyes suddenly became complicated.