The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 976: 970 Words in another world?


Banteay Srei, main hall.

This is the royal hall where the Elf Queen usually meets.

It's not as magnificent as the Hall of View in ordinary human countries, and there is no too much decoration. It is just a very large and open hall, which allows people to see the simplicity and natural flavor of the elves.

In the hall, the queen's throne is located high in the deepest part, which is similar to the royal hall of any country.

However, after entering here, Sophie did not step onto her throne, but tapped the ground with her scepter in the center of the hall.

"Boom boom—"

Amid the clear and audible percussion, vines suddenly grew on the ground.

The vines are entwined and interwoven with each other, and finally turned into a wooden round table.

Sophie solemnly placed the package in her hand on the round table.

Xien and others immediately gathered around.

It is worth mentioning that Artemis, who once left, was indeed invited by her again just as Nadura had said.

She stood silently on the side, standing side by side with Nadula, no longer looking at Shin and Lilith, just glanced at Laxia, and then stared at the package on the round table with serious eyes.

The crowd formed a circle around the round table.

"How is it?" Yu Lin said with a somewhat unbearable expression: "Don't you open it?"

Upon hearing this, Sophie looked at Nadula, as if waiting for Nadula to make up his mind.

Nadula nodded to Sophie.

"Open it."

The reason why she didn't come forward by herself was not because Nadula didn't want to do such a small thing, but because she didn't dare to confirm whether she would cause any problems if she touched the slate.

After all, at the time of the ruins, Nadura had not been able to enter it successfully.

The Demon King is the natural enemy of the Supreme God, and also the natural enemy of the Protoss. The restraint of his power against the Protoss has appeared many times.

Whether it was the time of the Palace of Glory of the Kings or the time inside the world's crevice, the power of the Demon King staying in this world seriously affected the performance of the Protoss, restrained the power of the Protoss, and made the Protoss completely useless.

So, just to be prudent, Nadula hesitated and decided not to touch the slate at close range.

Of course, Nadura couldn't touch it, and neither Artemis nor Lilith could touch it.

Among the remaining people, La Xia must not be able to touch, and everyone is not relieved to let this existence that has a deep relationship with the demon king casually touch such dangerous things.

Then, only Sean, Sophie, and Yulin were left to touch the slate and the package.

"Then I will come."

So before Sophie could speak, Sheehan stood up.

"Since the Protoss is restrained by the Demon King and cannot touch the slate, then I, a brave who restrains the Demon King and restrains the Demon Race, should be the safest to contact it personally, right?"

Sheehan's proposition made it impossible for everyone present to find a rebuttal.

Indeed, Sean is the most suitable candidate, not only a brave, but also the strongest person besides the goddess present. It is undoubtedly suitable for him to touch the slate and untie the package.

At the moment, everyone focused their eyes on Xi En's body, allowing Xi En to come to the round stage.


A little nervous atmosphere filled the air.

The goddesses, elves and dragon girls all concentrated, and subconsciously tightened their bodies.

Laxia's eyes flickered slightly.

As for Sheen, it was a full expression of what is meant by simply not grinding, she came up with skill, and directly unwrapped the package.

The next second, the package was spread out on the spot.

Inside, pieces of shabby slabs lay quietly.

They look no different from ordinary slates, but they exude mysterious fluctuations that are difficult for others to detect.

However, when the mysterious wave spread, not only Nadura and Artemis, but also Lilith showed solemn expressions.

Obviously, these three powerful goddesses have sensed something dangerous from this wave of fluctuations.

After entering Tagore's Forest, Lilith could feel something so far away. Now at such a close distance, it is conceivable how much the goddesses of the same level would feel.

On the contrary, Sophie and Yulin didn't seem to notice anything for the first time, and their eyes fell on the slate involuntarily.

"Are these the slates?"

Sophie murmured.

"It looks... as if... nothing strange?"

Yu Lin also said out in confusion.

The two stared at the slab, their eyes fell on the slab, as if they wanted to see the situation clearly.

However, as the gaze progressed, for some reason, Sophie and Yulin's eyes not only lost focus, but gradually dilated their pupils, and their expressions became a little sluggish.

The anomaly between the two was keenly discovered by Sean in the first place.

"Wake up!"

Sheehan immediately turned to his side, blocking Sophie and Yulin's sight, and blocking the stone slab behind him.



Yulin and Sophie awoke suddenly, a spirit that started to sweat on their foreheads.

"Are you okay?"

Only then did Nadula retract her gaze at Shiban, noticed the anomaly between the two, and asked quickly in surprise.

Artemis also noticed this and frowned.

"I... I just...?"

Yulin and Sophie showed lingering expressions in hindsight.

Sean looked over.

"What happened to you just now?" Sheehan asked, "What did you see?"

Yulin and Sophie couldn't answer this question at all.

no way.

"I... I didn't see anything, I just felt that the moment I saw the slate, my eyes suddenly turned and my head went blank."

Yulin patted her trembling chest.

"My head went blank, and when I woke up, I only felt a little burning in my eyes."

Sophie said so and rubbed her eyes with an uncomfortable look.

Seeing the performance of the two, everyone probably understood the situation.

"Can't even Miss Yulin, who is at the extreme level, and Sophie, who is only one step away from the extreme level, be able to watch the slate?"

Nadula frowned deeply.

"It seems that this is really something that has something to do with the Demon King. It's just that a few stone slabs left at random can create such a deterrent. It is as terrible as always."

Artemis whispered something incomprehensible.

"Then what about you?" Sean suddenly asked, and asked Nadura and Artemis: "What do you see?"

With that, Sean stepped aside, allowing the slate to reappear in everyone's field of vision.

Seeing this, Sophie and Yulin quickly turned their eyes aside, not daring to look at the slates again.

Nadula and other goddesses were staring at the slate closely, and they didn't seem to be abnormal.

Obviously, at the detachment level, it is impossible to be affected by just a few slabs used to record something.

But Nadula and Artemis frowned more and more.

"Although we were not affected by any abnormalities..."

Nadula murmured.

"...But we didn't see anything either."

Artemis also sighed.

"Are you sure?" Sean squinted his eyes and said, "Is there really nothing to see?"

"Yes." Nadula nodded.

"There is a blank one above, it's just a smooth slate." Artemis also agreed.

Shinn was silent for a moment.

He turned his head and looked at the stone slab on the round table.

At this time, Sheen saw it very clearly.

I saw a line of writing swaying like a water wave on the stone slab, appearing on it.


Sheehan saw it.

There are words on the slate.

Moreover, it was a word he was very familiar with, but hadn't seen it for a long time.

That's not the words in Omnipertensen.

"... This is clearly the text of my world, right?"

That's right.

The words appearing on the slate are actually the words of the world where Sheen was in his previous life, that is, the words of another world.

It's just that the words are twisted and crooked, like the handwriting of a kid who just learned to write, looks a little funny, a little funny.

However, the more you go to the back, the neater the text, the stronger and more powerful.

This shows what

It explained that the people who wrote these words were not very good at writing these words at the beginning, and only then became more and more proficient later, and then they would write more neatly and better-looking.

Sheehan could see from it that the author was trying hard to learn to write these words, which made him feel a little complicated.

(Is this really a record left by the devil?)

(If it is, then she uses the words of my world as a record. What kind of mood caused it?)

(Also, who taught her to write these words?)

Sheehan had actually guessed the answers to these questions a bit.

But just because he guessed it, he was a little confused.

She didn't notice this at all, and La Xia had been looking at the stone slab aside.

She was not in an abnormal state like Sophie and Yulin, nor was she confused like Nadura and Artemis, but like Shin, her expression full of complicated meaning.

La Xia stretched out her hand and gently pressed it on her chest.

There, for some reason, the heart was beating violently.

At the same time, an inexplicable emotion burst into La Xia's heart.

Have fun.

There is joy.

Have fun.

There is loneliness.

There is loss.

And... the endlessness left at the end... sadness.

"Is this body's residual yearning?"

La Xia muttered to herself.

"If this is the case, what kind of experience have you had to leave such a strong emotion?"

La Xia felt this emotion alone, and remained silent.

Nadula and others didn't notice this, they just looked at the same silent Sheen, and glanced at each other.

"Can you see something?"

Nadula asked Sheen.

Sean raised his head and looked at the people who were looking forward to it. After thinking for a while, he finally didn't hide it and nodded.

"I can see the words."

Sheehan said so in front of everyone.

"Although the first few stone slabs are irregular and messy handwriting, which is not like a record, but like a handwriting practice, but the words on the next few stone slabs have been able to form content and can be understood and read by people."

Sheehan swept away the first few slates for practicing writing, leaving only the remaining slabs, and lined them up.

"Do you want me to read it to you?"

Sheehan picked up one of the slabs and asked for the time being.

Everyone is naturally thinking.


Sophie bowed her head to Shinn.

"Maybe I can learn something from it."

Nadula was also looking forward to it.

"I'm also curious about what the Demon Lord will leave on the stone slab."

Yu Lin raised her hand and said.


Artemis didn't speak, but stared at him closely.


Lilith hadn't figured out the situation yet, and wanted to walk to Shinn's side, but was stopped by Laxia.

Laxia shook her head at Lilith, and then looked at Sheehan as well.

Like Sheen, she could see the writing on the slate.

But what the mysterious words written on the stone slab meant, she didn't understand.

Under such circumstances, Sheehan lowered his eyes.

Then, Sheen read out the contents of the slate one by one.