The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 977: 971 Record


""Today is a very special day. I finally learned the words and languages of the different world that the kid taught me, so I decided to record today's mood and add strength to the slate for writing records, which I used to practice writing before. The stone slabs also add strength so that they will never be damaged.""

"'The kid came to see me again today, so happy. He won't be as lonely as before, and won't be as lonely as before. Is this what is called happiness?"

"The kid told me that the bad goddess who was watching her didn't let her come to me, so she had to sneak over every time. She was very tired and tired. She complained a lot to me. I couldn't help but start thinking, let her Is it okay to be so tired? But she smiled and told me that it didn't matter. Sure enough, she was very gentle.""

"'In order that every time that child came to see me, I would not be monitored by the goddess with power. When discovered by the goddess, I exerted special power on her so that the goddess could not monitor her with power. This seems to cause her some trouble, did I do something wrong?""

"'Today, I couldn't help asking the kid about the whole story, but she told me that although the bad goddess who monitored her could not use her power, she found my power in her body, so she let her She is not allowed to come to me in the future, which made me dissatisfied with that goddess for the first time.""

"'I've been thinking about whether there is a perfect way to make that child see me happily every day, instead of with a worried expression. Unfortunately, I'm too stupid to think of anything. Obviously there is This power is strong enough to destroy the world in an instant, but I can't do this level of things. Does this kind of power appear on me, does it really make sense?""

"'She didn't come to me today. I can only stay alone in this dimly lit building. It feels so cold and so lonely, it almost reminds me of the past... But it's okay! Me There is already that child! I won't be as lonely as before!""

"I'm so happy that the child came today, but she looked so tired. She seemed to be arguing with the goddess about seeing me. I didn't come here yesterday because of this incident and she was forbidden by the goddess. It made the kid look so angry, I was also angry, and at the same time still a little uneasy, shouldn't I really be with this kid?""

""... She didn't come again today, she must have been discovered by the goddess again and stopped, right?... Do I have to spend this day alone again...?""

"She came today, but the happy and cheerful expression on her face was gradually replaced by exhaustion. Looking at her like this, I blamed myself and felt guilty, because it was me who caused all this. Popular people... ""

"'She has come fewer and fewer times, and the interval between each time is getting longer and longer. I can't help but think of the past, and the anxiety in my heart has become more and more intense. What should I do?" "

"'She hasn't been here for a whole month, and I've become a lonely person again, so sad, so sad.""

"I feel that every day is so difficult, and I don’t even have the mood to clean up this building. It is becoming more and more dilapidated. If this continues, it will definitely become a wild ruin that no one cares about, but I really don’t have it. To clean up, let’s add some power here, so that it won’t weather and collapse. That goddess might find it an eye-catching place. After all, she has always been wary of my power. I use power here, she will definitely do Be alert, but it’s okay so that she can’t get close here anymore. I don’t want to talk to her anymore like I used to, maybe just as the kid said, she’s a bad goddess.""

"'Happy! That kid has finally come! I almost thought I was abandoned! Great!... But I asked her if she could not come to see me for so long in the future, she seemed I feel very embarrassed, and the look in my eyes is also very complicated, as if thinking about something, shouldn't... No! It definitely won't!""

"'... It's been a long, long time, and she hasn't been here for a long, long time. I'm completely alone now. I don't know what happened to that child. Is it too happy to be with that goddess? Already, have you forgotten me?""

"'Lonely... lonely... this feeling... exactly the same as before... exactly the same... 』"

"'I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it. If she can't come to see me, then I will take the initiative to see her. Although it is possible to fight with that goddess again, it doesn't matter. Anyway, she is not me. Opponents, just pay attention and don’t destroy this world, so that the kid can live here with me forever. That’s right, I’m going to grab her!""

""... It turns out that I have always been alone, whether it is the goddess or the child, I feel that I am a person who shouldn't exist in this world and should disappear.... .. In that case, I gave up.""

"'Let's do it, let them kill me, it's good for everyone.'"

... ...

When Sean read the contents of the last stone slab and read them all out, the scene fell into an unspeakable silence.

Nadula, Artemis, Sophie, and Yulin were as if they had heard something incredible and saw something incredible. After Shin's voice fell, they completely lost their words.

They were speechless for a long time, but they kept exchanging eyes, but no matter who it was, they couldn't break the silence and tell their feelings at this moment.

Including Lilith, I don't know if she understands the current situation, she is rare in silence, silent.

Sheehan was also speechless for a long time.

He stared at the slate in his hand in a daze, as if he could feel the master's emotion contained in the mysterious fluctuations on the slate, which caused indescribable complex feelings to flow into his heart.





The last emotion of the owner who wrote this slate and this record was like a substantive force, pressing on Sheen's heart, making Sheen completely unaware of how to express her current feelings.

As for La Xia, she had already lowered her head completely, and she couldn't see her expression clearly.

As a result, the scene fell into a repressive silence. For a long time, no one dared to speak out to break it.

In the end, Yu Lin, who was still more carefree, showed an unbelievable expression. After hesitating and struggling for a long time, she said tremblingly.

"This... Is this really the record written by the Demon King?"

Yu Lin's voice was full of unbelievable emotions.

This is a helpless thing.

Not to mention Yu Lin, even the rest of the people present are not able to accept the record on the slate, it would have been written by the devil.

"Where is the problem?" Sophie felt a bit dry in her throat, and said, "How could the devil leave such a record?"

This is the first thought in everyone's mind.

no way.

Who is that


What is the devil

The demon king who can destroy the world, destroy the world, destroy the world, and bring disaster to all the creatures in the world!

The impression of the devil in everyone's mind has always been constant.

She is synonymous with terror. She is the overlord who took the initiative to set off a war between the gods and demons. In Omnipertensen’s tens of thousands of years of history, she has been an unmatched evil existence. I don’t know how many people are because of her. I feel desperate for this world, and I don't know how many people suffer because of her existence.

The Supreme God only wanted to destroy her.

The mission of the brave is to conquer it.

Everyone hoped that she would die, and hope that this world could be redeemed without her.

Such a terrifying existence, the record written by it, will it be like this

She feels happy and happy because someone accompanies her

She feels lonely and lonely because no one is with her

What she does every day is to learn to write and learn phonetics. Besides, she has been waiting in the residence for the "she" on the record to come to her

She still feels stupid? Always feel very upset? Is it so easy to become depressed? Just because no one came to look for her

In the end, she gave up on herself, gave up her life, and decided to let others kill herself

Isn't this something wrong

Isn't this something wrong

O devil!

Oh that terrifying devil

How could it be like this

Such a mood constantly appeared in the hearts of everyone present.

Therefore, even Sophie and Yulin seemed to be in chaos, thinking that such a record could not have been made by the Demon King.


"... The power on this is really not like what ordinary people can leave. The power in that ruin can also prevent existences like me from entering. Then, people who can leave such power, In this world, besides the devil, who else can there be?"

Nadula's words made everyone dumb again.

Everyone looked at each other, only feeling the shock in their hearts one after another, completely endless, so that they didn't know what to say.

But Nadula did make a lot of sense.

Could it be possible that the power on the ruins that she could not enter as a transcendent existence was left by others

Who has this ability


They can't make Nadula helpless with a ruin, right

Supreme God

That power obviously restrains the Protoss!

That being the case, isn't there only one answer left

"Other than the devil, who else can there be?"

Sheeen spoke out the voices of the people in an unusually calm tone.



Everyone heard Xien's voice and noticed the abnormality in his tone. They were all taken aback and looked over.

I saw that Sean was putting the stone slab in his hand back to the round table, while his hand was still stroking it slowly.

Then, Sheehan's voice sounded slowly.

"Why don't you want to believe that this is the devil?"

"Does the devil necessarily have to be terrifying and sinful?"

"She can't just be a girl who is afraid of loneliness and loneliness, and just wants someone to accompany her?"

"What makes you think so?"

"Or, do you really know the devil, understand the devil, and know what the girl named as the devil really looks like?"

Sheehan's words were transmitted to everyone's ears clearly.

Everyone was silent, speechless, and didn't know what to say.

Only Artemis said something even though he was shaken.

"If the devil is not evil, what is she?"