The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 978: 972 Challenge


"If the devil is not evil, what is it?"

No one answered this question of Artemis, and no one could answer it.

Because this may be a question that even the Supreme God does not know the answer to.

What is the true aspect of the Demon King who can make the omniscient and omnipotent goddess helpless with her, and completely invalidate the power of the Supreme God, who can be lucky enough to see


Or the "she" mentioned in the slate record

Everyone's mood became more and more complicated, and even a little irritable.

At this time, Sean glanced at Artemis and asked.

"Didn't you ever challenge the Demon King?" Sean asked straightforwardly: "As a person who has directly challenged the Demon King, like most brave men in the past, you should know what kind of existence it is?"

Sean's words made Artethemis startled.

In his mind, the memory that had been hidden for many years was finally dug out again.

... ...



These are the two concepts that Artemis carried when he was born in the world, and it is also something that must be implemented throughout his life.

The meaning of her existence is here.

The law of her life is here.

People who know her existence think that such harsh compliance with justice and maintenance of order is a defect of being a transcendent existence, and that this is the price she must pay after having too much power.

Just like her sister, the strongest evil god of the Protoss, who has never formally masked her face, but has always heard her name, she was destined to have abnormal mentality when she was born. Bar.

But Artemis never thought that this was a bad thing.

She does regard justice and order as things that she must abide by in her life, but she has not been persecuted or dissatisfied with it. On the contrary, she has experienced a sense of fulfillment from the meaning of existence and a clear mission. .

Because justice can bring peace to people, and order can bring peace to people. People's smiles are basically maintained by these two things. If they are lost, the world will lose the thing called "happiness."

In view of this, Artemis has long been determined to exercise justice and establish order.

For justice, she can be transformed into a sword to cut through all the injustices in the world.

For the sake of order, she can turn into a shield to block all malice.

This is not only for the people of the world, but also for ourselves, for things called "principles" and "missions."

This is the goddess of justice and order-Artemis.

Of course, in the eyes of this goddess, the devil is the greatest evil in the world.

It was the devil who caused many tragedies in this world.

It was the demon king who started the war, killed countless creatures, and raised his butcher knife to the Supreme God who created the world, intending to step on the Supreme God and occupy this world belonging to the Supreme God.

This is undoubtedly evil.

Since it is evil, it must be eliminated, must be eradicated.

This kind of thought has existed in Artethemis's mind for many years.

At the beginning, knowing the existence of the demon king and knowing what she was doing, Artemis didn't even think about it, so he wanted to come to the door and eradicate the greatest evil existence.

Unfortunately, the three goddesses stopped her.

"No, you can't go."

"That is the devil, not something you can deal with."

"You may be strong, but after all, it is a subordinate existence created by the mother god, and the opponent is a powerful demon that even the mother god feels dangerous and afraid of. You can't go to die."

Lidas, goddess of fate, Anima, goddess of life, Nadura, goddess of nature.

The apex of these three protoss, all the goddess' head boss-like figures, personally stopped Artethemis.

"If you really want to defeat the demon king, go find the brave man."

"The devil is our nemesis, and the brave is the devil's nemesis."

"Only the brave can surely defeat the Demon King."

This is the advice of the three goddesses, and it is also common sense that the entire Protoss knows.

Human beings from another world are called to save the world, a hero with a sense of justice and mission—"the brave".

Artemis knew about their existence a long time ago, but he was still happy with their existence as if he had met a confidant.

They are human heroes, like themselves, on the road of maintaining justice and order.

They are heroes with flawless spirit and heart, and Artemis always feels very happy when getting along with them.

It is said that the fundamental purpose of the Protoss being born in this world is to nurture the brave, assist the brave, so that the brave can grow up, and ultimately achieve the purpose of defeating the devil and saving the world.

Artemis has no complaints about this, even the goddess who is highly respected by the entire Protoss.

If the target is those brave men, she is willing to ask her to do anything for them.

Because she knows very well that the stronger the brave, the more help the world will receive.

The stronger they are, the more people will receive their help.

The stronger they are, the more people will get their salvation.

In this way, many tragedies and many tragedies can be eliminated.

Therefore, Artemis has no complaints about this, and even actively cooperates with the three goddesses, who have been accompanying the brave, helping the brave, and letting them grow.

And it has to be said that the braves are indeed worth looking forward to, not only are they amazingly talented, but they also grow at an extraordinary speed.

It takes ordinary people a lifetime to complete a journey, and they only need to spend about a few years to complete it. This kind of thing, in other races, is simply whimsical.

Even the weakest brave can finally reach the legendary level. With the holy sword, he can even fight the extreme level, and the time required to reach this level is only a few years.

Artemis also saw a small group of brave men break through themselves, achieve detachment, and eventually become a presence on par with her.

They are so good, so powerful, so satisfying. If the three major goddesses would not be willing to give them blessings, Artemis would definitely turn all brave men into their own blessers, paving the way for their lives. .

However, it was such an excellent and powerful existence, but in the end, one after another, after challenging the devil... fell down.

The brave who reached the legendary level fell on the road to growth.

The brave who reached the limit level fell before detachment.

But the brave who reached the transcendence level all fell under the feet of the demon king.

None of them can succeed.

None of them can defeat the devil.

One... Two... Three... Four... Tens or dozens of brave men fell in succession.

Of course, every time a brave fell, Artemis' heart would ache once, pain once, and then wait for the next brave to be called.

But the frequency with which the brave are called is probably only once in hundreds of years.

During these hundreds of years, the world has suffered from wars and demons, struggling to survive in gunpowder and blood, never ending, and unable to get free.

Under such circumstances, every time a brave man fell, Artemis had to watch the world suffer hundreds of years of suffering in addition to heartache and sorrow.

Pure evil is still spreading on the ground.

How can she bear it

How does this make her restrain

So, after not knowing which brave fell, Artemis finally stopped being patient.

"Stop! Artethemis!"

"do not go!"

"You will die!"

The panicked shouts of the goddess of fate, the goddess of life, and the goddess of nature sounded behind them.

But Artemis didn't stop this time, let alone turn his head, directly deviated from his superiors and headed to the enemy's base camp.

Countless demons appeared to stop her, but their heads were chopped off by the silver-white swords in her hands.

The powerful demons also came to stop her one by one, but she was finally thrown away with difficulty.

Among them, not only the factors of strength, but also good luck, have just created this result.

Artemis realized that there would never be a second time like this, and there would never be a second time like this. He decided to gamble on everything, slash the greatest evil in the world under the sword, and return the world to peace. .

With such determination, Artemis entered the Demon King's castle.

Then, Artemis met the Demon King smoothly.

It was at that moment that Artemis finally understood.

Understand, what is-"magic".

"...Aren't you a brave man?"

When this sound that was too pleasing to the ears came into Artemis’ ears, Artemis could not respond in the first place.

She was stiff and unable to move.

Her face was pale and her heart shook wildly.

She stared closely at the existence that was sitting on the throne and bathed in the only light shining from the skylight on the ceiling. She only felt a deadly chill crawling on her body and walking around her body.

The hands holding the sword were already trembling, unable to lift it at all.

Obviously, that existence is just sitting there quietly.

Obviously, there was no aura from the body of that existence.

But the instinct of being a goddess was telling Artemis that the existence in front of her could not be overcome by her at all.


It should be said that it is an existence that can unilaterally swallow her, gnaw her, bite her, and firmly press everything about her under her feet.

That is not the enemy.

That is a natural enemy.

If you can't defeat it, you must turn around and flee when you encounter it, otherwise you will definitely become the opponent's prey and the opponent's natural enemy of food.


The determination to win in Artemis's heart has collapsed, and only a deep despair is left.

However, the existence sitting on the throne, as if not seeing her expression, whispered softly.

"Not a brave...not a brave..."

That whisper, full of fatigue, full of sorrow.

It is a pity that Artemis at the time couldn't understand the emotion in this voice at all.

She could only vaguely hear such words.

"Why didn't the brave come here?"

"When will the next brave man come?"

"How long do I... have to wait... to..."

These words were not directed at Artemis, they were just talking to himself.

However, the exhaustion and sadness in the other party's words became more and more intense.

It wasn't until a certain moment that the demon lord spoke.

"... I have no interest in beings who are not brave, you can go."

When this sentence came to Artethemis's ears, Artethemis actually felt like an amnesty.

This feeling made her feel humiliated and desperate.


Later, Artethemis still left, or ran away.

The panic at the time and the cry at the time were probably the gaffe and insult that Artemis could not forget in his entire life.

But this is the final fate of the only person in the world who has directly challenged the demon king besides the brave.