The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 979: 973 Hope



The unbearable past surfaced in his mind, causing Artemis's face to become extremely low, and his hands were the same as they were at that time, clasped tightly, but trembling slightly.

That was the past she didn't want to mention anyway.

That was the only time in her 10,000-year life that she obeyed her instincts, deviated from her duties, and lost her face at home.

In the face of the world's greatest evil, the strongest enemy, and the most terrifying existence of the devil, she was determined to maintain justice and order. In the end, she fled so embarrassedly. This is no longer a thing that can be called a shame and a great humiliation.

The pride of Artemis as a goddess, and the dignity of being a guardian of justice and order, became ridiculous at that time.


Nadula cast a worried look from the side.

She actually didn't know what was the result of Artemis' challenge to the Demon King that time.

She just received the news that Artemis had broken into the enemy's base camp and also broke into the Demon King's castle, and had the opportunity to face the Demon King and challenge the Demon King.

As for the result... At that time, neither she nor Lidas and Anima had little hope.

Even, they are already mentally prepared, believing that Artemis will completely fall after this battle.

The opponent is the devil, the real strongest that even the highest god cannot defeat, the aggregation of power, the pronoun of destruction, is the manifestation of the so-called "powerful" concept.

It is impossible for Artemis to win, and it will even end in despair.

Originally, it is difficult for the goddess of the Protoss to truly die, as long as the [True Seal] is still there, it can be resurrected countless times.

But when the opponent is the Demon King, when the Protoss is perfectly restrained, and the Supreme God's omnipotent and omnipotent power is invalid, this law is useless at all.

As long as it dies in the hands of the demon king, the [True Seal] will be destroyed by the demon king who can neutralize the power of the goddess along with it.

Therefore, the greatest natural enemy of the goddesses of the Protoss is the Demon King, and the most feared and feared enemy is also the Demon King, even the three major goddesses.

If Artemis died in the hands of the Demon King, then she would never be able to return anyway, and would disappear in this world forever.

At that time, the three major goddesses, including Nadula, were all prepared for this kind of mentality and realized this kind of consciousness.

I never thought, but Artemis is back.

Moreover, when she came back, her appearance could only be described as terrible.

She felt as if she had seen the real hell, her whole body trembling uncontrollably, her complexion unstoppable pale, and she couldn't stop the tears, she was definitely the life of the goddess named Artemis. Performance that you shouldn't have.

And after that, Artethemis also seemed to be devastated. For a whole hundred years, he never took a step out of the Protoss camp, or even took a step out of his own residence, until the brave was called again, she It's like having hope, having reliance, and coming out again.

This is what Nadula knows.

As for what Artemis saw in the Demon King's castle, and how he escaped from birth, Nadura had no idea about these.

Artemis also said nothing about that time. Every time he mentioned it, he would be speechless, and he remained silent for a long time, and finally passed on with a forceful smile.

Perhaps, Lydas and Anima will tell Sheen about this, but also want to see if I hope to ask Artemis, can they ask something

Now, Artemis was like this again, as if he had been dug up with scars.

This made Nadula couldn't help worrying.

"What's wrong?"

Sheehan frowned and looked at Artemis for unknown reasons.

He naturally doesn't know anything.

"... ... nothing."

Artemis was silent for a long time, and then replied with difficulty.

However, after receiving Sean's gaze, he glanced at Lilith, who was tilting her head next to her, and Artemis rarely perfuncted this matter.

Of course, Artemis didn't want to mention his unbearable performance.

But now, thinking about it again, Artemis discovered that the demon king's performance at the time was indeed a bit strange.


"What kind of existence the devil is, I can't say for sure."

Artemis frowned as he recalled, and said in a deep voice of doubt.

"But now that I think about it, the Demon King at that time was indeed a bit weird."

This sentence suddenly attracted the attention of everyone present.

"What's weird?"

Sheehan asked aloud.

Artemis hesitated for a moment, and then said so unsurely.

"She seems to be very tired, and she seems to have some special attachments to brave men. When I first broke into her, she seemed to think I was a brave man. She was expecting something for this. When she knew that I was not a brave man, she immediately went back to it. I lost my interest, even lost all my strength, and I didn’t want to move too much."

That's right, that's how it is.

The demon king's performance at the time gave Artemis the feeling that it was like this.

Artemis even said with a mockery of himself.

"You all said that I challenged the Demon King face to face, but I didn't think that was a challenge at all. It was just a blow to my stupidity who thought I could challenge her. I was able to retreat all because of that one. No interest in me, let me go, otherwise, I probably won't be able to get out of that castle."

Atty Themis's words caused everyone to frown.

Yulin murmured.

"If that's the case, does that mean that there is something in your Majesty's body that no one knows?"

This is already obvious.

Whether it is the record on the slate or the impression provided by Artethemis, they are quite different from the devil known to the world.

The demon people have also said that the demon king is a person who loves them very much. Even the characters like Helemis are willing to create the demon's treasure of the demon roar chain for his safety. It can be seen that his heart is deep. Here, Zheng Zang has a gentleness that others can't see.


"If this is the case, then why does the demon lord start a war?"

Sophie said this with sincere doubt.

This is also the biggest doubt in everyone's mind.

Why does that demon king start a war

If it was not for hegemony, for plunder, for entertainment, for the enjoyment of despair and pain, then why did she do all this for

This is not a whim.

The war between the gods and demons, which lasted for a whole tens of thousands of years, occupies most of Omnipertensen's history, is the fighting that has been going on since the birth of the life race.

Thanks to this, in the history of Omnipotensen, except for the ultra-ancient period when there were only two lives of the Devil and the Supreme God, all the rest of the history was in wars, wars, and wars.

Real peace is something that only appeared in these thousand years. Compared with tens of thousands of years of war history, it can be regarded as a very small period of time.

Under such circumstances, what is the reason for the demon king to start this tens of thousands of years of war

It's not because she is an evil existence, and the demonic natural disaster that brings terror and disaster to the world, then what is it

"Couldn't, what's wrong with that person..."

Yulin just hesitated to say something, but was interrupted by Artemis.

"What's the use of talking about this kind of thing now?" Artemis said coldly: "No matter what kind of difficulties she has, she has endangered the people of the world for thousands of years, and has suffered countless lives in the world. Thousands of years of war have suffered, and countless lives have been spent in misery and pain. This is an indisputable fact."


This is the truth.

Regardless of the difficulties, the devil did all this.

Since she has done all this, then she is guilty.

"Indeed, it doesn't make sense to discuss these now." Nadura sighed and said: "The devil has passed away, the war is over, we are now facing new threats, new enemies, and the devil. It’s irrelevant. Let’s stop discussing all this."

These words finally eased the heavy and depressing atmosphere on the scene.

No one has any objections to this.

As Nadula said, what's the point of discussing all this now

The demon king is dead, and the war that has lasted for tens of thousands of years is over. No matter what story or hidden story is in it, it is too late to investigate it now.

Rather than delving into the past and the unknown truths, what they should do now is to focus on the threats of today.

Devil Danas.

The newborn [primitive demon].

This is the enemy today.

As for the devil, everything about her has become the past.

At this time, I went to delve into these things, but I was just looking for troubles.

Only Sheen clearly knew that this was definitely not a trivial matter.

Perhaps, the devil has passed away, and Kanas' real purpose is to resurrect her.

Although he has not succeeded yet, he is already collecting conditions and all factors.

In this way, even if the Demon King has not been resurrected, it is still a huge threat.

Besides, when the Demon King passed away, everything about her should become the past. Sheeen didn't agree with this idea.

All the time, all disputes and incidents, large and small, appeared one after another. At first glance, it seemed that they had nothing to do with the Demon King. In fact, the Demon King's influence still existed at this time.

If this were not the case, why would the apex of the tribes be trapped at the time of the tribal talks

If it weren't, why did the cracks in the world still hold back the Protoss until not long ago

These are all caused by the power left behind by the devil.

Everything in this world, in the final analysis, can be traced back to the Demon King and the Supreme God.

Even if they no longer appear, the world is still affected by their existence, by their power, and has always been living under their constraints.

Even if it is as strong as the goddess of fate, everything related to the devil is like a frosted eggplant, completely wilted.

The enemy knows this very well, so he has been trying various ways to collect things related to the demon king and research the power related to the demon king.

On the other hand, here, the only existence that can contain the Demon King, the supreme goddess, is not interested in all of this.

In summary, in fact, this side has always been in an overwhelmingly disadvantaged state.

If you really ignore the influence of the Demon King, and ignore everything about the Demon King, you will only reap the consequences in the future.

"...I have to do something."

Sheehan felt strongly that he should take action.

But what should I do

"Hopefully, before the worst appears, I can succeed in having the power to face everything."

Sheehan sighed and hoped so.