The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 981: 975 A puzzling change




In Tagore's Forest at night, the sounds of monsters loomed loomingly, adding a gloomy feeling to the darkness in the forest.

In such a night world, in addition to the nocturnal monsters, the monsters that will move around in the forest are probably only those who are not human or ghosts, and those who are indeed ghosts.

Their figures wander through the forest from time to time. Although there is a feeling that can be seen everywhere, compared with the daytime, there is still a lot of blood and a sense of killing.

As for the movement of fighting and fighting, when the night came, it was suddenly weakened a lot.

Obviously, under the situation where all the monsters need to rest, and the magic beings that instigate the undead also need to change their shifts, the killing at night has been much less.

Of course, occasionally there will be nocturnal monsters encountering refining and wandering undead, and the two sides will fight each other, which is foreseeable.

Under such circumstances, the Tagore Forest at night seemed to have completely transformed into another world, eerie and terrifying.

It wasn't until a certain moment that the two figures continuously flashed past mid-air like teleporting, and only then did they break the slightly gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

It is a combination of a man and a woman.

The man is a young man in aristocratic clothes.

The woman is a maid in a maid costume.

At this moment, the young man hugged the maid and kept using teleportation in mid-air to flash his figure, like ghosts that appeared and disappeared, disappearing to the other side of the forest in the blink of an eye, and entered another area.

This combination of male and female is naturally Sheen and La Xia.

Sheehan hugged La Xia, and at a certain moment she stopped and moved instantaneously, floating in mid-air.

"Isn't there yet?"

Sean sighed lightly and frowned tightly as he looked at the sea of trees below.

Needless to say, Sheehan is heading to the ruins Sophie is referring to.

After La Xia expressed that she wanted to travel with her, Sheen took her all the way and moved instantaneously in the direction Sophie pointed out, but until now she has not found a place with similar ruins.

"Although I don't know the specific location, since Carol and the others can walk back and forth in a short time, even if you don't consider the problem of monsters and monsters that hinder them on the road, so that they can keep going, then Logically speaking, they shouldn't be able to make much of it, right?"

"How come it hasn't arrived until now?"

"Did I miss it? Or Sophie was pointing in the wrong direction?"

Sheehan scratched her head with her free hand, muttering words in her mouth.

La Xia, who had been staying quietly in Xien's arms, spoke indifferently at this time.

"Deputy Captain Carol said that the ruins were sunk underground by the goddess Nadula and hidden away. Therefore, it should be very difficult to find the ruins in the air?"

What Laxia said made sense.

Originally, looking down in mid-air, the view has been greatly hindered by the relationship between the sea of trees, and the ruins were sunk into the ground. If you want to find the entrance to the ruins in the air, it is like finding a needle in a haystack, which is mostly futile.

Not to mention, Sheen has been teleporting and rushing, every time she skips a long distance. It's not sure if she missed anything in the process.

"Then what to do?" Xien said helplessly: "I can't go down and look for it slowly, right?"

When should I find it

"Otherwise, let's go back to the hometown of the elves and ask Carol or Jenomu to ask about the location in detail?"

Sheehan had this idea.

What? Why don't you go back and ask Sophie

If you ask this question, you can only say that they are strong men who are not afraid of death, or they are straight old men, who are not afraid of embarrassment at all.

Anyway, Shinn was planning to avoid the Elf Queen for the time being.

In that case, it would be a good choice to go back and ask Carol or Jenomu.


"I think it shouldn't be necessary."

Laxia said this calmly.


Sheehan was startled slightly.

La Xia didn't answer, she just raised her head and looked at Shin's face.

"Master, release the Demon Roar Chain."

The maid sister made such a request abruptly.

"Release the Demon Roar Chain?" Sean was taken aback again, and then reacted, and suddenly said: "Do you want Demon Roar Chain to lead us?"

"Yes." Laxia said blankly: "You said that the magic roar chain might be rebellious only when you felt the precious jade on your body, and took the initiative to recognize you as the master. The howler chain also reacted, so... ”

Then, if the Demon Roar Chain is released, it may be able to bring the two of Sean to find the location of the ruins.

after all...

"According to your interpretation, the Demon King not only exerted power on the stone slab, but also exerted force on the ruins. The Demon Roar Chain can react to the stone slabs, and there is a high probability that it can also react to the ruins and feel the location of the ruins."

La Xia made such a proposal.

"Okay." Sean didn't object, and said directly: "Then try it."

With that, Sean moved with his hand, and there was a chain around him that appeared like a stream of light, swimming in the air.

"Jingle Bell!"

The chains struck each other, making a crisp sound, and the whole body was still glowing with a faint light, which looked a little pleasing to the eye.

And after it came out, it seemed to be very happy, and it kept spinning around Sheen.

But after a while, the chain suddenly stopped in mid-air, and rushed into the distance as if feeling something.

"This is... ?"

Sheeen was slightly startled, and then his eyes lit up.

"It seems successful."

La Xia stared closely at the direction where the chain disappeared, without saying anything, just glanced at Sheen.

Sheehan knew immediately.

"Go, let's keep up."

Sheen tightly embraced the maid sister's beautiful body, and her whole body disappeared in midair, flashing away in the direction where the demon roar chain disappeared.

Like this, the Demon Roar Chain kept flying in front of him, and Sheeen took La Xia closely behind him, and flew some distance away.

After about a few minutes, the Demon Roar Chain stopped flying forward.

It turned abruptly, dashed into the sea of trees, and disappeared from Sheen's field of vision.

Sheen hadn't reacted yet, and there was an explosion in the sea of trees below.

Sean quickly stopped the teleporting figure, and together with La Xia, stopped at the place where the magic roar chain was running down.

"right here?"

Sheehan mumbled, but he was sure.

Not only Sheen, even La Xia was sure.

"I feel the same as when I saw the slate..."

Laxia looked down, her eyes flickering.

"Let's go down and take a look."

Xien didn't hesitate for long, and took La Xia down to the sea of trees below.


Amid the swaying of leaves and branches, Sheen took La Xia through the lush trees and landed in a forest.

In one corner of this place, there was a rock as if it had been crushed, and its fragments were scattered all around, and there was even smoke and dust.

Sheen could see through at a glance, this was what the Demon Roar Chain did.


"That's the entrance to the ruins, right?"

The direction Shinn was pointing was exactly where many rock fragments were scattered.

I saw that where the rock fragments were scattered, a passage leading to the underground appeared.

The passage was dark and depressing, and the air flowing out of it seemed to carry a trace of mysterious magical fluctuations, causing Xien to stare at it intently.

La Xia is the same.

The mysterious wave of magical power that the two of them are now feeling is exactly the same as the wave of magical power of the slate they have seen today.

This is enough to explain many problems.

Sheehan said while looking at the entrance of the ruins.

"I'm afraid, there is also a barrier arranged by Nadula here. Even if ordinary people come here, they will not be able to find this entrance or the remains."

Only those who, like Carol, Jenomu and others, have a clear knowledge of its location, and have been entrusted by Nadura, who have a way to pass through the barrier, can reach the entrance of this ruin.

It's a pity that the Demon Roar Chain just seemed to destroy the enchantment and the rock pressing on the entrance.

"... It's really a chain that is easy to be self-assertive, whether it is betraying the original owner, or making chaos like this without the consent of the current owner, it is causing trouble."

Sheehan wanted to throw the chain a little bit already.

Even if the chain's ability is not small, if it will act like this on its own and out of the user's control, then should it continue to be used? It really needs to be considered.

If you change to someone else, you may still be reluctant. Based on its powerful strength, it is time to accommodate.

Sheen didn't need it.

He already possesses the best and strongest weapon in the world, and he doesn't need this demon treasure at all.

Compared with the holy sword, any treasure is inferior.

At least, it's like this here in Sheehan.

His holy sword is stronger than the holy sword of the brave men of the past, even Mithra can't match it.

Among the brave men of the past, there may be many people whose holy swords are not as good as this demon roar chain, but the value of Sheen's holy sword is definitely not weaker than the demon roar chain.

Especially it is now undergoing transformation.

When its transformation is over, the treasures that can be compared to Sheen's holy sword are probably the only treasures in this world that are the Demon King Baoyu and the Goddess Baoyu.

As a result, Sheehan decided immediately.

"When I achieve transcendence, throw this chain away."

As for now, I will use it as a substitute for now, so as not to interrupt the transformation of the holy sword and itself.

When Sheen was so determined, La Xia just silently looked at the entrance of the ruins.

"What's wrong?"

Sheen found this and asked suspiciously.

"...It's nothing." Laxia was silent for a while, then shook her head, and said, "Let's go in."

Hearing that, Sheen still looked at La Xia with some doubts.

For some reason, he always felt that La Xia's reaction and performance had become a bit wrong after encountering Shiban.

Especially after seeing the slate, La Xia's eyes will change from time to time.

The emotions and emotions that appeared in it made Sheen a little bit incomprehensible and incomprehensible.

Knowing that he was going to visit the ruins, La Xia immediately expressed her wish to go with her, but she didn't explain why.

Sheeen thought that this girl was very concerned about the Demon King who had a deep connection with him, but now it seems that this sister-sama seems to have other ideas...

"you... "

Sheehan was going to ask something.

However, at this time, La Xia had already stepped forward and walked towards the entrance of the ruins.

"Wait!" Sean was taken aback, hurriedly chasing after him, and said: "Are you not afraid of being in danger when you wait? How dare you go ahead?"

Sheehan complained.

Whoever thought, La Xia said something.

"No, there will be no danger inside."

Laxia said calmly.

"how do you know?"

Sheehan blinked.

La Xia returned only two words.


After speaking, La Xia took the lead to enter the ruins.

Seeing this, although Sheen felt helpless, she still followed.

The two entered the ruins together.

In the ruins, the mysterious magic is still fluctuating and enduring.