The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 983: 977 Son



The brave Nien.

This is a name known only to a very small number of existences standing at the apex of the world, the first generation of brave men.

The goddess Nien has exactly the same name as her, but her name is also because of this first generation brave.

And when she was called into this world, even the goddess of fate Lydas had not been born yet.

Judging from his dreams and various signs, there is an inexplicable and profound connection between this first generation brave and the demon king and the supreme god.

Not only the Supreme God regards it as a special existence, but also the Demon King.

Sean had already understood that the brave girl he saw in his dream was the original brave - Nien.

On the stone slab recorded by the Demon King, the "she" that has been mentioned repeatedly is probably also the brave Nien, a brave girl in another world who has a close relationship with her.

In other words, the first-generation brave who was considered by the Supreme God as the trump card to defeat the Demon King, and tried to train them, not only had a good relationship with the Supreme God, but also developed a special relationship with the Demon King.

But for some reason, according to what Nadula once mentioned, this brave girl who had a high relationship with the demon king and the supreme god seemed to die in the end, and was killed by the demon king, and died extremely miserably.

Because of her, the Supreme God would be heartbroken, crying in the center of the world, causing heavy rain all over the world, and ultimately leading to the birth of the goddess Nien.

Because of her, the life of the demon king seems to have undergone tremendous changes, leading to a path of no return.

But before that, the relationship between this brave girl and the demon king was indeed very good, there is no doubt about this.

The Demon King also attached great importance to her, even regarded her as his only best friend, and always remembered her. In the end, it seemed that because the first generation of brave men had no choice but to agree to help the Supreme God crusade against her, he had the will to die.

From the records left by the devil, it can be seen that before the decisive moment comes, the brave girl seems to have been visiting here, always looking for the lonely devil to accompany her.

However, even so, Sean did not expect that he could actually see the records left by the first generation of brave men here.


Just when Sheen was shocked, La Xia stared at the writing on the stone bed, looked at the beginning of the line, lowered her head, and called out the name.

Sean was suddenly awakened.

"Do you understand these words?"

Sheen turned to La Xia, her face full of surprise.

That is the words of a different world, and logically speaking, only the brave from the different world can understand it. Even the demon king learned it with the first generation of brave, and others should not be able to understand these words.

But Laxia seemed to understand.

No, she didn't understand it.

"...It's just a vague feeling that I can understand the meaning of these words."

La Xia whispered such words, her attitude seemed a little strange.

Sheehan couldn't see her expression and eyes at this moment because of her head down.

"Are you OK?"

Sheehan was inexplicably worried and couldn't help asking.

"... It's okay." Laxia was silent for a long time, before replying, and then said: "Let's see what is written on it."

Hearing that, although Sheeen was still a little worried about Laxia's state, she was also extremely concerned about the records that appeared on the stone bed.

Moreover, I don't know if it was his own illusion, Sheen always felt that the writing on it was very familiar.

It's as if I have often seen this handwriting before, and there is a sense of familiarity and even closeness deep in my bones.

Intuition tells Sheen that the above record will be very important to herself.

That is the key to everything, the beginning of everything, and the root cause of all tragedies, all developments, and all results.

As a result, Sean forcibly endured the strange feeling in his heart, and cast his eyes on the record of the stone bed again.

The scribbled handwriting was gradually read by him.

"'My name is Nien, and I seem to be a brave man.'"

""I am a stranger who was summoned into this world by the goddess. After being summoned here, I somehow possessed a very beautiful sword and awakened the power that the goddess called a unique skill. It is said Can get the fastest growth, so that I can become a hero who can defeat the devil in a very short time.""

""To be honest, I don't understand the goddess' words very well, let alone why I have to fight the demon king.""

""At the beginning, I thought the Demon King was a bad person, but by chance, I met the child and became friends with her, and finally realized that she was just a person who was afraid of loneliness and loneliness, and needed someone to accompany him. It’s just a child of love.""

"'The goddess told me that such a child has the power to destroy the world. He has been chasing after her, and has been destroying the world she created, so it must be destroyed, but I really don't want to believe that such a and My kids who seem to be about the same age will be the most vicious people.""

""Of course, I know that that kid is very strong, very strong, even if I use the sword in my hand, I will probably be killed by her in an instant.""

"'It's just that she may be strong or dangerous, but I don't want to kill her at all.'"

""Why do you have to kill her?""

"'Even if she is a bad person, I don't want to kill her.'"

"'I... I'm just an ordinary person. A child born in an ordinary family, neither a hero nor an incarnation of justice, is suddenly called into this world, and the defendant must use the beautiful To kill with an unbelievable sword, how can I do it?""

"'The goddess said, this is my mission, what I should do as a brave, but I don't understand, let alone understand, I just know that every time I think I have to kill someone, I feel very scared, scared every day Will be awakened at night.""

"'I want to go home, I want to meet my parents, I want to eat snacks, I want to watch TV, I want to play with my friends, even if I go to a nasty class, it's better than staying in this world with nothing. , I’m afraid every day, I don’t know when I have to kill someone.""

"'Omnis is a good person, she is also very beautiful.'"

"'Kradis is also a good person, and she looks as beautiful as Omnis.'"

"'But they have contradictions that cannot be resolved, and even involved me.'"

"'I treat them all as important friends, but I really don't want to kill people, let alone kill that child.'"

"'I don't like this world either, even if it is the world created by Omnis, it is the world that Kladis has been seeking, this place does not belong to me after all."

"'I want to go back.'"

"'I want to go back!'"

""Really...I'm fed up with this situation!""

"'I dare not tell these two people these thoughts, because neither of them will allow me to leave.'"

"'They are all good people, and I don't hate them, but they all need me, and they are all forcing me to do things that I don't like, making me feel unable to breathe."

"'So, I'm here to write these words, and use that child's power to insure me so that others will not see it.'"

"'If one day someone discovers and sees these words left by me, or if the two people find and see these words left by me, then I sincerely hope that at that time, your conflicts will be resolved. Now.""

"'And I, by that time, I hope that I have returned to my home and can use my name instead of the name the goddess gave me.""

"'I'm Nien.'"

""But, I am Xiaohui too.""

The handwriting on the stone bed ends here.

After Sheehan read the last paragraph, she couldn't leave the last two words anymore.



"Boom boom—"

The heartbeat speeds up suddenly.

Sean stared at the last name closely, and his heartbeat kept accelerating, becoming more and more intense and stronger.

Such a fierce and powerful heartbeat even made Sheen feel painful.


Sheehan grabbed his chest fiercely, and breathed heavily.

The heart is burning.

The head is also boiling like a scorching fire.

It seemed as if something had been forgotten by myself, bursting out of my body, and instead of Sheen, he made a shout.

Sheen noticed it instinctively.

"I know the name!"

"I know this person!"

"She... She is...!?"

In Sheen's mind, a flash of light bursting like a spark suddenly rushed past.

In the past, the appearance of the brave girl whom I had seen several times in my dreams was gradually changing.

Specifically, it is becoming more mature.

From the appearance of a girl, the brave man seemed to be accelerated by his own time, and gradually became a young woman.

The young woman looks very charming, but like a young child, she has a mischievous smile on her face.

Immediately, the young woman spoke, as if speaking to Sheen, calling out.


At this moment, the nerves in Sheehan's brain were in sharp pain.

"Uh... Ah!"

Sheen hugged his head and squatted on the ground.


La Xia on the side finally noticed the abnormality of Sheen, her complexion changed, and she squatted down abruptly, supporting Sheen.

"Master! What's wrong with you...!?"

La Xia's voice brought a sense of panic and unpreparedness.

This is a rare performance in the past.

It's a pity that Sheehan can't take care of these anymore.

"Huh... Huh..."

Sheehan was panting violently, only feeling very painful in his head, his heartbeat was very fast, and the whole person was very uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for the last bit of reason, Sheen even wanted to lie on the ground and roll around.


Very uncomfortable!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Finally, Sean couldn't help but screamed, and the magic power of his whole body suddenly boiled at this moment.


Amazing magic power rose up from Sheen's body, like a wave of air, blowing away everything around him.


Raxia was blown away by the magical air wave unexpectedly, and hit the rock wall, coughing up all the air in her chest.


Under the astonishing magical power, the entire ruins began to tremble and tremble violently.

A wave of magical power soared into the sky and hit the ceiling, as if to fly the entire ruins, the impact was unimaginable.

If it were to be replaced by a normal building, it must have been completely destroyed by magic now, right

But this is the place where the demon king has exerted special power, even if it is impacted by amazing magic power like this, it still keeps stability.

Sheehan desperately vented his magic power like this.



Laxia's shout was drowned out by the whistling sound of magic, and disappeared completely.