The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 988: 982 has already entered the threshold


I have to say that Sean's holy sword has indeed become different from before.

Although his holy sword is very strong, and even has been evaluated as the strongest holy sword among the brave men of all ages, his holy sword has not yet detached and transformed. Facing the power of detachment level, he wants to be useful, even if it is not difficult, then It will not be too easy.

The seal on Nadura was from Danas, who became a demon. The death spirit on Artemis was also something left by a detached and successful necromancer. In theory, even if Sheen’s holy sword can It works, there is no way to be so simple and neat.

However, Sean's current holy sword can easily solve the problems of Nadula and Artemis.

The reason, naturally, is that Sheen's holy sword has become completely different from before.

Xien deliberately read the holy sword's message, and found that the message it showed had changed a lot from before.


【Holy Sword (In Transformation)】

· Exclusive: Sean.

·Level+? ? ? .

·Full skill level+? ? ? .

· All types of damage weakening values are uncertain.

·Immunity to all negative states.

·The sharpness is unknown.

· Durability is an unknown scale.

·Inflict extra-large damage on objects of evil nature.

·It has a powerful purifying and expelling effect on evil forces.

·Limited users, cannot be discarded, cannot be transferred, cannot be destroyed, cannot be modified, cannot be interfered


This is the state of Sean's holy sword now.

There is no doubt that the power of the holy sword at this moment has been upgraded to another level, which is completely different from before.

The most important thing is that its state clearly shows that it is still in the process of "transforming."

In other words, the transformation of the holy sword is not over yet.

Once the transformation is over, the holy sword will only become stronger than it is now.

Xien felt that after the transformation of the holy sword was over, she might not see its message at all.

Because the holy sword at that time had already become what the demons had told him, that it could be at the same level as the demon king and the supreme god.

Perhaps the holy sword at that time would not give Sean the power to rival the demon king and the supreme god, but at least, it was already at the same level as the demon king and the supreme god in terms of quality.

With the power exerted by such a holy sword, it was possible to defeat the demon king, kill the devil king, and make the devil king jealous.

Regardless of whether it is the level, skill, or the effect information of other items, it is only because of the existence of [Li] that it will be clearly presented and recognized by the world.

But [Li] is a law set by the Supreme God, and naturally it cannot take effect on the existence of this level of the Supreme God.

Therefore, after the transformation is completed, the holy sword will exceed the constraints of [Ri] and will no longer show any information. Instead, it will be the same as the demon king and the supreme god. There is no concept of level, no concept of skill, and it is pure power itself. Nothing fancy or fancy stuff needs to be covered, nor can it be covered.

Not to mention the power of the demon king and the supreme god, that is, the transcendent beings who break the limit of life and break the shackles of life, no longer need to comply with the rules of [reason], and are constrained by the concept of levels and skills.

No matter which detachment exists, whether it is natural detachment, or detachment under special circumstances, there is no level or skill.

Level 100, skill level 10, these are the laws that only people who are bound by the [Li] within the limit of life need to abide by.

Once you break through the life limit and successfully transcend, the level will no longer exist, and the skill will not become a clear message.

For example, Aiyi's dragon's breath is equivalent to an ability that exists instinctively, not a skill.

Just like a person has hands and feet, he can beat and kick people at will. That is not a skill, and anyone with able-bodied limbs can do it.

The same is true for the power of detached beings, which will not become a clear manifestation of skills, but will be fully integrated into oneself and become a kind of ability of oneself.

This method actually smelled of the power of the demon king and the supreme god.

Strength is strength. There are no fancy levels and skills. There is only a question of whether you are proficient or unskilled.

This is the correct way of power.

Of course, the existence of the detachment level still cannot completely break away from the constraints of [reason].

They have surpassed the concepts of level and skills, but the most special concept of unique skills, no matter which detachment exists, they have not been able to get rid of it.

Even the goddesses of the Protoss, their power itself is their unique skill, and it clearly tells them that they are good at that field and what kind of power they have.

Therefore, the unique skills are still the most core and central force of the transcendent level beings, and they are also their trump cards and trump cards.

Only the demon king and the supreme god are completely above [li], without any concept of skills or power.

The same is true of the Holy Sword. After the transformation is completed, it is power in itself, weapon in itself, concept in itself, trump card in itself, and there will be no information that can detoxify their existence and ability.

Sheen also felt that her mysterious and unique skill would also become like this.

Before awakening, the name of this unique skill is already in the state of "???", and its effect is even more ambiguous, and the simplicity and vagueness are completely confusing.

This is actually a sign.

When it awakens, I am afraid that it will also exceed the constraints of [Li], and no more information will be displayed.

All in all, everything about me is gradually becoming extraordinary.

In less than a second, Sean flashed such thoughts in his mind, and instantly retracted the holy sword into his body.

At this time, Nadura and Artemis reacted.

While the two goddesses felt their fully recovered state, they looked at Xi En in amazement and surprise, as if they had seen something incredible.

"This... Is this all right?"

"The things that bothered the two goddesses were solved so easily?"

"As expected of Lord Sheehan!"

On the contrary, the goddesses onlookers continued to offer praise to Sheen as if they could not notice anything abnormal.

After solving the problems of Nadula and Artemis, Sean spoke to the two goddesses.

"If there is anything else you need me to help, call me later."

"Of course, the premise is not to be too troublesome."

"After all, I am not in a state where I can use the holy sword casually."

After leaving such words, Xi En turned around and left Shi Shiran.

The rest of the goddesses were a little confused about what Shinn had just said.

Nadula and Artemis' eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

The two looked at each other.

"Goddess Nadula." Artemis couldn't help but said: "In his state, is it true that he has already stepped into that threshold?"

Artemis' voice was full of surprises and anticipation.

Nadula also smiled.

"Judging from the divine fluctuations I just felt, I'm afraid that this matter will not be separated." Nadula couldn't help being filled with joy, and said briskly: "Besides, you didn't hear him say that he is not now. Is it possible to use the holy sword at will?"

The brave can't use the holy sword casually, but the power of the holy sword is getting stronger and stronger. According to Nadura's knowledge, there is only one situation that fits this phenomenon.

"Transcendence!" Artemis exclaimed: "He actually crossed that threshold?"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding goddesses were startled in consternation.

But let alone Artemis, even Nadura has no time to take care of them.

"Unlike us who were born with detachment, and you who were specially born the day after tomorrow, even the demon named Danas is different from the necromancer who is detached by the power of the glowing branch. The detachment of the brave starts with the holy sword. of."

Nadula's eyes became brighter and brighter, and said so.

"Because they are people in a different world, they are not bound by [reason]. Only after they came to this world, they awakened the power of being brave, possessed the concept of levels and skills, and then they could grow rapidly with the help of battle and exercise."

This is the characteristic of the brave, and it is also the advantage of the brave.

"Limited by the brave being in the growth stage, it should have been the crystallization of power at the same level as the demon king and the supreme god-the "Holy Sword"-also had to be limited by the concept of level and skill, and had a clear effect, resulting in the essence of power being affected. Restricted, unable to play the original ability. "

Artemis took Nadura's words.

Nadula nodded.

"Therefore, once the brave reaches the limit of life, which is commonly known as the level 100, after becoming an extreme level powerhouse, if you want to go further, you must untie the restrictions on the holy sword."

The holy sword is the clone of the brave, the symbol of the brave, even if it is the other half of the brave.

Just as the demon king Baoyu and the goddess Baoyu both symbolize the concept of existence of the demon king and the supreme god, the holy sword and the brave are one body, and they are conceptually identical.

Therefore, if the brave wants to transcend, he must untie his own limitations and untie the limitations of the holy sword.

The two must reach a state of resonance, so that the sacred power can blend into each other's body regardless of you and mine, and then they can become what is truly called a "brave", making it the same level as the "devil" and "goddess". The concept of "Liu" is superior to "Li".

In this way, the brave can transcend, and the holy sword can transform and exert its original power, that is, the ability to be a "natural enemy of the devil."

The holy sword at this time was just what it really should be, possessing the power to defeat the Demon King in a true sense, behead the Demon King, and make the Demon Race terrified.

"There are a total of 108 brave men of the past. Only one hundred and eight can successfully realize this, either by breaking through themselves or being stimulated by external factors, and thus resonating with the holy sword, inspiring complete sacred power, and only on the road to transcendence. Seven people."

Nadula said so.

"That is not something that can be done with the potential of talent. It requires opportunity and other ways to assist. Like the brave Mithra, it is the detachment accomplished in the inner sanctuary."

Artemis stared at the direction where Shin was leaving.

"And when they successfully take this step, the holy sword will become irrelevant to them and be able to be absorbed by them."

"At this time, the increasingly stronger sacred power emanating from the holy sword will gradually loosen the restrictions and constraints on them, allowing them to transcend."

Nadula and Artemis looked at each other again, and both saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

All signs are showing that Sheen has already successfully taken that step.

The most difficult step has already been taken, and everything that follows is just a matter of course.

"Unexpectedly, he has come this far."

Nadula was excited and amazed.

"He has only been in this world for less than a year."

Artemis had to admire it.

"I just don't know how long it will take for his transformation."

Nadula said so.

"It is said that the stronger the power of the holy sword, the longer the transformation, but once the transformation is successful, the strength of the brave will become stronger."

Artemis said so.

Both of them are looking forward to it.

Looking forward to the long-lost legend, born again in this world.