The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 990: 984 The beginning of tragedy



When the spear of the Lord God stabs Sean in the forehead when he can't even react, Sean only feels a roar of his head, causing his consciousness to gradually fly away.

When Sheen's consciousness settled down again, he found that he was no longer in the temple.

When he came to a dazzling sea of flowers, he also became some kind of illusory existence, floating lightly in the air, becoming a ghost here.

Sheehan was familiar with this feeling.


That's right, Sheehan once again entered the dream of tracing back to the long ago history.

The difference is that this time, Sheen is not alone.

"You probably already know the relationship between the first generation brave and the goddess of origin and the demon king of the end, right?"

The goddess holding the spear of the main god appeared silently beside Xi En, and, like him, turned into an illusory existence, a light and fluttering ghost.

"Before this world has given birth to life other than the goddess and the demon king, and there are only three people in this world, you already understand the intricate relationship between those three people?"

The goddess stared at Shin, confirming that.

Sean nodded silently.

The relationship between the first generation of brave men and the Supreme God.

The relationship between the first generation brave and the demon king.

The relationship between the Supreme God and the Demon King.

Sheehan has indeed understood the intricate relationship between these three.

"The brave who was originally called into this world by the goddess as the trump card to defeat the devil, turned out not only to become friends with the goddess who had never talked with anyone other than himself, but also with those who had never talked with him. The demon king who had talked to became the demon king, making things extremely complicated between the goddess and the demon king who should have had a simple hostile relationship."

The goddess spoke lightly.

"At that time, the goddess hadn't realized her mistake, she was just unilaterally hostile to the demon king who was like a natural enemy, and she didn't notice the inner entanglement of her friend at all, she just half-compulsively pressed her friend onto the battlefield, and will crusade. The so-called mission of the Demon King imposed on her."

It can be said that all tragedies started at that time.

"The devil who was supposed to be a dangerous existence, his heart was more delicate than anyone else, and he was eager for others than anyone else. The goddess didn't realize this."

"The brave who should have been the strongest weapon is kinder in heart than anyone else, and he fears fighting more than anyone else. The goddess also didn't realize this."

"A ridiculous goddess who clearly claims to be omnipotent, but does not even understand the heart of others, does not understand, or even notices it, what ultimately leads to a killing that should be eased."

"Because of her stubbornness, the brave who is a good friend had to take on the so-called mission, and the devil was completely injured, and this gave rise to the will to die."

The goddess's voice was so quiet that she felt a little hard to breathe.

This is indeed a past that feels suffocating no matter how many times I hear it.

But the real tragedy, starting from this time, will unfold.

"The irony is that the Demon King clearly possesses more power than anyone else, but because of this power, she can't even make self-decision."

"She was born as one of the "two people of Siwon," as long as the jade in her body is not destroyed, she is absolutely immortal. "

"But Baoyu itself is one of the two "mass points" that checks and balances all concepts. It is immortal, indestructible, and will not disappear. "

"So, even if the demon king decides herself, she will be resurrected immediately in less than one hundred and one second."

To some extent, this is indeed a state of despair.

If you want to die, you can't die. Life is better than death. This is the greatest torture in the world.

The power of the Demon King made her feel helpless.

"The only person who can give the devil a gift called death is the brave man and only the holy sword."

As the natural enemy of the devil, the holy sword of the brave can kill the devil.

Once the holy sword penetrates the key, it is considered a demon king, and it will not be so easy to resurrect with the precious jade again.

"The demon king who has been pierced by the holy sword wants to be resurrected again. Either we must gather the conditions for its resurrection, or it will have to go through a long time of relaxation."

"And if Baoyu is taken away by a brave who defeats him or a goddess at the same level, and is suppressed with divine power or almighty power, that is, with the holy sword or the power of another treasure, the demon king's resurrection will be It has become a long-distance extravagant hope."

This is the only way that the Demon King can definitely die.

The goddess once wanted to use this method too, let the brave men assist him, behead the devil, and then use his own power to suppress the devil's precious jade, so that the devil can never be resurrected.

In this way, the wish of the goddess can be fulfilled.

In this situation...

"Devil who is desperate and already determined to die, if he wants to die, there is only one way left."

The goddess spoke the most cruel facts in an incomparable tone.

"She wants to fulfill the brave's wish and die under her sword."

This was the sad and deplorable choice made by the devil, and it was also the last record that Sheen saw from the stone slab.

""Let's do it, let them kill me, it's good for everyone.""

The last record left by the Demon King on the slate, as if vividly, reappeared before Shin's eyes.

The next development, in a sense, can already be guessed.

"The demon king who was committed to life and death found the goddess and the brave, and started a decisive battle with them."

The goddess said so, and raised the spear of the Lord God, and tapped the space in front of her.

As a result, the familiar dream before Sean's eyes finally went on again.

Sheehan only felt a flower in front of him, and then immediately felt a terrible pressure hitting him overwhelmingly.

Before his eyes, the originally sunny and beautiful sea of flowers was actually shattering at some unknown time.

The sky seemed to be obscured, dim.

The earth is constantly breaking, shattering, and collapsing.

The beautiful sea of flowers disintegrated on the spot, not only was gradually collapsing and bursting, there were also various natural disasters ravaged around.

The volcano is erupting.

The storm is sweeping.

Lightning bursts from the sky and bombarded the earth.

The whole world seemed to usher in the end, becoming extremely depressive, rioting, and terrifying.

And the people who made all of this were just two young girls.

The pure white goddess.

The dark devil.

The two most powerful beings in this world started a duel between this world, turning into two dazzling streams of light, one white and one black, constantly colliding in mid-air.

The collision was so terrifying that every time it could cause the earth to fall apart.

The collision and the sound it provokes can disintegrate the forest and cause the mountains to fall.

The duel between the goddess of origin and the demon king of the end brought extremely terrifying destruction to the world.

Under this sunlit scene, even Xien felt that he might be crushed at any time, crushed to death like an ant, completely unable to breathe.

In the later lives, there will be some major changes that will remain in all parts of the world. I am afraid that it was also caused at this time, right

For example, allowing demons and demons to be born is said to have appeared because of the magic power of the demon king. The deadly land sealed and purified by the elf queen Sophie began to sprout from this battle.

The same is true of the world's cracks in Cosmos.

It is because of the power revealed by this battle between the demon king and the goddess that these phenomena appear in this world and have been affecting this world.

This is the horror of the demon king and the goddess.

But Sheehan saw it too.

In the very center of this daylight scene, below the constantly colliding goddess and demon king, a girl holding a dazzling holy sword desperately persisted in various natural disasters, shaking and shouting to the sky.

Sheehan couldn't hear her voice.

But he knew that the brave girl must be trying to prevent the two from fighting.

The voice of the goddess also came from the side.

"It's very sad. Both parties regard that child as a special and important existence. In this battle, none of them heard the child's cry."

"Of course, they didn't notice the child's fear, the child's trembling, and even subconsciously forgot. Their battle, they don't know when it will affect the child and hurt her."

"No, they may have noticed, otherwise the child will not insist on not being involved in the aftermath of the battle until now, and the world will not remain intact after surviving until now. This is because they deliberately reduced some of their strength. The result?"

"But that's so sad."

Because they clearly noticed this point, but ignored it, and only their long-cherished wish was left in their eyes. In order to complete it, they had already done nothing.

In the end, the goddess was gradually suppressed by the demon, and she was too weak.

After all, the demon king is still the real strongest in this world, and in terms of power, it is not comparable to a goddess who is proficient in all aspects.

"At this time, the goddess can only let her brave fight."

"Only by assisting the brave man and penetrating the heart of the demon king with the holy sword can we win this battle."


The goddess who turned into a dazzling meteor did not know when she would return to the brave girl and shout something to her.

The brave girl shook her head desperately, her face full of horror, apparently rejecting all this.

At this time, the demon king also appeared in front of the brave girl.

Her eyes were cold, dead gray, dim and dull, making the brave girl standing in front of her tremble uncontrollably, and fear unstoppable.

The goddess stood in front of the brave girl, but was blown away by a punch that flashed past the demon lord's instant movement.

An unremarkable punch instantly blasted the goddess to the end of the world and flew to the other end of the world.

Then, the demon king turned to the brave girl.

The tragedy begins here.