The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Chapter 992: 986 The Future of Choice


The edge of the gods, the sealed land, the temple.

When Sean opened his eyes again, he was already back here.

The goddess stood in front of Xien, with the main god's spear in his hand still on Xien's forehead, and told Xien that everything she had just seen was not a dream.

Sheehan's eyes suddenly became extremely complicated.

The goddess slowly retracted the main god's spear, her expression still calm and indifferent.

"This is the past you want to know." The goddess said lightly: "How? Does it feel ridiculous?"

As for who is ridiculous, only the goddess herself knows.

Sean couldn't help closing his eyes and sorting out his thoughts.

The goddess didn't bother Shinn, so she waited quietly.

After a while, Sean seemed to have sorted his thoughts and opened his eyes again.

"What happened later?" Sean looked directly at the goddess, and said, "Has the original brave been sent back?"

"Yes." The goddess said blankly: "At the time, no one could ignore her painful and pleading cry, whether it was the devil or the goddess who had summoned her."

In view of this, the first generation of brave men immediately returned to their own world after being resurrected.

And the person who sent the brave girl back was the existence known as the Supreme God-Omnis.

Everything is connected in series.

At least, the mystery of the first generation of brave men and the things that happened in the long past have been solved.

There are only two questions left.

"After that, what happened to those three people?"

Sheehan couldn't help asking.

This is the first question.

In response, the goddess' eyes drooped slightly, and her tone was still calm.

"The incompetent (omnipotent) goddess was deeply shocked, so she no longer cares about things related to the devil, let alone the things of this world, in the form of semi-reclusive, mechanically doing what she used to do, continue The creation of the world also created the race of life, so that both the Protoss and the Human race were born in this world one after another."

"The demon king may have been hit harder than the goddess. After all, not only did she fail to die, she also killed the only friend she cared about personally in a state of loss of control. I am afraid that she was completely occupied by the gloomy death will. , Embarked on a road to death, otherwise she would not choose to start a war."

"As for the brave of the first generation, because half of the power of the Demon King has been boarded in him, and he is in a different world, even the goddess can no longer see her."

With that said, the petite goddess looked at Sheehan.

"However, from the current situation, she should have returned to her original life, led the life of an ordinary person, organized a family in an ordinary way, married and had children in an ordinary way, and spent the second half of her life in an ordinary life. ?"

Speaking of this, the tone of the goddess showed some inexplicable emotions.

Sheen also pressed his chest silently.

"Then this power in my body..."

Sheehan's eyes were extremely complicated.

The goddess naturally knew what Sheen was thinking.

"That is the power you inherited from your mother." The goddess said: "Although I don't know the specific situation, according to the current situation, after returning to the original world, she is no longer willing to use power. , So I have been resisting it, repelling it, even suppressing it, causing it to sink deep in the child's body."

"But when that child has his own heir, this sleeping power feels similar and does not reject his own bloodline, and it is not impossible that it will eventually be directly transferred to that heir."

"From the result, the child's son has inherited her power and the power given to her by the demon king and the goddess."

"That's why this power will appear on you."

The voice of the goddess rang clearly throughout the temple.

"You are the son of the original brave man, the descendant of Nien."

"You are not a brave man, but a descendant of a brave man who has inherited the blood of a brave man and is the same as your fiancee who is the treasure of the kingdom."

"The difference is that your fiancee, who is the treasure of the kingdom, has only been recognized by the holy sword left by the ancestor of the brave man, and inherited the holy sword."

"But you have directly inherited all the strengths of the original brave, inherited her holy sword, and thus have the qualities of awakening as a new brave and carrying the three supreme powers."

"That's why you will be called into this world, because from the moment you were born, you were a natural brave who won the title of "Brave" from your mother. "

-"Natural brave."

This is Sheehan's true identity.

The rest of the brave men only have the qualities to become brave men after slowly growing and nurturing in another world, and they are finally summoned into this world and awakened to become brave men.

Sheehan is not.

He was born as a brave man. He didn't need to grow and cultivate in another world, let alone come to this world to awaken. He naturally inherited the title and power of "brave man" from his mother who was the first generation brave man.

"I think you should have been able to use part of your power when you were young."

"But your mother obviously doesn't want you to be a strange existence in another world, so she has been asking you to suppress the power, reject the power, and let this power fall asleep again."

"Until you are summoned into this world by [Call of the Brave], that part of your body as a "brave" is awakened again, allowing you to regain the identity and power of the brave. "

"The power of the demon king and the goddess, but because you have lost your memory, you have been sleeping until you reach the limit of life and touch the truth of the world. Only then did these two forces finally awaken and enter a state where they can be awakened."

The voice of the goddess came to Sheen's ears.

"Your holy sword is the holy sword of the first generation of brave men, and it is also the strongest holy sword among the brave men of all ages."

"The unique skill you had before [Tianen] is also a unique skill of the first generation of brave men, and [numerology] is a gift from me after you enter the inner temple, it is not actually yours."

"Until you reach the limit of your life, these two unique skills are fully functional and retreat. The power is used as fuel to activate the three supreme powers in your body, leaving only the frame named "unique skills" in your body. Take away from the three supreme powers. "

In summary, the three supreme powers in Sean will become his unique skills.

This is his unique skill.

"You, who have turned the three supreme powers into unique skills, have initially integrated with the awakened powers, turning them into your things, instead of resisting and rejecting them like your mother, making them unable to Melt into your mother's body and be treated like a foreigner."

Since foreign guests are not welcomed by the host, they naturally want to leave.

However, the only people who can inherit this power are the descendants who have the blood of the first generation of brave men.

Only the descendants of the first generation of brave men can inherit their power as a brave, and they will not be repelled by the goddess and demon king who loves the first generation of braves from the heart, or even get close to them.

As a result, the three supreme powers will be transferred to the child of the first generation brave, that is, Sean.

Sheen didn't really awaken this supreme power until he reached the limit level and began to merge with them.

"This time, you have taken a step towards transcendence. Not only will the Holy Sword be transformed, but the power of the goddess and the demon king will become one with you."

"When you achieve transcendence, this power will completely become your possession, letting you drive it."

"I'll give it a name."

The goddess uttered words containing truth in a calm voice.

"[Supreme Authority]——This is the name I can think of that fits its concept best."

As soon as the goddess' voice fell, Sean found that the message of the unique skill in her mind appeared on her own, and there was a change.


【Supreme Authority】

· Unique skills, the only one in this world.

·The integration of the truth of the universe, the expression of the power of the three supreme concepts.

·It is a godsend miracle.

·It is a symbol of omnipotence.

·It is the end of everything.

· Upon awakening, it will be sublimated to the supreme existence that can create everything, destroy everything, and bring all salvation.


In this way, the true face of Sean's unique skills was finally revealed.

"This power, I hope you can use it where it should be used."

The goddess gave Sheen the last advice.

"I hope you can use it to save everything in the true sense, save everything."

After leaving such words, the goddess raised the spear of the main god in her hand, causing the space around Shin to begin to appear twisted.

Upon seeing this, Sean reacted in time and hurriedly asked the last question.

"Why did the devil start a war? Why did she do it?"

The goddess did not answer this question.

"I think you already know something in your heart."

The goddess just made a faint voice.

"And this matter, you shouldn't ask me, you should ask the person involved."

After all, that person's affairs, naturally, shouldn't be said by her.

At least, she has no such mood now.

"If you want to stand by and face her, you still have to stop everything and let everything disappear in the long river of history. It all depends on your own choice."

"I will watch you here."

"Watch your choices, and the future you choose."

After speaking, the goddess waved the spear of the main god in her hand.


Sheen could only make such a shout in the twisted spatial vortex, and then disappeared into the temple.

The temple returned to silence.

The goddess quietly looked at the direction where Sheen was leaving, with heavy ripples on her body.

In the next second, the demon god of the eye disappeared, and the pure white goddess returned to her original posture, standing in this temple, looking into the distance.

"What choice would you want your son to make?"


"No, Xiaohui."

The almighty goddess murmured like this, with a touch of nostalgia and a little sadness in her voice.