The Devil is My White Moonlight

Chapter 100: desert


Don't you see walking on the Machuan and walking on the snowy seaside, and the flat sand is full of luxuriant yellow into the sky. (Note)

Passing through the mountain gap is the vast desert. The long yellow sand is piled directly at the foot of the snow-capped mountain. Compared with the green trees on the other side of the mountain, it is more spacious and sparse.

Mu Xiyun had never been to the desert in the past life, but now seeing this scene of yellow sand filling the sky, he couldn't help but yearn for it. He and Gu Qingqiao went to the mountainside town to rent three camels, and prepared drinking water five times the usual amount, and the two stepped into the vast sand sea.

When Mu Xiyun first entered the desert, he found everything new and fun. When he saw the sunrise and sunset, the goshawk had to stop and admire it. Gu Qingqiao saw that he was in a good mood, so he didn't rush him. Take it apart and make him a skateboard.

Sliding down from the towering sand dunes again, Mu Xiyun smiled and ran to the Guqing Bridge.

Seeing him playing with sweat on his face, Gu Qingqiao pulled out his handkerchief in disbelief, and wiped his sweat while saying, "What's wrong? I remember my Xianjun was indifferent and calm, but he has been adjusted for the past two days. A bag? I'm afraid it's... replaced by a mud monkey?"

Mu Xiyuan glared at him, opened the water bag and took a few sips, looked back at the traces of her sliding on the sand dunes, and then looked at the sand all over her body, and felt that she had gone too far, she laughed up.

"Let's go, stop playing!" Mu Xiyun picked up the skateboard and handed it to Gu Qingqiao.

"Don't, if you want to play, let's stay for another day." Gu Qingqiao squeezed a cleansing formula and removed the sand from Mu Xiyun's body.

"No need." Mu Xiyun rolled over and got on the camel: "Put the saddle back on."

"It's not necessary," Gu Qingqiao disassembled the skateboard in half and hung it beside the camel's water bag: "Put the water together, it's just right..." He said and sat down behind Mu Xiyun, his hands He hugged him, lowered his head and said in his ear: "I can ride with you, just let the two camels follow."

Mu Xiyun's ear was itchy for a while, she smiled and hid, but she simply leaned on him and looked at the white clouds in the sky.

"When I was young, my family was poor, so I wanted to help with things at home when I was very young. I never had a good time with my friends. Later, I followed my master, and my brothers were all grown up and didn't want to play with me. Speaking of which..." Mu Xi Yun turned back to look at Gu Qingqiao: "Before, it was only you, you have the patience to accompany me."

Gu Qingqiao felt a little pain in his heart. He remembered that when they parted, Mu Xiyuan begged him to come back to Moyun Mountain with red eyes.

He retracted his arms, hugged the person tightly in his arms, and whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, I will accompany you for the rest of my life, until you are bored. No, even if you are bored, I will accompany you. I want to pester you too." He deliberately said viciously: "Don't try to get rid of me in your life!"

Mu Xiyun was amused by him and laughed.

The sand was hot, and when it was almost noon, the two rested on the shady side of the dune. In the afternoon, Gu Qingqiao woke up and sniffed lightly. There was a familiar smell in the air, and the camels were pacing back and forth restlessly.

Guqingqiao climbed the sand dune and looked far into the distance. After a while, he ran down from the hill-like sand dune. He was busy taking out a Qiankun bag and stuffing the fresh water on the camel.

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiyun opened his eyes and watched him busy.

"It's windy, there may be strong winds." Gu Qingqiao said.

"Gale? How big?" Mu Xiyun asked suspiciously.

"It probably won't be too small." Gu Qingqiao tied the Qiankun bag to Mu Xiyun's waist and led the camel: "We have to go quickly and find out if there is a place to take shelter from the wind." He pushed Mu Xiyun up. The camel quickly disassembled the skateboard that had been modified from the saddle, discarded the unnecessary parts, fastened the frame of the saddle to the back of another camel, and turned over the saddle: "The camel can't run fast with two people, so I use this The wind is coming from the east, so let's keep going west, let's go!"

The camel had been restless and wanted to flee for a long time, but when it saw the owner let it go, it immediately threw its hooves and ran away.

Mu Xiyuan crouched on the camel's back. At first, he felt that the sky was a little dark. Gradually, the gust of wind caught up, and countless sand and gravel were flying in the air.

At first, he wrapped his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, but later, the wind became stronger and stronger, and the dust seeds mixed with small stones, whistling from behind him, and it was painful to hit him.

The camel galloped forward like crazy, but couldn't outrun the wind and sand that came fast. The sky in the late afternoon was as dim as dusk, and the sand and dust in the air were too dense, making it difficult to breathe.

Mu Xiyuan squeezed the magic formula with his hands and made a defensive formation to protect himself and the camel in it. He looked around, but in the dense sand and dust, he couldn't see anything beyond three steps. He listened carefully, but he could only hear it. The roar of the wind.

Qingqiao, is he still behind? Mu Xiyun's heart suddenly froze. In order to make a skateboard for him, Gu Qingqiao's saddle had long since been removed. The one he hastily put together just now is not strong at all. The camel was running so fast and upside down, what if he fell down

The sandstorm was so strong that Mu Xiyuan only stopped for a few breaths. The sand dunes at the back were pushed not far away by the wind, and a third of the camel's legs were buried. meeting…

Mu Xiyun pulled the camel to turn around and walked back towards the wind. He opened his mouth to shout, but the voice was blown away before it reached his mouth. The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the enchantment will not be supported for a long time before being blown away by the strong wind.

The camel was unwilling to go any longer, and turned around with its neck stuck. Mu Xiyun pulled a few times without pulling, and simply lost the reins and walked back alone.

I don't know how long it took, but Mu Xiyun had already lost his direction, and he still didn't see Gu Qingqiao.

Mu Xiyun listened, and in the strong wind, he gently closed his eyes and released his consciousness.

The consciousness spread quickly, spread along the sand, and ran along the wind. At this moment, he suddenly sensed a mysterious realm, and his heart moved, and he quickly swept to the left front.

The world was still in a daze, Mu Xiyuan walked forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot, with only one thought in her heart: I don't want to be separated from him again!

After finally reaching the position he had just perceived, Mu Xiyuan looked around, only to see the yellow sand, but Gu Qingqiao still could not be seen.

Taking another step forward, Mu Xiyun suddenly felt that her feet suddenly slanted, and the next moment, the ground suddenly became empty, and her body fell down after brushing the ground.

The moment her body fell, Mu Xiyun raised her arms. Who would have guessed that the arm would hit a hard object as soon as she was raised, and the ground under her feet was actually a moving bluestone slab. When Mu Xiyun stepped on it, it flipped down, and when Mu Xiyun fell, it flipped up again, sealing the top tightly.

Mu Xiyun was in the air, closing his eyes and throwing out his long sword, Yu Jian slowly fell.

When the slate was flipped, the sand and dust on the ground were brought in together, and it was scattered all over Mu Xiyuan's face. He applied two cleansing tricks to remove the sand stuck in front of him, and opened his eyes to look around.

This is like a shaft, with a small area but very high space, and the slate is the exit to the ground.

On the ground, there was a small pile of sand, which should have been spilled in when the slate was turned over. On the edge of the sand pile, there is a clear footprint.

Mu Xiyuan was both surprised and delighted. The surprise was that he did not expect that there would be such a space under the sand dunes. He was delighted that the footprint was only covered with a thin layer of sand, indicating that it was left not long ago. Possibly Qingqiao.

Mu Xiyun took two steps in the direction of the footprints, facing him, was a small door, the door was not closed, there was a small crack, and a black cloth tape was tucked in the crack of the door. A corner of Qingqiao's clothes.

Mu Xiyun carefully put away the cloth belt, pushed the door and walked out.

There is a corridor outside the door, with the same small doors on both sides. Mu Xiyun pushed one open. Inside the door is a small room with simple furnishings, a bed, a table and a chair, and there is a person lying beside the bed.

It was a man who had been dead for a long time. He is not tall, and from the perspective of his skeleton, he should still be a young man. The climate of the desert is dry, this person has long been air-dried into a mummified corpse, and his face is very hideous because of the shrinkage of the skin.

Mu Xiyun stepped forward to examine it carefully. The man's chest was dark, like blood stains. He should have been stabbed in the heart with a long sword and died.

After nodding to the corpse to show respect, Mu Xiyuan gently exited the room.

Open the door of the second room, the interior is similar, but this time, the young man in the room is still lying on the bed with a sword wound on his chest, and his face is terrifying.

Several small doors were opened in a row, and the situation inside the door was similar, so Mu Xiyuan couldn't help being secretly startled. The doors of the rooms connected by this corridor can be freely opened and closed, indicating that they are not prison cells. And each room has the skeleton of a young man, and this is probably the residence of the younger generation of the Xiuxian family.

Who, with such a big hatred, actually slaughtered the younger generation in the family

At the end of the corridor is a door, and Mu Xiyuan pushed it gently, and the door opened.

In front of him was a hall, and the tables and chairs in the hall were thrown to the ground in a mess, as if they had experienced a melee. The corpses were scattered in twos and threes in the hall. From here, it seemed that several people were fighting each other, and they died together in the end.

There was another door across the hall, and Mu Xiyuan carefully walked towards the door.

The door opened a small crack, just enough for one person to squeeze through. Mu Xiyun carefully squeezed out the door, but almost turned around and squeezed back into the hall.

A hellish scene lies ahead.

In the vast space similar to the martial arts field, countless people scuffled together, some people were pierced by a sword, and the person who killed him was slashed by a big sword, and their heads were separated.

Several people died under the magic weapon, and the corpses were all fused and entangled together, like a huge monster with several heads and dozens of arms.

What's more, the whole body swelled and exploded and died, and the people around him all looked horrified, their faces black and purple, as if they were poisoned and died.

And beside the door where he was, countless hands slammed against the door, as if they were blocking something, but unfortunately, those hands were cut off by a sharp weapon, and the owner of the hand looked at the door helplessly, unable to rest his eyes.

Mu Xiyun closed her eyes and could probably guess the story here.

For some unknown reason, this sect had an infighting, and the two sides fought in the martial arts field. One side won and wanted to enter the hall and the residence of the young disciples, but was desperately blocked by others. It's a pity that the winning side was too strong, and the other side couldn't stop it, and this sect was wiped out like this.

As for the shaft he fell into just now, it should be a secret way to go out, but I don't know if anyone escaped in the end.

Mu Xiyun calmed down, walked through the purgatory-like martial arts arena, and came to the hall on the other side.

In this hall, there are three huge pill furnaces, and on the ground in front of the pill furnace, a person is sitting cross-legged, it is the ancient green bridge!

Note: Don't you see the snowy sea in the Machuan River, the flat sand is full of yellow and yellow into the sky. (Cen Shen's "Zuo Ma Chuan Xing Sending Doctor Feng to the West Expedition")