The Devil is My White Moonlight

Chapter 101: star


"Qingqiao!?" Mu Xiyuan stepped forward quickly, reaching out to put his hand on Gu Qingqiao's shoulder.

"Shh!" A voice sounded from behind the pill furnace.

"Who is it?" Mu Xiyun's castration remained unabated, and he reached between the two pill furnaces in an instant, but he didn't see anyone.

"I'm here!" The childish voice sounded, Mu Xiyuan followed the voice and looked over, but only saw the pill furnace in front of her.

"You... in the pill furnace?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yes, yes." A thin wisp of white smoke floated out of the pill furnace and slowly condensed into a small child in the air.

"Are you here to find him?" The little arm pointed to Gu Qingqiao.

Mu Xiyun nodded. "What's wrong with him? Is there any danger?"

Xiaotong tilted his head: "When he came in, he got into a fight with Uncle Crazy. Uncle Crazy couldn't beat him, so let him step into the circle, and then he would sit still!"

"Who is Crazy Uncle?" While secretly vigilant, Mu Xiyun carefully looked around the Guqing Bridge. Sure enough, a faint pattern of French seals was surrounding him.

"Uncle Crazy is Uncle Crazy, he lives here." The child said inarticulately. "The person you are looking for has fallen into Xiao Xing'er's illusion."

"What is Xiao Xing'er's illusion?" Mu Xiyun looked at the circle of patterns.

"I'm Xiao Xing'er!" The child giggled: "Uncle Crazy said, if someone can enter Xiao Xing'er's illusion and come out, Xing'er can leave the alchemy furnace! But he said, this is quite a matter of fact. It's hard, he didn't dare to try it himself. He also brought a lot of people here, and they couldn't do it either."

Mu Xiyun turned to look at Gu Qingqiao, and saw that he was frowning, as if he was enduring some kind of pain.

"What happened to him?" Mu Xiyun turned to look at Xiao Xing'er.

The boy still looked at him innocently.

Mu Xiyun was angry in his heart, and when he raised his finger, a silver spiritual force shot straight at Xiao Xing'er, and when he reached his eyes, the troops split up and surrounded him from four directions. It became a ball of light and surrounded Xiao Xing'er.

"Don't embarrass him! I did all of this!" The old voice sounded behind him, and an old man in ragged clothes walked up quickly: "This child is not wise and ignorant, what is coming at me? !"

"Okay!" Mu Xiyun shouted, the long sword was unsheathed, and in an instant the man and the sword joined together and attacked the old man.

The old man did not show weakness, he took out an iron rod from his arms, shook his hand and greeted him.

There was a sudden sound of Ding Ding, and the two of them had already passed ten strokes in an instant. Mu Xiyuan’s sword strokes were light, and every time he moved in the gap between the iron rods, the old man’s iron rods were calm and dignified, as if they did not change. The stubbornly guarded place.

On the surface, the two seem to be evenly matched, but in fact the old man is already at a disadvantage.

Mu Xiyun didn't press too hard, she avoided the old man's neck several times when the long sword slashed. After fifty moves, he withdrew his sword and retreated, bowing his hands and saying: "The great master of Zihuomen is here, the junior is polite!"

Hearing the words, the old man put away the iron stick, pointed at Mu Xiyun and said with a smile: "You baby, you are sensible. How do you know that I am from Zihuomen?"

Mu Xiyuan smiled and said: "Zihuomen is famous for its determination to condense fire. The junior was fortunate enough to have visited Zihuomen with his master in the early years, and learned a few tricks of Zihuomen's stunts. When I fought with you just now, the junior only thinks about you. The spiritual energy is fiery, and there is a hidden meaning of sucking back. If you say that this fire condensing art can be practiced to such a degree, it must be a great power in Zihuomen."

"Haha, I didn't expect that there are still people in this world who remember me Zihuomen." The old man smiled, but tears oozing from the corners of his eyes. He raised his hand and wiped his eyes, fixed his eyes on Mu Xiyun, and wondered, "Why do I feel like I've seen you? Are you... "

Before he finished speaking, Gu Qingqiao by the Dan stove suddenly trembled, and Xiao Xing'er screamed: "Magic! Devil!"

A black air suddenly rose from Gu Qingqiao's body and quickly wrapped his real person.

This is

Mu Xiyuan was shocked, the scene on the high platform in his previous life suddenly flashed in his mind, he immediately turned around and rushed towards Gu Qingqiao.

Just like in the previous life, Gu Qingqiao sensed the attack of spiritual power, and immediately reacted. He shot with a short knife and fought with Mu Xiyun.

"Oh, oh, what should I do? Crazy uncle, think of a way!" Xiao Xing'er cried out in a hurry.

"Don't scream!" The old man stared at the two men's counterattacks intently, "At this time, the demonic energy has just arisen, and it seems that he did not voluntarily send it out, maybe it can be suppressed. But we can only see luck, I hope that the immortal in white is still alive. You can suppress the magic energy before you run out of strength, otherwise, you will lose both!”

The two people in the battle have reached the stage of spiritual power competition. At this moment, Gu Qingqiao's eyes are red and there is no focus. His demon ancestor relic is in his body, and the demonic energy is emitted from the magic crystal layer by layer, and there is no end. Mu Xiyuan's spirit. The power is suppressed to the death, and there is a faint appearance of defeat.

How to do? Just like the previous life, try your best to suppress it, or? …

Under the surprised eyes of the old man and Xiao Xing'er, Mu Xiyun stepped forward and hugged Gu Qingqiao tightly.

After the short knife was drawn, Mu Xiyun groaned, and blood dripped from the two knife edges on his back immediately, but he still didn't let go, calling in Gu Qingqiao's ear: "Qingqiao, wake up, it's me, it's Ayun! "

"Ah... Yun..." Gu Qingqiao murmured.

"Yes, it's A Yun, it's A Yun who you said you would be with for the rest of your life!" Mu Xiyun's voice choked: "Qingqiao, wake up!"

The black mist stopped leaking out and gradually retracted inward. Gu Qingqiao stared blankly at Mu Xiyuan. After a long while, the blood-red eyes slowly returned to normal. Seeing Mu Xiyuan, whose face was covered in cold sweat, fell to the ground with both knives.

Mu Xiyun frowned and forced a smile, her feet softened and she lost consciousness.

pain! The back injury was burning, Mu Xiyun frowned and opened her eyes.

"You're awake!" Gu Qingqiao's voice immediately rang in his ears, he turned his head with difficulty, but saw a pair of red eyes.

"Ayun, I..." Gu Qingqiao's voice choked.

"I'm fine," Mu Xiyun smiled at him, "I'm so thirsty, is there any water?"

"Yes, yes." Gu Qingqiao turned back and poured a glass of water and handed it to Mu Xiyun's mouth.

Mu Xiyun drank water on his hand, raised his hand to touch his face, but touched the wound on his back, and grinned in pain.

"Ayun..." Gu Qingqiao held his hand and patted his face, "I'm so damn, really..."

"Don't!" Mu Xiyuan held him back and said softly, "I'm fine, but I'm just a little bit wounded, I'll be fine in two days. On the contrary, it was you. At that time, the demonic energy was out of your control. I thought that It will be the same as then…”

Gu Qingqiao lowered his head and said, "I was in an illusion back then..."

At that time, as soon as Gu Qingqiao stepped into the illusion, he realized that something was wrong but could not break free. He saw his five-year-old self being beaten by street children, locked in an iron cage by Hu merchants, and sold at the market; he saw his nine-year-old self, bought back by his master, to test medicines and poisons; At the age of seventeen, he killed his uncle's eldest disciple in the Ten Thousand Gu Cave, and was devoured by the Gu King; finally, he saw Mu Xiyuan vomited blood on the high platform and fell at his feet.

The world is so unfair to him!

At that moment, a whisper suddenly sounded in his ear. It was a magic spell, which instantly aroused the reaction of the magic crystal in his body. Demonic energy filled the air, and in front of his eyes suddenly stood full of enemies and people who despised him and tortured him.

He threw out his two knives and charged straight at the enemy...

The teardrops from the corners of his eyes were gently wiped away, Gu Qingqiao raised his eyes to look at Mu Xiyuan, and saw that he was struggling to move into the bed, so he hurriedly picked him up and gently placed him on the inside of the bed.

Mu Xiyun hugged Gu Qingqiao's neck: "Come up and accompany me."

Gu Qingqiao took off his shoes and went to bed, turned his body sideways, and gently embraced Mu Xiyun in his arms.

Feeling the slight dampness on her shoulders, Mu Xiyuan said softly, "The world does treat you unfairly, but I believe that the truth will eventually be revealed. We agreed to work together, right?"

Gu Qingqiao raised his eyes and gently covered his lips that were slightly pale due to blood loss in front of him. This kiss was gentle, but could not express the tenderness and emotion in his heart.

Early the next morning, Gu Qingqiao got up early and checked Mu Xiyuan's wound carefully.

Yesterday, when Xi Yun fainted, the old man immediately gave him a heart protection pill, and then took out the medicine to treat the wound. Gu Qingqiao had tested the medicine and knew that it was a holy product for healing, so he was treated by the old man. At this moment, when he saw that the two deep stab wounds on Mu Xiyun's back had actually formed thin scabs, he immediately felt relieved.

"Morning!" Mu Xiyun woke up with a smile on his face and greeted him with a smile.

Seeing that his cheeks had recovered a little rosy, Gu Qingqiao's mood also improved.

After helping Mu Xiyun get dressed and washed, the old man walked in with a tray just as he was finishing up.

On the plate are two bowls of gruel and two side dishes.

Mu Xiyun smiled and said, "Why do you bother seniors to make breakfast for us?" Before he finished speaking, a doll suddenly rushed in from behind.

"Xiao Xing'er!" Mu Xiyun laughed, "You're out!"

"Yes, yes, Xing'er is out!" The doll smiled happily, suddenly remembered something, and made a face at Mu Xiyun: "Brother, don't shut me up again!"

He still remembered the incident where Mu Xiyun used his spiritual power to trap him yesterday.

"Yesterday, I was too anxious. I was afraid that you would hurt Qingqiao, so I apologize to you!" Mu Xiyun said, and gave a proper salute.

"Oh, no, no, Xing'er knows that brother is a good person and won't bully Xing'er!" The little doll smiled happily and went forward to hug Mu Xiyun's leg.

All three laughed.

Mu Xiyuan bowed to the old man properly again: "I offended a lot yesterday, I wonder if the senior can tell the name taboo?"

The old man laughed loudly and said, "You Moyun Mountain have a lot of etiquette. When Li Yao brought you to Zihuomen back then, he didn't have so many etiquette!"

Mu Xiyuan was shocked and hesitated: "Senior know who I am?"

"I wasn't sure, but yesterday I saw that stinky boy calling your name, and I realized it. Do you remember, when you came to Zihuomen, a senior brother took you to the back hall to play, it was me!"