The Devil is My White Moonlight

Chapter 43: Mountain and sea


Shanhaicheng, as the name suggests, has mountains and seas.

This is a small mountain city facing the sea, and the houses of the common people are built on the mountain. The local people like white, and the walls of the houses are painted white, hidden in the green trees. The mountain town is high, and you can see the sea in the distance when you walk on the street. The sea is blue, the sky is blue, and where the sea and the sky meet, a little silver sail swaying on the sea. The air is clean and moist, the breeze blows, with a faint fishy smell, and the inland is completely two worlds.

Qin Le is from the northwest, where it is dry all the year round. I have never seen such a small town like this. As soon as he entered Shanhai City, he didn't even read the book of formations, as if his two eyes were not enough, he kept looking around for a while.

"Xiao Xianjun, come and have a look! The pendant of red coral, the bracelet of amethyst, and the comb made of tortoiseshell shell, bring both home to the little lady, I'm sure you will like it!" The old lady at the stall, Ci has a kind smile and enthusiastically sells to Qin Le.

Qin Le immediately blushed and murmured, "me, I'm not married yet!"

"It's okay, it's okay to buy something to bring to the sisters at home!" The grandmother's smile remained unchanged.

Before Qin Le could say "I don't have any sisters at home," Gu Qingqiao walked over with a smile, carefully looked at the old man's stall, and finally picked up a red coral sword spike.

He took out his purse and paid the bill, Gu Qingqiao thanked him, and took the red-faced Qin Xiaoxian away by the way.

Mu Xiyun stood on the street waiting for them. In the past six months, her realm has broken through one after another, and Mu Xiyun's appearance has gradually changed. The pale and thin boy who was just born again is now a lot taller, and there is a faint whiteness on his skin. brilliance. The tingling pain in the meridians still reminded him from time to time that this body is different from ordinary people. The flesh and blood made from jade and plum branches have not yet fully matched with the soul, but he didn't care, and looked at the street with a smile, as light as clouds in the wind. Attracted the eyes of many girls.

Gu Qingqiao walked to Mu Xiyun's side and stretched out his hand to tie the bright red sword spike to his sword. The soft sword was hidden in his waist, and now hanging by Mu Xiyun's side, it was the imitation "Dao Xin" bought in Hongye City. Xiaoxianjun wears a silver sword in white, and a little bright red hangs down from his waist, like a red plum in the snow, which makes him even more charming.

Qin Le was stunned for a while, and only recovered after being called by Gu Qingqiao a few times.

"It's getting late today, let's go to an inn to stay first," Gu Qingqiao said, "I'm also going to the local inn to report my cousin's safety." In front of Qin Le, Gu Qingqiao still said " Gu Wanbo" claimed that Zhang Jinjin was also his cousin.

The three found a roadside inn called "Listening to the Sea", where they could see the sea when they opened the window.

Mu Xiyuan stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the sea level in the distance. The sails on the azure blue sea were dotted, and a few seabirds circled the nearby masts.

There was a soft knock on the door behind him. Mu Xiyun opened the door, Gu Qingqiao and Qin Le stood in front of the door. "Are we going to the inn together? Let's have something to eat?"

The three went downstairs, asked the second shopkeeper for directions, and walked towards the station together.

As expected, next to the official post in Shanhai City, there is another private post, which is similar in form to that in Hongye City. The three stepped into the private post, and someone immediately greeted them.

The person wearing the golden-trimmed blue shirt of the Golden Pavilion asked with a smile, "Little Ajiu, what are the three orders? Would you like to bring a letter to the family? Our Golden Pavilion's post stations are all over the major cities in the Central Plains, with letters, A jade slip will do."

Gu Qingqiao took out the wooden sign Zhang Jinjin gave to Ah Jiu and said, "Let's spread some news."

After carefully examining the wooden sign, and returning it to Gu Qingqiao with both hands, Ah Jiu's attitude became even more respectful. "It turned out to be the boss's distinguished guest, please come with me."

Ah Jiu led the three of them into a private room at the back. The maid brought snacks and tea. Ah Jiu asked about the location of the communication, took out three jade slips from the cabinet on the side, handed them to the three of them, and said, "These three jade slips correspond one by one to the jade slips at the Jinjinge Station in the major cities, everyone. Just pass the message into the jade slip here, and there will be a feeling there. Please rest assured, Jinjin Pavilion will bring the jade slip directly to the destination, and only the person you communicate with can extract the information inside."

He took out another jade slip and gave it to Gu Qingqiao. "This is what the boss explained to you."

After he finished speaking, he pulled up the screen for the three of them, while he waited outside.

The three of them were a little surprised. They didn't expect such a big battle after spreading the news. After a long while, Gu Qingqiao said with a wry smile: "My cousin is really a genius in business!"

Mu Xiyun reported to Su Yanjun that he was safe, explaining that he would arrive at the spirit array in the next few days.

Qin Le had already sent a letter to his family on the road before, thinking that he would come to Jinjin Pavilion faster, so he explained the matter again, and asked his elder brother to send someone to Yinlong Villa to investigate the wooden-legged man.

Gu Qingqiao took the jade slip given by Zhang Jinjin, and swept away his senses. Zhang Jinjin's glib voice came from his ears: "Cousin, did you catch up with your daughter-in-law? You are so squeamish as you are, be careful that your daughter-in-law is abducted by others. Go!" Resisting the urge to throw the jade slip out, Gu Qingqiao listened patiently with a dark face. Zhang Jinjin talked again and again, and at the end, his tone became serious. "The Jinjin Pavilion spy reported that he had seen a shadowless person near Shanhai City, but the other party was very alert. After the spy lost the target for the first time, there was no way to get close. You must pay attention when you are in the local area. I'll find you soon, don't act rashly before I go."

Gu Qingqiao pondered for a while, reported Zhang Jinjin's safety, briefly described what happened at Yinlong Villa, and asked him to use the staff of Jinjin Pavilion to investigate and protect the wooden-legged man.

Ah Jiu didn't come in from the door until she heard the three people's calls, and put away the jade slip with a smile. Because of the wooden sign, there is no charge for this subpoena. Ah Jiu respectfully led the three out.

After seeing the guests to the door, he smiled thoughtfully and said, "It's probably the first time for you to visit Shanhai City. There is nothing else near the sea, except for the freshness of the sea. After the three of you go out, turn left at the first intersection. Walk along that road to the seaside, and the best seafood restaurants in Shanhaicheng are there. You don’t have to go to a luxurious restaurant, Mr. Zhang next to the “Red House” cooks good dishes. If you want some snacks, go ahead After a few steps, Granny Tang's chicken soup and shrimp wontons are also very delicious."

"Oh, little brother, what you said makes me hungry!" Gu Qingqiao laughed, and Qin Le swallowed beside him. After thanking Ah Jiu, the three followed the direction he pointed and slowly walked towards the beach.

Sure enough, after walking a short distance, I could smell a very tempting aroma. It's not a long street, and there are seafood restaurants on both sides. There is an endless stream of customers. In order to attract business, some restaurants even moved the stove to the roadside, steaming fish and frying crabs in front of the street, and the delicious and sweet smell from the pot. Dispersed in the middle, it made passersby get greedy.

Mu Xiyun didn't like to be noisy, Qin Le was timid and afraid of people, Gu Qingqiao simply followed Ah Jiu's recommendation and took the two to Granny Tang's house to eat wontons.

Granny Tang's wonton stand is very simple, with a pole, a small stove and a large pot on one end, and a cooked chicken soup on the other. Put down the burden and set up a large pot, and the water boils. Granny Tang is short in stature, but she moves quickly in her hands. She quickly picked up the wonton skin with one hand, and with the other hand, she used a small bamboo slice to pick up a mass of fresh meat and put it on the skin, plus a large shrimp. He flipped his hands up and down, and the chubby wontons were wrapped three times and two times.

Put 12 wontons in the pot, boil them in boiling water until they float, pick up the wontons and put them in a bowl, then pour a tablespoon of chicken broth. Minced coriander, chili oil and balsamic vinegar are placed on a small table aside, and customers can add them according to their own tastes.

Qin Le added a tablespoon of vinegar to the bowl and nodded straight while sitting on a small chair by the roadside. Gu Qingqiao came back with two bowls of wontons, one was filled with coriander and red oil, the other was light, but he asked his mother-in-law to add half a spoonful of chicken soup.

Gu Qingqiao put the bowl full of chicken soup wontons in front of Mu Xiyun, "Come on, her chicken soup is good, drink more soup."

Mu Xiyun took the chopsticks and picked up a wonton to eat slowly. The meat is delicious, the shrimp is crispy, and the chicken soup is even more fragrant, and it really lives up to its reputation. Qin Le had already finished one bowl at this time, and after begging for the second bowl, he devoured it again.

Gu Qingqiao ate the wontons in the bowl in two or three mouthfuls, took the chicken soup with red and green wontons that night, drank half the bowl in one go, stood up and walked towards Granny Tang again. Mu Xiyun looked at his back with a bit of amusement. Why didn't he find out that he could eat so much before

There were many customers at this time, and Granny Tang was a little too busy. Gu Qingqiao put down the bowl and went to the next stall to buy two strings of fried sugar cakes. Just as he was about to pay with the sugar cake in his hand, he suddenly felt someone approaching quickly.

Gu Qingqiao reacted very quickly, and immediately turned sideways and looked up at the man.

It was a tall man, tall and straight, with a square face. Wearing a golden crown on his head and a black robe trimmed with gold, he is graceful and luxurious. It's just that he stayed there at this time, and the right hand that he wanted to shoot at Gu Qingqiao was still raised at the moment, which seemed a little embarrassing.

His eyes swept across the ancient green bridge, and there was a little doubt on the face of the visitor, but he quickly returned to nature. He put down his hand and said: "I'm sorry for the offense, I seem to have recognized the wrong person."

Gu Qingqiao smiled and said, "It's okay."

The two passed by, Gu Qingqiao paid for the sugar cake, and looked back at the man again. He turned around and returned to the wonton stand, brought his bowl of wontons, and returned to the table.

Distributing the sugar cakes to the two, Gu Qingqiao looked at the table a little distracted.

"That person... is there any problem?" Mu Xiyun asked in a low voice.

"It should be the wrong person." Gu Qingqiao replied.

Since revealing his identity in front of Mu Xiyun, Gu Qingqiao has begun to restore his appearance little by little. After all, he always runs around with a face full of Gu bugs, which is rather scary to think about. But this matter can't be rushed, and he has to find a reliable argument to explain to Qin Le and others, so up to now, he has just recovered the shape of his eyes.

I don't know if it was because the daily changes were too small or because Qin Le's heart was big, but he didn't notice any changes in Gu Qingqiao.

But a little similarity is not enough for people to recognize, but when the man passed Gu Qingqiao, he clearly sounded: "Han Hua Xiaozhu, waiting for the big driver."

I don't know if the visitor is an enemy or a friend. Gu Qingqiao doesn't want to let the two companions participate for the time being, so he has to perfunctory.

Mu Xiyun gave him a deep look and said nothing.

After eating another bowl of wontons, Gu Qingqiao swallowed the sugar cake in two mouthfuls, looked up at Mu Xiyun, Xiao Xianjun looked at the sugar cake, and then looked at the remaining wontons in the bowl, a little hesitant. Undecided.

Gu Qingqiao laughed, pulled the bowl of wontons that were almost cold to him, and handed the steaming sugar cake to Mu Xiyun's eyes, smiling: "If you like sweets, eat them quickly, if you don't have enough. Bought it for you."

Mu Xiyun raised his eyes and wanted to speak, but Gu Qingqiao had already picked up the few remaining wontons to eat, drank another sip of chicken soup, raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows at the piece of sugar cake.

Mu Xiyun hurriedly lowered her head to eat the cake.

At this time, all the small tables and chairs in front of Granny Tang's stall were full of people. On a mildly hot evening in early summer, with the cool sea breeze blowing, the guests chatted comfortably while eating.

"Have you heard? The king boat will be delivered on the beach in Xiaoshi Village tomorrow night."

"Yes, yes, this ceremony is held every three years. This year, it is Xiaoshi Village's turn. They have been preparing for half a year. I heard that there is a secret ceremony."

"What secret ceremony?"

The person who told the news lowered his voice: "I also heard that Xiaoshi Village caught a mixed-race child of the demon race. This time, when sending the king ship, he will use that mixed-race bastard as a blood sacrifice."

Although the speaker's voice was low, it could not escape the sensitive senses of the immortal cultivator. The three of Mu Xiyun looked at each other, Qin Le was surprised, while Gu Qingqiao's face sank directly.