The Devil is My White Moonlight

Chapter 45: King Ship


The next day, Qin Le woke up early, but unexpectedly found that Mu Xiyun, who always got up early, hadn't left the room. He knocked on the door lightly, but heard no response. Qin Le swiped with his divine sense, and someone in the room was sleeping soundly. He was hesitating about whether to come back later, when he saw a man dressed in white turn around the corner.

Mu Xiyun came upstairs with steamed buns and soy milk in his hands.

Qin Le was a little stunned. Because Gu Qingqiao is the oldest among the three, he usually takes care of the food of the two like an older brother, so things like buying breakfast have almost become his full-time job. Now that he saw Mu Xiyun go upstairs with breakfast, he couldn't react for a while. And... wait, Senior Brother Mu is here, who is that person in the room

Lightning flashed in Qin Le's mind for a while, colorful.

Seeing him stunned, Mu Xiyun didn't know that Qin Le had already regarded him as the hero in "Fox Demon's Midnight Scholar", so he just mentioned the food in his hand indifferently and asked, "Go to your room?"

"Oh, oh, fine!" Qin Le nodded hastily.

The next moment, Qin Le almost choked to death with a mouthful of buns, so he quickly took a mouthful of soy milk and swallowed it.

"Did you go to Xiaoshi Village yesterday?" Qin Le's eyes were a little sad, "Why didn't you call me?"

"We are investigating separately, and occasionally we meet," Mu Xiyun comforted him: "It's not that we made an appointment not to call you."

After a pause, Mu Xiyun continued to ask, "Xiao Le, what do you think of the mixed-blood demons?"

The Qin family in Taiyuan has been stationed in Moyuan for hundreds of years, and lost many relatives in the battle against the demons. Mu Xiyun didn't want to force him.

"Hybrid, you have to be human." Qin Le swallowed one bun and picked up another. "Some people hate them, but I think whether it's a demon or a demon, as long as they don't hurt people, they should Just like people."

Mu Xiyun let go of her heart and briefly explained to Qin Le what happened the previous night's investigation, but just ignored the abnormality of Gu Qingqiao and explained the two's plan. After he finished speaking, he poured another glass of soy milk for Qin Le, "Tonight's ceremony of sending the king boat, the three of us will go save people together."

Gu Qingqiao slept until three strokes in the sun before he woke up. The night before, he was aroused by the experience of the mixed-race child. After finally getting rid of it, it hurt his mind. When I got drunk, I asked what I was most worried about. Although I regretted it at the time, I got an unexpected answer. The ups and downs of the mood are even more sad. I just felt that the wine I drank seemed to be gathered in my head, making myself dizzy, and when I woke up, I was top-heavy, and I was more tired than not sleeping.

When I got up to wash, there was still a strong smell of alcohol on my body. Gu Qingqiao opened the cabinet to change clothes.

Looking at the two white clothes in the closet, Gu Qingqiao was shocked. He looked at the furnishings of the room blankly, and turned around with his head in his arms. Only then did he confirm that he was in Mu Xiyun's room.

I actually slept in Ah Yun's room last night! Where did Ayun sleep

The secret corner of his heart moved slightly, and some random thoughts surfaced uncontrollably in his mind. Gu Qingqiao blushed, and slapped himself with his hand, thinking what was this.

The door was knocked twice, then gently pushed open, and Mu Xiyun appeared in front of the door.

"Wake up? Is there breakfast here? Have something to eat?" Mu Xiyun put the steamed buns on the table, looked at Gu Qingqiao's blushing face, and asked strangely, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable? ?"

"No, no..." Gu Qingqiao touched his face embarrassedly, "Last night... how did I... sleep here?"

A smile appeared in Mu Xiyun's eyes, "You drank a little too much, so I let you sleep here."

"then you… ?"

"Me?" Mu Xiyun was a little strange, "I'm next door."

"Oh, that's good, that's good." Not knowing whether he was happy or disappointed, Gu Qingqiao felt the blood in his body rushing to his face, and explained incoherently, "It's fine if you don't delay your rest."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the steamed bun and returned to his room as if running for his life.

After calming down, I ate something after washing and changing clothes, feeling that I was finally awake.

Feeling a little messy, Gu Qingqiao forced himself to meditate cross-legged to recharge.

In the evening, the three of them still went to Granny Tang's wonton stand to eat wontons. When it got dark, they followed the crowd to the seaside.

A lot of people have gathered on the beach, surrounding a large beach, and a lot of bonfires are lit in the middle.

The sun had gone down, and countless torches lit up the beach. The fishermen of Xiaoshi Village gathered in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by a large boat.

This big ship is all made of paper, and the whole body is white. The cabin and hall are all available. The white mast is high, the huge white sail has been unfolded, and the deck is also full of paper soldiers.

A grotesquely dressed wizard was dancing in front of the boat, muttering incantations, and jumping around the fire.

The cage where Feng'er was imprisoned was pushed out, and the wizard opened the cage and grabbed the child out. There was a burst of cheers among the villagers.

The child's weak body kept trembling, and his hands and feet struggled, but he was no match for the wizard's big hands.

The three of them changed into ordinary clothes and mixed in the crowd. At this time, they had slowly moved to the front row of the onlookers. At this time, they are ready to go, if the wizard has any changes to the child, the three will rush out to grab people.

The wizard peeled off the child's clothes, and with some paint in his hands, painted on Feng'er's body. After the painting, he raised the child with all the patterns in his hands, and gestured to throw it on the fire.

The three of them clenched their fists nervously and rushed out the next moment.

The sorcerer just pretended to throw it three times, and then handed Feng'er to the village chief.

The village chief shouted, "Send the king boat today, and Xiaoshi Village will take this child as a sacrifice and give it to the god of plague. I pray for good weather and good weather in the coming year, and there will be no disease or epidemic."

After he finished speaking, he approached the paper boat and put the child on the deck.

The child was already trembling with fear, and as soon as he got out of the grip of the village chief's hands, he immediately hid away from the boat.

The ceremony continued, and the fishermen of Xiaoshi Village all knelt down and chanted unknown scriptures.

Seeing that the child would not be harmed for a while, the three of them began to move slowly, slowly moving to the seaside village.

Passing through the village lightly, looking at a small boat, the three quietly pushed the boat into the water, Gu Qingqiao and Qin Le paddled, and slowly drifted into the sea.

"Wait for the paper boat to come over, Qin Le stabilizes the boat, and Ayun and I get on the boat to save people." Gu Qingqiao assigned the task.

The two nodded, each guarding.

The ceremony on the shore was finally completed, and the big ship was pushed into the sea by everyone. When the sea breeze blows, the sail made of paper rises and floats slowly into the sea.

The three of them rowed their oars, carefully letting the king ship cover the tracks of the small boat, and slowly approached like a big boat.

When he got to the big boat, Qin Le casted a connection spell. The small boat was connected to the big boat by an invisible force, and he could drift with the king boat without paddling.

Mu Xiyuan and Gu Qingqiao turned over and boarded the boat. The big white boat reflected cold light in the moonlight. The paper soldiers on the deck were carrying halberds. Murderous.

"Feng'er, Feng'er?" The two called out the child's name and searched on the deck. The child did not respond, only the whistling sea breeze beside his ears.

"I'll take a look at the cabin below!" Mu Xiyuan said loudly. After saying that, he walked down the stairs beside him.

Although the paper boat is vivid, it is not a real boat after all. There are no lighting items, and the cabin downstairs is dark. Paper is flammable, and it is not easy to use fire. Mu Xiyun took out a fluorite from his sleeve and gently injected a trace of spiritual power. The fluorite immediately emitted a faint blue light, illuminating a foot in front of him.

"Feng'er, Feng'er, where are you? I'm here to rescue you," the lower cabin was silent, and a sound would be very clear. Afraid of scaring the child, Mu Xiyun called him softly.

"Feng'er, let's go find my mother, shall we?" Mu Xiyun called out patiently.

After passing a cabin, Mu Xiyun pushed the door and went in. Inside the cabin were paper cabinets, tables and chairs, which cast vague shadows under the faint light of fluorite. There are two paper figures sitting at the table, looking at the action, they should be eating. There were also several paper plates on the table. The paper figurine was delicately tied, with all the clothes and jewelry, but the pale face had no color, and the pupil-less eyes looked very ferocious under the faint blue light of fluorite.

After searching one by one, Mu Xiyun searched the entire cabin, but still did not see the child.

The paper boat is not that big. Although it has three layers from the outside, there is no passage down from the second layer. Feng'er, a three-year-old child, doesn't have the strength to tear open the cardboard on the second layer. He can hide in the where

Mu Xiyun had already released his consciousness, but unexpectedly, he had not detected any trace of the child's existence. Could it be that he fell into the sea while sailing

Mu Xiyun lowered her head and thought for a while, then reopened a cabin door.

This cabin should imitate a wine storage room, with a dozen huge paper wine jars in the corner. The wine jar was just made for an appearance, and a layer of white paper was covered on the skeleton of the bamboo slices, and it could not enter the jar from the mouth of the jar.

"Feng'er, are you here? My brother will take you to find your mother, okay?" Mu Xiyuan called softly several times.

For a long time, there was still no movement. After a long time, Mu Xiyun finally decided to give up, and when she wanted to turn around and walk out of the cabin door, a faint voice came from the corner: "Mom..."

The voice was too small, like a cat meowing. If Mu Xiyun hadn't been focusing his spiritual power on both ears, he probably wouldn't have been able to hear it.

"Feng'er, don't be afraid, brother is here to take you home." Mu Xiyun walked towards the source of the voice.

It was still at the pile of wine jars, the light was too dark, and Yingyingchaochuo couldn't see clearly. Mu Xiyun simply overturned the wine jars one by one, and finally found the child in a wine jar in the middle.

The poor doll was hiding in a wine vat with a big hole in the wall. Probably because the tank is placed in the middle, there is no need to make it too strong, so only a thin layer of white paper is pasted. Feng'er ran here, accidentally smashed the paper wall, and crawled in to hide.

Feng'er's little face was dirty, and sand was still rolling in her hair. Mu Xiyun felt strange, and continued to probe with his divine sense, but saw a glimmer of light on his body. The wizard actually drew an isolation and exploration formation on him, but he didn't know what he wanted to isolate.

Mu Xiyuan stretched out her hands to the child. Feng'er stared blankly at this good-looking brother, the delicate eyebrows, the black and supple hair, and the slender hands that stretched out to him, all of which he had never seen before. He asked cautiously, "Are you an immortal?"

Mu Xiyun smiled, and the smile softened his face. "I'm not an immortal, I'm the brother who came to bring you home."

After he finished speaking, he picked up Feng'er. The child stretched out his small hand to wrap his arms around Mu Xiyun's neck. His small body was so light and weak, which made people feel pity.

"Those people are so scary!" The little man murmured.

"Who's scary?" Mu Xiyun asked him softly.

Feng'er shivered, her little finger pointed to the cabin next door.

What Feng'er said should be the paper figurines in the cabin, which is why Mu Xiyuan returned to this cabin. This is the only cabin on the entire floor without paper figures.

"Be good, don't be afraid, my brother will take you home."

On the deck, Gu Qingqiao had searched all over, but found no figure of the child, but he always felt that something was wrong.

The moonlight in the sky had disappeared for some time, and the dark clouds came over. The wind picked up, the sails made of white paper bulged in the wind, and the paper boat sailed significantly faster.

There was a sound of hoofs on the distant shore. Gu Qingqiao was leaning on the fence beside the boat and looked out, one person riding on the shore was synchronizing with the sailing direction of the paper boat. In the hands of the rider, is a rocket!

Gu Qingqiao felt a sudden sensation, pulled out a short knife, and cut a paper figurine into two pieces. The dark clouds in the sky just showed a little gap, the moonlight shone, and there was a little sparkle on the thick section of the paper!

Oops, it's saltpeter!