The Devil is My White Moonlight

Chapter 55: lurking


When Su Yanjun heard someone behind the boulder, he immediately became alert. When he heard Mu Xiyuan's voice, he breathed a sigh of relief and said in surprise, "Junior Brother Mu, why are you here?"

Qin Le also came out and said hello to Su Yanjun.

Su Yanjun said with a smile: "The younger brother of the Qin family is so big now! The last time I saw you, I was still a baby."

Qin Le scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled.

Mu Xiyun smiled and said, "When did Senior Brother Su get his wife, I was really shocked when I heard it just now."

This time, it was Su Yanjun's turn to be embarrassed. He paused and smiled and said, "It's just made up to deceive this person. If you don't make it up, I'm afraid it won't be easy to win the trust. Well, you heard it too, even so, it didn't work. But now you are here. , you can't use him anymore."

Su Yanjun said, pulling out a cloth belt, tying the man to cover his mouth, and saying to the two: "It's not safe here, the patrol will come in a while. Come with me."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the man and walked forward along the cliff.

After walking for about half a stick of incense, the three came to a cliff. Su Yanjun clicked his feet, stepped on the small protrusion on the cliff accurately in the dark, and turned into the darkness halfway up the mountain.

Mu Xiyuan and Qin Le followed him up the mountain, and when they saw Su Yanjun disappear suddenly, they continued to move forward without hesitation. After passing through a slight fluctuation of spiritual power, their eyes lit up, and this was actually a natural cave halfway up the mountain.

"Hey, what an ingenious shielding formation!" Qin Le started to admire as soon as he stepped into the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, three white lights flashed slightly, profiling, sound insulation, and hidden objects. No matter day or night, from the valley, this place is just an ordinary cliff, and the three people will not be found when they move in the middle, but they can monitor the people in the valley.

Su Yanjun put the man down against the rock wall and turned to face the two of them.

"Why are you here?"

"I sent you a letter from Shanhai City, but Jinjin Pavilion said that you didn't return after three days in the mountain." Mu Xiyun briefly explained the cause and effect. "After we entered the mountain, we followed the marker you made and found this valley."

Su Yanjun nodded and said, "I went into the mountain that day and saw that the road was difficult, so I left my guide behind. I thought that I would only need to wait until the moon rises and pick up the medicine to return, but I didn't expect that when I went to that valley, Zi Zi The core grass has been harvested. It took me a day to find this valley. Not only did these people harvest the purple core grass in large quantities, but they also detained dozens of people, who should be villagers nearby.”

"Villagers? What are they arresting the villagers for?" Mu Xiyun asked.

Before he finished speaking, shouts suddenly came from the valley. The three of them looked down from the entrance of the cave. A group of men and women dressed as mountain people were being held by several men in black. They walked out of a huge cave at the end of the valley and slowly walked towards the big tent in the middle.

On the other side, two men in gray robes, surrounded by a group of men in black, walked out of a tent and walked towards the big tent.

The two teams entered the tent, and the man in black retreated and stood guard in front of the tent.

"What are they going to do?" Qin Le asked curiously.

The three stared closely at the huge tent. After half a stick of incense, there was a sudden flash of fire in the tent, followed by a shrill scream, as if something had happened. The screaming lasted for a stick of incense before it gradually subsided. After a while, the two men in gray robes withdrew from the tent and made a gesture to the men in black in front of the tent. The man in black entered the tent, and after a while, he carried out the bodies of several people, looking at the clothes, it was the same group of villagers just now.

"They, are they testing those villagers for something?" Mu Xiyun and Su Yanjun exchanged a frightened look. The sad and terrifying screams still echoed in their ears, and the remaining villagers were afraid that they would not be able to escape such an end.

"Senior Brother Su, how do you save the villagers out?" Qin Le asked.

Su Yanjun nodded at him and pondered: "I went to investigate last night. There was a guard at the entrance of the cave where the villagers were imprisoned. The guard is a trivial matter. The cave should be part of an ancient mausoleum here. A stone gate. According to my observation, the stone gate is equipped with a mechanism, and the key must be inserted by two people at the same time to open the door."

"So you're going to ask this person for help?" Mu Xiyun glanced at the unconscious man in black.

"If there are other ways, I will not resort to this." Su Yanjun said with a wry smile: "I cannot protect the safety of these dozens of people by myself. If I can secretly open the stone gate and everyone rush out together, there may be opportunities in the chaos. But now that you are here, naturally you don't need to use this method again."

"Well, if it's just to save people, if you save a group, they will arrest another group," Mu Xiyuan pondered: "If you can figure out what their plans are, you can only get rid of the bottom line if you completely destroy them."

By coincidence, the eyes of the three of them all focused on the unconscious man in black.

Su Yanjun stepped forward, put his hand on the man's Heavenly Spirit Cover, and input a burst of spiritual power.

The man in black was shocked, and Yoyo woke up and turned around.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Su Yanjun standing in front of him, and then he realized that his hands were tied. The man in black struggled twice and pleaded, "Brother, I was dazzled by gold just now, you can do it, let it go. Pass me. I'll go save my wife with you!"

If it weren't for the tragic screams just now, the two people on the side would not be able to stop laughing.

Su Yanjun waved his hand, and a strong wind blew towards the man. The wind was as sharp as a knife, and immediately cut off a corner of the man's handkerchief.

Only then did the man in black know that he was facing a cultivator.

Seeing the burning eyes of the three, the man shivered, hugged himself involuntarily, and trembled: "What are you doing?"

Qin Le suddenly felt that the way he spoke had to be changed.

Su Yanjun smiled and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I'm just asking you a few questions. What's your name? What's the name of your gang?"

After swallowing hard, the man in black said in a hoarse voice, "My name is Huang Yi, we are the Shahe Gang."

Su Yanjun closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "Shahe Gang, the gang leader Hei Lao Qi, was a smuggler of illicit salt in his early years. After he made his fortune, he monopolized the water transportation business of Baisha River in Xiangzhou. Usually, there is no major evil deed. Why are you here this time? Claw Mountain? What are those purple core grasses for?"

Huang Yi looked at Su Yanjun stupidly, "Xianjun, how come you are so familiar with our Shahe Gang?"

Su Yanjun smiled slightly: "I know a little about all the gangs, big and small, in the Central Plains. So, don't try to play any tricks." Don't look at Junzijian's usually gentle and peaceful school, but now his eyebrows are raised, Shows a bit of sharpness.

Huang Yi dared to hide it, he hurriedly poured beans in a bamboo tube and told everything he knew.

The matter is simple. The Shahe Gang has been occupying the business on the water of the Baisha River for a long time. Hei Laoqi wants to develop on land. . After going back and forth, not only did they fail to grab the site, but their strength was also weakened a lot.

Just when Hei Laoqi was troubled, two old men in gray robes came one day, claiming that they had a profitable business to hand over to the Shahe Gang, and if it happened, they would help him get a share of the land business.

For Hei Lao Qi, it was really someone who gave him a pillow when he was drowsy, and when he patted the trigger, he took hundreds of gangs south to this Dragon Claw Mountain.

"If it's just arresting people to find medicine, which gangs in the Central Plains can't do? Even near the Dragon Claw Mountain, there are many people who are willing to do this kind of business. Why do those two gray-robed people have to travel thousands of miles to find your Shahe Gang to do things? ?" Su Yanjun was a little unconvinced.

When Huang Yi saw it, he was afraid that the immortal in front of him would misunderstand that he was lying, and a gust of wind killed him, so he quickly explained: "The three immortals don't know, we Shahe Gang do water business, and of course all the gang members have good water skills. .You look at this valley, but it's different from other valleys?"

"Different?" Mu Xiyuan remembered the scene she saw when she went down the mountain, and a flash of light flashed in her mind: "This place used to be a big lake?"

"Yes, yes! Xianjun, you are really smart." Huang Yi sighed: "When the gray-robed Taoist brought us here, there was still a lake under the valley. They gave the gang leader a map of the formation and asked for twenty. Brothers with good water, let them take the magic talisman and dive down and stick it to the position indicated on the map. Somehow, the bottom of the lake suddenly became like a sieve. So much lake water, all of them never knew where they went. ."

Mu Xiyun frowned and exchanged a wink with Qin Le. Using a large-scale transfer circle in a place with abundant spiritual power made them think of the waterfall on Lingshan again.

"It's still not right," Mu Xiyun said, "It's not far from the sea, if you want to find good water, I'm afraid you won't be able to turn to the Shahe Gang?"

When Huang Yi heard this, there was a slight twist on his face. "I don't know, you immortals, there are many ancient tombs in Xiangzhou, and gangs of all sizes will have some ability to scour the soil. Under the lake in this valley, there is a large tomb. That gray-robed Taoist took a fancy to our craftsmanship. Lake water After the leak, a huge cave was revealed. From the cave, there was an ancient mausoleum. I don't know what treasure they saw in the tomb, and then they found us. That's all I know."

Huang Yi explained, his mouth was dry. Mu Xiyun took out the water bag, fed him two sips of water, and turned around to discuss with Su Yanjun: "It's reasonable to hear what he said. I just don't know what the thing in the tomb has to do with the purple core grass."

Qin Le asked at this time, "you, you, why did you arrest those villagers?"

Huang Yi swallowed his saliva and said: "One of the two Taoists seems to be a master refining medicine, and he took us to find a place for the purple core grass and let us harvest it. One day I accidentally I heard him talking to the gang leader, saying that he wanted to find some people to test the medicine..."

When it comes to testing the medicine, Mu Xiyun and Qin Le are both displeased, so frightened that Huang Yi thinks he has committed something taboo, and trembling Suosuo dare not speak any more.

In the middle of the night, there was gradually no sound in the valley, and even the night watchmen began to doze with their heads lowered. Three black shadows flexibly interspersed between the tents.

It was Su Yanjun and the three who came.

Although they wanted to find out what the two gray-robed men wanted to do, the detained villagers in the cave could not wait. If I tried the medicine a few more times, I was afraid that the secret was not discovered, but the villagers were all dead.

The three sneaked to the main tent, the lights in the tent were dimly lit, and the people in the tent had not yet fallen asleep.

When the voice came, the three of them restrained their breath and crouched beside the tent.

"Senior brother, what is the use of this medicine pill?" one person asked.

"I also find it strange that the entrusting person didn't say it clearly, but just asked me to use purple core grass to improve the formula, so that people can still be like nothing after taking the elixir. I don't know who he gave this formula to before. The medicinal properties are so strong. I have added a lot of purple core grass to suppress the medicinal properties, and those few people still can't stand it today. How are you doing?"

"You mean in the tomb? Seventy or eighty people were sent today to search for them for a day, and a lot of them have been found and transported away. Alas, go to sleep, you will continue to work hard tomorrow."

The lights went out, the three looked at each other, Su Yanjun pointed to the big tent in the middle, and the three immediately got up and prepared to swept to the big tent.

A stone under Qin Le's feet made a soft sound, and the three of them stopped immediately. A stern shout immediately came from the main tent: "Who is it?"


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-2700:04:23~2020-07-2721:14:11~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Liu Xiaojia 3 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!