The Devil is My White Moonlight

Chapter 61: Refining Gu


More than 60 years ago, when Mu Xiyuan first went to Moyun Mountain, Huang Zelin was only in his thirties. Although he had taken over as the elder of Tianji Peak, he was a bit like the current Liang Chi, who buried his head in the vast library of the library all day. in medical books. When Mu Xiyuan was sixteen years old, when he went to Tianji Peak to practice medicine, he also followed him to the Moyun Medical Center at the foot of the mountain. Speaking of which, Mu Xiyuan was able to conduct free consultations at the medical center today, and most of her skills were learned at that time.

During the battle of Lin Moyuan, Huang Zelin was less than fifty, and in Mu Xiyuan's memory, he was still young and strong. Fifty years have passed, and the strong man of that year has grown old.

The sound of searching came from outside the cave. It seemed that the two men in black had descended to the bottom of the mountain and found something strange. The two searched back and forth several times and passed through the entrance of the cave several times, but could not find any clues.

Although there was a defense formation, neither of them made a sound. After two incense sticks, the sound of the search faded, and the man in black had given up the search and walked away.

Mu Xiyuan walked to the entrance of the cave, reconfirmed that there was no one nearby, turned around and slammed it to the ground, and said sincerely, "Thank you Elder Huang for the re-creation!"

Huang Zelin looked at Mu Xiyuan with a smile. The person in front of him was his only goal for more than 30 years. Now, seeing this beautiful and indifferent young fairy is like seeing his own son and nephew, and his heart can't help but feel relieved. and proud to come.

With a light cough, Huang Zelin nodded and said, "Xiao Mo once sent me a message about your return. But I have been wandering all these years, and it was a month ago when I received the news. Okay, I meant to find you. A lot has happened in the past 50 years, and we need to analyze what happened 50 years ago."

Having said so much in one breath, Huang Zelin was a little out of breath. He closed his eyes and tried to mix his breath, but he took a breath and coughed again. Mu Xiyun stepped forward to input his spiritual power and said softly, "You are weak now and need a good rest. You can talk about these things slowly."

Huang Zelin closed his eyes and nodded, Mu Xiyun helped him lie down, and fell into a drowsiness again.

The two rested in the cave for half a day. Under Mu Xiyuan's careful care, all the blood congestion on Huang Zelin's chest was drained, and the broken bones were properly continued. This cave is not a place to stay for a long time, whether it is for healing or life, so after night fell, Mu Xiyun took Elder Huang and Yujian back to Dragon Claw Village.

Su Yanjun has been in Moyun Mountain for more than ten years, and since he has seen Huang Zelin, the two are happy to meet each other.

As for why Mu Xiyun went to Yinfeng Mountain, he made up a story to put it off, and Su Yanjun was relieved.

After two days of exhaustion, Mu Xiyuan lay on the bed, but it was difficult to fall asleep for a while.

The emotional impact in Nanping is not so strong now. Whether it is seen in the courtyard or felt in a dream, it feels like a long time has passed, and the memory is covered with a layer of white fog, leaving a dull pain in my heart. .

My thoughts turn to Huang Zelin, what role does this old man play in his life? He spent almost the most prosperous time in his life on himself. What kind of secret can make a person pay like this

There is no answer.

It was raining lightly outside the window, and the raindrops tickly fell from the eaves, and the young Xianjun who was full of doubts fell asleep.

The rain is ticking.

Gu Qingqiao was lying on the bed, when he heard the door knock, two sisters Mo Yan and Mo Bing came in.

On that day, when he woke up from the coma, the crystal nucleus had been implanted in his body, and the two sisters were so tired that they almost fainted. Mo Yan wiped the fine sweat on his forehead, with an extremely pale face, he reached out and touched Gu Qingqiao's chest, and said with a low smile: "Young master is in good health, you can wake up so soon. But , waking up early is not necessarily a good thing..."

This statement was thoroughly verified in the next few days.

After the demon ancestor relic enters the body, it needs to be connected to the meridian. Mo Yan and Mo Bing guide the ancient Qingqiao meridian to connect with the magic crystal with secret techniques every day. The Mobing technique is icy and cold, first freeze the connection of the Guqingqiao meridian, then use the mind as a knife to cut the meridian and lead it to the vicinity of the magic crystal; The crystals melt together.

Although Mo Yan used the drowsiness tactic to make Qingqiao fall asleep every time, the tactic's control over him became weaker and weaker.

Two hours on the first day, shortened to one and a half hours on the second day, Gu Qingqiao woke up earlier and earlier. Every time I wake up, I feel a strong pain coming from my lower abdomen. Mo Bing's secret technique almost broke the connection between the clusters of meridians in his body and the original connection, and then forced them to the vicinity of the magic crystal.

Some time ago, Gu Qingqiao had been cultivating according to the methods of human race cultivators, and absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. But the crystal core of this Demon Clan expert seems to have his own ideas. Whenever the two medical cultivators connect a meridian for him, the magic crystal immediately forces the aura in the meridian to operate in its own way. The sudden reversal of spiritual energy made the entire meridian throbbing. At first, there was one, and as more and more meridians were connected, the pain of this aura going backwards slowly expanded into one.

This process usually lasts three or four hours. If you lose consciousness under Mo Yan's drowsiness formula, it is convenient, but if you wake up, you will no longer be able to sleep, and you can only resist.

After a few days, the drowsiness formula has no effect on Gu Qingqiao, and he must experience the inhuman pain awake all the way.

Mo Yan was afraid that he would not be able to withstand it, so he boiled the soup and came over, but Gu Qingqiao refused.

"I've never seen you looking for abuse like this. Why, you're still addicted to the pain?" Mo Yan couldn't help laughing and laughing, so he had to talk to Mo Bing when he was casting spells and divert his attention.

Gu Qingqiao reluctantly looked up at her, his cheeks twitching involuntarily. After a burst of intense pain passed, he actually smiled lowly.

Along with the smile, a blush appeared on the face that was paler than Xue. Mo Yan was startled, thinking that the retrograde of the meridians caused the blood to reverse, so he hurriedly pulled through his vein gate to probe. After a check, although the spiritual power in Gu Qingqiao's body is disordered, there is no problem with the blood of the body, and even a little refreshing.

She looked at Qingqiao strangely, but the man opened his mouth in a hoarse voice: "I was a medicine person in Xianlinggu in my last life. Uncle Lian is a human Gu, and he has already endured that kind of torture. What is the pain now?"

Mo Bing glared at him coldly, and his subordinates pulled the meridians fiercely.

Ancient Green Bridge:…

Mo Yan couldn't bear it, and interrupted: "For Junior Brother? You treat Junior Brother so well?"

Gu Qingqiao's eyes flashed coldly, and he sneered: "I'm not for him, but to get rid of him."

Another burst of pain struck, Gu Qingqiao closed his eyes, as if he had returned to the cold and damp corner of Gu King Cave. Three days ago, Uncle Shi's eldest disciple went crazy, took a knife and slashed two junior brothers frantically, and came to cut him again. Although he finally killed the lunatic, his body that had been eroded by the Gu insects for days reacted a little slower, and he still injured his chest and back.

The wound on his chest was dripping with blood, attracting a small bloodthirsty worm. The wound was numb and itchy, and that was the feeling of a worm gnawing at flesh and blood. Many worms have entered the bloodstream from the wound and are feasting on the body. The pain came from all over the body.

Guqing Bridge leaned against the mountain wall and did not want to move. I was too tired, not only because I had consumed a lot of physical strength for the battle, but my heart was also exhausted from hopelessness.

He lost his parents when he was young, and was resold all over the world as a demon seed. He finally followed a master but he was a lunatic, and only used him to test medicines and poisons. Now, it is better to die in this Gu King cave. I heard that death is peaceful, what a good feeling is peace, have you ever really experienced peace in your short life

A voice sounded softly in my heart: "Yes, you have felt it before."

Really, when? Chaos's brain was a little dull, and he didn't remember it for a while.

A beam of moonlight fell from the gap in the top of the cave and cast it on a piece of pure white jade, and a figure gradually appeared in the pure light. It was a little fairy in white, sitting on a big rock, smiling and looking up at the moon, then turned to look at himself.

The moonlight made everything around him hazy, only those bright eyes looked at them quietly, their eyes were as calm as the sea, but there were endless stars twinkling on the sea.

Xiao Xianjun stood up, his bright eyes looked at him for a moment, his delicate little face was as white as jade, but the corners of his eyes were a little red.

The little fairy raised his head, his soft lips opened and closed, and he sounded with a childish voice: "Brother Gu, will you still come to see me?"

"Yes." He heard himself reply: "Next year, or the year after, when I leave the teacher and can go out of the valley by myself, I will definitely come to see you right away."

"You have to talk!" Xiao Xianjun smiled, but a crystal teardrop rolled down the beautiful arc of his cheek, reflected in the moonlight, and shattered in the palm of his hand.

The moon was cold, but his palms were hot.


The collapsed body suddenly gained strength, Gu Qingqiao stood up with difficulty, and staggered towards the jade stone under the moonlight.

"I promised that I would definitely see you, and I did what I said!"

Sitting cross-legged on the jade stone, the spiritual power in the body was mobilized as much as possible, and the explosive force spread from the meridians to the whole body.

In the darkness, Gu King seemed to feel threatened and slowly climbed out of his lair.

The person in front of him is a threat.

Gu Qingqiao picked up the short knife on the ground.

Xiaoxianjun in the moonlight raised his eyes and smiled.

The youth in the cave took the initiative to meet the Gu King.


Yes, that's the feeling, the pain, but I know exactly what it's for.

Mo Yan was surprised to find that Gu Qingqiao's entire face suddenly relaxed, becoming gentle and calm.

Mo Bing lightly touched her shoulder, indicating that the meridians had been guided in place. Mo Yan transported the magic formula, and the flames burst out from both hands. In Gu Qingqiao's body, the last meridian merges with the magic crystal.

There was a loud bang in Gu Qingqiao's ear, and the magic crystal took over the meridians of the whole body. The spiritual power in the body was suddenly sucked by the magic crystal, and the meridians were empty. In the next instant, a hundred times stronger demonic energy spewed out of the crystal nucleus, rushing through the meridians in a completely different way.

The body thumped, the muscles contracted involuntarily, Gu Qingqiao's body trembled violently, as if all the blood was squeezed to the surface of the skin, and the whole body was terribly red.

Mo Yan and Mo Bing jumped up and went up to try to suppress them. But the demonic energy in Gu Qingqiao's body was domineering and fierce, and the two sisters' demonic energy was pushed back as soon as they entered the body. At the same time, an extremely domineering coercion burst out from Gu Qingqiao's body and slammed into the sisters.

The two groaned and were forced to retreat by the coercion, and barely stopped until they hit the table. The tea set on the table smashed to the ground.

Zhang Jinjin and Mullin came to hear the news. At this moment, the ancient green bridge on the bed has been enveloped by a mass of black air. The black qi revolved around him, coming in and out of various acupoints, exuding terrifying power.

The four looked at each other.