The Devil is My White Moonlight

Chapter 83: into the valley


The group feasted their eyes on the small hill, rode their horses down the slope, and soon crossed the plain and came to the foot of the stone wall.

There is a small stone house in Yishan, the house is simple, there is only a small table, and there is not even a matching chair. On the table is a box of boxwood, which has been slippery to the touch, and has a layer of pulp, revealing the complex wood grain inside.

The wooden box is unlocked. When Qin Le got here, he was curious about everything. He watched Su Yanjun open the wooden box and looked over, only to see a psychic jade slip lying inside.

He stayed for a while and asked, "Is this jade slip well-informed? Can you take people up the mountain? Or can you split the stone wall? Well, or, holding it, you can go directly across the mountain?"

Seeing him scratching his head and scratching his cheeks, Su Yanjun rarely felt amused. He took everyone out of the hut, faced the mountain wall, shoved the jade slip into Qin Le's hand, and said, "Come first!"

Qin Le holds the jade slip in his hand, completely confused. However, the practice world items use the first rule: input spiritual power. Of course, since childhood, the adults will also tell you not to try things of unknown origin like this. But now this jade slip was given by Su Yanjun, so naturally it would not be harmful. Qin Le glanced at Su Yanjun and lost his spiritual power with an uneasy feeling.

The jade slip gave out a faint yellow light.

Qin Le held the jade slip in his hand, looked around curiously, and waited nervously.

For a long time, the mountain did not open, the hut was not swallowed by the big hole, and no one jumped out of the mountain. Qin Le stared blankly at everyone, thinking about taking two steps to the stone wall to see if he could cross the mountain when suddenly, a voice rang out.

"Who? What's the matter?"

The sound was so close that it almost came close to his side, which startled him a lot. Qin Le's hands trembled, and the jade slip drew an arc in the air and fell to the side. The voice also followed: "Did you hear it?"

Qin Le hurriedly caught the jade slip, and everyone else laughed.

Seeing his blushing face, Su Yanjun was speechless for a while. He smiled and took the jade slip and said: "Moyunshan Su Yanjun, bring his junior brother Mu Yun to practice and inspect. There are also predecessors Huang Elder and Taiyuan Qin. Family Qin Le and Baishi Dao disciple Gu Qingqiao."

"Oh, it's Senior Brother Su, long time no see, let's have a drink tonight?" The voice on the other side became warmer: "The elder is here, not too scared, can't go out to greet him, and ask the elder to atone for his sins. Wait a minute, I will soon it is good."

Only then did Qin Le come back to his senses. Su Yanjun patted him with a smile and said, "Jade slips are jade slips, you think too much!"

Qin Le laughed embarrassingly, but soon widened his eyes again.

Outside the huge morning glory, the drooping waterfall suddenly stopped flowing. After a while, it circled to another "petal" and flowed down. Not far from the original water, a few thick long ropes slowly hung down. What is Xiayingyingchuochuo still attached to, I can't see clearly for a while.

The long rope fell very fast, and it soon reached the bottom of the cliff. Only then did Qin Le see clearly that at the end of each long rope was a slate, enough for two or three people to stand on it.

"Uh..." Qin Le swallowed, "are we going to use this?"

"Yes!" Su Yanjun had returned the jade slip to the box, and tied several horses and Qin Le's donkey to the stake in front of the hut.

"Don't worry, there will be someone here to take care of them." As he said, he helped Huang Zelin onto a slate. When he saw Qin Le's face, he greeted him and said, "you can come with us."

Gu Qingqiao and Mu Xiyuan followed suit and stood on another slate.

When the preparations stopped, Su Yanjun pulled a string on the side of the elongated rope. Not knowing how the mountain got the signal, the slate began to rise slowly.

The foot of the sky gradually vacated, the hut at the foot of the mountain slowly shrunk, and the slate carried the crowd to the top of the mountain.

Qin Le clenched the rope tightly in both hands, peeked at his feet, his face was pale immediately, and he closed his eyes tightly, muttering something in his mouth, and his legs trembled slightly.

Huang Zelin didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw it, so he put on the air of an elder and began to seriously test his recent homework. As a result, he temporarily forgot where he was, and shifted his tension to answering questions.

On another stone slab, Guqing Bridge stood by the rope, and Mu Xiyuan was beside him, and the two stood on both sides of the thick rope. Look at the ground beneath your feet.

Although there is a companion not far away, it can be regarded as being alone if you narrow your eyes. Gu Qingqiao's hand holding the rope moved, pretending to cover Mu Xiyuan's fingers unintentionally.

Mu Xiyun turned to look at him, a thin blush appeared on his face. Gu Qingqiao pressed his body to the side with a smile, and the two of them touched their shoulders.

Over there, Qin Le finally overcame his nervousness. He didn't dare to look down any longer. He only looked around cautiously, and suddenly cried out "ah".

They are now almost flush with the edge of the morning glory, and you can see that there is a huge waterwheel inside the stone wall.

The waterwheel turned slowly, driving the noose and pulling up a few people.

The power of the waterwheel came from the waterfall on the side of the stone wall.

Looking up from the bottom of the mountain just now, the waterfall disappeared when the thick ropes and stone slabs were lowered. When he got here, Qin Le realized that the water was still flowing, but it was stopped by a huge bluestone and changed its direction. Following the stone canal built in advance, it washed on the edge of the waterwheel. After picking up a few people, it flowed out from a distance. stone wall.

The thick rope at the top of the stone board crossed the highest point of the cliff, and the rope noose at the top suddenly changed direction, leading everyone along a long sloping rope, and began to slide into the valley.

"Ah!!!" Qin Le closed his eyes tightly, pulled the rope with one hand, and tugged at Su Yanjun's sleeve with the other, his face pale.

On another stone slab, Gu Qingqiao held the rope in one hand and Mu Xiyuan's shoulder in the other. The strong wind blew, took Mu Xiyuan's long hair, and patted his face lightly, he couldn't help clenching his arms, and his lips gently brushed the ears of the person in his arms.

Mu Xiyun bent her elbow slightly and bumped him. Gu Qingqiao let out a low laugh and blew another breath in his ear, then straightened up and looked at the valley leisurely.

Baihua Mountain is indeed a sea of flowers. A hundred flowers bloom in the valley, and pieces of flowers are woven into gorgeous carpets that cover the entire valley. Looking from above, the field of vision is full of strong colors.

The surrounding colors are bright, and the magic circle here does not look inferior. The base of the array is made of variegated spiritual stones. At first glance, it is integrated with the surrounding flowers, but the slate above is made of pure white marble. The array is bordered with gold, and the end is brilliant and gorgeous. .

"This magic circle must be man-made by Baihuagu," Gu Qingqiao commented with blood: "It's as dazzling as their peony embroidered robes."

The slate soon descended to the ground, and a young man in a white robe was waiting.

The man was about twenty-five or sixteen years old, with an ancient face and messy hair. He also wore a cloth pocket outside the white robe of Moyun Mountain. There was a large pocket in front of the pocket, which was full of various tools.

Su Yanjun smiled and introduced to Huang Zelin: "This is Cheng Yinji, a disciple of Tianxiang Peak, who has been here for five years."

Huang Zelin nodded and praised: "It's not easy for young people to calm down and stay safe, regardless of the loneliness of the environment!"

Cheng Yinji scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and scratched his messy hair into half a bird's nest, "I didn't think about it that much, I just love it here."

Qin Le looked at the tools in Cheng Yinji's pocket, and asked curiously, "Senior brother Cheng, are you repairing the machine that pulled us up just now?"

"Oh, it's just routine maintenance." Cheng Yinji brought a few people to his own house. He wanted to let the guests sit down. He stepped through the door to take a look, but hurried out, blushing and said, "No. I'm sorry, my house is too messy, I'll take you to the accommodation."

A few people stood at the door of Cheng Yinji's house and gave a startling glance. There were piles of various parts in the east and west, large and small gears were scattered on the ground, and there were half-open drawings on the table, which were pressed with two hammers. There was even half of the bed's sundries, and I don't know if he would fall off the bed when he went to bed at night.

Cheng Yinji blushed and strode toward the woods beside the magic circle. There was a row of huts built beside the woods, with white walls and red tiles, but they were simple and elegant.

The hut has its own kitchen, and a fat black lady greeted everyone with a smile when she saw the crowd.

"This is Aunt Zhang, and she is in charge of the living and food here in the array." Cheng Yinji introduced.

"During this time, I have to trouble the aunt to take care of it." Su Yanjun said warmly, and brought a few young people to give salute.

Aunt Zhang was also very happy to see everyone. She hurriedly brought new bedding and utensils for them, and hurriedly started the stove and prepared dinner.

The five settled down, Qin Le pulled Su Yanjun and asked in a low voice to see the huge waterwheel. Su Yanjun and Cheng Yinji discussed a few words softly, the freshly released senior brother Cheng accused Huang Zelin, and walked towards the cliff with an expectant Qin Le.

I don't know what mechanism was activated, but the long rope slate that carried the crowd just now began to move up slowly. Qin Le hesitated for a while, and his curiosity about the waterwheel finally overcame his fear of heights. He followed Cheng Yinji onto the slate and went up to the top of the cliff.

Huang Zelin was old and frail, and he was exhausted after a day's journey. He waved to the three of them, indicating that they didn't need to take care of themselves, and went back to the house to lie down.

When Su Yanjun arrived at the new place, according to the rules, he had to report to the division, so he went back to his room and wrote a letter.

Qing Qiao gently touched Mu Xiyuan, "Go out for a walk?"

As soon as Mu Xiyuan nodded, Gu Qingqiao shook his hand and was dragged by him to the sea of flowers not far away.

The setting sun slanted, and everything in the valley was inlaid with a layer of gold. The two held hands and walked slowly along the sea of flowers. Not far away, a small river passes through the valley. The water flow is gentle. Occasionally, there are fishes playing, and they are not afraid of people.

Sitting on the grass by the river bank, with a half-human-high flower stem beside her, and a faint fragrance filling her nose, Mu Xiyun only felt relaxed and happy, and couldn't help smiling at the sparkling river.

The smile is still shallow, and the viewers are already crazy.

"Ayan." Someone beside him whispered.

Mu Xiyun turned his head, the figure in front of him flickered, and Gu Qingqiao had already covered his lips and kissed him.

Lips are soft and warm. Gu Qingqiao held the back of Mu Xiyuan's head in one hand, and the tip of his tongue gently licked the gap between his lips, finding the other's dodging tongue and entangled with it.

"Qingqiao..." Mu Xiyuan's voice was blocked by the stirring lips and tongue, and turned into a low-pitched mumble, like a soft feather with fluff, scratching Gu Qingqiao's heart.

He tightened the hands around Mu Xiyun's back, put the person on the soft grass, and gently covered him. A soft patch between the teeth on the lips. Mu Xiyun's breath was filled with the cold fragrance of plum blossoms. She was usually calm and calm, gentle and calm, and all her calmness melted into this fiery kiss at this moment.

This heat is more exciting than the sunlight on the body, making people want to hang around and indulge in it. Gu Qingqiao raised his head slightly and looked at Xiao Xianjun, whose temples were slightly messy and his face flushed. Having lived two lives, this person in his arms is the only person who always haunts him in his dreams.

"A Yun, A Yun." Gu Qingqiao called softly, burying his head in his neck, leaving a light red mark beside the delicate collarbone.

At night, Qin Le returned to his residence, pulled Mu Xiyuan excitedly, and rambled about what he saw on the cliff.

Cheng Yin laughed and said: "It's just using water power to push the winch to pull the person up from the mountain, and then slide down the long rope. Xiaole studied it for two hours, and was curious about everything. If I hadn't forcibly brought him down, He's afraid he's going to spend the night there."

Gu Qingqiao was in a good mood, and jokingly said: "I don't think he doesn't want to come down, but he is afraid to ride the slate that slides down again!"

Qin Le turned back and glared at him, and mysteriously took out a small black round stone and showed it to Mu Xiyun like a baby.

Mu Xiyun took a look and felt a move in her heart, as if she had seen it somewhere.

The aunt who was setting up the meal looked at it and smiled, "Isn't this the little black stone in the valley? There are so many in the valley!"


The author has something to say:

【small theater】

Qin Le: Help, I'm afraid of heights~~~~

Huang Zelin: Keke, Xiaole, how many ways are there to build a diamond formation? Limit your answer between two breaths! !

Qin Le (instantly entered the state of rushing to answer): magic tricks, spells, handprints...