The Devil is My White Moonlight

Chapter 99: mountain gap


The giant beast obviously wanted to escape through the crevices of the mountain, but now seeing two figures blocking the road, it suddenly let out a long roar, castrated, and rammed straight into the two of them.

In normal times, the two of them would definitely not confront the giant beast head-on, but for the past few days, the two of them have been sullen and simmered in their hearts. greeted.

With a "bang", Mu Xiyuan's long sword slashed on the side of the giant beast's head, and there was a sound of gold and stone intersecting. His arm was numb from the shock, the long sword almost flew out of his hand, and the giant beast was also slashed to the side. Crooked, he opened his mouth angrily and bit towards Gu Qingqiao who was approaching.

The giant beast's mouth was huge, and when it opened, it revealed its sharp fangs, which was very scary. Gu Qingqiao did not dodge or evade, and actually let the giant beast contain himself in one bite.

"Qingqiao!" Mu Xiyun exclaimed, and charged forward with his sword in hand.

I saw a flash of sharp light, and the jaws of the giant beast suddenly pierced something sharp, which was actually the Lingwu Long/Spear that Gu Qingqiao got on Lingshan. A blood hole was opened in Qiongqi's chin immediately.

Seeing that the tip of the spear was stirred from side to side, the giant beast couldn't bear the severe pain, and opened its mouth and roared. Gu Qingqiao immediately jumped out of the giant mouth, and with a long spear in his hand, he threw Qiong Qi to the ground.

The blood of the beast was splattered and poured on Gu Qingqiao's face. He didn't think it was dirty, so he turned up and stabbed the beast's throat with another shot.

Between the lightning and flint, the disciples of Longhu Villa behind had caught up. It was Fang Rui who took the lead.

When Fang Rui saw Mu Xiyuan, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately laughed: "I said how it looked familiar, it turned out to be Mu Xianjun, long time no see!"

While speaking, he and his disciples forced the giant beast to the front of the mountain wall next to the gap.

"What animal is this? Why are you chasing it?" Mu Xiyun asked as he approached.

"The name of this beast is 'Qianqi', and it was born to eat the soul of man. There were originally few in this area, but for some reason, it has gradually increased recently."

Qiongqi was injured, and large drops of animal blood continued to flow down his lower jaw, and soon it accumulated into a blood pool. At this moment, he became restless, his two front claws kept grabbing the ground, and his mouth made a low guttural sound. .

The two sides confronted each other for a moment, and Qiongqi let out a loud roar and leaped forward. The disciples of Longhu Villa had been waiting for this leap, shaking their hands and throwing a large net, and covering the giant beast with their heads.

There is spiritual power attached to the net, and the more the giant beast struggles, the tighter it will be, and it will be unable to move after a while.

Fang Rui nodded, and a disciple of Longhu Villa immediately stepped forward, holding a sharp knife, pierced between Qiongqi's eyes, and cut out a crystal clear bead. Qiongqi lost the bead, and immediately fell down and lost his anger.

Fang Rui carefully put the bead into the Qiankun bag, and said to the two of them: "This giant beast was near the Dragon Tiger Villa in the afternoon, consuming the souls of nearly 50 people, and now it temporarily exists in this demon pill. Here, I have to go back quickly, and within five days, I will break the demon pill and release my soul, and those people will still be saved. Thank you for your help today. If you have time in the future, you must come to Longhu Villa as a guest."

Mu Xiyun nodded at him, and the disciples of Longhu Villa quickly pulled up the rope net, took the corpse of Qiongqi, and left with their swords.

Watching them go away, Mu Xiyun turned his head, Gu Qingqiao did not participate in their conversation, and was drenched in beast blood again, and Fang Rui did not recognize him for a while. At this moment, he had cleaned the blood from his body with the cleansing technique and walked towards the fire.

Silence was restored between the two, except for the sound of the wind whistling in the mountain crevice.

Mu Xiyun walked to the ancient green bridge, the mountain wind blew the bonfire around, light and shadow flickered alternately on his face, and he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Standing stiffly behind him for a moment, Mu Xiyun leaned down, opened her arms, and embraced the body in front of her.

Gu Qingqiao shuddered and turned back suddenly, but met Mu Xiyun's red eyes.

"Ayun, you..." Gu Qingqiao turned pale in shock, hurriedly scooped up the man and held him in his arms, hurriedly wiped Mu Xiyun's face with his sleeve.

Mu Xiyun buried his entire face in his arms, and after a long while he whispered, "Just now, I thought you were eaten by that giant beast."

Gu Qingqiao breathed a sigh of relief, patted his back lightly, and joked: "Aren't you mad at me? I was eaten by a giant beast, you should be happy!"

Clenching his fist and hammering it a few times, Mu Xiyuan broke out of Gu Qingqiao's arms and made a gesture to get up. Gu Qingqiao hurriedly hugged him back, "Aiya, don't be angry!" He gently kissed Mu Xiyuan's eyes, and tasted the bitter salty taste: "I'm so sad these days, we will all be together in the future. Don't be angry, okay?"

"If you're honest, there's nothing to be angry about." Mu Xiyuan looked into his eyes: "I know you don't want me to be in danger, but in the face of people like Wuying, you shouldn't leave me alone. find him."

"You're because of this, not because of..." Gu Qingqiao's face lit up with joy, but when he saw Mu Xiyun's face sank immediately, he hurriedly pulled him into his arms again, and said with a smile, "Ayun will be jealous because of me. , I'm so happy!" He looked down at the still cold face, and said again: "I know, I know, A Yun is worried about my safety, I won't anymore."

After coaxing for a long time, Mu Xiyuan finally calmed down. The two lay side by side by the fire, looking at the bright starry sky, chatting without a word.

Gu Qingqiao was exhausted, and he slowly lost his words and fell into a deep sleep.

Mu Xiyuan rested her head on her hands and quietly watched Gu Qingqiao's sleeping face. After a long time, he said softly, "In the last life, I came back from the battlefield and couldn't save you. In this life, no matter what method, I must protect you comprehensively."

The next day, the two entered the crevice of the mountain against the cold wind.

The gap is not wide, only enough for five or six people to walk side by side. There are many sharp stones on the road, and the edges of the exposed stones are as sharp as swords, and ordinary people cannot pass through. Above the torn stone wall, a narrow line of sky is exposed, and the entire gap is like the mouth of a giant beast, swallowing people.

The two used their body techniques and quickly swept forward. After half an hour, Gu Qingqiao pulled Mu Xiyuan and said softly, "Take a break!"

The two found a slightly flat place and sat down, Gu Qingqiao stretched out his hand and pulled Mu Xiyun into his arms, rubbed his lips against his neck, and said, "Someone is following us."

Mu Xiyuan nodded slightly, turned her head and pretended to dodge, her eyes swept across the back quickly, behind a large rock, a small black shadow appeared.

The two sat and chatted for a while, then got up again and walked forward.

The shadow behind him flashed a big stone and quietly followed.

Mu Xiyuan unfolded her movement and swept forward abruptly, but her castration was towards the stone wall on the left. This was as fast as lightning, and he turned over in an instant. The shadow behind the two was unavoidable, and he had a straight face-to-face with Mu Xiyun.

Wolf demon

Mu Xiyun immediately recognized that this was the shadowless wolf demon on top of Lingshan!

The wolf demon was shocked and hurried back, but there was a sound of breaking wind behind him, and Gu Qingqiao's short knife had reached his vest.

Thanks to his quick reaction, he turned around to avoid the edge of the dagger, raised his hand to block the dagger, but at this pause, Mu Xiyun had already bullied him, only to hear a jingling sound, a knife and a sword had been placed on his neck. neck.

"Xianjun spare your life!" The wolf demon shouted: "I have no malice."

Gu Qingqiao was the first to drink it: "Say, what did Wuying send you to do?"

The wolf demon had a puzzled look on his face, and it took a long while to react and shouted, "I'm not from the Witch Doctor Valley!"

"No? Last time in Lingshan, didn't you follow Wuying?" Gu Qingqiao snorted coldly.

"Then, that's just to follow the orders of my master and temporarily assist the Shadowless Valley Master." The wolf demon replied.

"Assist?" Mu Xiyun withdrew his sword and asked, "Who is your master?"

The wolf demon was free, but he was not in a hurry to escape, and cupped his hands: "Hui Xianjun, my master is the demon king of the Tianyao clan."

The Tianyao family disappeared for too long in the Central Plains, and they have long lost their inheritance and become a legend in people's mouths. The two exchanged glances, and Gu Qingqiao asked, "Why are you following us?"

The wolf demon replied: "The mountain gap in the southwest is connected to the western desert, and there are often monsters and beasts, but this was the territory of my wolf demon clan. The king asked me to wait here for the two immortals, first to help clear some Xiaoxiao, and secondly I'm here to help the king with a message."

In the past few days, I have encountered monsters frequently. It turned out that they all came from here through the mountains, but today I entered the mountain gap, but I have not encountered a single monster. It seems that the deterrent power of the wolf monster is really good.

"What does your king want to tell us?" Gu Qingqiao asked.

The wolf demon saluted him: "The king said that he only recently learned that Brother Gu is the prince of the demon clan, and the promise of the thousand-year contract. The thousand-year contract requires the cooperation of people, demons, and demons. Strength is indispensable. The king heard that Brother Gu is going to Crescent Moon City, and he will come soon. I hope to find some time to chat with Brother Gu on this matter alone."

"Okay, let's wait for his visit." Gu Qingqiao returned the salute.

The wolf demon paused, hesitating for a while, and said in a low voice: "The two immortals just mentioned the Shadowless Valley Lord, and the little demon has a word to remind."

"What? You just say it." Mu Xiyun frowned.

"That valley owner is no longer human." The wolf demon replied.

"What does this mean?" Gu Qingqiao asked: "No longer a human, what is that?"

"I heard that fifty years ago, he killed the old valley owner of the Witch Doctor Valley and completely surrendered to the Demon Race. I don't know what magic was applied to the Demon Race, but now he has a demon body and is no longer a human being. The disciples are all hidden at the border of the Demon Realm, and there were traces of them in the desert, so the two of you should be more careful."

Both were horrified. It is not without doubts. Among the old friends from fifty years ago, even Gu Qingqiao’s younger junior brother has gray hair, but Wuying still looks like a young man in his twenties. Previously, he was only regarded as a Gu worm. Maintaining his appearance, he did not expect that he was transformed into a demon body by a secret method.

Speechless for a moment, Mu Xiyun turned around and continued walking. The wolf demon fell behind and said, "You two go first, and the little demon can follow behind."

There was nothing to say along the way. After two hours, the two walked out of the mountain gap. When they looked back, there was no trace of the wolf demon.


The author has something to say:

The third volume is over, and the next volume starts to wrap up


Volume 4 Who is the Devil or the Immortal
