The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 102: Left and right one dies, there is no way to escape


"Don't bother, anyway, the king has nothing to do recently, those few cases have killed people, it's really boring!" Ao Chenyi pulled the corners of his lips, as if he wanted to pull out a kind smile.

But this smile fell in Xia Tian's eyes, almost naked, treacherous and cold.

Almost in an instant, Xia Tian had made a decision, kowtowed to the top in fear and trepidation: "Your Majesty, no matter what, it was the minister who kicked the child out of that woman's stomach, and that woman should hate the minister. The minister committed this accident on the spur of the moment." Mistakes are the fault of the courtiers, and the courtiers will definitely be responsible, and please punish them by Your Majesty."

At this time, his words changed, he no longer insisted on framing, and even softened slightly.

This means that there is no need to investigate, the Shang Shufu is willing to take full responsibility, but in the words, he only chooses what the emperor is willing to listen to.

In the blink of an eye, he remembered what Xia Yuhang said last night, if something really happened, he would use this kind of rhetoric to admit his mistake.

Back then when the emperor was still a prince, he beat his brother to a half-mutilation because of impulsiveness. He was almost abolished by the previous emperor. The reason was that he was framed by others, but in the end he had to admit his mistake. All of this is similar to Xia Yuhang's situation.

Even the last thing I had to admit, I imitated eighty or ninety.

Sure enough, the emperor's faintly angry face softened a little.

"Lord Xia is right. Next time, if I do something impulsively next time, I don't know if I don't need to be punished?" Ao Chenyi nodded, and flicked his slender fingers on the table twice, Mi Lixie's cold laughter rang in everyone's ears.

With just one sentence, the emperor's face changed drastically, and everyone could almost clearly see the bulging veins on the emperor's head.

The two rows of officials standing below were all terrified. Only His Royal Highness Yi Wang seemed to be unaware that he had just said something rebellious, and still showed a cold smile with great interest.

After a while, the emperor regained his composure, his eyes shone sharply, and he slapped his hands heavily on the dragon chair: "It's my father's fault if I don't teach my son, and I will be punished with half a year's salary in summer. Xia Yuhang will not be allowed to participate in the spring boudoir next year. , to follow suit!"

close the coffin,

Xia Yuhang lost the opportunity in the scientific examination every three years. If he still wants to have a chance, it will be three years later.

Xia Tian felt bitter, but had no choice but to thank you!

Compared with that matter, this matter is still much small.

"Girl, this servant has already found out clearly that the emperor has decreed that the elder uncle will not be allowed to participate in the next year's scientific examination, and ordered the Hou Ye to suspend his duties for three months and rectify the family affairs at home. Pull it over and scold again." Qingyu rushed in, closed the door carefully, then turned around and said with a light smile.

It's really heart-warming, seeing how the people in the Mingshuang courtyard are not happy when they see the chickens flying around in the Yunxia courtyard.

"Have you found any news from the Xia Mansion?" Ning Xueyan put down the pen in her hand, took the towel handed over by Lan Ning, wiped her hands, turned her head and took a deep breath, and asked.

"At the Xia Mansion, the eldest lady just sent someone over to look for the eldest lady, but the eldest lady was imprisoned in the Buddhist hall by the old lady. When a nanny asked a question, it was a coincidence that the servant listened to me."

Qingyu's eyes were wide open, and her exaggerated expression made both Ning Xueyan and Lan Ning couldn't help laughing.

"Tell me, what happened?" Ning Xueyan smiled sweetly.

"That maid said something very messy, and the maidservant actually couldn't hear it clearly. She just said that the mansion over there was in chaos, that the eldest son-in-law was punished, that he could not take the scientific examination next spring, and that there was another aunt in the mansion. Daddy The girl was arguing with the eldest uncle in the backyard, and the lady over there scolded the eldest girl and so on, so I want to ask the eldest lady to persuade the fight."

Qingyu said happily, but then she became puzzled, in her opinion, there are some things that just cannot be connected together.

"But, girl, this servant still doesn't understand. Didn't that woman inform the eldest son-in-law, why does the eldest son-in-law still adopt her as an aunt now?"

Although Qingyu is loyal, sometimes she is not as transparent as Lan Ning. Hearing Qingyu's question, Lan Ning first smiled, then pushed her and said: "The bigger the incident, the less the Shangshufu will dare to touch that woman, sir. My uncle's reputation is not good now, how dare he do such an outrageous thing, even if the eldest girl wants to harm that woman, the eldest uncle will stop her."

I can't tell that this woman is so good at learning and using.

Nanny Han comforted Chen Hexiang, and when chatting, she mentioned such a similar thing.

Compared to strength, Chen Hexiang is not as good as Ning Ziyan at all. Speaking of love, if Chen Hexiang believed that she was Xia Yuhang's favorite person before, she would have been kicked out of her mind long ago!

Chen Hexiang is an extremely ruthless woman, and she figured it out in an instant, so she found a way that is most beneficial to her, and put it to death to survive. As long as she doesn't compromise and sues Xia Yuhang, Xia's mansion has no choice but to face her squarely. Give her a title, and even prevent Ning Ziyan from harming her.

Things, the bigger the better! This is why she didn't care about anything, and Xinmei, who was masked, threw the report letter for her at the door of Mr. Huai who claimed to be upright.

Regarding the matter between her and Xia Yuhang, even though she planned on Xia Yuhang, such a chance encounter was originally a good opportunity for her to see. Personally hooked up.

Therefore, Xia Yuhang couldn't explain it clearly!

What's more, Chen Hexiang also knew something about Ning Ziying, and she didn't mention it in the report letter, because she didn't mean to kill Xia Yuhang.

However, these are also what Ning Xueyan needs. The more cunning Chen Hexiang is, the greater the pressure on Ning Ziyan, and Xia Yuhang will not be able to kill her any more.

Chen Hexiang and Ning Ziyan were evenly matched, so they fought fiercely.

Both women are ruthless, but let's see who can fight the other.

Since both of them are so determined to marry Xia Yuhang and become their regular wives, let them taste each other's viciousness for themselves...

"Oh, that's how it was originally, but girl, this servant still doesn't quite understand, why does that woman trust Xinmei so much? Give Xinmei this kind of trust?" Qingyu rubbed her head, but she still didn't quite understand.

"I didn't make her believe it, but she was willing to believe it. At that time, no one in the Xia Mansion could help her. Xinmei's past was the only straw for her, even if it wasn't appropriate. She has no choice but to use it!" A sneering smile appeared on the corner of Ning Xueyan's mouth.

A woman like Chen Hexiang would definitely do this in such a situation. She would not care about who the masked man in black was. If she wanted to survive, she had to ask Xinmei to help her.

"Girl, the things are ready, shall we go to see Aunt Ma now?" Lan Ning asked softly, lifting the prepared food basket in his hand.

"Well, let's go now." Ning Xueyan nodded and stood up.

At this time, the meal delivered by Ling's should have just arrived...

After the false pregnancy of Aunt Ma, so many things happened, Ning Ziyan had a miscarriage, Chen Heyan was kicked out of the child, and then Xia Yuhang and Ning Ziyan had an affair before marriage. No one bothered to bring up the matter of fake pregnancy, and the whole family chose to forget about it.

Of course, this does not include Ning Xueyan.

Aunt Ma is very favored these days, and the courtyard she lives in is closer to the middle, but the courtyard that used to welcome guests and was very lively is now deserted.

Entering inside, Aunt Ma sat up in panic on the bed, and after only a day of not seeing her, Aunt Ma became so thin that it was almost unbelievable that the beautiful woman who was still round and round yesterday suddenly looked a little older today. Years, as if they were not the same person.

Everyone knows that her current situation is not good!

"Fifth girl!" Aunt Ma tremblingly said, the moment she saw Ning Xueyan, she almost showed a timid expression.

"My aunt is in good health. Do you want to eat something? I brought some food here. I don't know if my aunt likes it." Ning Xueyan smiled lightly, as if she had no grudges, and sat on a chair outside the bed. Certainly.

Lan Ning, who was following her, put the food box on the table in front of Aunt Ma. There happened to be another food box that was exactly the same. set.

"Thank you Fifth Miss. Fifth Miss is very polite. I... will be fine." Aunt Ma's voice was a little hoarse, her eyes followed Lan Ning's food box and landed on another food box, her eyes slightly panicked.

"No matter how you say it, you are a part of the Hou family. Even if mother can't tolerate you, she must allow you to eat before leaving." Ning Xueyan smiled and said meaningfully. Mo Mou fell on Aunt Ma, and she shivered when she saw it.

I feel cold in my heart!

Inexplicably, the emaciated fifth girl in front of her had an indescribable aura, her eyes seemed to attract people's souls, making people dare not look at each other.

Turning his eyes, he forced a smile: "Thank you, fifth girl, how can the eldest lady not tolerate me, I have become like this, what else can the eldest lady not tolerate?"

"Oh, that's my guess. I was thinking of showing Aunt Ma a way. In that case, I will leave! Don't disturb Aunt Ma's meal!" Ning Xueyan smiled coldly, stood up, and spoke Especially when it comes to meals, the tone is emphasized.

Seeing that Ning Xueyan was leaving, Aunt Ma was very anxious!

In fact, she was also full of apprehension. This matter was all caused by Ling Shi, but it ended up on her!

Even if she told it all, who would believe it.

She hated Ling Shi for being cruel and merciless, for using medicine to cut off her own fertility, that's why she was so impulsive at that time, and rushed over to bite off a piece of Ling Shi's flesh.

However, when she calmed down, she realized that she could not testify against Ling Shi. Ling had secrets about her and her lover in his hands. Telling her not only made her a dead man, but also angered Ning Zuan and her family.

She thought about it all night yesterday, but she didn't come up with the result. If she took on the matter of the fake pregnancy, then the matter of murdering the concubine's daughter would be confirmed; My secrets will be exposed, I have given a cuckold to the Marquis Huguo, and my family can't bear Ning Zu'an's anger...

The left and right are all dead, she has no way to escape, she doesn't know what kind of tragic end she will end up with!