The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 106: A maid's confession


Ling came here very quickly, unlike the gorgeous clothes in the past, now she is only wearing an ordinary commoner dress, with no makeup on her face, although this makes her look like she is sincerely paying respects to the Buddha, but it also makes her look a little A bit old, especially with bandages wrapped around her ears, she is not at the same level as the young and beautiful Aunt Ma.

"Ling Shi, you can say that Aunt Ma had an affair with other men yesterday, and was seen by the maid, so she caused the miscarriage later, just to put the blame on you?" Mrs. Tai asked.

"Mother, this is what Biyun said, and my daughter-in-law is not too clear about it. I was thinking about asking yesterday. Later, my mother let me into the Buddhist hall, so I didn't have time to ask. Why don't I ask my mother now?" Ling said. Along the way, I knew that Aunt Ma was making trouble, and my heart skipped a beat. Now I will look at Aunt Ma coldly, push the matter to Madam Tai, and deliberately avoid the matter of Aunt Ma being poisoned.

Fortunately, she was already prepared!

It makes sense to talk about what happened before instead of what happened just now.

Biyun was the maid who was with Aunt Ma when the accident happened.

"Biyun, what happened yesterday?" Mrs. Tai turned to Biyun who was kneeling on the ground and asked.

"My servant didn't know what was going on yesterday. My aunt first said that she was going to rest in the back, and when she walked to the pavilion, she said that it was good up there. If she wanted to meet the fifth girl, she asked the servant to prepare the stove or something. The servant was very busy. When everything was ready and I wanted to go up, I saw a man enter the pavilion."

"What, man?" Madame Tai's face was filled with anger, and a shocked expression appeared on her face. Although Ning Zu'an had told her about this, he only mentioned it in words.

"It's a man who came up to talk to my aunt affectionately. The servant did not dare to go in at the door, so she hid at the door. I heard my aunt specifically say... Speaking of..." Biyun said, looking at Ning Xueyan deliberately, It seems that some dare not say it.

"Say, what's the matter?" Mrs. Tai scolded.

"Say... say yes, Miss Wu, I want to send my aunt to run away with that man, that's why my aunt met that man privately by talking to Miss Wu." Biyun said timidly, her voice getting lower and lower.

"What are you talking about with empty tongues? You mean Miss Wu wants to help Aunt Ma elope with a man. It's none of Miss Wu's business. Miss Wu and Aunt Ma have never been close. Why do you want to do this?" Ling heard. , scolded angrily, as if speaking for Ning Xueyan, but seeing Mrs. Tai's increasingly gloomy face, this effect is really not a little bit!

Ning Xueyan stood aside, sneered in her heart, and quietly watched Ling's performance without saying a word.

"Yes... slave girl... I saw it, but I didn't know... Afterwards, the fifth girl came with someone again, and the tea that the servant girl brought to Aunt Ma happened to be placed next to the fifth girl. For such a thing, then Auntie will blame Da Furen and bite Da Furen!"

As if she really didn't know anything, Biyun told the whole story in a daze.

The information in these words was provided one by one, all pointed to Ning Xueyan, and she even thought about her motives. The reason why Ning Xueyan made so many troubles was to frame Ling, causing Aunt Ma thought it was Ling who wanted to harm her, so she bit off a piece of Ling's ear.

Things were linked one after another, and Aunt Ma went to Ning Xueyan before, which became an excuse for Ning Xueyan to deliberately frame Ling.

It is really not to be underestimated that Ling Shi could make up such words in such a short period of time!

Even Aunt Ma was stunned and forgot to pretend for a moment.

"Do you know that you will be killed with a stick if you defraud the master!" the eldest lady said gloomyly.

Bi Yun shuddered twice, then suddenly pointed to a few people in the crowd and said, "It wasn't the servant who saw Aunt Ma flirting with a man alone, they all saw it."

The few people who were named seemed terrified, and had to get out of the crowd at this time, they happened to enter the pavilion with Ning Xueyan at that time.

"Have you all seen it?" Ning Zuan couldn't help asking.

"Yes... yes, the servant saw Aunt Ma fell on the ground, and the man was holding her... other... other, the servant did not know."

Ling's even calculated this, it's really high, but such a perfect plan, it doesn't look like it was made by Ling's hands, a trap, a trap aimed at himself, implicating Aunt Ma, even all of his own Behavior is reasonable.

As if everything was arranged before!

If she guessed right, this trap came from one person who wanted to bear the scandal of the Hou Mansion and sacrifice the lives of herself and Aunt Ma in order to preserve the name of the Ling family, or Ning Ziyan's reputation. It is indeed perfect!

It's a pity that this matter is handled by the Ling family, and it is destined to have no good results...

"Evil, tell me, did you and this bitch design this?" Ning Zu'an was angry and hated, and sternly reprimanded, with indescribable embarrassment on his face, he stared at Ning Xueyan and Aunt Ma fiercely, as if As long as they say yes, they will be strangled to death immediately.

As a man and a dignified protector of the country, how could such a thing happen in the mansion, so why not make him very angry.

"Father, do you really think that I did such a thing on purpose to harm my mother, but you don't know when I became as smart as my mother in the mansion? Father, do you want me to marry you just based on the words of a girl? Aunt Ma's crime?" Ning Xueyan laughed suddenly, looking at Ning Zuan's anger coldly.

Does Ling really understand her husband? Is it really okay to make Ning Zuan lose his dignity as a man in front of so many people

Aunt Ma eloped, not to mention where this man came from, but Ning Xueyan, the fifth girl, and how many people in the whole mansion respect her. , not to mention, Aunt Ma is Ning Zuan's favored concubine, compared to Ning Xueyan who is weak.

Her concubine's speech has more weight!

Why did you ask Ning Xueyan to help her? Other men elope!

Ling's face froze, Mrs. Tai's eyes became suspicious, and even Ning Zu'an turned to Ling's. With one sentence, everyone's attitudes were reversed.

"Father only blames Auntie, saying that she met other people secretly and conspired with me. May I ask Father, since Auntie came into the mansion, has she been wholeheartedly devoted to you?" Ning Xueyan continued.

"Master Hou, the heart of this concubine to you is very clear. If you really don't want to enter the mansion, you have told him directly at the beginning. Why should you follow him into the mansion? Master Hou loves me so much. Could it be that I won Master's love, but regret it?" Aunt Ma also understood at this time, covering her face and crying loudly.

What he said was very reasonable. Aunt Ma was the last to enter the mansion, and Ning Zuan loved her the most. Ning Zuan felt that she did not treat her badly. How could she conspire with other men to elope? This is indeed not in line with etiquette. My aunt is very good at being a person, and the Hou Ye and the Hou Ye are flattering all the time, as if Ning Zu'an is the only one in her heart.

Speaking of which, it is indeed impossible to elope with others.

What's more, Aunt Ma's entry into the Marquis Mansion was considered voluntary. After Ning Zu'an met her by chance, he sent someone to ask her to be his concubine.

"Father, I didn't want to talk about this, but now that it's about me, in order to clear me up, even if I have a quarrel with Aunt Ma, I still have to say it," Ning Xueyan continued, "That day, everyone just Seeing Aunt Ma lying on the ground, it seemed that she was entangled with the man, but in fact, Aunt Ma was resting inside, seeing a man coming in, she ran away and fell to the ground. Together."

Ning Zu'an was taken aback, then looked at Ling Shi with a very strange expression on his face.

Looking at Ning Zuan's expression, Ling's intuition was not good, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

"Father, in the entire Hou Mansion, if there is anyone who can't control others, I am the only one!" Ning Xueyan said the last sentence with a smile, but it can make people feel to her helplessness.

A dignified concubine of the Hou's mansion can't even control a servant, let alone let someone frame the mistress of a mansion, a dignified Mrs. Hou.

If you say this the other way around, it's quite possible!

"As for her?" Ning Xueyan pointed at Biyun and said calmly, "If father doesn't believe it, you can find out who she is!"

"Master Hou, you... you go and check... this little slut, with a cup of medicine, cut off the offspring of the concubine. If it weren't for her, how would the concubine dare to bite the lady regardless of her life." Aunt Ma's last words, Dispelled Ning Zuan's last hesitation.

Aunt Ma is very tactful, she usually obeys Ling Shi’s orders in everything, but yesterday she dared to rush to bite Ling Shi, it can be seen that she hates her so much, what kind of situation would she hate so much, according to Ning Zu’an’s instructions I understand, that is because Ling did something to frame Aunt Ma, and made Aunt Ma lose her way of life, that's why she worked so hard.

As for the man colliding with a woman and falling to the ground, it doesn't mean that something must have happened.

When Ning Zuan was young, there was such a thing. When he was a guest in Befu, when he turned the corner, he bumped into a beautiful woman who seemed to be his aunt. At that time, he was almost beaten as a lover. up.

If the Ming family hadn't come out to testify for him at that time, his reputation would have been ruined at that time!

Of course, Ning Zu'an would not say such a shameful thing casually, even if it was Ling's, he never mentioned it, but Ning Xueyan knew about it in an accidental conversation with Ming's.

The same scene, the same thing, the same misunderstanding, everything is logical, and the matter is so reasonable, Aunt Ma and Ning Xueyan had a rift, and it is impossible for the two of them to plot against Ling together anyway, but Ling wants to shirk it Responsibility, put everything on the two of them.

As for Aunt Ma's poisoning behavior, it better interprets Ling's intention to kill people.

Thinking that he was fine and nothing, but Ling made people think that Aunt Ma had put on a green hat for him for no reason, and it spread that he could not lift his head up in front of everyone, Ning Zuan's face became gloomy, and his eyes fell on Ling's, Biyun, and all the witnesses just now didn't say a word for a long time.

The faces of Bi Yun and the others showed panic and panic. If Ning Xueyan and Aunt Ma were framed, then they were framed.

This further deepened Ning Zuan's suspicion.