The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 108: Doubt, the past


Returning to Mingshuang Courtyard from Mrs. Tai, Ning Xueyan casually took a book, flipped through it, and then sat by the window in a daze, the scenes of her previous life slipping past her eyes like flowing water.

Since entering the Huguohou's Mansion, Ling has been as affectionate to her as her own daughter, and Ning Ziyan has treated her like her own sister, sending all delicious and fun things to her yard, making her sigh repeatedly As expected, he had nothing to trust, and Xia Yuhang came to visit after that.

Because the relationship with Ning Ziyan is like a sister, she didn't avoid her.

What happened afterwards was of course even more logical, but now that I think about it, I always feel that I have overlooked something important.

"Girl." Lan Ning made a cup of tea and walked in, put down the tea, and said to Ning Xueyan with a smile: "Girl, the servants have already shared the food with the maids in the yard, and now even the bowls and chopsticks are not served. Clean it up and send it to the kitchen."

In this way, even if someone came to check, they wouldn't be able to find anything!

Although those dishes are slightly different, they are basically similar. There are many people who eat them, and everyone rushes to eat them, so no one will notice the differences.

And the food basket in Aunt Ma's hand was knocked out at that time, and it was a mess. It would have been cleaned up long ago, and the food basket, bowls and chopsticks were all thrown out.

Two similar meals, one poisonous and one non-poisonous, are now destroyed!

Even if there are still people who want to check it now, they can't find it!

Speaking of this, Lan Ning really admired her own girl from the bottom of her heart, especially the last sentence she left behind and said to Aunt Ma, which immediately made Aunt Ma follow behind the girl wholeheartedly and cooperate with her.

The last thing she said was the niche's name!

"Lan Ning, when are you going out to see Mother Wang?" After taking a sip of tea, Ning Xueyan lowered her eyes slightly, and there was an unbearable tiredness in her eyes.

After repeated blows, it is impossible for the Ling family to treat her as casually as before. There are too many doubts about her previous life on Wang Naomo's body. After all, it is not reassuring to put it outside. It is impossible to say when Ling's people will find her. If he tried to harm her, he would be beyond his reach.

It is necessary to find a way to bring her into the mansion, and the idea has gradually formed, only some suitable opportunities are missing.

Some things, she thought about it again and again, but she didn't have a clue. She didn't know if it was the previous life, she really ignored a lot, or Xia Yuhang kept her secret too tightly. Now that I think about it, it is obviously suspicious Yes, each time was resolved in Xia Yuhang's explanation.

She seemed to obey Xia Yuhang's words completely, thinking that he was her future husband-in-law, and he would treat her wholeheartedly and for her own good. Unexpectedly, he had been lying to her all this time. I also know that he has already changed his mind.

Say what you say will never change in this life, what say you will be with you until you grow old!

In the end, only a puddle of blood was left after the bully had used it up, and a drowned fate...

"Girl, the mansion should be watching very closely at this moment. The servant girl heard that the eldest son-in-law came again this morning, and went to the Buddhist hall to see the eldest lady, and said a few words to the wife, and the wife said These days, when servants come in and out of the mansion, they must have a pair of cards, otherwise they will be punished for the crime of escaping."

Xia Yuhang? It seems that he is not giving up.

Even though there was so much commotion in Xia's mansion, he still cared about the Huguohou's mansion, he was the one who doubted Huguohou's mansion.

In her previous life, she really underestimated Xia Yuhang. She only thought that he was a handsome young man, gentle and elegant, knowledgeable and reasonable, but he didn't understand the world and valued love and righteousness. That's why she was as affectionate as ever to her orphan fiancee. It turned out that all of this was just an illusion he had deceived himself.

Only now did I realize that he was the most powerful person!

The reason why Ling Shi was able to make up such a story successfully today is also because of his teaching!

Originally, he wanted himself and Aunt Ma to take the blame, so that Ling could be freed from this scandal.

Fortunately, I knew that the Ling family would not quit, so I rushed to do it before the Ling family, and the poisoning incident of Aunt Ma gave me an opportunity. In addition, Ning Zuan loved Aunt Ma in the first place, so I naturally listened to it. Only by entering into Aunt Ma's words can I avoid this crisis today!

Break the game!

"How was Xia Yuhang treating Ning Ziying before?" Ning Xueyan leaned back, leaning softly on the cushion.

"In the past, he was very kind to Miss Ziying. Whenever Miss Ziying wanted something, she would definitely send it to her., Miss Ziying never thought that he...he had been lying to her all this time, and in the end he had a relationship with Da The girls are together." Lan Ning thought of Ning Ziying, and said with a sad face.

Although Lan Ning didn't know the specific situation at that time, but seeing the vicious nature of Ling's mother and daughter, she knew that Ning Ziying must have been killed by them. She said that she threw herself into the lake and was about to marry her beloved. How could Ziying throw herself into the lake for no reason.

How could Lan Ning believe such words!

"Xia Yuhang, what was the most talked about topic with Ning Ziying in the past?" Ning Xueyan frowned and asked.

A fan of the authorities, she probably didn't find anything, so she needed a bystander, Lan Ning, to make some suggestions.

"The one who talks the most..." Knowing that Ning Xueyan couldn't figure out what was going on, Lan Ning also tried hard to think about it, because the two must be unmarried couples. Huan, because Lan Ning is steady and intelligent, most of the time, he takes her with him.

"Girl, this servant remembered that in the following period of time, he and Miss Ziying talked the most about Miss Ziying's past in the south of the Yangtze River. Sometimes she liked to ask about Miss Ziying's childhood, or Miss Ziying has encountered any interesting people and things in the past! He seems to be particularly interested in this!"

Childhood memories and some people and things

Ning Xueyan's mind lit up, and her memory was instantly ignited by Lan Ning's words. Indeed, Xia Yuhang liked to remind her of the memory at that time. She was especially interested in everything about her childhood.

Once, she herself felt strange, but Xia Yuhang told her affectionately that because he liked her, he wanted to know everything about her. He was not in his past memory, and he was willing to listen to it over and over again, just like he was with her at that time. Be happy and angry with her.

At that time, how moved she was, she just felt that having him in this life was the greatest favor from heaven to her!

From then on, he was even more determined to treat him, even if he had an affair with Chen Hexiang later, Chen Hexiang pushed her into the water on purpose, causing her to almost die, as long as he explained something lightly, she would believe it!

Everything about Ning Xueyan's childhood was actually very vague, so she said the same things several times, and there was nothing new in the end.

With a twitch in my heart, I suddenly remembered something. At that time, Xia Yuhang was not only interested in his own childhood, but also had some things. He asked more than once. At that time, he just thought he was curious. Now that he thinks about it, with his precise mind, how can he Would be as simple as just curious...

"Is the backyard under the care of Mrs. Tai now?" Ning Xueyan's eyes flashed a hint of darkness. Some things may need to meet Wang Momo to be sure.

"The eldest lady has entered the Buddhist hall, and the eldest lady is not able to bear it anymore. Now Aunt Xu is taking over the affairs of the backyard. Originally, she only said that it took a long time to take over, but today such a thing happened, and the eldest lady's head was smashed." Well, Lord Hou still asks to take the eldest lady back to the Buddhist hall, and the maids all said that the eldest lady will probably stay in the Buddhist hall for the New Year!"

Something happened in the mansion, and Lan Ning had already gone to find out just now.

"What happened to Miss Four?" Ning Xueyan asked slowly.

"After the fourth girl separated from the girl, she went directly to Aunt Xu's yard, and then returned to her own yard instead of going to the Buddhist hall." Lan Ning replied, knowing that what the girl said to the fourth girl shocked the fourth girl, Lan Ning deliberately inquired about the reaction of the fourth girl.

Unexpectedly, Miss Si has nothing special about her. Marrying Marquis Ping An, everyone knows that it is a pit of fire, but Miss Si, who always pays attention to marriage, doesn't seem to care at all.

Unexpectedly, Ning Lingyun could be so calm, or Aunt Xu is now in charge!

"Lan Ning, spread the word that Marquis Ping'an wants to marry the fourth girl." Ning Xueyan smiled calmly. The well-dressed Yulian knew that Aunt Xu was able to climb into Ning Zuan's bed under such circumstances, and was allowed to give birth to Ning Lingyun in the end.

This in itself means that Aunt Xu is a smart person!

Smart people will always find the most suitable method for themselves!

Uncle couldn't find out what happened back then, because everyone who knew about it seemed to be gone, and he couldn't even find out, but what about Aunt Xu? She should have been there at the time, the more muddied the water was, the better it would be for him!

And Ling's has always been restless!

Besides, she also needs Ling Shi to "live" in the Buddhist hall for a little longer...

"Girl, servant girl understands." Lan Ning is also a smart person, immediately understood what Ning Xueyan meant, nodded and went out, when he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and asked: "Girl, that Yulian today She came here to find Qinger who was sick secretly, and seemed to give her some medicine. Xinmei said that the two seemed to be close, but Yulian didn't seem to want others to know, so she only said a few words at the side door. gone."

"Go check Qing'er's family and see what kind of people they are! The day after tomorrow, we will go out of the house once." Ning Xueyan said lightly, her eyes fell on a tree through the window, and the leaves fell one after another , the wind rolled up and down, helpless...

Buddhist hall

Ling's head was wrapped with a wound cloth, and she was sitting in front of the bed with a look of resentment at this time. The small basement room only had a bed and a table, and it was not her Yunxia Courtyard at all.

"Ma'am, the old slave went to appease the second girl, told the second girl that it's okay, and told her not to worry, and listen to what Mrs. Tai and Lord Hou said these days, and don't make any troubles to distract the lady. "Nurse Chen came out from nowhere and came up to report to Ling.

"You did a good job, where is Lord Hou?" Ling's face was gloomy, under the light, his face was pale and cold, ferocious and terrifying!

"The old slave sent over the robes of Lord Hou that Madam kept in the past. Although Lord Hou looked at the robes and did not say a word, he seemed to have softened his attitude a lot, so he accepted them. Tou Yihe, the clothes are still made by Madam with her own hands."

Ling shi heaved a sigh of relief, nodded, and would accept it, which meant that he still had a chance.

Chen Momo comforted her and said: "Madam, don't worry, since Master Hou has accepted it, this matter will be resolved. Besides, the Eldest Young Master will be back in a few days, and Madam will be let out at that time, that is..."

Nanny Chen hesitated for a moment, with a look of embarrassment that hesitated to speak.