The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 125


I really want to see who will come.

Putting away the trace of sarcasm in her eyes, Ning Xueyan raised her head, with a faint smile on her face, and looked at Ning Lingyun who was standing at the front entrance of Huacai Pavilion with neither humble nor overbearing: "Fourth sister, why are you here? Why don't you come too?" Do you sell some jewelry here? Are all the jewelry here expensive?"

Ning Lingyun is really used to being mean to her. As soon as they met, she ridiculed her for not seeing the world. She didn't seem to be wagging her tail in front of Ling's mother and daughter to beg for mercy. For those who are not as good as themselves, they are humiliated in every way.

Seeing Ning Xueyan's indifferent appearance, Ning Lingyun was stunned for a while, and did not answer for a while.

"It's a coincidence that the fourth sister is here." Ning Xueyan smiled indifferently, put down Xinmei's hand, and walked forward, "Could it be that the fourth sister is choosing accessories now?"

This is to say that she was in a hurry to get married, so what happened to Marquis Ping'an, Ning Lingyun was full of anger, if Aunt Xu hadn't told her half the night, she would have gone to Mrs. Tai to make a fuss this morning.

"I'm not in a hurry to choose something for myself, but Fifth Sister may need these things right away. My mother asked me to help Fifth Sister choose some first, and I may be able to use them soon." Ning Lingyun raised his head, Turning his head and pointing at the exquisite headgear in the cabinet inside, he said with a half smile.

This attitude is extremely arrogant, and the meaning in the words is that Ling's family is going to let Ning Xueyan marry into Ping'an Houfu. It seems that Ning Lingyun has some kind of guarantee from Ling's family.

As soon as Qingyu was furious, she stepped forward to answer the conversation. Ning Xueyan stretched out her hand to pull her down, and said to Ning Lingyun: "Since you met the fourth sister, go to the side and sit down. We must not let others think that we are relatives of the Hou family. Sisters argue."

There were a lot of customers coming and going in front of the store, Ning Lingyun stopped Ning Xueyan from talking, and after a while, it attracted the attention of others. Someone was already pointing and pointing, not knowing what happened here.

Ning Lingyun didn't dare to do things that would affect the reputation of the Hou Mansion. She snorted coldly and turned to go upstairs. There is a special private room upstairs for the wives and ladies of the aristocratic families to rest. They are separated by simple screens and provide Some excellent refreshments, even the tea cups and saucers are exquisite, it really is a well-known shop in the capital.

Not only is the jewelry exquisite and novel, but the resting place is also ingenious!

Ning Xueyan sat down, took off her hood, and then a little maid in the store brought tea to the two of them. In her previous life, she would sneak out occasionally, and Ning Ziying had money in her hand, so she didn't care about this place. no stranger.

"Is there any fashionable jewelry?" Qingyu stepped forward and asked the little girl who brought tea.

"Miss, we happened to have a new style here today. There are hairpins, earrings, and head accessories. I don't know which one you want to see?" Expensive, he replied flatteringly.

"Where's the complete set?" Qingyu asked.

"There aren't many new sets of hair masks today. Girls like that style?" The little girl smiled happily. Who is not a big customer when buying a complete set of hair masks.

"For the new arrivals, choose exquisite ones, and send a second or third set for the more elegant ones, and let us girls choose." Qingyu ordered.

The little girl retreated happily.

"Yo, I can't tell that the fifth younger sister really has money in her hands. It turns out that the second lady really has private money to leave for you." Seeing Ning Xueyan's posture, Ning Lingyun couldn't help but said sourly. She went to the Huacai Pavilion Most of them just came here for eye contact. Aunt Xu specially gave her some banknotes yesterday in order to appease her. She also said that it was from Mrs. Ling, so she should stop making trouble. This matter is not over yet.

In the end, she will definitely marry Ning Xueyan to the ugly Marquis of Ping'an.

After getting Aunt Xu's guarantee and taking Ling's banknote, Ning Lingyun stopped, and brought people to Huacai Pavilion to choose accessories with great interest early in the morning.

But the jewelry here is too expensive, she chooses and chooses, and the money in her hand is only enough to buy one or two pieces, and she can't afford a complete set of jewelry. Seeing that Ning Xueyan is so generous, she is already sour.

"The money my grandmother rewarded me was of no use, so I came to pick out some jewelry." Ning Xueyan smiled kindly.

"Didn't grandma dislike you all the time, why did she give you money?" When she heard that it was the money from Mrs. Tai, Ning Lingyun was not happy, and said angrily with the corners of her eyes twisted because of the anger, showing a more serious look. mean.

Ning Xueyan picked up the tea on the side, took a sip gracefully, and said with a faint smile: "The reason why grandma rewarded me is not because of my second sister..."

At this point, she suddenly felt that she had realized something, and the veil subconsciously covered her mouth, covering the rest of the sentence.

Ning Lingyun stretched her ears, but she didn't understand.

In the middle of the sentence, just cutting it off like this is the most itchy and difficult to scratch, and it seems to be related to Ning Yuling. How could Ning Yuling be related to the silver reward that Mrs. Tai gave to Ning Xueyan? Ning Lingyun scratched her head This time, she only hoped to pry Ning Xueyan's mouth open.

But looking at Ning Xueyan's appearance, she doesn't seem like someone who can tell the truth casually!

"Fifth Sister, what does this have to do with Second Sister? Could it be that Second Sister asked her grandmother to reward you?" Ning Lingyun rolled her eyes and asked with a fake smile. She knew Ning Yuling Seeing that Ning Xueyan hated her so much, she deliberately said the opposite, just to provoke Ning Xueyan to speak.

"Fourth Miss, did you know?" Before Ning Xueyan could speak, Qingyu, who was always quick to talk, looked at Ning Lingyun in surprise. He smiled at Ning Lingyun.

"Qingyu, shut up!" Ning Xueyan scolded with a cold face, and then explained to Ning Lingyun apologetically, "Fourth Sister, Qingyu is talking nonsense, don't believe it."

If it was Ning Lingyan who said that Mrs. Tai gave her money because of Ning Yuling, Ning Lingyun would never believe it, but if the object was Qingyu, a maid who was always outspoken, Ning Lingyun would have to think about it.

Even though he felt that this possibility was almost non-existent, seeing the nervous faces of the masters and servants opposite, Ning Lingyun suddenly smelled a conspiracy.

The smile on his face slowed down and became a bit more sincere, and he deliberately pushed a fruit bowl in front of Ning Xueyan: "Fifth sister, why should my sisters be so strangers? Grandma gave you money, so I have to let me know. Maybe I can also get money from my grandmother and sell some jewelry to wear."

"Fourth sister, you misunderstood, it's all right." Ning Xueyan shook her head, pushed the plate away calmly and smiled.

Seeing that Ning Xueyan didn't say anything, how could Ning Lingyun be reconciled? Coincidentally, the little girl came over with two sets of hoods. Both sets of hoods were extremely delicate. Ning Xueyan's attention seemed to be attracted to her at once. The little girl said, there are still a few more sets below, but someone is looking at them, and when it is inconvenient to bring them over, Ning Xueyan got up and went downstairs.

"Fourth sister, I'll go and look at the jewelry first, please sit down for a while."

"Fifth sister, go down first, the girl next to me is not as smart as you, borrow your sapphire, let her look at the hairpin I bought, okay!" Ning Lingyun smiled and stopped Qingyu who was walking at the end, and followed The maid next to her immediately saw the opportunity, and affectionately held Qing Yu's hand to prevent her from following.

"Then sapphire, you can help fourth sister to look at it." Ning Xueyan nodded and smiled, and turned to go downstairs with Xinmei.

"Qingyu, what do you think of our fourth girl's hairpin? Is it pretty?" Caiyun beside Ning Lingyun smiled and asked, taking out a delicate golden hairpin from the box in her hand.

"It's pretty, Fourth Miss. I really don't know how to choose jewelry. Fourth Miss, I'd better let Sister Caiyun pick it. I'll go and see it with our girl." Qingyu frowned helplessly, and said dryly, His eyes fell on the door from time to time, obviously wanting to follow Ning Xueyan.

Ning Lingyun winked at Caiyun.

"What's the rush? It doesn't matter if you take a look. Anyway, Miss Fifth left you behind. If you followed her, it would go against Miss Fifth's will and make Miss Fifth unhappy." Caiyun smiled and pushed the box in her hand. Passing over, "Look carefully, our girl agreed when she bought it just now, I don't like it very much."

The box was pushed over, and Qingyu subconsciously went to pick it up. As soon as Caiyun let go, the box suddenly slipped from the hands of the two of them, hit the ground heavily, and the hairpin with pearls inside fell out.

"Bold, Qingyu, even if you don't want to, you can't drop Fourth Girl's hairpin!" Seeing that something fell, Caiyun was furious, pointing at Qingyu with one hand and shouting.

"I... I'm not... I didn't..." Qingyu was startled, shaking her hands anxiously.

"Who else is it if it's not you, let's see how you get punished when you girls go home and tell the story." Caiyun said viciously.

"I... It's really not me, I didn't..." Qing Yu hurriedly explained incoherently, her face pale.

Ning Lingyun saw that the heat was about the same, smiled and reached out to stop Caiyun who was pulling Qingyu's clothes: "Okay, it's not a big deal, Qingyu didn't do it on purpose either."

"Yes, yes, I didn't do it on purpose." Seeing Ning Lingyun helping her speak, Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly answered.

"But whether it was intentional or not, it's not up to me." Ning Lingyun smiled speculatively, which meant that whether Qingyu was guilty or not was a matter of her own words.

"Fourth Miss..." Qingyu immediately looked at Ning Lingyun pitifully.

"Why did grandma give Ning Xue a smoke reward, and why did she get involved with the second sister? Tell me to listen to me. If you are happy to hear it, it's really not a big deal to drop the hairpin." Seeing Ji Cheng, Ning Ling Yun proudly leaned back on the chair behind him, picked up a piece of pastry on the table, put it in his mouth, and said threateningly to Qingyu.

She deliberately made such a move, not because Qingyu has always been a straightforward person, and she is not very courageous. Compared with another seemingly shrewd maid, Qingyu seems much easier to deal with.

"Second...Second girl..." Qingyu's face was pale, stammering, as if hesitating to speak.

Sure enough, it was related to Ning Yuling. Ning Lingyun wanted to know the reason more and more, and his face darkened immediately: "Qingyu, you have to think about it, this crime of smashing the master's jewelry is not small! There is a precedent for the second sister."

Ning Yuling had a maid who accidentally dropped a pair of her earrings and was beaten to death.

Qingyu made up her mind on these words, walked to the door, and opened it to the outside. Seeing no one, she closed the door again, gritted her teeth and said to Ning Lingyun: "The reason why the fifth girl was rewarded by Mrs. Tai is of course It's because of the second girl, the second girl has an appointment with our girl, and our girl has fulfilled the agreement with the second girl, of course the second girl must thank our girl, and letting Mrs. Tai come forward is also to avoid people's eyes and ears."