The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 130: Could it be that there is another mystery in the cotton satin


"Where is Wang Momo placed?" Back at Mingshuang Courtyard, Ning Xueyan's first question was to ask Qingyu this.

"It's next door to Lan Ning. Lan Ning said it's closer, so she can take care of it!" Qingyu pointed to a room in the right wing and replied, "Girl, let's rest for a while before going to see Mother Wang. Lan Ning is now Where are you?"

"Okay, I'll go wash up first." Ning Xueyan nodded. Although Lan Ning persuaded Nanny Wang to enter the mansion, she would not say anything more about her current status, and she is not in a hurry now. Nanny Wang Mammy entered the mansion because she was injured, and Ling didn't dare to do anything on the bright side, and it was under her nose, at least her safety could be guaranteed.

She had a feeling that Nanny Wang must know some secrets of her previous life.

But now, even with Lan Ning's persuasion, Wang Momo will not fully believe in herself and tell herself.

After freshening up in the room and taking a rest, Ning Xueyan got up and went to the right wing. This time she didn't bring Qingyu, it wasn't that she didn't believe in Qingyu, but she was afraid that Mother Wang would become more wary.

After knocking on the door twice, Lan Ning came over to open the door, saw that it was Ning Xueyan, and called out: "Girl", with a distressed voice, obviously the persuasion was not effective.

Ning Xueyan gave her a comforting smile and entered the room.

There was a bed in the room, and Nanny Wang was sitting on the bed, looking at Ning Xueyan with a bit of scrutiny, with a bit of surprise in her eyes.

Just as if the real Ning Xueyan had never met Wang Momo, Wang Momo had never met Ning Xueyan either, and looked at her with a natural expression. A generous person would never be able to think of her as the fifth girl of the Hou Mansion who is timid, cowardly, and afraid to see others.

"Nurse Wang." Ning Xueyan stood where she was, and let her look at her graciously. After a while, she smiled.

These words woke up Mother Wang, she quickly got up and was about to get out of bed, but Ning Xueyan stretched out her hand to stop her.

"Grandma, don't get up. There are too many people talking, and it's not good to be spread by others. Mammy is recuperating in Mingshuang Hospital now."

"Yes, Nanny, you'd better lie down, the girl won't care about these things." Lan Ning also hurried over to stop her. Of course, Nanny Wang's foot couldn't really be broken. These were all ordered by Ning Xueyan The plan was just to allow Nanny Wang to move into the Huguohou's Mansion smoothly.

"Old slave, thank you Fifth Miss." Wang Momo also knew that no one would find out, so she didn't refuse at the moment, she just bowed to Ning Xueyan on the bed.

"You don't need to be polite, Wang Momo. Lan Ning also told you that I know that sister Ziying died wronged, and I am willing to avenge sister Ziying. If Wang Momo knows something, tell me. It might be better to do it for Ziying. Revenge for Sister Ying." Ning Xueyan said straight to the point.

She knew that Wang Momo was a loyal servant, otherwise she would have left when she heard that Ning Ziying had died that day, instead of staying and inquiring about Ning Ziying's news in many ways, letting her in this time was also telling her She will help her find the real cause of Ning Ziying's death, so she is willing to come in.

Even when she said her plan to rush to the carriage, Wang Momo didn't hesitate at all!

Although everything was planned, and the speed of the carriage was not fast, if it crashed, there might be a real accident, but even so, Wang Momo agreed without hesitation.

Fortunately, the final result was good, and Wang Momo only had a few scratches on her feet.

Talking to such a person doesn't need to go through too many circles.

"Fifth girl, are you really willing to find out the cause of our girl's death? I remember, you haven't seen our girl before, right?" Wang Momo's eyes fell on Ning Xueyan's face, and the old face showed a little Tired, it was obvious that she hadn't been idle for a while.

Ning Xueyan had never met Ning Ziying, and it was impossible for her to have any relationship with Ning Ziying, so why was she willing to spend so much effort to find out the cause of Ning Ziying's death!

"Mommy, if I say that I know about my relationship with Sister Ziying, isn't that the only point?" Ning Xueyan smiled slightly, and pointedly said, then turned around and sat down on the chair beside her.

"The relationship between the fifth girl and our girl?" Wang Momo was stunned for a moment, and the corners of her eyes twitched unconsciously.

Taking advantage of the time when she was slightly absent-minded, Ning Xueyan continued: "Ning Ziying came to the capital to look for the Marquis of the Huguo, but it seems that it should be my mother!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Momo almost sat up from the bed in shock, her eyes widened, and she stared blankly at Ning Xueyan, as if she didn't know Ning Xueyan, she knew clearly that her daughter There was a letter in his hand to Mrs. Huguohou's wife Ming, but this letter had not been sent since it arrived in the capital.

Because at that time the wife of the Marquis of the Huguo was the Ling family, that Ming family had long been hidden in the Mingshuang courtyard, let alone normal times, even during festivals, she never appeared in front of people.

The letter was written by his wife before his wife passed away, and he repeatedly asked to deliver the letter to Mrs. Huguohou Mingshi, and she had to hand it in by herself. If it was someone else, even Mrs. Ming's confidant At that time, Wang Momo was following Ning Ziying, so she heard it clearly.

This is also the reason why Ning Ziying didn't send the letter to the Ming family in a daze after five years in the capital!

But only she, her own girl and maid Xiang'er knew about this matter, even Lan Ning later didn't know about it, how did the fifth girl in front of her know, her eyes fell on Ning Xueyan's dark jade eyes , the corners of his eyes became moist unconsciously, those eyes were very similar to his own girl's, but lacked the girl's gentleness and were a little more sharp.

"Ning Ziying's marriage finally fell on Ning Ziyan, Wang Momo, although there is no evidence for some things, there will always be guesses, and my mother also died at the hands of Ling. We have a common enemy What's more, the relationship between me and sister Ziying is not limited to this. I have dreamed of sister Ziying several times, and she said that she was killed... "

Ning Xueyan didn't say the whole thing, but Wang Momo was so excited that tears filled her eyes.

The matter of rebirth is Ning Xueyan's secret, and besides, no one believes it when it is said. Wang Momo believes in Buddhism, and even more believes in the theory of reincarnation and dreams. Besides, she and Ning Ziying are the only ones he proposed. Ning Ziying and Xiang'er are dead, so it is impossible for Wang Momo to tell her the secret she only knew.

This seems to be explained only by Tuomengyitu.

Hearing the conversation between the two, a trace of sadness flashed in Lan Ning's eyes, and she turned her head and secretly wiped away tears.

Although she hadn't been with Ning Ziying for a long time, she was also moved by Ning Ziying's kindness. When she mentioned Ning Ziying at this time, she wouldn't feel sad.

"Fifth girl, our girl was really killed by them?" Wang Nao was so trembling that she could hardly speak, she burst into tears, thinking of her girl's gentle, generous, kind nature, but she was buried in a lotus at the end Chi's end, how could he not believe it, committed suicide, a person who was full of joy and wanted to get married, how could he commit suicide.

"Wang Momo, I don't really remember what happened in the dream. I only said that the Xia family seemed to be plotting something to kill sister Ziying, but didn't sister Ziying say that she would give all the bank notes to Xia Yuhang?" ?" Ning Xueyan rubbed her forehead, leaned her elbows on the side table, and asked in a bit of confusion.

When she was reborn, she thought that the Xia family plotted against her dowry, and took her life after raising her dowry to the Xia family. But now, she felt that the matter must not be all about money. If money was really needed, she would He also asked Xia Yuhang if he was willing to give him all the bank notes in his hand, but he didn't want it.

Seeing her perplexed expression, and telling her what Ning Ziying told her in private before, Wang Momo believed what Ning Xueyan said so far. It is said that it will belong to Xia Mansion anyway, so it will be put in Xia Yuhang's hands first.

Xia Yuhang didn't ask for the money in the end. At that time, Wang Momo thought that Xia Yuhang really liked Ning Ziying.

Same as the previous incident, Ning Ziying didn't even tell Xiang'er about this incident, she only discussed it with herself.

It is absolutely impossible for Ning Xueyan to know such a private matter. If she can know it now, or it can only be explained by Tuomeng, her girl will die unjustly, otherwise why is she stranded in the world until now? She was even more sad and angry, and her teeth were gnashing.

"Fifth girl, our girl did want to give Mr. Xia the bank note before. It seems that it was because of the inconvenience of money turnover around Mr. Xia. Our girl refused to say what it was. Mr. Xia didn't ask for our girl's bank note, but in the end Our girl died the day before we got married, if there is any difference, it is our girl's dowry!"

Nanny Wang gritted her teeth, and told Ning Xueyan what she had thought and concluded in the past few days!

"Is there... a difference?" Ning Xueyan asked puzzled.

"There is a difference. At that time, Mr. Xia always said vaguely that it was inconvenient for him to have money around him, but every time our girl wanted to give him a bank note, he said how could a man want a fiancee? Money, he will figure out his own way, and trick our girl around, but in private, his servant once hinted at the old slave... "

Wang Momo paused at this point, but immediately said without hesitation: "His servant once hinted at the old slave that Mr. Xia could not accept our girl's bank note. This hurt his man's self-esteem too much. Mo It's better to find some old and unused satin for the girl, and let the boy buy some extra money, and when Mr. Xia has money, he will naturally buy some good brocade for our girl."

Old brocade? Ning Xueyan frowned in astonishment.

Sure enough, there are other things in it!

When she came to the capital, she did bring two large boxes of brocades, which were the dowry her mother left for her before her death, and she was told not to use these brocades, but to send them to her husband's house.

So since she became the Marquis of the Huguo, she hasn't touched these two boxes of brocades. Even if she wants to cut new clothes, she will let Wang Momo go to the street to pull the fabrics. When did Xia Yuhang notice this above.

Could it be that there is another mystery in the brocade...

"Wang Momo, is there something wrong with this brocade?" Ning Xueyan raised her eyes, her clear eyes fixed on Wang Momo and asked, if she wants to know the reason, there must be a reason.