The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 138: something big happened


Early in the morning, doctors rushed to Qingrong courtyard in an endless stream.

Although none of the servants in the mansion dare to talk openly, there are some news that cannot be suppressed!

Something big happened, the second girl was disfigured, the second girl was disfigured by the eldest lady! …

This news was secretly passed on among the servants. Although no one dared to speak loudly, everyone was saying in private that this matter is too strange. Who would have thought that the slap of the eldest lady could destroy the second girl. Rong, this is really... scary...

Some even said that it was Ning Yuling who went to the Buddhist hall and offended the gods, and that's why she suffered this retribution. Otherwise, she would be so disfigured.

In Qingrong Courtyard, Ning Yuling threw the mirror at her side like crazy, crying heartbreakingly, on the originally beautiful face, there were red rashes, red and bulging Yes, with dense bumps growing on her face, forming a palm-like pattern.

When you look carefully, it is clear that the full length is on a palm print.

Helpless, several doctors were driven to a corner of the yard, sighing and shaking their heads.

The sudden illness of the second girl in the Huguohou Mansion has no clue at all, why a rash the size of a palm print formed on her face so strangely, this kind of thing is too strange, the strange thing can only be To explain it with the theory of ghosts and gods, not to mention that before, Ning Yuling had indeed smashed many things in the Buddhist hall, smashing a good Buddhist hall so that there was not even a place to stay.

This time the news spread faster. Although Ning Zuan told several doctors not to talk nonsense, it still spread. Everyone knows that the second girl of the Huguohou Mansion suffered retribution and her face grew a lot. There was a slap mark on the bumpy rash, and this slap was slapped by Mrs. Hu Guohou herself.

As soon as the news came out, there were various speculations outside. First, Ning Yuling herself was speculated, and then it was said that it was because of the viciousness of the lady of the Hou Mansion. This will lead to this retribution, this matter is really evil, for a while, there are only three or four kittens in front of the Huguohou's mansion, no one dares to go to the Huguohou's gate at this time.

For fear of accidentally causing trouble to the upper body.

That night, Ning Yuling, who was crying, was forced into a small sedan chair and sent to Ning's old house, and said to the outside world to clean up for a period of time.

The reason that everyone doesn't know, and even the doctor can't find out, is actually very simple. The medicine powder in the rouge powder on Ning Yuling's face and the medicine powder in Ling's hand are mutually exclusive, and the single one does not show What, as long as they are mixed together, they will immediately flare up and irritate Ning Yuling's skin, forming swollen and convex rashes.

Ling's family likes the crabapple, and she always takes care of those crabapple in person on weekdays, even in the Buddhist hall, Ning Xueyan has already coated each precious crabapple with medicinal powder.

The rouge gouache on Ning Yuling's face came from the boxes of powder that Ning Ziying gave Ning Xueyan at that time, and then Ning Xueyan tampered with it, and then those boxes were taken away by Ning Lingyun and sent to Ning Xueyan. In front of Ning Yuling, when Ning Ziying sent Ningxue smoke cream powder, she also had the intention of flattering her. The gifts were all new and good things. Wouldn't Ning Yuling not like it when she saw it? Naturally, she used it on her face. .

Ling slapped Ning Yuling's face with a slap. Once the two medicine powders were mixed, it's no wonder that Ning Yuling's face wouldn't be ruined!

And with this weird way, Mrs. Tai and Ning Zu'an had to send her to a remote countryside in order to silence everyone's mouths.

"Ling'er, my Ling'er." In the Buddhist hall, Ling's teeth and claws were about to rush out, but she was hugged tightly by Nanny Chen.

"Madam, Madam, don't worry, the second girl's face may be saved."

"There is help. How can there be a famous doctor in such a remote place." Thinking of her beloved daughter, who is now living a life worse than death, Ling's heart hurts. Her precious daughter is now completely ruined, how can she not hate it.

Her beautiful face was almost like a ghost in the gloomy Buddhist hall.

"Eldest lady, what's the use of rushing out like this now, instead, it will give Mrs. Tai another excuse to punish you. What happened this time was all done by Aunt Xu and the fourth girl. When the eldest son comes back, they will definitely die without a place to bury you." " Seeing Ling's calm down, Mother Chen tried to persuade her again.

Everyone in the mansion knew that the fourth girl was interested in the second girl's marriage, and deliberately set up this situation. The prince of Goudeli County gave up on her and wanted to marry her wholeheartedly, and ruined the second girl's reputation. The fourth girl behind the second girl is also a poisonous snake, and she ruined the second girl's marriage as soon as she made a move.

"These two sluts should be damned, but it's not them!" Ling's eyes, with his hair disheveled, gleamed with hatred in the dim light.

Aunt Xu, Ning Lingyun dare not offend herself so badly. As long as she still has Yuaner, Aunt Xu and Ning Lingyun will never be able to overthrow the sky. Out of the palm of your hand! An aunt without a son, how can she be hard.

Ling has an intuition that it must be Ning Xueyan. The incident at Hanshan Temple last time, at first, he plotted against her, but in the end it fell on Ling'er. If it wasn't for this little bitch, who else would.

"Ma'am, how could it not be them? The fourth girl is still taking away the marriage of the second girl, and all the good things have happened to her." Mother Chen asked in confusion, supporting Ling on the only cushion in the Buddhist hall Sit down.

"Go and find out where Yuan'er has gone, and send a letter to make changes in the family and let him go home quickly." Ling said viciously.

"Yes, the old slave will do it as soon as he goes down, and he said that the eldest son will arrive soon."

Ling Shi nodded: "You should go and see Yan'er too, and tell Yan'er what happened in the house, and tell her to be careful of that little slut. The little slut must have tampered with what happened at Aunt Ma's banquet that day. She told Xia Yuhang that this little bitch also knows about Yun Cinema."

Speaking of Yun Cinema, Nanny Chen couldn't help but think of the girl who was beaten and covered in blood, and was finally pushed alive into the lotus pond. For a moment, Lingling fought a cold war.

He looked up and saw the image of the Buddha on the Buddha seat above, his eyes seemed to see through everything, and he lowered his head tremblingly: "Yes... yes, the old servant will do it right away."

She was so frightened that she didn't even dare to ask why, she just felt that those Buddha eyes were staring at her closely, making her scalp numb.

Didn't notice Chen Nanny's abnormality, Ling only felt that she wanted to tear Ning Xueyan up now. If she knew this little bitch was so difficult to deal with, she should have listened to her brother's words and set fire to Mingshuang The courtyards, large and small, were all burnt to death, clean.

She will never let that little bitch go!

What happened to Yun Cinema is not just her and Ning Ziyan who are afraid...

It has been snowing for several days in a row. These days, the Huguohou's mansion is quiet. Ning Xueyan goes to pay Mrs. Tai every day, and then comes back to embroider, read books, and a few friends. The maid was admiring the snow scenery on the porch, it was the most beautiful time of the year, and a plum blossom in the courtyard had picked out its stamens early.

The fragrance of plum blossoms is mixed with the color of snow, distant and beautiful.

Others in the mansion were also very quiet. The aunts behaved well and did not leave the yard for nothing. Aunt Xu, who had only been in charge for a few days, was exempted from managing house affairs and stayed in her own garden. , Ning Lingyun is even more disciplined, the entire Huguohou Mansion seems to be lifeless, only a few servants are walking.

It was still early for Ning Xueyan to have dinner, the sky outside reflected the snow color on the ground, it was bright for a while, and it didn't feel dark at all, when the snow stopped, a moon rose in the sky, high Hanging in the sky, with a large piece of snow covered in silver, it makes people feel peaceful.

Ning Xueyan was wearing a light gray cloak, stepping on the snow alone, and walking on the path. At some point, she actually developed a habit, sometimes walking alone on the road from Mingshuang Courtyard to Yun Cinema.

Between these two courtyards, there is actually a small path that has not been walked for a long time. The two courtyards are close to the side. If you walk half a circle around the wall, you will see the back door of Yun Cinema. Ning Xueyan is always watching from a distance. Seeing that the back door of Yun Cinema stopped, there happened to be a plum blossom growing there, and she took a look there before leaving.

That was the place where she had lived for three years, and it was also the place where she thought she was full of good hope, and it was also the place where she died in the end.

Today, she walked under the plum tree again. This plum tree grew longer when she lived in Yun Cinema. At that time, she thought about moving this plum tree into Yun Cinema. In her own home, she didn't act rashly, but every winter, she would definitely come here, pick a few plum blossoms herself, and put them in a vase to enjoy when she went back.

He also asked Xia Yuhang to take him to Xiafu several times.

At that time, beside her was the pretty Xiang'er, the prudent Lan Ning, Wang Momo who cared more about herself than herself, her fiancé who seemed to be tender to her, and the sister who had a deep sisterly love. Ning Ziyan...

Thinking of this, there seemed to be a strong bloody smell in her chest, and that suffocating feeling seemed to come to her again, and she was so suppressed that she could hardly breathe.

Subconsciously, he reached out to wipe the bloody smell from the corners of his lips, but he couldn't wipe it away. The bloody smell that seemed to be imprinted in the depths of his soul surged up with a nauseating feeling.

Ning Xueyan subconsciously retched twice, supported the branch of the plum tree with one hand, and covered her heart in pain with the other, her slender waist bent down, her face was so pale that it was almost whiter than snow.

In the last life, the feeling of painful struggle in the last time came to my heart again.

His body was suddenly picked up, and before he could clearly see the facial features of the person in front of him, he heard a beautiful but cold voice: "What's wrong?"