The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 144: What you do is the work of a second-class maid, and what you get is a third-class maid


"Qing'er's coming to our Mingshuang Courtyard should be caused by Yulian! Unexpectedly, Yulian has taken care of her younger sister." Ning Xueyan said coldly.

Everyone could see the appearance of Mingshuangyuan at that time. Qinger was placed in Mingshuangyuan. As the master, Ning Xueyan could not say anything more even if she knew that this girl was unable to work. Seeing Ning Xueyan, she didn't care if she lost a maid, why would she care, one of the maids was weak and couldn't work much.

That's why Yulian tried to get Qing'er to Mingshuang Courtyard, but this girl has many ways to do it so quietly.

"What does Qing'er do every day?" Ning Xueyan squinted her eyes and asked lazily. The sun outside the window shone on her, warming her body, reflecting a slight blush on her jade-like face.

"She is a third-class rough maid, and all she does is sweep and sweep. But after she passed out that day, Nanny Han had no choice but to ask her to do some fine work. Fortunately, she embroidered flowers well, so she did two The guy who waits for the maid, but he still gets the money from the third-class maid." Lan Ning said.

She and Nanny Han came up with this idea together. They couldn't send her away, and they couldn't let her do heavy work, so they had to choose some delicate and less strenuous work for her.

"Did Yulian come to see her?" Ning Xueyan twitched her lips.

"Yulian has come to see her, but every time she is secretly, about once a week, Yulian will bring her some tonics, sometimes the servants see her and ask Qing'er, Qing'er said that her family is worried about her The body was sent here specially, and I have not revealed to others that Yulian in the Da Furen's yard is her own sister." Ever since Ning Xueyan asked about Qing'er, Lan Ning has been paying attention to Qing'er's affairs.

"Lan Ning, what do you think of Yulian's appearance?" Ning Xueyan smiled, and suddenly changed the subject.

Lan Ning was stunned, and for a moment didn't understand why Ning Xueyan asked: "Yulian is very beautiful, more beautiful than most maids in the mansion."

"Then why hasn't her idea been realized?" Ning Xueyan raised her head and quietly took a sip of tea, deep in her dark eyes, there was a mocking smile that was not a smile.

What's on Yulian's mind? Lan Ning was taken aback at first, but after realizing it, she immediately found the source: "Yulian is afraid of the eldest lady!"

"Yes, she is afraid, so she has the heart but not the guts." The smile on Ning Xueyan's lips became more and more sarcasm. Yan also knew another thing, which Ning Xueyan specially asked Xinmei to investigate.

Apart from Yulian herself, there is only one other person who knows about this matter, but even Yulian doesn't know about that person's thoughts.

"Which one was embroidered by Qing'er?" Ning Xueyan pointed to a stack of clothes on the side. Mrs. Tai has been making clothes for her for a while in order to decorate her appearance.

It's just that Ning Xueyan likes plain clothes, and her clothes are mostly light-colored. Mrs. Tai asked her to embroider some small flowers on the corners of her skirts, and the maid who can do embroidery in Mingshuang Courtyard took over the job.

Lan Ning and Qing Yu took care of all these tasks. They didn't trust others to make Ning Xueyan's personal items, so they had to take the leftover materials and ask the second-class maid below to make a few handkerchiefs. It's not used by Ning Xueyan herself. When she goes out to reward people's silver pouches during the Chinese New Year, she can wrap it in this kind of veil and tie it into a beautiful knot, which is more delicate than a sachet.

"Girl, I dare not let her embroider on your new clothes, but let her embroider some small items like handkerchiefs." Lan Ning walked to the table in the corner and took out a few handkerchiefs from the hidden compartment below. , the flowers and plants embroidered on it look good, and one can tell that the embroidery is skilled and exquisite.

Ning Xueyan picked up a piece, touched the delicate bouquet of flowers embroidered on it, and said two words coldly from her lips: "Tear it up!"

Lan Ning didn't react for a while, and stared blankly at Ning Xueyan.

"Cut off all these pieces of handkerchief." Ning Xueyan's lips curled up slightly, she held the handkerchief and put it in front of her eyes, Mo Yu's eyes were slightly cold.

"Yes, this servant will cut it off!" Of course, Lan Ning would not think that Ning Xueyan was doing nothing, but she had always obeyed Ning Xueyan, so she took a pair of scissors as she said, and cut a beautifully embroidered piece, which was immediately destroyed. Into a few pieces, beyond recognition.

"Have someone bring these pieces to Qing'er, just say that I don't like what she embroiders, and ask her to embroider for me after she has practiced the embroidery." The sunlight outside the window shone on Ning Xueyan's face, the With a delicate little face, there is a touch of coldness.

Is this to dismiss Qing'er

But is this the right time? When Ning Xueyan left Hou's mansion, the servants of Mingshuang Court, Mrs. Tai asked Mrs. Tai to change a batch. After a while, they have to change again. Will Mrs. Tai be unhappy.

Feeling uneasy, I didn't understand what Ning Xueyan meant for a moment.

Lan Ning looked at Ning Xueyan dumbly. Although she was smart, she couldn't keep up with Ning Xueyan's rhythm.

"I'm always reprimanded by my master for no reason. You, a close maid, have to comfort others. By the way, it's okay for Aunt Ma to defile me." Ning Xueyan blinked at Lan Ning deliberately, with a look on her face. The coldness receded, and there was a bit of ridicule.

Aunt Ma slandered her daughter? And in the end, was Aunt Ma okay? Lan Ning was smart in the end, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, he immediately grasped something, his doubts disappeared, his brows relaxed, a smile appeared on his face, and he nodded repeatedly.

The girl was waiting here.

That afternoon, in a small room on the left side of Mingshuang Courtyard, there was a burst of suppressed crying, sobbing, so low that you couldn't really hear it if you didn't listen carefully. A thin little girl in a navy blue jacket He was lying on the side of the bed, crying sadly, the ground and the side of the bed were full of cut rags.

The embroidery thread above was also twisted into a ball.

There were two soft knocks on the door: "Qing'er, may I come in?"

The little maid Qing'er was sobbing, she raised her head while wiping her tears, and saw Lan Ning, the eldest maid of Mingshuang Courtyard, standing at the door, she immediately nodded her head vigorously, and promised while crying.

"Is sister Lan Ning here to drive me away? Can you not drive me away, I will work hard in the future, and I am willing to do any job."

Her family background is not good, the family her second mother married to was not only not good to her, but also to her mother, who was tortured and sick now, so she had no choice but to sell herself into the Hou's mansion as a maid.

"But the girl doesn't like your embroidery?" Lan Ning asked in embarrassment, sighed, picked up a few pieces of rags from the ground, put them in front of her, and looked at them carefully.

"What kind of embroidery does the girl like, Sister Lanning, tell me, I will embroider whatever the girl likes, just please don't drive me away, Sister Lanning, can you help me to ask the girl?" Qing'er burst into tears She said, how could her body be able to do a job, if Yulian hadn't thought of a way secretly this time, who would sell a sick and weak maid.

If this person is driven outside, how can he find a job!

Seeing Qing'er's pitiful appearance, Lan Ning was hesitant to speak, "Your embroidery is actually pretty good..."

"Then...then why did the girl cut my veil and drive me away?" Qing'er's eyes lit up, and she grabbed Lan Ning's sleeve.

"Actually, it's not that the girl doesn't like your handkerchief, it's Aunt Ma..." Lan Ning's face became more and more perplexed, she pulled Qing'er's hand, patted her on the shoulder, as if not to continue, "Just tidy up, don't make things difficult for me, we are always servants, not as good as Aunt Ma, she is always the master of our house, she is different from us."

"Good sister, tell me that even if you really want to drive me away, you have to make me understand." When she heard that there was an inside story about this matter, Qing'er became anxious, and she tugged at the corner of Lan Ning's clothes and refused to accept it. Let go, begging with red eyes.

After being begged by her like this, and seeing her cry like that, Lan Ning's heart softened, and she took Qing'er's hand and sat on the side of the bed: "Think about it, what kind of temperament is the girl, how can she miss you? You got mad for no reason, not because of Aunt Ma."

The affairs of Mingshuangyuan have always been arranged by Nanny Han and Lan Ning, and Ning Xueyan will not be like the other girls in the yard to beat people up, so everyone in Mingshuangyuan thinks that Ning Xueyan has a bad temper Well, this is the first time I've encountered something like Qing'er, now Qing'er also sensed the abnormality, and sat down beside Lan Ning.

"Sister Lan Ning, tell me. If you tell me, I will definitely not say it. I can't embarrass Sister Lan Ning." She wiped her tears and promised.

"Young lady is in charge these few days. This morning, I asked someone to wrap Aunt Ma's silver. I didn't have a sachet at hand, so I took the handkerchief you embroidered. Who knew that the maid who sent it over was beaten, saying that it was Aunt Ma. I feel that the veil that the girl sent over is embroidered too ugly, and she deliberately neglected her, even cut the veil into pieces, and made a fuss about punishing such an ugly person, this is clearly causing trouble on purpose, the girl is now in charge of the inner courtyard , we can’t let people talk about it, so..."

Lan Ning told what happened, and then sincerely said to Qing'er: "In short, she is also our master!"

"She is a aunt, at most she is only half a master, how can she compare with a girl!" Qing'er said unconvinced, thinking that she would be kicked out, it was all because of how Aunt Ma didn't get annoyed.

"Although she is an aunt, she has been favored by Lord Hou. The last time she raped a girl like that, Master Hou didn't say much, which shows how much Lord Hou dotes on her. The eldest lady has been imprisoned in the Buddhist hall again. The wife is gone again, Aunt Ma is so beautiful, maybe she can still be regarded as an ordinary wife, then Aunt Ma will be even more terrible, even her family members will follow the chickens and dogs to heaven, what a blessing it must be."

There was a bit more envy in Lan Ning's words.

"Is it still possible to become the second wife?" Qing'er's eyes lit up.

"No, if there is another son and a half daughter in the future, it will also be the direct line of the Hou family, and even the descendants will be prosperous!" Lan Ning stopped talking, stood up and said helplessly to Qing'er, "You too Don't cry, I'll try to persuade the girl again, maybe the girl is willing to keep you, but Aunt Ma's hands are too long, and she is in charge of our Mingshuangyuan's affairs, I hope Aunt Ma will not think of you again in the future."

"Sister Lanning, thank you!" Qing'er was overjoyed, wiped away her tears, and said emotionally, "As long as you don't let me go, I'm willing to do anything!"

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The corner of Mingshuang Courtyard is close to the wall of the Huguohou Mansion, and it is a dead corner, and no one usually comes here.

Qing'er was crying with tears in her eyes, and while wiping her tears with a handkerchief, she said in an aggrieved voice: "Sister, it's all that Aunt Ma, she and Miss Wu are at odds, and she blames me on me, if this is the case I drove them away, so how can my mother and I live!"

"Don't pay attention to her, she can't protect herself now." Yulian said disdainfully, she really looked down on Aunt Ma, when the old lady was around, Aunt Ma kept fawning on the big lady, and her flattery continued. People can't stand it.

"It's hard to protect yourself. Maybe she can be promoted to the second wife after a while. Now that the eldest lady has entered the Hou's mansion, there is no wife in charge in the mansion. Aunt Ma is so favored. As soon as Master Hou speaks, he will definitely become the real master. If she still remembers me by then, Miss Wu will not be able to keep me." Qing'er cried even more sadly.

"As good as she is, she dares to be a wife even if she's not clean!" Yulian sneered. Although Ling didn't like to let her get close to Ning Zu'an, she was still Ling's confidant, Aunt Ma's business , she also knows something.

"Sister, don't talk about others like that. You said last time that you want to be a wife in the future. Look at your current appearance. Don't talk about my wife. If you can be an aunt, I don't need to do this job of serving others. And she was disgusted by others." Qing'er complained, wiping her tears.

Yulian couldn't hold back what she said, she reprimanded her face: "I don't worry if people will listen to you if you say nonsense."

"So what if you listen to it? Didn't you always tell me that you will not forget me when you become rich in the future, but you are still a maid, rich or not, you can't even keep your own sister, and let an aunt bully you, If you are really useless, don't talk big in front of your mother next time."

Qing'er was feeling aggrieved, and when she heard Yulian's reprimand, she started crying again, her mouth was sloppy, and her voice became a little louder unconsciously.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from the front, Yulian became anxious, covered Qing'er's mouth, and said in a low voice, "Okay, please be quiet, don't let people listen to you, don't talk."

The sound of footsteps was just around the corner, now Qing'er didn't dare to cry anymore, she bit her lip hard to suppress the sobs.

"Did someone quarrel just now?" A clear and clear chested, surprised voice came from Qingyu.

"You didn't hear me wrong, how can there be people arguing in this place? We don't have any kind of trouble in Mingshuang Courtyard, what's the reason for arguing!" hospital to go.

"Lan Ning, if you really want to marry someone to Guanshi Lu's nephew, it would be a waste of people. Such a beautiful girl is a bit prettier than Aunt Ma, and that fool is in vain. Think about it. Pitiful."

Guanshi Lu in the inner courtyard has a silly nephew. When he usually comes to the Hou's mansion, when he sees a beautiful girl, he calls her sister droolingly, and rushes out to hug her. Once, Guanshi Lu brought his nephew to Ling's house. Greetings, seeing Yulian in Ling's courtyard, she kept calling her beautiful sister, and rushed over to hug her fiercely, saying that she would marry beautiful sister.

At that time, Yulian was scared to death. Later, several women finally rescued Yulian from the fool.

At that time, Guanshi Lu joked that he asked Yulian to marry her nephew.

Yulian at the corner had a bad premonition, and subconsciously stretched her ears even more.

"However, it's no wonder the eldest lady, Yulian is so beautiful, and now the lady is in the Buddhist hall, if she is kept, what will happen if she is favored by the Marquis? I heard that the Marquis has been very fond of Yulian for a long time. It wasn't the Da Furen who stopped her, maybe we will call her Aunt Xu now! Poor girl! "

Qingyu looked very sorry for Yulian, and sighed a few more times.

"That's her fate too. Who asked her to dress up like that, which attracted the attention of the Marquis, but it didn't work out, and it aroused the jealousy of the eldest lady. There is no good end for the person who is jealous of the eldest lady." Right now, Yulian is about to be picked up, Mrs. Tai doesn't like to be troublesome, so let our girl handle things quietly, find a sedan chair and send her to Guanshi Lu, it's also her fate!"

Lan Ning pretended to be sympathetic but helpless.

"Ma'am, the jealousy is strong in the first place. It's just that Master Hou looked at Yulian a few more times. Why can't Yulian be tolerated so much? Master Hou has a noble status, is tall and handsome, and it is normal to be admired by others, even if he is really It's not a big deal to have Yulian as an aunt, is it worth putting someone to death!"

Qingyu became more and more angry for her.

"Okay, okay, we don't have to worry about others, anyway, we are not as beautiful as Yulian, and it is impossible for Lord Hou to see us, and we will not be ordered to marry a fool."

Lan Ning patted Qing Yu's shoulder, and the two of them talked and laughed, turned around, and headed for the entrance of Mingshuang Courtyard, as if they really didn't notice that there were still people hiding behind the corner.

Yulian at the corner of the wall was completely numb, her hand had already been put down from Qing'er's mouth, she gritted her teeth, her body was struck by lightning, she was so beautiful that she wanted to be married to a fool, and it was the Da Furen who found her Yes, how could she not hate, this was almost the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"Sister, look at you, not only will you not be able to be an aunt, but you will also be reduced to being a fool's wife!" Qing'er was sad and asked Yulian for help, but Yulian had no substantive suggestions. Can't help but sneer.

"I... I don't want to marry a fool!" Yulian was overwhelmed this time, her heart was like thunder, and she couldn't imagine that what Lan Ning and Qingyu said was for her.

Ling Shi didn't allow her to get close to Ning Zuan. She always knew that although she would definitely dress up beautifully if she had the opportunity to show her face in front of Ning Zuan, but because she had other thoughts in her heart, she didn't care about Ling Shi's decision. Objection, I originally wanted to wait for the opportunity given to me by the Ling family. The eldest son is always much younger and more handsome than Lord Hou.

It's just that she didn't expect that Ling Shi would be so cruel and wanted to marry her to a fool. Everything she said before was a lie.

"Sister, didn't you hear? Sister Lan Ning and the others said just now that Master Hou has always been optimistic about you. If you don't want to be married to a fool, you should go to Master Hou quickly. You are more beautiful than that Aunt Ma, and you are more beautiful. Younger than her, how can I not be favored by Lord Marquis." At this time, Qing'er also remembered what Lan Ning said before, thinking that as long as Yulian became an aunt, her status would also rise, and if Aunt Ma didn't dare to bully herself, she would immediately Jumping to Yulian Road.

Yulian has always wanted to be an aunt. In front of her mother and sister, she often expressed that she would be rich in the future. Qinger also came to enjoy Yulian's blessing wholeheartedly. How can I be reconciled to the news that my sister is rich and wants to marry a fool instead.

At this time, of course, he immediately gave her an idea.

Yes, she doesn't want to marry a fool. She wants to find Lord Hou. The fortune teller said that her fortune is very good. She must not sit still. She must find Lord Hou before Manager Lu is there. He will definitely help her. .

"You go back and wait for my news." Pushing away Qing'er who was very close, Yulian gritted her teeth, clenched her fists and rushed out.

Qing'er didn't expect Yulian's reaction to be so intense, she didn't check for a while, she pushed her buttocks to the ground, and screamed in pain.

After finally getting up, she walked with a limp, but she couldn't help showing a little joy on her face. As long as her sister is favored by Lord Hou, she will be regarded as a serious relative of Lord Hou. After that, she will no longer be a servant People's affairs, you can enjoy the life of a young lady.

Thinking of her pride, she had long forgotten her previous sadness. As for whether she would be driven out of the house, it had long been out of her calculations.

This scene of interaction between the Yulian sisters fell into the eyes of Qingyu who was hiding aside. Seeing Yulian leaving, she turned around and entered the courtyard gate, and came straight to the main room to report the news to Ning Xueyan.

Ning Xueyan, who was reading a book, listened to Qingyu's report, put down the book in her hand, looked at the window, and saw Qing'er coming in with a happy face, leaning on the wall, and bumped into several maids in the yard, all Curiously asking her what was going on, she said calmly: "It's okay", and turned to her room, which was completely different from her usual timid image.

The two sisters each have a pair of snobbish eyes.

Such a chess piece is useless!

Letting Lan Ning and Qing Yu deliberately pass by when their sisters are together is to make Yulian more determined. As for the little Jiujiu in her heart before, it may be of some help to the future!

Yulian's goal is to climb the bed. Being an aunt of a wealthy family, climbing someone's bed is not climbing. It is impossible to step on two boats. Doing this by yourself can be regarded as helping her. I heard that, In these two days, Ning Huaiyuan will be home...

"Send a few more people to the outer study. Father sleeps there alone. It's not reassuring. Besides, he has to go to court early, and let people wait on him early tomorrow morning."

There must be more people who know the news earlier, so that the news can spread, no!

The story of Yulian and Ning Zu'an spread throughout the Houguo Mansion early the next morning, saying that last night, Lord Hou let Yulian wait on him, and this morning, someone saw Yulian shy After coming out of Master Hou's study, he returned to Yunxia Courtyard in a hurry. This news was confirmed by all the maids and mothers-in-law who saw along the way.

In the cold Buddhist hall, Mrs. Ling got up early, put a stick of incense, and was sitting on the futon, holding a wooden fish, knocking on it, and chanting scriptures silently. Angry, but he didn't dare to show slightest neglect on his face.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Nanny Chen hurried in, panting as soon as she entered, "Madam, Madam, it's not good."

"What are you yelling for? It's so early in the morning, what can happen?" Ling glanced at Nanny Chen coldly, and said with gloomy eyes. It's only been a few days, and her hairline has already grown A little pale, no longer the bright and bright appearance of that day, the whole person is showing a gloomy look.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have believed it. The seemingly slick Mrs. Hou seemed to be ten years older.

"Ma'am, it's not good. Someone saw that little bitch Yulian crawling into Lord Hou's bed last night. Someone saw her come out of Lord Hou's study in disheveled clothes this morning. They heard from the kitchen that, Lord Hou also specially ordered someone to make soup for her, so that she can make up for it!" Nanny Chen raised her throat anxiously.

With a "clang", the wooden fish in Ling's hand fell off and hit her foot...