The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 161: I haven't seen you in three years, please come over here


This is extremely natural and reasonable.

Ning Xueyan was burnt last night, Mrs. Tai also knew that it could not be faked, and this was before Ning Qingfan came back.

The burn is indeed not a big deal, as long as Ning Qingshan doesn't hold her hand forcefully. Compared with Ning Xueyan's actions, Ning Jingfan is overly enthusiastic, a little bit of a big deal, and even makes people think that she It is a feeling of exaggeration on purpose, and when you think about it deeper, you will be more confused.

Ning Jingfan What does this mean? Reminiscent of Ning Xueyan's actions and words before, I faintly feel that Ning Jing's slap is too much!

Mrs. Tai's face darkened, and Ning Huaiyuan glanced at Ning Qingshan thoughtfully.

The third prince frowned even more, see you in three years, Ning Qingshan seems to be different from before!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, fifth sister, I really don't know, I thought you were accidentally hurt by me." Sensing the expressions of everyone, Ning Qing fanned herself, and she reacted quickly, and immediately made a move. With a look of guilt and unbearable guilt, he sincerely apologized, and there were even a few tears in the corners of his eyes, sincerely

If this scene hadn't been "embellished" just now, everyone would have felt that Ning Qingfan was sincere towards Ning Xueyan, but what happened just now was too warm, and it seemed that Ning Xueyan was just pretending. It always feels different.

"Okay, it's not a big deal, third girl, fifth girl, you two first go to worship your mother, and then come and have dinner with me, don't wait too long." Tai Furen said, she always liked Ning Qing Shan, although she was displeased with Ning Qingshan's behavior just now, she didn't say much, besides, the third prince is still here.

"Yes, grandma." Ning Qingshan answered first, stretched out her hand to help Ning Xueyan carefully, but smiled awkwardly when she touched her hand, and said softly, "Fifth sister, your hand is fine Right? If you can't take me there, let the servant girl take me there, I was so anxious just now that I didn't notice that Fifth Younger Sister's hand was hurt by me."

After speaking, he was as gentle as water, and he didn't have the loud and airy appearance just now, and he also admitted his mistakes very straightforwardly, without any concealment, which made people feel good.

Ning Xueyan, who was watching, praised secretly, this move of retreating into advance is really a clever trick! Ning Qing fanned the city very deeply.

Sure enough, when she said that, the expressions of the people present eased a little.

"Third Sister, I'm fine, let's go together!" Ning Xueyan didn't insist anymore, a faint smile appeared on her pale face, the injury on her hand was originally non-existent, so of course she didn't bother about it anymore.

"Grandmother, third prince, eldest brother, fifth sister and I will take leave first." Ning Qing politely blessed the few present, and then retreated with Ning Xueyan.

After the two of them offered incense and worship for the Ming family, Ning Jingshan went back to Luoyan Courtyard to change clothes.

Entering the room of Luoyan Courtyard, Xia'er, the maid who followed her, said angrily: "Girl, that fifth girl dared to treat you like this, it's too much, the Ming family is just a concubine, but Make it look like a concubine's room, I really think people don't know that it is a concubine's room!"

She was standing behind Ning Qingshan just now, seeing her girl in such an embarrassing situation, she almost jumped out, if Ning Qingshan hadn't forbidden her to speak before returning to the house, she would have jumped out, feeling aggrieved for her girl.

In Xia'er's heart, her own girl is the most noble one, no Ling family or Ming family can compare to girls, but now she wants the girl who is high in her heart to pay homage to a concubine's house, why don't she jump her feet.

Ning Qing slapped Ning Qing's beautiful face, and her smile turned into an ice-like coldness. This kind of expression was completely inconsistent with her gentle beauty. She looked down on Ning Xueyan from the bottom of her heart. Those who dare not come out will end up dying in the hands of Ning Yuling.

She is always paying attention to what happens in the Huguohou's Mansion.

She has fallen in love with the third prince a long time ago, and retreating as an advance is also her means to obtain greater benefits. Back then, she had left such a gentle and kind image in the third prince's heart. After loving him for a while, I believe that after such a period of time, the reappearing self in front of him will definitely make him fall in love.

As for the stupid Ning Yuling, no matter whether she can marry the third prince or not, the end result will be the same, Ning Qingfan never takes it to heart.

Of course, Ning Yuling was not married into the third prince, which made her happy, and always cleared a small obstacle for her on the way forward.

But what she least expected was Ning Xueyan, that trashy and useless Ning Xueyan, on the first day she entered the mansion, she fell down and lost face. How could the very tall Ning Qingfan endure this, the displeasure in the third prince's eyes just now almost gave her a blow in the head!

The third prince looked at Ning Xueyan in a different way.

She can tolerate Ning Xueyan leaving her to find clues on the first day she enters the mansion, but she will never allow the third prince to change his love.

After entering the room, she and the maid finally let go of the flawless and gentle disguise, and warned coldly: "Xia'er, please be careful not to say anything in front of Ning Xueyan in the future, this girl is a fine girl!" very."

"Don't worry, girl, this servant must be very careful and won't say anything in front of her." Xia'er nodded in response.

"That girl is too cunning, even I accidentally caught her off guard!" Thinking of what happened just now, Ning Qing said angrily. Originally, she wanted to take the opportunity to suppress this girl, but she didn't expect that there was actually something in her hand. Burned, and dared to take the opportunity to make trouble, if it weren't for the few words she said later, everyone's faces would be even better.

He said that he didn't believe her, and in a hurry, he didn't think clearly about the meaning of her words, only then did he realize that these words were really ambiguous, making it impossible for people not to doubt his intentions!

"Since that fifth girl dares to compare with you, your status of being delicate and precious is not something that can be compared with a concubine like her." Xia'er said contemptuously.

"You are not allowed to mention this again in the mansion. If you let me know that you slipped the tongue, Xia'er, don't blame me for not being a master and servant!" Although the room was sunny, looking at Ning Qingfan's cold face, Xia'er Still trembling in fright, she fell to her knees with a plop, "Girl, slave... I know this, so I won't talk nonsense."

Of course she wouldn't. Ning Qingfan was just talking about it. When she was in the nunnery, that little nun was about to say something nonsense, and her body was found behind the nunnery the next day!

"Xia'er, this is the Hou's Mansion. You used to be in the nunnery with me. I can tolerate talking fast, but not here. If you make a wrong step, I can't protect you." Seeing Xia'er's pale face and trembling, Ning Jingfan knew that the fire was coming, her face was a little gentle, she pulled Xia'er up, and said earnestly.

"Yes, this servant will be careful and will never burden the girl." Seeing the girl pulling herself up herself, Xia'er nodded excitedly.

"In the evening, go and invite elder brother over. We haven't seen each other for three years, and we always have something to say." Seeing Xia'er's reaction, Ning Qingshan nodded in satisfaction, with a faint smile on her lips.

Ning Huaiyuan may not be the most important, but at this juncture, it is also very important. A move three years ago has already been made, and now it is time to close the net. Try to borrow as much strength as possible, since she understood everything, she has carefully arranged everything.

Including the nunnery trip three years ago!

A few years ago, after being slapped by the pampered Ning Yuling, she knew her identity clearly. No matter how much she was favored, she was only the adopted daughter of the Hou's Mansion, which was different from the real daughter of the Hou's Mansion. .

"Yes, I will look for the Eldest Young Master in a while." Xia'er nodded, hesitated a little and asked, "Girl, will the Eldest Young Master not come here like before?"

Three years ago, the relationship between Ning Jingshan and Ning Huaiyuan had always been very good. Ning Huaiyuan treated her even better than his two younger sisters. Knowing what happened, Ning Huaiyuan was also invited to Luoyan Court that day, but in the end he ignored Ning Qingfan's cries and left.

Ning Qingfan chased to the gate of the courtyard, but she couldn't stop Ning Huaiyuan's footsteps!

After arriving at the nunnery, I know that during festivals, other masters of the Marquis Huguo's Mansion will send some things to the nunnery, but Ning Huaiyuan didn't even send someone to greet him, as if he really sent his own girl to the nunnery. forgotten!

Afterwards, every time the eldest son was mentioned, her daughter's expression was gloomy.

"No, I just talked to my elder brother, and I have already made it clear." Ning Qing flashed a strange look in her eyes. What happened three years ago was originally a temptation, but now the most important thing is to become a protector of the country. Ning Xueyan, the only daughter-in-law in the mansion, has already hindered her way.

While Ning Qingshan was talking, she finished arranging her clothes, stood up and took a picture in front of the mirror, and walked out gracefully. Once she went out, her gentle and graceful smile returned to her face...

Ning Xueyan returned to Xiangfu Garden earlier than Ning Qingshan, Mrs. Tai was talking with the third prince, and Ning Huaiyuan interjected gently from time to time, and they chatted happily.

Mrs. Tai saw Ning Xueyan coming in, and waved to her with a smile. When she came forward, she gently took her hand and looked around: "Fifth girl, does your hand still hurt? Do you have any?" Re-wrapped, girls should pay attention to it, especially in winter, if you don't pay attention, it will scar."

"Grandmother, I'm fine. I just took some medicine and I'm much better." Ning Xueyan said softly.

"If you have nothing to do, please sit down first. The third prince mentioned you just now. The invitation for the plum feast in the palace has already been sent. It just so happens that the third girl is also back. You will attend the banquet with the third girl in two days. Don't lose the reputation of our Huguohou Mansion." Mrs. Tai patted Ning Xueyan's shoulder and said pointedly.

Third prince, invitation? And Ning Qingfan, just these few days.

Ning Xue's smoky eyes flickered twice, and there was a trace of deepness in the black jade-like eyes. It seemed that this was also arranged by Ning Qingfan. Three years later, she returned again. The plum appreciation banquet in the palace, regardless of For what purpose, this third girl seems to be trying to dig up...

That's why I gave Mingshuangyuan a blow to Mingshuangyuan without meeting, and wanted to step on Mingshuangyuan's position...