The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 175: Thinking is one thing, being sure is another


"What's the difference, maybe it's because his biological mother died and grew up." Xia Yuhang's smile was somewhat disapproving, and no one noticed the gloom in his eyes.

"I saw her outside Yun Theater that day, and she was standing beside a tree in a daze, looking at Yun Theater from a distance." Ning Huaiyuan reached out to pour Xia Yuhang a glass of wine, and poured himself back Full.

Cloud cinema? Xia Yuhang's heart beat uncontrollably, and he gripped the wine glass even tighter, as if he wanted to hold something!

Could it be that Ning Xueyan really knew about Ning Ziying and herself, and remembered that when she saw Ning Xueyan, she was also at the door of Yun Cinema, and when Ning Huaiyuan saw her, she was also there. Inexplicably, there seems to be something wrong.

"Maybe she likes it there." Xia Yuhang smiled, hiding the sharpness in his eyes.

"Or!" Ning Huaiyuan's eyes became dark and dark.

Last night he went to see Ling's secretly, and Ling gritted his teeth against Ning Xueyan, saying that she was sent away by Guanfotang and Ning Yuling, it was all Ning Xueyan's conspiracy, and asked him to find a way to get rid of this bitch .

At this point, Ning Xueyan's topic was a little too much to talk about, so the two of them chatted casually, and while they were talking, Ning Huaiyuan's servant hurried in.

"Eldest son, Mrs. Tai was furious in the mansion and beat the third girl's maid to death."

"When did it happen?" Ning Huaiyuan was startled, stood up and asked, he was not because of Mrs. Tai beating someone to death, but because of how Mrs. Tai got so angry.

"The slave doesn't know either. It seems that the third girl Xiao wants the power of the housekeeper... so the maids around her are jealous of the fifth girl helping Mrs. Tai's housekeeping... deliberately dirty the account book written by the fifth girl." He couldn't explain clearly, he faltered and finally got what he had to say.

"Yuhang, I'll go back to the mansion to have a look." Since something like this happened in the mansion, Ning Huaiyuan couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and said goodbye.

Xia Yuhang nodded, did not keep him, and sent him to the door.

"Have someone go and look up the fifth girl from the Huguohou's mansion, be more specific." Seeing Ning Huaiyuan walking away, Xia Yuhang walked into the mansion while instructing the servants around him, inexplicably thinking of the pair of black ink in his mind. The jade-like pupils look familiar, but they have a completely unfamiliar cold feeling.

That gesture of touching a teacup that seems to have been there...

This woman, is it really the first time I have met...

"Yes." The boy took the order and ran away in a hurry!

Ning Xueyan returned to Mingshuangyuan and told Nanny Han to go out to buy a new cover. She, Lan Ning and Qingyu worked together to tear off the dirty cover. Sprinkle homemade face powder on the cover to dilute the fishy smell on it.

But that powder has a characteristic, it will disappear after more than half an hour, so it will have a strong fishy smell, making the two maids who tore the cover pinch their noses to work.

"Girl, Miss San wanted to hurt you, but she hurt herself instead. Let's see if she dares to hurt others in the future." Qing Yu smiled while squatting on the ground, tearing off the cover.

"Do you think she can't!" Ning Xueyan smiled slightly.

"She even brought a maid to accompany her, how dare she!" Qingyu said in surprise.

Ning Xueyan smiled and remained silent.

"Why doesn't she dare? A person like the third girl has endured it for three years. Now is the time for her to soar into the sky. For the sake of her goal, there is nothing she dares to do. Xia'er was very smart before. How can she be with her?" After seeing the third girl, she became so aggressive and rushed to the front in everything, so it's only strange if nothing happens." Lan Ning said on the side.

Xia'er and her are acquaintances, and the two of them used to work together in Mrs. Tai's Xiangfu Garden, but later one went to the nunnery with Ning Qingshan, while the other followed Ning Ziying. Unexpectedly, they haven't seen each other for three years After entering the mansion, she became an abandoned child and went to die.

"Mrs. Tai is really ruthless today. Speaking of it, it's just dirtying a ledger." Qingyu said disapprovingly.

After the cover was peeled off, although the pages inside did not touch the stains on the outside, there was still some peculiar smell inside. This fishy smell has been really uncomfortable since today.

"It's not just about the ledger." Ning Xueyan smiled slightly, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of her lips, "Ning Qing fan pays too much attention to the ledger, which attracted the attention of Mrs. Tai, this is always the family of the Ning family, Ning Qing No matter how favored Shan is, the blood flowing in his body is not from the Ning family."

Ning Qingshan was in the middle of the game, but she couldn't understand it. If Mrs. Tai really wanted her to be in charge, why did she agree without saying a word when she proposed to go to the nunnery? At that time, Ning Qingshan was helping With Ling's housekeeper.

It was the same three years ago, and it will be the same three years later! Can't explain the problem.

Xia'er was beaten to death today, mostly due to Ning Qing slapping herself. If she hadn't mentioned her account book again and again in Xiangfuyuan, and looked very thoughtful about the account book, Mrs. Tai would not have To get so angry, if she was smart, she should have declined as early as when I proposed to show her the account book.

It's just that Ning Qingshan seems to be ambitious, so she can't help getting into the game.

After hearing Ning Xueyan's words, Qingyu nodded half-understanding.

The cover had been torn off, and the book was put on the window to diffuse the smell. The two maids went out to wash their hands. Ning Xueyan took the book casually, sat under the window, and was about to read it, when Lan Ning walked in suddenly: "Girl , Mother Wang asked, do you have time, can you go there, she has something to tell you."

"Okay, I'll go there now?" Ning Xueyan put down her book and stood up.

Coincidentally, she hadn't got the new account book yet, so she also had something to say to Wang Momo.

Pushing open the door of the wing room, Ning Xueyan walked in, Lan Ning hesitated at the door, then followed in, and closed the door behind her backhand. The real situation of Wang Momo was only known by their masters and servants in Mingshuang Courtyard Lan Ning and Qingyu do it themselves if they use it on a daily basis.

Wang Momo, who was leaning on the bed, looked a little excited, she was no longer calm as usual, she was still holding something in her hand, when she saw Ning Xueyan coming in, she put down the thing in her hand, hurriedly Looking at Ning Xueyan, he looked intently at Ning Xueyan's face, as if he wanted to find something from it.

"Wang Momo, what do you want me for?" Ning Xueyan smiled slightly, sat down on the chair by the bed, looked at Wang Momo with full eyes and asked with a smile.

"Girl, fifth girl," Wang Momo put her hand on the quilt, trembling slightly, her eyes were still fixed on Ning Xueyan, excited, sad, suspicious, and all kinds of emotions mixed inside, making her unexpectedly I couldn't speak for a while, and choked.

"Wang Momo wants to ask me how I know the method of making incense?" Ning Xueyan smiled slightly, reminding Wang Momo that the incense she made today was not taught to her by Aunt Xiang, but Ning Zi Earning will do it by itself.

When Ning Ziying was learning this method of making incense, Mother Wang was by her side.

"Fifth girl, who taught you this method of making incense?" Taking a deep breath, she suppressed her excited heart, and Wang Momo said with difficulty, staring at Ning Xueyan eagerly, hoping What Ning Xue said out of her mouth was what she wanted to hear.

"Wang Momo, what are you still hoping for? Sister Ziying is dead, she's already gone!" Ning Xueyan said lightly, but her words were extremely sharp and merciless.

Wang Momo's pupils suddenly widened, full of pain, and her eyes turned red: "But...but how can you make incense that girls can make? How do you know that I can make the cover of the account book?"

Lan Ning, who was standing behind Ning Xueyan, had a flash of confusion in his eyes, and felt that there was something going on here.

Ning Xueyan didn't hide the process of tearing off the powder on the ledger. In order to prevent outsiders from entering, Ning Xueyan sprinkled it directly in Wang Nanny's wing.

And the cover that was re-glued on the outside was made by Madam Wang. Madam Wang's craftsmanship is extremely ingenious. The covers of the account books used by Ning Ziying in the past were all made by Madam Wang herself, which is thinner than ordinary covers. , and it is still strict, the reason why Mrs. Ning Qingfan can't see the difference in the account book today.

It's just that the newly pasted cover is thin enough and fits well, so there are no flaws!

And this handicraft of Wang Momo was only shown in Ning Ziying's hometown in Jiangmian, so even Lan Ning didn't know about it, but that day Ning Xueyan came in with a dirty account book, and every sentence was : "Nurse Wang, help me make an account book cover."

There is no doubt!

Because the situation was urgent at the time, Wang Momo didn't care too much about it. After Ning Xueyan left, the more she thought about it, the more strange she became, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she became. Can't sit down, or, or my girl is not dead...

"Wang Momo, do you believe in Tuomeng?" Faced with Wang Momo's suspicious eyes, Ning Xueyan smiled softly. She can't say some things directly, but she can make it clear in Tuomeng. She had to talk and convince herself.

"A dream?" Wang Momo murmured to herself, staring at Ning Xueyan with wide eyes.

"Ever since Sister Ziying was away, I have been dreaming about her for some reason. In the dream, she would tell me about her, about her happy past with Nanny and Xiang'er when she was in the south of the Yangtze River, about Her marriage with Xia Yuhang, and talking about..." Ning Xueyan paused, and continued, "I actually don't know if these things are true, who can tell clearly what happened between half-dream and half-awake, If I hadn't rushed to find Wang Momo for help today, I wouldn't believe it!"

It is unbelievable that this kind of rebirth happened to anyone. If it wasn't for her, Ning Ziying was reborn on Ning Xueyan, she would not believe it, and now she is Ning Ziying, and she is also Ning Xueyan, the past experiences of the two people will come to her mind, as if they were originally one person.

Of course, she would not say these words to Wang Momo and Lan Ning. It's not that she didn't believe them, but because these things were so unbelievable that they didn't believe them. convincing.

"Tuo Meng, the girl entrusts you with a dream, then... that girl is really... dead?" Wang Momo said with difficulty, staring at Ning Xueyan eagerly, as if hoping to see the denial in Ning Xueyan's eyes, denying Ning Zi Ying died, but Ning Xueyan nodded firmly and slowly.

Tears fell, Wang Momo hurriedly turned her head, and wiped away the tears with her hand.

Lan Ning also lowered her head, suppressing the grief in her eyes!

For many things, it is one thing to think, and it is one thing to be sure.