The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 25: Enemy, goodbye Ning Ziyan


"Yes, it's in the old place where Mr. Xia lived. In the past, Mr. Xia would come to the temple to offer incense from time to time. He would always stay on the mountain for two or three nights at this time of the month." Xia Yuhang was also very familiar with it, so when he heard the question, he hurriedly answered with a smile.

Sure enough, Xia Yuhang's habits were still the same as before. He would always come to Hanshan Temple for a few days at this time of the month. Others didn't know the reason, but Ning Xueyan knew it very well.

"Oh, Mr. Xia didn't go back to the house today?" Ning Xueyan turned her gaze back, followed the little novice inside, and went back to the door three times. If Xia Yuhang didn't show up, it wouldn't just be Ning Ziyan who was slapped in the face.

"The fifth girl is really right. Someone came to Shangshu's mansion early this morning. I heard that he wanted Mr. Xia to go back. Only then did I know that Mr. Ke was still saying, let us not clean up the yard. Mr. Xia will be there later." When I come back, I still have to live in that courtyard, I just have something to go back today." The little novice replied.

The three of them took a sentence without saying a word and took it to the place. This is the courtyard dedicated to Hanshan Temple for female relatives to rest.

The courtyard that Ning Xueyan lived in this time was not the one that Ning Ziying lived in in her previous life. The courtyard was close to the male guest. Ning Ziying lived as a guest in the Huguohou Mansion. Xia Yuhang took the opportunity of going to Hanshan Temple to meet Ning Ziying secretly.

So Ning Xueyan is no stranger to Hanshan Temple!

"Miss Wu, the chrysanthemums in our temple are just in bloom. If you are interested, you can go and have a look. It's over there!" The little novice stood at the gate of the courtyard, pointed at a place on the back mountain with a smile, and said to Ning Xueyan with a smile .

"The chrysanthemums are blooming?" Ning Xueyan was slightly taken aback, something flashed through her mind, she didn't catch it for a while, and asked deliberately.

"Yes, the chrysanthemums in our monastery are well-known far and wide. We have some rare varieties here. I heard that there are some that can't be seen outside. Many celebrities and scholars will come here to appreciate them. Last year, even the palace When the empresses in the palace came to see it, they all praised it."

"Oh, you are talking about Concubine Yagui? Is she still coming this year?" A light flashed in my mind.

Concubine Yagui, the biological mother of the third prince, is the favorite concubine of the emperor. She was born in the Qingliu family. I heard that she loves to tend flowers and plants in the palace. It is indeed very famous. Concubine Ya Gui came here to see it two years ago, and she was full of praise for the chrysanthemums here.

"The poor monk doesn't know if the lady in the palace is going to come, but Master Zhike told us to make all preparations, saying that although there is no message to send, we are not sure when the lady wants to see it, so I will come." The little novice put his hands together in a serious manner. Appearance, it looks quite lovely.

"If the empress in the palace comes out, please let the little master inform me, I haven't seen the empress in the palace yet, I want to see and see." Ning Xueyan smiled softly.

"Okay, the poor monk will never forget." The little novice said and left.

The yard is not big, but it is very clean. There is only one main room and two side rooms, which were originally intended for a master to bring two or three servants. Ning Xueyan sat down in the room, and Qingyu made tea to send Come over, take a sip of tea with a faint fragrance, and Ning Xueyan regained her senses.

The carriage was really too small, and it bumped and wobbled along the way, causing her head to hurt. After stroking her dizzy head, some memories of Ning Xueyan rushed to her heart. Years old, I saw a gorgeously dressed woman coming into the yard, even more splendidly dressed than the woman next to Ling's in the mansion.

The Ming family sent everyone out, Ning Xueyan was naughty, and secretly hid under the window, just when she saw the mother-in-law salute to the Ming family respectfully, her words were quite respectful to the Ming family, Ning Xueyan dared not rely on It was too close, and only faintly heard what Concubine Ya Gui said, it seemed that Concubine Ya Gui brought some gifts to the Ming family, and also mentioned a person.

That person belonged to Concubine Yagui, but he planned to give it to Mingshi, but was rejected by Mingshi, that person even kowtowed respectfully to Mingshi a few times before leaving with Concubine Yagui.

Ning Xueyan didn't care about this person in the past, but now she feels a stir in her heart. If Concubine Yagui leaves the palace, since that person is Concubine Yagui's confidant, she should follow her. Thinking of her attitude towards the Ming family at that time, she should be very similar to the Ming family. There is an origin, if you can convince that person to use it for yourself, then God will really help you...

The chrysanthemums in Hanshan Temple are indeed very beautiful, and the complete varieties are also famous in the capital. This is a good time to appreciate chrysanthemums. All the pilgrims from the temple go to the back mountain to see chrysanthemums. After listening to the scriptures there, after lunch, they took Qingyu and Lanning to the back mountain.

Hanshan Temple is built in the middle of the mountain. There is a path in front of it, and a large forest in the back. A winding path snakes upwards. In the afternoon, there are not as many people as in the morning, and it is a little more quiet. It didn’t take long to go up the mountain. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I simply rested in the pavilion on the side.

Another purpose of entering Hanshan Temple this time is to strengthen my body, so that my body will not be able to hold on before fighting with Ling and Ning Ziyan. Now my body is too weak, no wonder I cry If you cry, you can cry and die in front of Ming's spirit.

"Girl, are you still climbing up? Just rest here, and if you go up again, how can your body bear it?" Qingyu persuaded, she was really worried about her young lady's body, she was always sick, this At that time, because of climbing the mountain, Yubai's face was slightly blush, and his breath was short of breath.

"It's okay. If it doesn't work, I will stop. The higher you go, the more beautiful the scenery will be." Ning Xueyan raised her head and looked up. The back mountain of Hanshan Temple is really high. From a distance, it can be as high as the clouds. I heard that it is up there The Hanshan Temple is the real Hanshan Temple, and the one below should be a branch of Hanshan Temple.

Lan Ning poured a cup of hot tea for her, handed it to her, and said softly: "Girl, there's really nothing to see here, just look farther away. In the past, we..."

Her eyes were slightly red for a moment, thinking of Ning Ziying who had died for no apparent reason, she couldn't speak, bit her lips to suppress her embarrassment.

"Lan Ning, tell me about the girl Ziying you served in the past. I heard that sister Ziying is proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She is a rare talented woman, but why do you think about it so much and throw yourself into the lotus pond? "Ning Xueyan straightened her temples, with a smile in her eyes, she seemed to be very interested in asking.

"Our girl didn't throw herself into the lotus pond. How could she possibly throw herself into the lotus pond? The dowry only entered..." When Ning Ziyan was mentioned, Lan Ning was a little excited, the corners of her lips trembled twice, and her voice raised unconsciously.

"Are you talking about sister Ziying? What's the matter, isn't it all about the lotus pond she threw into? Could it be that there is something hidden in it?" A soft voice came from behind the three of them.

Just by hearing the voice, she knew that she was a soft and charming beauty. Ning Xueyan turned her head slowly, suppressing the burning hatred in her eyes, she just felt cold all over her body. How could she forget this voice, the daughter of the Ling family, the chief protector of the country? Female, Ning Ziyan! The person who woke her up from her nightmare every night!

She is dressed in a pink embroidered dress, and there are two steps in her hair. She has pretty goose eggs, and she smiles slightly, giving people a soft and weak feeling. People can't help but want to protect her. When did she get along with her? Xia Yuhang had an affair. Thinking about it carefully, Ning Xueyan didn't know. He only knew that because of her good relationship, Xia Yuhang didn't shy away from her when he came.

In Huguohou Mansion, as long as Xia Yuhang comes over, there must be three people talking together, and most of them are in Ning Ziyan's yard, because she said that her yard is bigger and the environment inside is better, which can make people feel better. Xia Yuhang looked more comfortable.

Thinking about it now, the two of them should have had a relationship at that time, otherwise Xia Yuhang would never feel that it was inconvenient to be in Ning Ziyan's yard. There was even one time when Ning Ziying felt that it was not good to bother Ning Ziyan all the time, so she said to Xia Yuhang In the future, when he was still in his own cloud theater, Xia Yuhang directly refused, saying that she and he are both guests, and it is reasonable for the host to follow the guest. .

She is so stupid. If Xia Yuhang hadn't been in Ning Ziyan's yard when Xia Yuhang came, the marriage between Xia's family and the Huguohou's Mansion would not be mentioned outside. There is no objection at all. It was Ning Ziyan, not anyone else, otherwise, why would the eldest son of the Xia family go to Miss Ning's yard every time, and he wouldn't even have a taboo.

I thought that Xia Yuhang and I were in love, but it turned out that they were the ones in love, and she was just a supporting role, even a supporting role who became their stepping stone, and she used her life to fulfill their "good" marriage! Now, she has returned from the Asura Sea of Blood...

"Big sister, when did you come?" Ning Xueyan stood up and asked with a smile. Ning Xueyan and Ning Ziyan hadn't seen each other for four or five years, so they couldn't be said to be familiar with each other.

"It's not long, I just arrived. I heard that you came to the back mountain, so I came to have a look. I didn't expect to meet by chance. Is Fifth Sister in good health this time?" Ning Ziyan came over and grabbed her, softly Asked in a low voice, looking at it like this, it is hard to believe that this is not a big sister who is on good terms with her sisters, she has the demeanor of an elder sister!

Resisting the urge to pull her hand out, Ning Xueyan smiled lightly on her face, and pulled Ning Ziyan to the side of the road ahead: "Since the eldest sister is here, let's take a look at the scenery together, and I am chatting with Lan Ning about where to live. The girl Ning Ziying in our mansion, I heard that she is very beautiful, but somehow she jumped into the lotus pond, it's really strange."

"Dancing in the lotus pond? When did it happen? I've been very busy these days, and then I heard Erniang talk about it, but I haven't heard of Sister Ziying, Lan Ning? Oh, I remember you have another Elder sister, she seems to be on duty in the kitchen, right? Tell me, why did sister Ziying jump into the lotus pond?" Ning Ziyan seemed to hear it for the first time today, put down Ning Xueyan's hand, and turned to Lan Ning smiled and asked questions one after another.

The meaning in the words was aggressive, but she only paid attention to Lan Ning's reaction, but didn't notice anything else.