The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 53: Chaos, the son was beaten


It is said that what happened the day before yesterday made these two feel bad, and now she needs to be more careful in every step. This reminded her of Concubine Yagui's wanting to hire Ning Xueyan as a side concubine, a sinister smile flashed in her eyes, and she turned her head I searched for Ning Xueyan, but found that she was not there, where did this little bitch go

In fact, Ning Xueyan has always been there, but she stood a little farther away and hid a little bit. Ning Yuling didn't see it. At this time, she was leaning against a tree with a relaxed face, waiting for the situation to unfold. Development, Concubine Yagui and the Huguohou Mansion have secretly decided that Ning Yuling will be the third prince's official concubine, then she will see how Ning Yuling will become this official concubine next...

Qing Yu had just shown her face, and she had already quietly retreated at this time, leaving only Lan Ning by her side.

"Is the second girl from Huguohou Mansion in front?" Prince Li looked at Ning Yuling with a smile on his face. In front of Ning Yuling, she felt that it had nothing to do with your son's decency.

What's more, a pair of obscene eyes stared at Ning Yuling, looking up and down, especially at her towering chest, which seemed very rude and obscene.

Just now I just looked at it from a distance, this one looks like a nobleman from a family, but Ning Yuling immediately felt that something was wrong when he looked at it up close, this one looks like a street gangster rather than a nobleman Scoundrel, but it's really annoying. Those eyes look at people, as if they want to take off people's clothes, and I can't help but feel ashamed and angry.

What kind of son of the prince of Lijun is this? They are clearly those prodigal sons!

"You... who are you, don't get out of the way!" Ning Yuling scolded angrily, and she was about to pass by the side as soon as she avoided it. The sons of the princes of the county retreated one after another. Who doesn't know the reputation of the prince of Lijun as a bastard, whoever gets involved with such a person will be unlucky. See if this means that he has his eyes on the second girl from the Huguohou's mansion

That was very interesting, the prodigal son matched with the rambunctious woman, and the ladies secretly covered their mouths and laughed, and after a few steps away, they stopped walking far away and simply watched the excitement...

Prince Li was very satisfied. His eyes fell from Ning Yuling's face to her plump breasts. She was indeed the kind of beauty he liked very much. Not only did she have a good face, but her figure was also uneven. A rare beauty, ever since he got the picture scroll sent by Chen Qing, the Prince of Li County didn't sleep well all night.

I heard that this beauty will attend a banquet today, so I came here early in the morning just to see her.

What surprised him even more was that this beauty was also interested in him.

He was looking for this beauty just now, and the artist didn't know what to say. He only said that it was a girl from the Huguohou's Mansion. He thought that the most famous person who came to the Huguohou's Mansion was the second girl. He had long believed that the person in the painting was Ning Yu. Ling, besides, when he arrived at Hanshan Temple, he heard that Ning Yuling was not only beautiful, but also had a good reputation, which made him even more curious. A woman who can draw such a picture has such a good reputation, so he must meet her.

When he couldn't find anyone, he saw a servant girl coming from the other side with her head down, and said a few words to her young servant to go, saying that their second girl was over there, and let the prince pass by, and listened to the courteous prince The son is overjoyed.

The prince of Lijun was originally a character who sleeps flowers and sleeps willows. When he heard that there was a beauty meeting, his bones were also crisp. He came over regardless. When he saw Ning Yuling, he was overjoyed and automatically positioned Ning Yuling as the master of the maid. It was this beauty who also knew that she was handsome and handsome, so she asked the maid to come over and talk to her secretly. At this time, seeing Ning Yuling's angry face, she was startled at first, but then she understood smugly.

It must be that she didn't know who she was, and thought she was a prodigal son who came to strike up a conversation, so she scolded him like this. Fortunately, he has always been thick-skinned, and today he has intentions, so he didn't get angry, and still said with a smile : "Second girl, this son is the prince of Lijun, so you should be polite here."

After finishing speaking, he made a special bow to Ning Yuling, and a pair of burning eyes fell on Ning Yuling's body, looking at her unscrupulously, and his smile became more obscene.

Ning Yuling's face turned black with anger, she is a dignified daughter of the Marquis, how could she ever meet such a person, such a thing, trembling with anger at the moment, did not hear what the person opposite said clearly, only felt that those wretched eyes , kept looking at himself, as if he wanted to take off his clothes, couldn't help feeling ashamed and hated, and screamed angrily.

"Come here, beat this apprentice out."

Ning Yuling has always said one thing among the Huguo Houhou, the wicked woman who followed her is used to beating people, at this time, hearing Ning Yuling screaming, she rushed out, and the woman who ran in the front When he came up, he gave Li Jun Wang Shizi a big mouth.

The prince of Lijun looks like a young man, but he has been emptied of his body by wine, he is useless, and he drank two wines in the morning, and at this time he is smiling and looking at the beauty. She wanted to hold the beauty in her arms with one hand, but she didn't hear what Ning Yuling said clearly. She was still in a daze when she was suddenly rushed over by a woman and slapped her hard.

Immediately, he was beaten dizzy and turned around, his body was beaten back two steps, and he fell straight back. The young servant who followed behind him came up to support him, and then barely supported him, and shouted urgently: "My lord, my lord!" !"

This is the concubine's sweetheart, if something happens, the concubine will never let them go.

A woman in front hit someone, and the women behind rushed over, but they didn't hit anyone. I was in a hurry, and the second girl was so angry. I think this must have offended the second girl, so don't give it to the second girl at this time When she was angry, when she saw a few young men coming over, the mother-in-law pulled the young men to tear them apart in order to show Ning Yuling's side, and then hit the apprentice twice.

How dare the boys get out of the way? They are the treasures of the mansion. Even the king of Li County will be scolded and beaten if he dares to beat the prince. Protecting his own family son, he went straight to the shelves with a few wives.

The location of Ningxue Tobacco Station is on a slope. It happened to be here. His fingers rested lightly on Lan Ning's hand. His eyes turned from Ning Yuling's furious face to the southwest corner of the banquet, where there were also voices. , It's just that compared to the commotion here, the movement there is too small.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, but the warmth didn't reach his eyes.

Ling wanted to harm herself, but unexpectedly, she used her tricks and spread the disaster to her own daughter,...

One side wants to protect the master, the other side wants to fight, when the two people meet, the commotion becomes louder, alarming Concubine Ya and the others sitting over there, a court lady hurried over and whispered in Concubine Ya's ear After two sentences, Concubine Yagui's complexion darkened, she frowned, and her eyes unconsciously fell on Madam Hu Guohou.

"Young concubine, what happened? Why is there such a big commotion! The young girl, my lord, why are you so undignified?" Princess Lijun likes to be quiet, and she also saw the commotion over there at this time. Yue said.

"Go, ask what's going on?" Mrs. Tai sensed that something was wrong, and asked Xiang Miao to ask, but after thinking about it, she added, "Go and see where the second girl is first?"

Mrs. Tai has a bad feeling.

Before Xiangmiao could nod her head, there was already arguing over there, the prince of Li County who was dazed by beauty and dizzy by beating finally came back to his senses, seeing the current situation, he couldn't help but be shocked Angry, and then looked at the mocking eyes of the ladies and daughters standing around, and the princes, their faces immediately turned blue.

No one has made him lose face so much. He will hate Ning Yuling even more. He was called to come here, but he still pretended to be aloof, deliberately pretending not to know him, and even let a servant beat him. How could the demon king of the Hunshi bear it, and he turned his face immediately. Even if Ning Yuling is beautiful, it's not that he hasn't played with it before. There was a woman who was spoiled and spoiled before, and he let him be whipped to death .

"Stop it all, my son. I got a letter from you two girls. If you dare to hit someone again, I will chop off your hands. Ning Yuling, tell your people to stop. Damn, stop me!"

At this time, he didn't care about anything else, he pushed away the boy in front of him, came up and slapped a woman who was still rushing forward, and he used all his strength to slap the woman staggering Seeing that he was really angry and hearing the meaning of his words clearly, the whole scene immediately fell silent.

What did this guy say, that Ning Yuling invited him over, and Ning Yuling wrote him a letter. It was supplemented that Ning Yuling actually took a fancy to the status of the prince of Li County, so she secretly invited him, but unexpectedly, this scumbag would just start yelling like this, that's why the trouble happened.

"You... You are talking nonsense, when did I write you a letter!" Ning Yuling blushed with anger when she heard these bastard words, "Come here, hit me, hit me to death!"

"Fight, you wanton, slutty little bastard, you invite me to come here, but you dare to turn your face and deny him, and you dare to let me beat you." The prince of Lijun had never suffered from a woman, and he was angry at this time. Difficult to get rid of, two eyes stared at Ning Yuling with burning eyes, simply stepped forward, and greeted Ning Yuling's face with a round round slap.

This bitch, obviously she sent a maid to call her over, but at this time she still pretended to be righteous, why don't she let this arrogant Prince of Li County get dizzy with anger, When the criminal came up, he didn't care that the other party was a delicate beauty, and he needed to pity her, so he just came up to do it. I really feel that today's face will be completely humiliated by this woman.

Ning Yuling usually sees gentle and elegant princes, and they are always smiling, polite and well-founded. I have never seen such a generous person. Of course, I didn't expect that the prince of Li County would actually beat her, and she was beaten immediately. Confused, the flowers were carefully arranged, and the hair was scattered in a messy bun, and a few strands of hair fell loose, and fell on the woman beside him in a mess.

Look at the surrounding ladies who are all pointing and watching the show, and those aristocratic princes also looked over from a distance, their faces were full of disdain, and they didn't even try to persuade them. She even saw that the third prince was originally facing her. He was talking with a few ladies, and when he heard the noise from her side, he turned sideways and gave her a back view.

Shy, angry, and wronged, I looked around, but no one helped me, and I couldn't control it anymore. I burst into tears with a "wow", turned around and ran towards Mrs. Tai. The women didn't like it , ignoring the young men on the side of the Prince of Li County, they all chased after him, and kept comforting Ning Yuling: "Second Miss, don't cry, let's go tell Mrs. Tai, and let Mrs. Tai decide for you."

"Girl, don't worry, Mrs. Tai is over there."...