The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 65: Defiled, Nanny Han was arrested


When Ning Xueyan returned to the courtyard, Qingyu and Lan Ning had already prepared a letter in a hurry and asked the little novice from Hanshan Temple to pass it on to her uncle.

After everything was done, the three master and servant got into the green wall car waiting outside and rushed to the Huguohou's mansion.

"Girl, so many wives have seen it. Now that the prince and concubine of Lijun are also going to the mansion, Mrs. Tai will definitely punish the big lady severely this time." All the things were guided by the girl's wishes, Qingyu's excited eyes shiny.

Ning Xueyan smiled faintly: "No!"

"No? How could it not be? The evidence is conclusive. Da Furen can't deny it even if she wants to. Could it be that she can't diagnose and treat Da Furen?" Qingyu was taken aback.

"Did I see that the lady drugged me, or did someone confess that the lady had done something to me?" Ning Xueyan leaned against the wall of the carriage, resting with her eyes slightly squinted, with a sneer on her lips.

"As long as you find Guanshi Lu, under pressure... Girl, will Guanshi Lu not confess to the eldest lady?" Qingyu's voice became lower and lower.

Ning Xueyan smiled coldly: "What Manager Zhang can say and what she can't say is not up to her."

Lingdi's family gave birth to a son, who was married to the Marquis of Huguo's Mansion as a dowry, and managed the mansion for Ling's family. In Ling's hands, the roots are intertwined, and some of her family members are not in the Huguohou Mansion.

After realizing it, Qingyu was taken aback, and said urgently: "Girl, if Da Furen catches her breath, she might as well kill the girl, why didn't the girl come with Tai Furen's chariot and horses just now?"

"What's the use of the girl in the past, Mrs. Tai only needs to send someone to go and tell her, that's all." Lan Ning saw it clearly and couldn't help but said.

"But, Mrs. Tai... Wasn't she also drugged by the wife... Isn't she very angry?" Qingyu stammered after being told.

"Everyone is angry, and they will punish the lady, but they will not let outsiders know, so the punishment will not be too heavy. At most, it will take away the right of the lady's housekeeper, or reprimand a few words. What's the use of a soft lesson, besides, the girl followed immediately, it was too obvious, and it aroused the suspicion of Mrs. Tai." Lan Ning realized the deeper meaning of Ning Xueyan, and explained.

Mrs. Tai asked Ning Xueyan to catch up later, expressing her sympathy. If Ning Xueyan insisted on following, it would indeed be an artificial suspicion, not to mention Mrs. Tai had doubted Ning Xueyan before.

For a moment, the car fell silent.

This time Ning Xueyan listened to the words of the two maids and leaned to one side with her eyes closed to doze off.

So the best plan is to let Ling's be at a loss and use his strength to fight...

When Ning Xueyan arrived at Dehou's Mansion, there was already someone waiting for her. It was Mother Qin who was beside Madam Tai. When she saw Ning Xueyan coming, she ran over with a smile, and leaned out of the car respectfully. Ning Xueyan: "Fifth Miss, you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time, Mrs. Tai and Madam, let this old slave invite you in."

Thinking of the last time I went out, there was no one to see me off, but this time, the first-class nanny next to Mrs. Tai was guarding the door in person. It really was to show her love for her, and her attitude was different.

Just hearing that Ling Shi was also mentioned in her words, she knew that Ling Shi must find a way to get out of today's matter.

Fortunately, everything was as expected, and he said softly at once: "Nurse, you are being polite. Grandma is not angry. It is really unfilial of Yan'er to let her be angry at Yan'er at such an old age."

After such a big incident happened, she asked Mrs. Tai first without asking about her own body. Mother Qin felt a little more fond of Ning Xueyan in her heart. She didn't expect Miss Wu to be filial, but she had misjudged her before.

Hearing this, she smiled with wrinkles all over her face, and said repeatedly: "What did the girl say? Aunt Ma really went too far. She dared to do such a thing. If she hadn't discovered it early, the girl would have suffered a lot. Even Da Furen followed suit, there are such vicious people in the mansion, it's really outrageous!"

Aunt Ma? There was a cold light in Ning Xueyan's eyes, but Ling really dared to say that she really blamed others.

Aunt Ma, Ningzu Anxinna's aunt, is very charming, and she is also close to Ling's on weekdays, but she didn't expect this matter to be pushed on her.

"Why did Aunt Ma want to kill me?" Ning Xueyan asked indifferently as she walked in.

"This is how the old slave found out. Is there a Nanny Han in your yard? Her son was fighting with someone outside and injured someone. The person who was injured happened to be Aunt Ma's younger brother. It doesn't care about your affairs, who knows that Nanny Han actually said that you are the master of the house, and Aunt Ma is just a servant, and her son injured a servant, so she deserves it, and she doesn't even pay money."

"This matter was brought up in front of Aunt Ma. Aunt Ma was so angry that she thought that you deliberately backed Nanny Han and humiliated her, so she secretly added medicine to your medicine."

Qin Nanny explained angrily, as if she was sincerely on Ning Xueyan's side.

Nanny Han? Ning Xueyan's face turned cold! The footsteps stopped, and she glanced at the smiling Qin Nanny without any trace, and a sharp and cold flash of Mo Yu's eyes.

Ling's is really cunning, and in a hurry, she was able to backhand Nanny Han's idea!

"Where is Nanny Han now?" The smile on his face was gone, his face turned cold, and there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

Being looked at by such cold eyes, Nanny Han couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously avoided Ning Xueyan's eyes, only feeling that Ning Xueyan in front of her had an indescribable aura and aura.

"Han Nanny is locked up now, and I will wait for the traffickers to distribute the purchases tomorrow." Qin Nanny murmured, unconsciously lowering her voice.

Hearing that Nanny Han had an accident, Qing Yu, who was following Ning Xueyan, turned pale and couldn't help but wanted to ask. Lan Ning, who was standing beside her, tugged at her sleeve vigorously, motioning her to shut up.

"Aunt Ma is also in the woodshed, waiting to sell?" Ning Xueyan's face was condensed.

"Aunt Ma didn't. She just fell down and found out that she was pregnant. Master Hou said not to move her for the time being, and talk about it after giving birth." After a while, Nanny Qin finally returned to normal, and secretly scolded herself for not being up to date. , but a cowardly fifth girl, how could she be intimidated.

Those who harm others are fine, and those who do not harm others will cause trouble. The nature of the Marquis' Mansion is indeed against the law.

"Where is grandma now?" She sneered in her heart, but didn't show it on her face, and walked in again.

Seeing that Ning Xueyan no longer asked about this matter, Nanny Qin couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Tai is talking with Princess Lijun in Xiangfu Hall. It's rare that Princess Tai came to the mansion once, and something like this happened again. You have to have a good talk with the concubine about it."

"The Prince of Li County, is he still at the mansion?" Ning Xueyan seemed to ask casually.

"Yes, there is no concubine, and the son is waiting in the mansion, saying that he will wait for Mrs. Tai to go back together." Mother Qin replied.

When she reached the intersection, Ning Xueyan stood still and said to Nanny Qin: "Mommy, I'll go back and change my clothes first, and after finishing my makeup, I'll go to greet grandma."

"Go, go, Mrs. Tai is not in a hurry, Miss Wu is weak, so she should pay more attention." Mother Qin said repeatedly, the pride in her eyes did not escape Ning Xueyan's eyes.

"Mother Qin, then I'll go first." Ning Xueyan was not polite, and turned back to the Mingshuang Courtyard.

Seeing Ning Xueyan leave, Nanny Qin smiled and went back to report to Mrs. Tai. Mrs. Tai really worried too much. The fifth girl is indeed the cowardly and timid fifth girl. It turned out that he only asked a question, and there was no further text.

Turning around the corner of the courtyard, Qingyu couldn't bear it any longer, stepped forward two steps and said anxiously: "Girl, they are talking nonsense, Big Brother Han is not that kind of person, why would he fight with people casually? Nanny Han said before, Big Brother Han is promising , and now he is the manager of the shop, how could he start a fight with Aunt Ma's brother."

Qingyu and Han Nanny have always been loyal to the Ming family and Ning Xueyan, and they are the most reasonable on weekdays. How can they believe what Qin Nanny said just now, not to mention that she has also met Han Nanny's son, who is honest, loyal, and A few times when the second wife was ill, no one sold the medicine, and it was Nanny Han who called her son in private and secretly brought the medicine to the second wife.

"Qingyu, don't you believe it?" Ning Xueyan lowered her eyes slightly and asked.

"Yes, this servant will never believe that Big Brother Han hit someone for no reason, and even said something like that." Qingyu stamped her feet impatiently, "Girl, this servant can guarantee that Brother Han is not such a person, they deliberately slandered Han Mammy's."

"So what if you don't believe it? They have already convicted Nanny Han." Ning Xueyan sneered, Ling's work was really beautiful, and she was able to arrange things properly in such a short period of time. He said that there must have been a dispute with Nanny Han's son.

As for whether to hit someone or not, it is not up to others!

Auntie Ma recognizes a brother, it is not a matter of a sentence, not to mention that when the problem was found out, Auntie Ma was found to be pregnant, she would not be pregnant early, she would not be pregnant later, that belly came just right, why did she just get pregnant? Such a coincidence, so coincidental that he almost caught himself off guard.

If I insist on punishing Aunt Ma, it will only make people feel that I am mean and ungrateful, with vicious thoughts and no family ties.

In the end, it was his fault instead.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Ma would admit to this matter!

Unfortunately, they still miscalculated one thing!

"Girl, what should we do now?" Qingyu panicked after hearing the meaning of Ning Xueyan's words, and asked with a pale face, "Tomorrow they will sell Nanny Han, what should I do?"

"Qingyu, do you dare to go to Qingrong courtyard?" Ning Xueyan asked.

Since Ling Shi gave him such a big gift, he had to give it back no matter what!

Qingrong Courtyard is Ning Yuling's courtyard. In the past, Ning Xueyan and Qingyu were often bullied by Ning Yuling, so neither Ning Xueyan nor Qingyu dared to go to Qingrong Courtyard, let alone Hanshan Temple. Ning Yuling will definitely speak ill of Ning Xueyan, and when she sees Qingyu, she will never let her go.

"Servant go!" Qingyu gritted her teeth, she was not afraid to save Nanny Han.

"Okay, go and find out where the third prince is first, and then..." Ning Xueyan greeted Qingyu and whispered a few words in her ear. Qingyu's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she handed the package in her hand to Lan Ning , and hurried to Qingrong Courtyard.