The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 67: Everyone in the house didn't know that Miss Wu was a sick child


Hearing the sound, Nanny Han, who was turned over and tied to the ground inside, was startled and straightened up vigorously. When she saw Lan Ning, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Lan Ning silently said the words "The fifth girl is back" to Nanny Han, signaling her to feel at ease.

Nanny Han nodded, indicating that she knew. The corners of her eyes were excited, and she was determined. If it was the fifth girl in the past, Nanny Han was not so confident, but the fifth girl is different now. She will definitely clear up her grievances .

"You little bastard, how dare you bump into me." The old woman was furious, and was beaten by a maidservant of Mingshuang Courtyard. After that, would she still want to be a human being, especially when standing in front of the two maidservants laughing at the door? Leaning back, attracting more maids, the old woman watched the excitement, pointing at each one, the old woman's old face couldn't be held back.

Getting up from the ground, he rushed towards Lan Ning viciously.

Lan Ning stepped back neatly, but pretended to take two steps back, fell into the firewood pile beside him, turned over, his body and hair were immediately covered with firewood, and the hair was loose and messy. Yes, and his face was covered with dust from scratching a handful of dust on the ground.

Except that Lan Ning and the woman knew it well, they all thought it was the woman who knocked Lan Ning down and made it like this.

The mother-in-law didn't bump into Lan Ning, she staggered two steps, and finally stood firm, seeing Lan Ning falling like this, she couldn't help but put her hips on her hips and started cursing: "You little bastard, don't even look at who your master is!" Who dares to play tricks here, without looking at how much he weighs."

"You dare to disobey the master's will." Lan Ning sat on the woodpile and didn't get up, not to be outdone, she raised her head and cursed, "You wait, wait a while, the nanny will come over and peel your skin."

Being so scorned by the little girl who looks up to me the most, how can the mother-in-law hold back, and without thinking about it, she yelled: "What kind of master is not master? There is even a mother-in-law here, which shameless dirty woman dares to pick on me!" Pi, I belong to Da Furen, without Da Furen's order, no one can take me away today."

At this time, she was also dizzy by Lan Ning's anger, and knocked over a boat full of people with a stick.

"Bold, you dare to disobey Madam Tai's order." The woman sent by Madam Tai found that her feet were fine, and happened to come over at this time, and saw a group of people around the door. Yelling, only the Da Furen's people can come to pick up Nanny Han, and she couldn't help being furious for a while.

The two masters did not fight each other, the people in Mrs. Tai's garden and the people in Ling's garden were disobedient to each other.

The crowd parted to the two sides, and the first thing the mother-in-law saw was Lan Ning, who looked embarrassed.

Seeing the mother-in-law approaching, Lan Ning felt aggrieved and tried to stand up: "Nurse, she, she won't let me take her away, and even scolded the master."

Lan Ning's words were very general, and she didn't specify who she was referring to, but now she is here with Mrs. Tai's people to pick someone up, and the master is of course Mrs. Tai.

When she heard that she was insulting Mrs. Tai, the women beside Mrs. Tai blushed with anger. They came over and dragged the woman who couldn't react for a while, and walked out: "Come on, let's go to Mrs. Tai to judge the reason together, Mrs. Tai Madam's orders don't work anymore, why can't people be taken away, maybe it takes Da Furen's consent to mention a person!"

"I've been here for a while, no matter how you say she won't be taken away, she even said something wrong with the masters, mother, the masters are waiting impatiently now, the two of us can't afford this responsibility." Lan Ning Add fuel to the fire on one side.

As soon as she heard that she was going to take responsibility, the mother-in-law was willing to rest there. In addition, someone took Nanny Han with her, and she dragged the mother-in-law who was guarding the door, and dragged her to Xiangfu courtyard. people pass.

After Lan Ning and the mother-in-law left, Mrs. Tai asked Ning Xueyan to sit down and answer, she asked her body tenderly, and said that she would ask the doctor to take the pulse later to see what kind of medicine would be better prepared. Nurse Qin beside her prepared some good medicinal materials for Ning Xueyan, doing all kinds of things to show her concern for Ning Xueyan.

Ling Shi also interjected a few words from time to time, and the scene seemed to be full of fun!

When the performance was in full swing, there was a sudden noise outside, Mrs. Tai's face darkened, and before she had time to speak, Lan Ning rushed in with a disheveled face. After entering the door, she knelt down in front of Mrs. Tai and cried loudly Get up: "Mrs. Tai, I beg Mrs. Tai to make decisions for our girls."

When she mentioned Ning Xueyan, Mrs. Tai was taken aback, and looked down at Lan Ning, who had a white line and a black line on her face, but she didn't recognize who it was for a while.

Nanny Qin, who was standing next to her, immediately saw that it was Lan Ning, and whispered something in Mrs. Tai's ear, reminding her. Looking at the surprised face of the concubine beside her, Mrs. Tai wanted to get angry.

"Lan Ning, what's going on? Didn't you go to pick someone up? How did this happen?" Ning Xueyan frowned and looked Lan Ning up and down and asked, with a displeased expression on her face, "What's the matter with me? Grandma decides?"

When she was showing the warmth of flesh and blood, Mrs. Tai couldn't blame Ning Xueyan for speaking first, besides, Lan Ning was originally Ning Xueyan's maid, so it was normal for her to ask questions.

"Girl, the slaves and the nuns of Xiangfuyuan went to pick up Nanny Han together, but when they got there, the woman not only refused to let the slaves take people, but also called the girl a sick child, said the girl, said the girl is not the master ..." Lan Ning was so wronged that she couldn't even speak, she was angry and hated, her eyes turned red, and she looked like she had been bullied severely.

"On the contrary, how dare such a thing happen, what about that dog slave?" The Tai Furen turned her head angrily. She is here to show the deep love between grandparents and grandchildren with Ning Xueyan, just to let others think that she is sincere to Ning Xueyan Well, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, but I couldn't help but reprimanded.

While talking, the people outside have arrived!

The two women entangled in, followed by Nanny Han, kneeling on one side.

In the chaos, Qingyu sneaked in and stood in the shadow behind Ning Xueyan.

Seeing Qingyu, Ning Xueyan knew in her heart that the matter over there seemed to be settled!

The woman who came in first let go of her hands, knelt on the ground angrily, and reported loudly: "Mrs. Tai, the servant is going to pick someone up, but she speaks rudely. She dares to say something wrong about Mrs. Tai. There is no good word for cursing."

I was talking about Ning Xueyan just now, but now I am talking about Mrs. Tai. Seeing Mrs. Tai's sharp eyes, Ling Shi was in a hurry, came over and slapped the old woman guarding the gate fiercely on the face, and said angrily: "You This dog slave dares to insult Mrs. Tai."

"My maidservant, my maidservant did not scold Mrs. Tai, my maidservant, my maidservant just said that the fifth girl is a sick child, and she did not scold Mrs. Tai at all!" The woman was beaten dizzy, and after hearing what Ling said, she hurriedly argued loudly.

It is true that she did not scold Mrs. Tai just now, but now she was misunderstood and pulled over by someone, and she was dizzy all the way. Madame" a few words, just thinking that I was wronged, arguing loudly and unconvinced.

Seeing that it was about the same time, Ning Xueyan gave Lan Ning a wink.

"Why is Fifth Miss a sick child?" Lan Ning said angrily from the side at the right time, glaring at her mother-in-law fiercely.

The mother-in-law was annoyed by her stare, and her attention was immediately attracted by Lan Ning.

The reason why such a big incident happened was not because of this cheap girl in front of me. At this time, she was beaten and wronged again. The mother-in-law had already gone crazy with anger, and she didn't see the surrounding environment clearly, so she immediately cursed back. : "You little bastard, no one in the house knows that Miss Wu is a sick child, and she will die at some point."

"How dare you curse our girl! That's the master of the Hou Mansion." Lan Ning trembled angrily.

Seeing that Lan Ning was weak, the mother-in-law got all out and chased after the victory: "Why can't you curse, what master, whoever in the house sees her as a master, even dare to show the master's score."

No one knew that the mother-in-law would say such words without any choice of words, and it was too late for Ling Shi to stop her, so she froze there for a while, her face turned pale and pale.

Seeing the mother-in-law's foaming curse, Ning Xueyan picked up the teacup and threw it at the mother-in-law without saying anything. A piece of porcelain slipped across the woman's face, drawing a bloodstain.

The mother-in-law was so scared that she immediately shut up!

With a cold glance, Ning Xueyan turned her head and knelt down in front of Madam Tai with a "plop" and said, "Grandmother, Yan'er is willing to ask herself to guard the spirit of her mother. Make trouble for grandma!"

Her expression was firm and indifferent, with a calm face, only a faint tear in the corner of her eyes, stubborn and beautiful.

There was silence in the room, and everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

"Pull this dog slave out and stick him to death!" Mrs. Tai said angrily with a sullen face, and made a decision in an instant.

"Grandmother, don't worry, there are so many people like this in the whole house, so why kill them?" Ning Xueyan said calmly, with a look of sadness in her eyes. No one would feel disheartened by the constant curses of an inferior woman.

"Mrs. Tai, I never imagined that you, the fifth girl of the Hou's Mansion, can't compare to a low-class woman. No wonder someone poisoned the medicine." Lijun Wang Taifei sneered at the side, shaking her head again and again. Up and down, there are really no rules, even letting a woman climb on the head of the first daughter.

Looking at it this way, the status of the fifth girl is not as highly valued as Mrs. Cai Tai expressed just now.

"Fifth girl, don't be sad. Your grandmother will definitely vent her anger on you. Let's see who else in the whole house looks down on you and dares to trample you." Mrs. Liu couldn't help but said, although she didn't care about the Hou's mansion. The internal affairs of the house, but also know that the whole family treats Mingshuangyuan quite coldly.

It's just that she didn't expect that even a low-class woman would dare to insult Ning Xueyan, so she would stare at Ling and say angrily.

Although she didn't know the whole story, she also knew that the reason why the servants treated Ning Xueyan slowly was not because of Ling Shi's intention, they looked down on Ling Shi more and more.

"I, it's not... someone here, pull her out and stick her to death!" Ling wanted to argue but couldn't argue, who would have thought that things would turn out like this, and wished that the woman would be beaten to death now.

Someone came over early and dragged the mother-in-law out.

"Girl, girl, my poor girl!" Nanny Han was on the side, weeping, her voice was desolate, causing everyone to turn their heads to look at her.

This is the moment Ning Xueyan was waiting for!