The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 80: A letter from Ning Yuling


"Girl, girl, how dare you old slaves, no one really came in, they were all waiting outside." The old woman panicked, almost swearing that she really didn't do such a thing.

"You really didn't come in?" Ning Xueyan seemed to relax, but she still looked outside hesitantly and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, yes, really not, fifth girl, you hurt your hand, you should wrap it up first, it's scissors, so be careful." Seeing that the situation was relaxed, the woman nodded her head vigorously to show her sincerity.

As soon as she heard that there were no guards coming in, Ning Xueyan loosened her hand, and Qingyu took the scissors carefully. On the other side, Lan Ning rummaged through boxes and chests to find medicine for Ning Xueyan to bandage. The room was filled with a faint smell of blood .

"The two nuns want to investigate, so hurry up. Our girl hurts her hand. If there is no medicine in a while, the maidservant will go to Mrs. Tai to get some." The son was still standing there blankly, and said impatiently.

This time it will be troubled by Mrs. Tai. The two women looked at each other and shivered.

"Mummy, hurry up, don't let our girl wait here, otherwise people will think that there are really thieves entering here." Qingyu pointed at the objects in the room angrily, and roughly turned around.

Ning Xueyan's room is actually very simple, with a big bed and half-drawn curtains. Looking at Ning Xueyan's appearance, she knew she was resting on the bed just now, with her long hair falling down. Maybe she heard the argument between the two women and maids outside. Suddenly, he became angry and stabbed himself with scissors. It was clear that the teacup should have been knocked down when he was holding it.

On a screen in front of the bed, Ning Xueyan's outer clothes were hung. One of them was the table in front of the bed, the soft couch in front of the window, and the table beside the couch. The location, I really don't see any place where people can hide, unless it's behind Ning Xueyan's big bed, or under the bed.

"Lan Ning, take the two nuns to look behind and under the bed." Ning Xueyan looked at the two women with a pale face, and said expressionlessly.

"Yes, the two nuns are here with the servants. They can see clearly under the bed and behind the bed." Lan Ning led the order and pointed to a certain place in the house.

The two wives glanced at each other, they are here, they have to take a look, there is an explanation for Mrs. Tai, but looking at the current situation of the fifth girl, how dare they take a closer look, she opened a little behind and under the bed, There was nothing, so he was sweating profusely and resigned from the crime.

Qingyu sent the two nuns to the gate of Mingshuang Courtyard instead of Ning Xueyan. She watched them leave before turning back. When she walked to the door of Ning Xueyan's house, she saw Lan Ning also walking out from inside. He rushed forward two steps and wanted to say something, but Lan Ning stopped him with a look.

"Let the girl rest for a while, I will guard here, you can go to Nanny Han to find out if there is any wound medicine."

"Oh, okay, I'll be there right away." Aren't all the wound medicines in the girl's room, so why go to Nanny Han to find them? Although Qingyu didn't understand, she also knew that Lan Ning must have won the girl's intentions, and stayed here, and immediately responded with a sound, and went to Nanny Han's room.

In the house, Ning Xueyan was about to struggle, and reached out to get the wound medicine that Lan Ning had just found out. The wound on her hand was not too serious. The skin on his skin seemed to be seriously injured, but in fact it was not serious, it just hurt. The reason why he cut his hand was of course to cover up the smell of blood on Ao Chenyi's body.

Although the two wives are no better than bodyguards, they must be shrewd to bring bodyguards to investigate people. As long as people find that there is a bloody smell here, there is no guarantee that it will not lead to other things. Of course, what Ning Xueyan has to do is to block the two The mouth of a woman, I hurt my hand, and under such circumstances, even if there is something wrong, the two women dare not speak nonsense.

Besides, if the two wives hadn't been deterred by this kind of behavior, maybe the two wives would have found their bed. Although Ao Chenyi was thin, but such a big man was lying on his bed, and when he got closer, he would definitely see She made some careful considerations, so in just a moment, Ning Xueyan made such a decision. With this method, the two women did not dare to investigate deeply, nor did they dare to speak nonsense.

"It's so ruthless. If you hit yourself again and again, the injury on your arm will heal?" Ao Chenyi didn't know when he got out of the quilt, and loosened the hand that tightly held Ning Xueyan's slender waist , but stretched out his hand again, put it on Ning Xueyan's shoulder very naturally, squinted Ning Xueyan's face, and asked with a low laugh.

A wound on the arm? Ning Xueyan was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to meet those evil, cold and beautiful eyes with a smile, then turned her head to look at Ao Chenyi's hand on her shoulder. Seeing a dark and wet mark on his arm, the smell of blood came to his nostrils.

"My lord, doesn't it hurt?" Ning Xueyan raised her eyes and asked.

"Yan'er, why don't you help me take a look." Ao Chenyi smiled and said very naturally, as if this was what Ning Xueyan was supposed to do.

"Okay, my lord, put your hand down." Ning Xueyan looked at his hand, the smell of blood was so strong, the injury should be serious, she stretched out her hand, pulled his hand off her shoulder, and picked up the scissors , cut off his black cuffs, and cut off the clotted sleeves of the inner jacket, exposing the wound inside.

This injury is really not small, I couldn't see it from the outside just now, it seems to be pierced by something, but the thing that pierced it is no longer there, revealing a half-condensed blood hole wound.

If he hadn't seen this wound, he wouldn't have been hurt so badly. He raised his jade-like eyes and looked at Ao Chenyi. He was still as lazy and evil as usual. After pulling the blood clots from his wound, his handsome face didn't feel any pain, how could this man bear it.

Liu Mei frowned slightly, didn't say anything, carefully pulled the blood clot on it, wiped off the blood with a handkerchief, sprinkled the wound medicine on the wound, saw the blood on the wound faded, and picked up the blood in his hand again. The veil carefully wrapped it up for him.

It was rare for Ao Chenyi to say nothing, he looked at his wound, his phoenix eyes seemed to have ghost shadow pupils, and finally his eyes fell on Ning Xueyan.

Her facial features are beautiful, but it is just one side, but it makes people feel beautiful everywhere. Although her face is pale and too small, it is not eye-catching at first glance, but when you look closely, you can see the beauty in the beautiful eyes. It added a bit of vividness, and the faint coldness that fell into it made the face feel a sense of not daring to profane.

However, this feeling is hidden behind her slightly flowing natural charm, indifference and charm, two completely different feelings, combine together in her body, evoking a kind of charm that people can't take their eyes off.

This ruthless little wild cat-like woman is really different from others.

Ning Xueyan didn't care about the lord's treacherous gaze on her, she focused on treating Ao Chenyi's injury before raising her head: "My lord's injury has been taken care of, can I go now?"

"What if the king doesn't leave?" Ao Chenyi laughed, looking sideways at her lazily.

Ning Xueyan's hand seemed to be unintentionally pressing on the wound on his hand, and she saw Ao Chenyi's face turn pale, and those phoenix eyes immediately gave out a bloodthirsty cold gaze.

"My lord, this is the residence of the Marquis of the Protecting Kingdom. Just now, the Marquis is not here. If the Marquis is there, I will check it out myself. Even if I die here, I can't keep the lord." Ning Xueyan smiled and said softly. .

"Yan'er is quite courageous, and dared to threaten this king." Ao Chenyi's tone was cold, but it made people feel chilled and horrified.

"Yan'er doesn't dare! Yan'er just believes that the prince will not be willing to do this!" Ning Xueyan didn't look at Ao Chenyi's face, pushed his hand away, got off the bed, put on her coat very naturally, and walked out out of the house.

When I got to the outside room, I heard Lan Ning's knock on the door: "Girl, someone sent a letter, do you want to meet?"

"Bring the letter." Ning Xueyan sat down on the chair outside, and Lan Ning went down outside, and Qingyu brought a maid in after a while.

The pink envelope was folded to reveal snow-white letter paper. Ning Xueyan narrowed her eyes slightly. Although she still had a smile on her face, there was a bit of coldness in her eyes. She pinched the letter paper in her hand, but did not open it, and asked The maid who delivered it: "Where is this letter from?"

"My servant just met the maid in the second girl's yard. This is a letter from the second girl to you." The little maid replied respectfully because she was not very old.

"Second Miss is still sick, lying on the bed?" Ning Xueyan asked calmly.

"The girl said yes, and said that the girl must go after a while. If the second girl is sick and the girl doesn't go, the second girl will be angry because the girl doesn't care about sisterhood." The girl replied very naturally.

"Got it, let's go!" Ning Xueyan paused and waved her hand.

Qingyu looked at the slightly cold expression on Ning Xueyan's face, and couldn't help calling out worriedly: "Girl, what does the second girl want to do?"

Ning Xueyan opened the note in her hand, and there were a few extremely simple words on it: "Come quickly! I have something to do!"

This tone sounded natural, just like Ning Yuling's usual pampering, very much like Ning Yuling was displeased that Ning Xueyan didn't go to see her, and was angry and wanted Ning Xueyan to go and humiliate her.

"Did you meet the maid in the second girl's yard at the gate of the garden?" Ning Xueyan put away the note and asked indifferently.

"Yes, the servant girl was about to go out when she saw that maid coming over and asked the servant girl to give the letter to the girl, and told the girl to hurry up, don't make their girls wait too long, otherwise they will get angry and lose their temper again." After thinking about it, he answered.

Ning Yuling's side was away from her, even if she walked quickly, it would take about half an hour. Ning Lingyun just left here, and it is impossible to have reached Ning Yuling's place.

If Ning Lingyun hadn't mentioned it today, I still didn't know that Ning Yuling was sick, but the maid who delivered the letter was sure that she already knew that Ning Yuling was sick, and she didn't even have a word of explanation.

What's more, this letter paper is not an ordinary note, but the famous Xue Tao paper, this kind of paper is very popular among women in brothels, it is not liked by the ladies in the capital, and it has never been circulated in the boudoir of the capital...

Also, how could Ning Yuling let her pass so abruptly.

Carefully caressing the delicate note in his hand, there was a faint fragrance on it, with some smell that other papers did not have, and the corners of his lips were a little more mocking: "Go, call a few more maids, come on!" Mrs. Ci Tai said that there are two missing trees in the yard, and let us go to the garden to pick them up, and we happened to go there together today, and dug up the trees we liked."

"Yes!" Lan Ningji saw that Ning Xueyan was confident, so she responded briskly, and stepped back to call for someone.

The uneasiness on Qingyu's face also receded, she nodded, said nothing more, and waved the little maid to retreat.

After taking care of everything, Ning Xueyan returned to the back room, and Ao Chenyi was no longer there. There was a bottle of medicine and a bottle of wound medicine on the table...