The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 85: Could this be Aunt Ma who drugged me?


Ning Xueyan didn't expect to see Aunt Ma on the road, and she happened to meet her face to face. Seeing the charming Aunt Ma bowing down to her, she seemed to be begging for peace. Leng Yi took two steps back, three steps away from Aunt Ma, and then said: "Could this be the Aunt Ma who drugged me? Looks pretty nice!"

Nanny Qin, who accompanied Ning Xueyan to get things from Mingshuang Courtyard, frowned, and took two steps back carefully.

Her words were extremely harsh, and she didn't give any face to Aunt Ma who was being favored. Aunt Ma's delicate face, which seemed to be happy but not angry, froze for a moment, and looked up at Ning Xueyan in disbelief. She had never seen Ning Xueyan before, but after seeing Ning Xueyan twice from a distance, she only thought that she was a thin and weak little person, but she didn't expect that she would not save herself the slightest bit of sympathy.

"Fifth Miss, I really made a mistake, that's why... I hope Fifth Miss will forgive me." Lowering her posture again, Aunt Ma helped the maid to stand up, and saluted Ning Xueyan again.

"I don't dare to accept Aunt Ma's gift. It was just a misunderstanding, so I dared to put poison in my medicine, which killed me. Next time if I really offend Aunt Ma by accident, Aunt Ma won't let me go. Mingshuang Courtyard was completely destroyed from top to bottom."

The corners of Ning Xueyan's lips curled into a slight sarcasm, and her eyes fell on Aunt Ma's beautiful face. Her beautiful black eyes almost made Aunt Ma feel that she was being dragged into the boundless darkness, and she subconsciously withdrew her gaze.

"Fifth girl, it's... it's my fault, please forgive me, fifth girl, if fifth girl doesn't forgive me, I... I will always kneel here." Aunt Ma knelt down with a plop, lowered her head with tears in her eyes, and knocked her head heavily on the ground.

She, a pregnant aunt, just knelt there with her head lowered, and she was sincerely pleading guilty, no matter what, she felt it was too much.

Nanny Qin frowned slightly.

The coldness on Ning Xueyan's face dissipated, she suddenly smiled, stepped forward to help Aunt Ma, although her face was light, she looked a little better: "Why is Aunt Ma, is it because she wants to kill me!"

Although she said this with a smile, Aunt Ma didn't dare to take it as a joke. She hurriedly stood up, pulled Ning Xueyan with her backhand, and said tearfully, "Fifth Miss, I... I'm so confused by phlegm." Xin, why... why do you think that Miss Wu will order her servants to humiliate me... I... "

She was sad and sad for a while, picked up the handkerchief and began to cry.

"Auntie, be careful, no matter what you do wrong, you don't care about the little master in your stomach." Mother Qin couldn't help but came over and helped her, comforting her.

Ning Zu'an's heir is indeed difficult, and finally conceived another one. Why don't Mrs. Tai pay attention to herself, and she can even be exonerated from the crime of murdering her first daughter, which shows that Mrs. Tai is eager to embrace her grandson.

"Aunt Ma, your body is important, just take a good rest if you have nothing to do, don't run around, if something happens, who can afford it." A coldness flashed in Ning Xueyan's eyes, but she said it unhurriedly If he was concerned, the sleeves were quietly pulled out of Aunt Ma's hand.

"Fifth girl, five days later, it will be my birthday. The mistress will celebrate my birthday. I hope the fifth girl will also come to have a drink." Aunt Ma's eyes flashed, she put down the handkerchief in her hand, and sincerely wanted to settle the suspicion with Ning Xueyan look.

"Oh, my mother is celebrating my aunt's birthday, and these days, a stage is being built in the garden just for this troupe to sing?" Ning Xueyan asked with a smile.

Just now when I came all the way, I saw outsiders and avoided them on purpose. The maid came over and said that she was setting up a table. She couldn't remember any happy event in the mansion at first, but it turned out that it was for Aunt Ma's birthday. An aunt's birthday was also done. With such a big ostentation, I really think highly of Aunt Ma.

"Yes, the mistress said that I'm pregnant, so I should feel at ease, and forget about the unhappy things in the past, so I specially invited the theater troupe over." Aunt Ma explained softly, her eyes were full of autumn water, and she was really beautiful, No wonder Ning Zu'an dotes on her so much these days, living in her yard almost every day.

He even turned a blind eye to Aunt Ma's harming him!

"Did you invite the 'Chunhua Troupe'? I've heard that several characters in this troupe sing very well." Ning Xueyan asked casually.

Aunt Ma's smile froze, her hand holding the handkerchief trembled subconsciously, and there was more panic in her eyes, but then she moved her hands to cover up her loss: "Yes... it turns out that the fifth girl also knows about this team. .”

"I didn't know it at first. Nanny Han went to the countryside before and found out some interesting things about the Chunhua class. After telling me, I realized that it was really interesting..." Ning Xueyan said in a soft voice, looking at it while talking Looking at her expression, "If Aunt Ma is free, why don't we chat and gossip together."

Since Aunt Ma wants to settle down with her, it is natural to talk and chat.

But Aunt Ma was not only not happy, but quickly felt a surge of fear, her face suddenly became ugly, and she hurriedly declined: "Miss Wu, I have to thank the eldest lady here, and I don't have time to accompany Miss Wu right now. After waiting for five days, I must invite the fifth girl to come over and gossip."

"Mother is so kind to Aunt Ma? There really isn't a single aunt in this mansion who can be as blessed as Aunt Ma. Not only does my father like it, but even my mother loves you very much." Ning Xueyan smiled slightly, and didn't mind Blocked, took two steps back, and raised his voice, as if pointing something.

Aunt Ma, who was about to take a step, swayed her feet and almost fell.

"What's wrong with Aunt Ma?" Mother Qin asked anxiously, Mrs. Tai valued the child in Aunt Ma's womb very much, so nothing could happen.

"It's okay, I was tripped, fifth girl, I'll take my leave first!" Aunt Ma reluctantly explained, took her maid, and hurried to Mingxia Courtyard, almost someone was chasing her in such a hurry, Seeing Nanny Qin's heart flickering, she worried for her for a long time.

"What's wrong with Aunt Ma?" Looking at her panicked back, Mother Qin asked in confusion.

"I don't know, or I thought of something important and wanted to tell my mother, so I left in a hurry. It seems that she is also reckless. At this time, how can I walk so fast? If this rushes Whoever it is, don't have to put your body on it."

Ning Xueyan smiled casually, and led Mother Qin to her Mingshuang courtyard.

A few days ago, Ming Feiyong asked for some old things of the Ming family, and Mrs. Tai asked Nanny Qin to come to Mingshuang Courtyard to pick them up. Ning Xueyan thought of it today when she was saying goodbye, so she specially asked Nanny Qin to go with her.

"That's right, Aunt Ma is indeed a reckless person. Otherwise, why would she stir up so many things without knowing it? Fortunately, the fifth girl is fine. The doctor said that she just needs to take good care of her, and it won't be a big problem in the future." Qin Mammy smiled all over her face, and kept saying good things for Aunt Ma.

no big deal? If it was the former Ning Xueyan, not to mention the future heirs, even her own life would have been buried in it long ago!

Mrs. Tai is connected with her confidants, and the ability to open her eyes and tell lies is getting stronger and stronger.

Fortunately, she is not in a hurry now, five days later, since Ling Shi has shown that she attaches great importance to Aunt Ma, then Ning Ziyan should also return home, don't Ling Shi and Aunt Ma want to harm herself

It's a pity that the most sophisticated plan has flaws, and Ling's flaws are right under my eyes.

Ling Shi, I hope you can bear the next blow.

"Yes, Aunt Ma seems to be straightforward. It's not unreasonable for my mother to like her so much. Those who don't know think she is my mother's sister!" Ning Xueyan followed Qin Nanny's words, showing a faint smile. smile.

Seeing Ning Xueyan talking about Aunt Ma, Qin Nanny actually laughed, thinking that she had let go, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes, but no matter what, it is always wrong, and it hurts Miss Wu. When she gives birth My child, let her punish the fifth girl well, she must not wrong the fifth girl."

Nanny Qin has seen Ning Xueyan's behavior these days, and knows clearly in her heart that the girl in front of her is no longer the fifth girl who was submissive a few years ago, she is also the dowry maid of Mrs. Son, Ming Feiyong also knows the details, now that Ming Feiyong has returned to Beijing, the fifth girl is no longer a little orphan without support.

This is the only way to speak so politely, and the tone seems a little fawning.

"It doesn't have to be like this, since it's a misunderstanding, let's just say it." Ning Xueyan waved her hand generously and said with a smile.

While talking, Mingshuang Courtyard had arrived and asked Nanny Han to pack up some old Ming family jewelry, along with some clothes, and entrusted Nanny Qin to bring them to Ming Feiyong.

When Nanny Qin left, Nanny Han held the opened jewelry box, tears streaming down her face unconsciously.

In the large and heavy jewelry box, there were only a few ornaments, and most of them were silver ornaments. Who would believe that the Ming family, who was born in the previous dynasty, did not even leave a decent ornament.

"Girl, it used to be full of ornaments, including several sets of ruby heads and faces. Later... later, it was either taken away by Mrs. Ling, or changed medicine for the girl."

Nanny Han said sadly, reaching out her hand to wipe away her tears, tears flashed in her old eyes.

She has always been a noble and magnificent girl, how could she be so angry that she ended up in such a fate in the end.

"Nurse, don't cry. If you eat mine, use mine, and take mine, you will return it. It's just that the time has not come yet." Standing in front of the window, looking out of the window, Ning Xue Yan said lightly, no one saw the bloodthirsty in her black jade-like eyes.

Looking at Ning Xueyan's thin back, Han Momo suddenly felt a strange sadness in her heart. Who would have thought that the fifth girl in front of her was the real daughter of the Hou Mansion. It's just an illegitimate daughter.

"Grandma, don't be wronged, they will spit it out in a short time!" Ning Xueyan lowered her eyes and chuckled as if she was watching Han Nanny's expression behind her.